Is my boyfriend cheating on me?
2008-05-30 06:50:31 UTC
I checked his voicemail today and an anonymous girl said " Hey, I'm going out to such such club tonight, and I'd really like you to come, call me back"

I asked him about it and at first he lied, then I told him if he didn't tell me the truth I was going yo disappear out of his life, so he decided to fess up. He then said that he met the girl at McDonald's about 3 or 4 months ago, and that he doesn't know or remember her name, and that he only spoke to her once or twice before on the phone, and that he doesn't really know her like that or talk to her like that. But if this happened months ago, and he only spoke to her once or twice, why would she want him to meet her at a club? What does this sound like to you? Should I believe him? I've been with him for 5 years, should I take this seriously? And also this isnt the first time he's done something like this. He also tried to blame it on me and say the reason why he gave his number is because he was mad at me???? Help me please, thanks
31 answers:
So sweet it hurts!!
2008-05-30 07:06:03 UTC
First, he is trying to use the reverse psychology on you. He is trying to turn it around on you so in the end you are the one feeling guilty, sounds like it is working!!!!!! He didn't give his number out because he was mad with you, he was trying to get a score with a whore hoping you would not find out. The ball is in your court any way you want to look at it. You can keep living this fantasy thinking that he didn't mean to give out his number and it is your fault that he did or wake up and realize that nobody deserves to be cheated on and if you want a serious meaningful relationship with someone, move on sister. You only deserve the best a man has to offer and if your let him away with it now he will do it again since he can talk his way out of it and make you think it is your fault he is cheating, that is pathetic!!!! How mature is it to blame all you woes on your innocent girlfriend? Wake up now girl, my guess is that this is not the first time either. The decision is yours and we know that you already knew the deal before sending this message to us. I'm sure that you are a great person who deserves a honest and faithful relationship, the decision is yours, good luck!!!!
Emmanuel M
2008-05-30 14:07:24 UTC
You have been together for 5 yrs and nothing like this ever happened ,so he told you that he meet this girl some 4 or 5 months ago ,it was a lie ,and you told him to tell you the truth,so he told you that he does not really know her,and that only spoke to her once or twice on the phone and that he met her in a club. So it is for you to decide whether he is lying or not,you sleep and wake up with him, you know his habits ,so what so you think ?
2008-05-30 14:03:35 UTC
If every time he gets mad at you (whether you've done anything to justify it or not) he goes out trawling for women then how can you stay with him? All he has to do is invent an excuse to get mad at you for and you know what he will be out doing. You'll be walking on egg shells trying to not make him mad and then he'll have 100% power over you. At which point he can say what bull he likes or not even try to justify it at all, he can just do it and get away with it.

I was with my ex 8 years and he still cheated. 8 years of trying hard and finally I acknowledged it was a lost cause. Dont let the weight of history hold you back from doing what you need to do.

All the alarm bells are ringing off their hooks, not only is he a cheater but he's the worst kind. He's trying to say its your fault. Put your sensible head on and read your question back like you're a stranger answering it. What advice would YOU give in this situation?
2008-05-30 13:57:56 UTC
Hun, things like this should never happen in an honest, comitted relationship. For you to even suspect him of any kind of infidelity is a red flag that there's something wrong. The fact that he's giving his number out to random girls is wrong. He shouldn't do it, even if he is mad at you. Couples will argue and they'll get mad each other..that's pretty much a given but giving your number out to girls you meet on the streets is just taking it overboard. You know you would never do that to him so why would he do it to you? He needs to have respect for you. Five years is a long time to be with someone but if he's showing these kinds of signs then I think it's time for you two to sit down and talk. Hopefully, he'll be honest about what he wants and what he's been doing. If he's not, leave him. There should be no room for liars in your life...or cheaters. I'm sure you deserve better than that.
2008-05-30 13:58:43 UTC
Well it is quite hard to tell whether he is telling the Truth but the girl might be the one that's doing all the arranging not him but if there is something happening or going to happen then look out for signs like giving lots of presents, saying sorry quite a lot for little things, being absent a lot, saying he has to stay at work longer, when denying going on and on and texts, phone calls and emails from this girl. Look out for all those tell tale signs if you find any don't just jump in and accuse him follow him one day and make sure. Then confront him. GOOD LUCK !!
2008-05-30 14:09:35 UTC
It doesn't sounds good. Now as far as the cheating is concerned you need to follow your gut. If your instincts are telling you that he is cheating on you then he probably is. That is the way it worked for me when my wife was cheating on me. (now to muddy the waters a little) However, sometimes it can be a situation taken out of context. The example I will give is this: There was this girl that I was emailing with. Just little "flirtatious " stuff nothing serious. And I was accused of cheating. Now I guess it depends on your point of view. If you consider that (emailing another person in that way) cheating then I guess I was cheating. But I didn't see it that way. Like I said "point-of-view". One thing is for sure, you can bet he knows her name and if she is calling him to go to the club they have talked to each other "like that" before and most likely on a regular basis. Truth be told nobody here can help you except you. You have to decide what it is you are willing to live with and what level of happiness or un-happiness you can accept.

Good luck,

NO! Cuz I Said So!
2008-05-30 13:58:33 UTC
He's cheating! I heard this crap all before. I too have been in your shoes. If u stay with him.....he's gonna keep doing it. He had no business givin out his number in the first place and he knew he was with you. He needs to grow up and honey that is not something u can make him do. Let him go before u get your feelings hurt even worse. He'll probably try to come back to you after he has his fun...but I wouldn't take him back then either if I were u. He's trash so kick his lying cheating A$$ to the curb!
2008-05-30 13:57:43 UTC
First of all if I were you I would slow down a little bit. Give him a little air and watch him like a hawk. I wish you had gone to the club and saw for yourself if he is cheating. What I am trying to say is catch him in the act of cheating on you, you really have nothing at this time. I do belive that more is going on than what he is telling you.
2008-05-30 14:07:48 UTC
Depends on what you consider cheating. I can guarantee you he knows her name, that line is complete crap. Sounds pretty much like what he says; he prob was fighting with you or mad at you, met some girl at McDonald's or whatever and gave her his number. It seems like he has at least spoke to her. It is possible that she did just invite him out because she likes him. I wouldn't worry too much about her, I would get your man in line. Giving out his number, talking to other girls and lying to you about it is a BIG problem you need to solve with him.
2008-05-30 14:06:29 UTC
HMMM that doesn't sound right. You could follow him to the club if he is going and then check out what he is doing there. What you need is proof that he is doing something. Or you can call the girl and ask her. If he has nothing to hide he wouldn't mind.
Mandiie giirl =]
2008-05-30 14:01:23 UTC
he may not be cheating but thats reallyyy sketchy and not tolerable. he shouldnt be giving out his number to anyone, mad at you or not..that not right. And why would this girl be calling him to come to a club. There are pleanty of other guys that will be at this club that she can meet..but she chose your boyfriend. Yea thats not good. It may not be cheating but thats not a good sign. keep a close eye on him and if anything else similar to this happens DUMP HIM. no girl deserves to be played. good luck babe =]
2008-05-30 14:01:44 UTC
is he cheating? probably.. most men do. is he having sex or just seeing someone? don't know.. does guys ever call your phone or text you? probably so but you have the sense to delete............

accept that if your man is attractive, other ladies are gonna see that. you wouldn't want someone noone else does...

have trust.. and remember that if you go looking for mess you will find it. either you think it will work or you don't. next time if you find a text like that, don't say a word.. wait until later and go to the club yourself... that way noone will have to tell you what they think.. you will see for yourself.
2008-05-30 14:03:09 UTC
Even if he was mad at you, that is no reason to go giving your number out to girls at fast food restaurants! This is an adult relationship, and when you have problems you are meant to work through them!

I know this is really bad....but i would probably follow him :) lol
Mrs. Greenlee
2008-05-30 13:54:55 UTC
I'd leave him. He isn't being completely honest with you and if he's done it once he'll most likely do it again. If it was months ago and he hasn't really talked to her then it's unlikely that she'd still be calling him. And really.... he remembers her name. That's stupid of him to say he doesn't.
2008-05-30 13:54:33 UTC
You know you need to dump him. You're just looking for someone else to tell you it's okay. You don't sound like you trust him, so what difference does it make whether or not it's true. Just break it off.
2008-05-30 13:58:42 UTC
It sounds like he is still hiding something. I mean if he lied about that.. what else has he lied about. It doesn't seem really like he is interested in the girl, but I think it's time for him to tell her that himself!!
2008-05-30 13:55:54 UTC
Im really sorry to hear about your problem. It sounds fishy to me. He should not be giving his number out, rite? he knows u wouldnt like it, and she seems to like him? wonder if she knows hes taken? be wary. Take things steady, don't devote your time to him, see some friends. Try and get things back on track. Good luck :)
2008-05-30 14:01:43 UTC
Well duh! You just fell for the oldest trick in the book. I am going to flirt and try to score with other girls and then blame you for it. Sound like after five years he has you figured out and is simply playing you. What do you think that girl from the vm wants, to introduce him to her bf? Wake up and smell the cheating.
2008-05-30 13:56:05 UTC
Well your man should not be giving out his number period. That right there would make me question him. Maybe you should just keep an eye out and be ready just in case something does happen.
2008-05-30 16:14:14 UTC
sorry but something is going on. if he's not going to tell a girl to stop calling him for you, then I would def. leave. 5 years is a long time and he should be willing to do anything.
2008-05-30 13:57:24 UTC
Ntanga T
2008-05-30 13:55:49 UTC
B4 u get so hurt! I mean hurt so bad! Pls save ur self! This guy is cheating on u & u can see that! Tyk care.
mr petey
2008-05-30 13:55:41 UTC
Sounds like he might be ready to move on. Don't waste any more valuable time on him.
2008-05-30 13:57:14 UTC
Where the is smoke, there is fire.

What does your GUT tell you???

Yes, he's cheating on you. Dump him and his immature deserve better.
Boogie M
2008-05-30 13:55:01 UTC
Plan B! You always got to have a back up plan baby!
Alex L
2008-05-30 14:01:21 UTC
hes definietly cheating. get out of the relationship.
2008-05-30 13:56:51 UTC
He might be cheating so be carefull
2008-05-30 13:59:40 UTC
no but hes problably to get hook up with her
2008-05-30 13:55:00 UTC
he has spoken more thatn twice...and he knows her name for sure!
2008-05-30 13:53:34 UTC
yea he cheating on you
2008-05-30 06:53:32 UTC
no, but she probably like him

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