2008-05-30 06:50:31 UTC
I asked him about it and at first he lied, then I told him if he didn't tell me the truth I was going yo disappear out of his life, so he decided to fess up. He then said that he met the girl at McDonald's about 3 or 4 months ago, and that he doesn't know or remember her name, and that he only spoke to her once or twice before on the phone, and that he doesn't really know her like that or talk to her like that. But if this happened months ago, and he only spoke to her once or twice, why would she want him to meet her at a club? What does this sound like to you? Should I believe him? I've been with him for 5 years, should I take this seriously? And also this isnt the first time he's done something like this. He also tried to blame it on me and say the reason why he gave his number is because he was mad at me???? Help me please, thanks