My bf & I have been together for about a year & a half. He has a 5 year old son who is 5 with his ex-wife. He sees his child every other weekend. Throughout our relationship, his ex has made a bit of a pest of herself. Nothing major, just asking him for cigarette money in addition to the child support (he doesn't give it to her), making smart a** comments about me to him (she's only seen me, never met me). Recently though, some weird things have been going on. About a month ago, my bf's son says he wants him to live with his mommy. My bf explained why he wasn't with her & his son just said "ok" and dropped it. Last week, his ex calls him to tell him that their son has been waking up crying & asking for him. She claims she's taking the kid to thearpy because of it. My bf asks his kid and he denied it. My bf's ex lives with her parents, has another older child by another man, no job and can't hold onto a bf. My question is, does all this sound like she's trying to get back with him?