2010-09-28 14:05:30 UTC
so i sort of give up for a while i ask him whats wrong and he just says nothing..then out of the blue he starts talking to me again all normal...and gives me his number...then he keeps asking me about sex..and are you a virgin...what kinda stuff do you like...etc etc....i personally just felt he was being really full on...and if i didnt respond postively he went all moody..
so i AGAIN i just kind of gave up cos thats really not the sort of person im interested in ..and then he send me text saying he's sorry if he's full on but he just wants it to be 'open and honest' and for us to be comfortable...!? (to me it just feels like he's pushing for sex)
everyday he texts me asking if im ok and what am i up to...like normal stuff ..
He keeps saying he would like a relationship with me ...but we hardly know each other and feels like the only conversation he initiates is about sex or something like that...i know guys tend to go for all that stuff but im getting kind of sick of it..
I asked him what he was looking for because if he just wants sex ...im not the girl he's looking for (trying to tell him to just go) because i want a proper relationship..
and he answers saying no he really likes me ..your pretty..clever etc etc ..so i think maybe he's got the hint..then he starts up with the sammeee conversations allll over again!?
he asks if i want to meet him....then a couple of hours later says he's not ready for it!?
someone help....!? i do like him...but when he acts like that it just puts me off completely ..feels like theres nothing special about it ...and he just wants sex.....soo decoding needed...any thoughts would be good!?