I love this guy but his dad won't aprove?
2008-05-12 13:21:53 UTC
My bf is 19 and I am 16 we gone out 2 years without my or his parents knowing. Well his dad my coach.So today the other day at the game I scored 5 times and to celebrate after the game instede of having ice cream with my team we went to his house.We started making out then we went to my coaches bedroom and started having sex . Then he walked in then out and today at the game he made me guard someone alot bigger and cuz of that she broke my arm.when I was laying down asking to sit out he goes no get up now. Then after my game his son comes to hug me and his dad comes pushes me down and goes stay a way or eles.Then I go my arm already in a cast cuz of u I still going to date him weather u like it or not. Then to get him mad . Now he won't let me play in tomrows game and with out me we will lose and now my team telling everyone I rather suck my bf dick then help us win and the whole school hates me . Help I love soccer and the guy
22 answers:
Alexander F
2008-05-12 13:27:35 UTC
Well deary it seems your in a whole lot of a mess. Appologize, not to the boy but to the father. And write an appology to him. Unfortunately not only are you dating his son, he knows that you and his son have had sex which changes the perspective completely. Imagine if you had a son, and you knew the girl he had put his thing inside at a party in your room, would you be to happy to have her around him? I do not think so. If you appologize to his family, and if you talk to the boy and see what he says, then maybe you can just fix the problem you have already created.
Texas granny turtle
2008-05-12 13:34:03 UTC
HOW can you play with broke arm? THAT should be against school legal safety rule. IF you were reinjured your parents could sue. The boyfriend is of a age to pick who he wants but is still under Dads control. At first I was favoring you till your very raw sexual comment. You come across as a very rude, rough tough girl who has a lot to learn in life. THERE is no guarntee they will lose without you. This may be what the Dad sees also and is why he disapproves. School gossip alsways gets carried away, you are obligated to follow the coachs order. IF you really feel you have a case take it to a councelor or principal. BUT then your parents will know also, so secrets and lies do catch up with everyone. *mamatx
2008-05-12 13:49:43 UTC
Well, first off, you did do quite a lot to get yourself in that situation.

ONE: you slept with your coach's son.

TWO: he's 19 and you're 16.

THREE: your coach caught you guys having sex in HIS room, how do you think that makes him feel?

FOUR: your coach has every right to be livid.

If you love soccer --- you're not going to get better plays on this team. That's guaranteed. Better luck joining a different team under a different coach. You just BURNED your bridge(s).

As for the love of your life? I don't know how much this guy loves you --- if you guys had to have sex in his parents' room under his parents' roof. That's just not very wise, to say the least. You got caught, then you got your arm broken after the incident. Maybe, just MAYBE you're being told something... about life.

IF your love is true, you don't need to be in so much pain --- physically as well as emotionally.

Think of yourself --- and think of those lives you're affecting. Then weigh the consequences you've already faced and will be facing if you continue in the same pattern that you are.

2008-05-12 13:44:05 UTC
You said the coach "comes pushes me down and goes stay a way or eles". When he did that he assaulted and threatened you, both of which are illegal. Call the cops and lay charges.

As for your team, it deserves to lose, if they have to depend on a girl with a cast on a freshly broken arm in order to win. How pathetic are they?

Just stick to sucking your "bf ****", soccer is too dangerous for you.
SarahJayne is a MOMMY
2008-05-12 13:28:29 UTC
First, this is not very clear.

Second, why would you want to play if you broke your arm? And you cannot play if you have a cast (which you said you did), so I am a little confused.

You need to respect the wishes of his parents. Having sex in his father's bedroom was crossing some major boundaries. It should be a given that you will have to apologize to your coach.
2008-05-12 13:38:41 UTC
This question is B.S.

first of all... he is too old for you anyways.

... You had SEX in your coaches room, which totally crosses the line... im not blaming it on you.. its mostly your bf's fault.

... you can't play if your arm is broken

... you coach pushed you... which is kind of confusing because that could be considered a form of child abuse. especially if it was from an adult.

... plz, girl.. let the whole bf go and get on with your life. why isnt your bf doing anything and letting his dad push you right in front of him???

blahblahblah... maybe you need some more details next time.
2008-05-12 13:29:07 UTC
You need to do some DEEP soul searching and make a decision...which is more important to you, this guy or soccer? If you have a chance for a soccer scholarship, I would choose soccer, hands down. I mean, if this guy is all that and you two are so in love, he wouldn't want you to risk losing out just because of him.
2008-05-12 13:36:16 UTC
talk to ur coach and let him know how u really feel maybe he is shock after seeing u having sex with his son maybe he looked up to u he never expected this from u talk to ur bf too maybe both of u can talk to ur coach his father and see what u can work out remember ur team was there before this guy and if he loves u he will understand and ofcoarse u wont be playing soccer all the time so please try to balance it i wish u luck
Military Might
2008-05-12 13:31:34 UTC
WOW what a tale, well who is more important to you, your friends and school or your boyfriend. the pros and cons are if you break up with him then might get to play and your friends wouldn't be mad but you wouldn't be with the guy you love and you would sad. on the other hand if you stay with him you won't get to play and your friends will be mad at you and but you'll be with the guy you like who if he goes to college will probably cheat on you, so it's your choice but choose wisely
2008-05-12 13:32:02 UTC
First of all you are too young for that boy let the drama end. Second if your coach told you to get up after you broke your arm you need to tell your parents. Third your teammates aren't that nor are they your friends. Last I HOPE YOU ARE USING PROTECTION!!! Good luck.
2008-05-12 13:36:18 UTC
I don't blame him for hating you! You had no respect for his Father and you are illegal for his Son to date! After treating him like you did, he will never approve of his Son being with a snot like you! If you really love him then do what is best for HIM and give him up, before he ends up in jail because of YOU!!!
2008-05-12 13:26:15 UTC
in my opinion ditch soccer, u can always go back to it and do it without the need of a team but if u love ur bf hes more important ofc. and i think his dad is a total nutcase and u should think of some solution to neutralize his effect on ur relationship... good luck
2008-05-12 13:28:30 UTC
SUE HIM!!!!! If you had sex with him you can sue him by saying he had sex with you! You can get some cash :D

Thats why his dad is like mad and pissed cuz hes 19 and ur 16.. soo like he knows he shouldnt be having sex with an 17 year old or younger.
2008-05-12 13:29:36 UTC
I just want to know why would you have sex in your coaches room, whats wrong with your bf room. I would be pissed to and push you to if you did that crap in my house.
2008-05-12 13:27:35 UTC
Man, that sucks. Tell this coach that he needs to treat you like a student and not give you 'special treatment' because you and his kid have a thing. Tell the princepal. This is abusive.
2008-05-12 13:26:51 UTC
I agree with his father you are to young, his son can go to jail

if you guys are in love he can wait two year. in the mean time date someone you age and he should too, then in two year if you guys are still in love with each other then date.
crystal g
2008-05-12 13:33:09 UTC
i think you should stay with the guy even though he is 3 years older than you as long as you love him and that he loves you!!
The Bodyguard
2008-05-12 13:26:35 UTC
Ok... I was with you until the whole "HE PUSHED ME DOWN" thing.

Come on!!!

Are you always this much of a drama queen???
2008-05-12 13:28:29 UTC
if u broke ur arm u cant play regardless of ur bf... so let soccer go.. for a while. it is ur coaches fault that he put u in front of the bigger person...

idk.. this story seems kinda sketchy.
2008-05-12 13:38:12 UTC
in soccer u cant have a westing you time.
the opinionated one...
2008-05-12 13:28:21 UTC
uh what? grammer is your friend darling...
♥ Im just saying..
2008-05-12 13:26:26 UTC
lol.. his dad is funny.

you should leave him alone.

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