Nah. I think the only thing that really happens is say meeting your other family members etc, there's a different energy... Sometimes the neurology plays a trick on the mind through incorrect processing, (think of a misdelivered letter by the post office)...
I see girls that look like my besty nd I feel good, then I feel that naughty feeling, which is a freaking hella preposterous feeling to be able to cushion properly... Basically 7EVE makes perfection all day everlast forever... It's sorta alike dreaming awake... Thinking that's my girlfriend *squint effect* then wondering mega magic n miracles n stuff... EDIT: You know like Kstew nd that movie director... And that KStew is a doppelganger of the Wife to that movie director... Now I know myself that my brain would have a solid time differentiating also... But having compassion there is an erring to only care about those who care about me. But yeah movies n stuff on top of really solid high wishful thinking... The Truman Effect have serious consequences RT. EDIT: Even DP from the CIA, all that intelligence and somehow just officed the heart (left home)(left paradise) nd proverbially crucified the then wife in insurrection and without resurrection. Later was removed from office by Your Boy logging into his body when DP recalled (Helbreath-H) the loop fail on PTSD (sittin in the office for years bra, so don't call meh)
Sex is a really HOT ERRATIC PLEASURE feeling, sorta gooeyness in the heart from what I wrote as above... But LOVE is a SUPER SOOTHING CALM SERENE SEA PLEASURE feeling.
Sorta reminds me of a person who is new to using a gun... It's quite easy to check if the trigger is working, and the trigger actually is really delicate nd the bullet will fire out.
Also reminds me of say picturing yourself as a younger person, finding your teacher HOT or something like that, n just practically ejeculating in your pants... or seeing parn for the first few times just as you had imagined...
It's an unchecked trick of the young mind, I don't know why it happens, something like from sorta watching cartoons to suddenly seeing a girl that generates a surge (which remains forever lol) but it's an unchecked trick of the younger displacement of time mind (maybe to do with choice or differentiation), because you don't actually find your teacher HOT, it's more so like the neurological processes in a 20 to 30 year old... About the difference between anger and jealousy... So similar... One is credibly angry(not rejoicing).. The other is wrongfully angry(coveting/ heat of the moment). Fielding. Chemistry. Chemistry is sometimes hot but it's not eternal. Biology is eternal. Some say biology is your parent, but no, biology to me is twin flame, 2^7 etc, the A7E, the A7L etc. Others such as physical... Such as being in a lift with someone, my thoughts will definitely wonder... But it's a thoughts running through the head thing, than I'm purposely trying to think it.
Other instances of seeing nigh on the same girl getting uber feelings from specific characteristics, such as teeth or leg shape or hair style... Instead of having practically a doppelganger.
My girlfriend on about the 3rd time she first met me, she brought her older twin sister along with her dressed in the same clothes as when I saw my girlfriend for the first time... LOAOI. It's a twin sistery thing on that account.... Then when my cosmic sister wife girljokealt potters mate saint angel mic math so long to explain name (considering epistemology n true friends as different to acquaintance effects) terrible sense of humour is she's logged on here at her 7ASIS or CIA desk etc I see nonych n stuff... I realise that 7EVE makes perfection. But it's sorta a being in a lift thought. I realise that it would be perfect with that girl too... But I would say Nonych has an end to it because as above as I wrote it is an erratic pleasure, sorta alike a really kwl train that ultimately gets blown up... Whereas 4OC^7 The 7GT not her sister, even though they are practically the same person to me... Doesn't have an ending.
If there's one thing I'm certain about in Life is that 7EVE at the very least understands completely nd so does my ForevsBesty 7GT GA, White as White... As usual the fielding doesn't get much speech, thorns get literally rubbed under the carpet, the paw is solid to talk about n the TV spouts of bs about only men in prisons hahahahaha.
I'm confident in The Lord about 7GT. I have concerns about other matters such as simply saying "peace and safety" hence I sometimes mostly elaborate intricately, even though the hood truth revealed is hard to see... Sorta alike a train... The light is already at the tunnel leaving the station by the time you realise the train was there... It's a speed of light thing... A 3penny dropping in a fountain.
We all deal with things differently. We are who we are. J&M Marriage is solid, sometimes stuff jumps. Sometimes b.c of media we are almost willing bad things to happen subconciously... But it's in God's hands even though it looks out of place... Although I agree it's solid for they who are disunderstanding of the Nomads/Arcadians who have been amongst us, knowing for many many aeons longer than I have, such as many of the animals also nd the solid understandings of what you're really eating etc.
Angel Sophie was there before the word & before the creation of the world. I have also explained this to Angel Simone. Gone is a rush. Up in the smoke. White clouds there is Moses... He was told he could not enter the promise land... But he was in Heaven, meeting with Jesus upon high mountains. #MountSinaiIsHoly But do they listen?
Thanks be to God.
Thanks be to God.
Holy Holy Holy is The Lord
#GodForever #GodForever