I'm 16 and I haven't had a boyfriend?! I'm still a virgin too..?
2015-01-11 10:40:03 UTC
I'm 16 and a girl, I feel so embarrassed that I've never had a boyfriend before or kissed or even had sex! Guys don't even look at me...I've changed my hair a couple of times, I've put on more makeup, I've tired to get anyone's attention but I can't :( I've been told many times that I'm pretty, but beginning to have the lowest selfastem ever :( what can I do?
77 answers:
2015-01-12 10:57:52 UTC
To be honest you really don't have to worry. First off it's not worth it to be in relationships at that age because guys (and girls) are immature and most guys at that age just want sex and then they'll leave you. Second of all I totally understand you. I am a 22 year old girl and I just now have my first boyfriend. I have never even kissed a guy in my life and of course I'm still a virgin. And you know what? I actually don't care. I think it's better to not rush into sex anyways. Trust me just wait and it will happen when it's meant to happen. It's totally worth the wait because looking back I'm so glad I never had a bf in middle school or high school. Just focus on you right now because that's the most important thing. Also don't ever change yourself just be you because that's how you're going to attract the right person.
2015-01-12 19:36:46 UTC
You're best staying out of relationships for now. But, I wouldn't get too worried. I'm a year younger than you and I've only been kissed twice, but one of them I was still basically a child, and the other was truth or dare, so they don't count. I find that nowadays, a lot of guys either like really crazy girls who are just completely random and weird or really athletic, girly girls. It sucks for me because I'm actually normal, not that athletic, and not girly at all. I like never wear make up. I'm not about to change just so I can have a boyfriend or be kissed.
2015-01-12 17:49:54 UTC
I'm 24 and I didn't even loose my virginity until 10 months ago. Why? Simply because it took me that long to find a girl who wanted to have sex with me. She broke up with me after three weeks, I'm guessing because she found me boring. I have really severe depression issues which make a bit dull at times and it's hard to be positive and energetic with it.

Still, every girl who dates me drops it after a few weeks, because I can't maintain an attractive persona. I've been rejected by damn near every girl I've ever tried to date, even though I put in years and years of self improvement, but physically and personality wise. Women have hurt me to the point of nearly committing suicide.

My point is to be thankful for what you have. There are many people out there who have been through worse, and are way worse off than you. There's no need to start freaking out at that incredibly young age. Just continue working on yourself, talk to guys, and have fun. At least you know that you most likely aren't going to end up as bad as me. And you are a girl. Women generally have a much easier time finding someone than men do, it's just the way it is. Good luck.
2015-01-12 01:04:11 UTC
You're only 16. When I was your age, guys weren't exactly on my radar. Sure, I had my fair share of crushes but I never actually dated anyone. In fact, I never dated until college. You're young. Enjoy being a 16 year old and hang out with your girls. A guy will pop into your life when it's right. So for now, enjoy being a teenager while you still can. There is still plenty of time to find time for dating down the road.
2015-01-11 13:13:35 UTC
First of all your only 16 whats the rush? heres a tip don't cake on the makeup you think that it makes you look older or more attractive but in reality people can tell that you're young because your wearing so much makeup. and as for dating, kissing, etc... all of that will happen in time. Why are you in such a rush to have sex? trust me that's not something that you want to do with just anyone, you should want your first time to be with the RIGHT person at the RIGHT time. please take it easy. my cousin lost her virginity at 13 because she was afraid to lose her boyfriend and guess what he cheated on her anyway with another little girl so please don't focus so much on these superficial things at 16 your goal should maybe be kissing as the furthest you'd go don't make sex your goal because you'll rush it and miss out on the first time expeirence that you should have had.
2015-01-11 23:44:38 UTC
Don't cry!!! Seriously, God is writing your love story right now :)

You're really not missing out on the not having sex part at your age. When the time is ready, you will be ready with your PRINCE (not some loser who just wants to hump and dump you). Plus, once you have sex you have a lot more stress bc you have to worry about not getting pre go and HIV and all that. And mastrubation is just as good if not better unless you'e so in love with the person that you want to wipe their *** when they get old.

Oh, and you probably have some guy crushing on you right now that is too shy to tell you :) I thought no one liked me when I was 16 and I was wrong for that reason! So just smile bc you never know who is crushing on ya ;)
2015-01-13 16:28:58 UTC
Don't worry, honey. I'm 15 and have never had a boyfriend or made whoopie before. You should wait until your 18 or 19 just whenever you're ready. At this age, guys can use you, so br careful. Never jump into a relationship. Allow a friendship to blossom first :)
2015-01-12 23:46:08 UTC
... Okay seriously. You don't have to be having sex and getting a boyfriend the second you're a teenager, besides, wouldn't you much rather be the girl everyone wants instead of had? Wait for that special someone to come along, don't waste it with some thirsty douche at a party or something.
2015-01-14 10:45:45 UTC
Your preoccupation with such a subject is quite normal. You are at the age where you are moving almost into complete adulthood. So of course this thing is quite normal to contemplate. You are holding onto to something though that is O, how precious - your virginity! There is nothing more wonderful than knowing that you can give yourself to the right person at the right time in marriage. Are you old enough to do that? Not at all. So treasure the moment. Might I suggest some educational reading. Most homes have a Bible. In it is a story about a young virgin girl called the Shulamite maiden. It is near Psalms which is in the very middle of the Bible. Reading her account of how she was a 'wall' - saved herself for the love of her life - is encouraging for any young person who wants to keep their chastity until they marry. Best wishes.
2015-01-11 19:50:06 UTC
I was a virgin until I was 20. I had one boyfriend until that point. Don't worry so, it will all happen when it's meant to. I'm now 30, on my 5th boyfriend and have a son. Life is funny that way.
2015-01-12 13:45:32 UTC
I'm 20, never had a boyfriend, never had sex. Just go with it, develop friendships with guys, and never hold out for the school jock over your best friend like I did. :( Never let anyone's opinion force you into something you haven't done or don't want to do. Good luck girl, hope I help! :)
2015-01-14 00:37:24 UTC
I really think you shouldn't worry about that matter. Having relationship with a guy is not a matter that you can control. You don't need to get into a relationship because of others' viewpoints. It's your own life, nor others'.

One day (i believe it will soon), someone that appreciates your beauty and unique will show. He will love you, care you, protect you.

Good Girl. Cheer up.
2015-01-14 10:13:30 UTC
Hey, that isn't a bad thing. Focus on you, not on others. Highschool isn't the time to worry that much about those things, trust me. Today, the girls who were "giving it up" and were so very desirable in school are still in the same town, multiple kids, working on their 2nd or 3rd marriage and hating there lives.

Best advice here is to stop worrying about it. That will not define you in just a few short years. Enjoy your friends, enjoy the compliments and stop trying. Trust me, when you make it to college level, all of that will change overnight for you and by the time you graduate and get out here with the rest of us, you will be so very thankful for that time when you didn't succumb to the hype.
2015-01-11 17:36:26 UTC
I was 18 when I had my first gf, kiss and sex and i'm a guy you would think this would be more embarrassing but to be honest its not. You will meet a guy when your not expecting it so don't go out of your way to find one or you will be unhappy with who you get. I learned this lesson the hard way a couple times so just enjoy being single and just mingle :)
2015-01-11 10:47:40 UTC
The time will come when you'll met someone. Besides I'm sixteen too and I know the relationships I'll be in around this time won't last. When your life is solidified, you'll find a guy worth keeping. I'm sure he's worth the wait a little longer. 😃
2015-01-12 09:51:34 UTC
Awks, I'm 18, not had first kiss, never had sex, don't worry, most people my age say that they're "waiting for the right person" which lads do say that. Just chill, you've got plenty of time,
2015-01-15 14:18:34 UTC
16 is too young. Don't worry about this or being a virgin. When you find a guy who appreciates that fact you'll have a happier life and wedding
2015-01-14 00:16:36 UTC
wtf is wrong with this generation.

I didn't have a gf, until i was 18, 19. 16 is too young trust me. u will end up doing sth stupid becuz u just get too exicited.

You won't get an award for having a bf or sex before16, 18 or whatever age. What matters is the quality of your relationship and sexual life. If you have sex 80 times before you turn 24, that's also not an achievement; rather a shame.
2015-01-12 18:45:53 UTC
im pretty sure you're beautiful, im 17 and in this generation if you're not half naked its hard to get guys to notice you. keep your head up and focus on you it will pay off in the long run trust me. You'll find a man that will want you for all the right reasons instead of the wrong.
Sid J.
2015-01-13 09:05:22 UTC
Don't even worry about dudes and sex. Relationships and sex can be two aspects of life that can be difficult to deal with. Right now, just focus on you and maturing. The right time will present itself to you. Make the first time the most special. I promise, it'll worth it
Sahara Alexander
2015-01-14 06:23:05 UTC
Sweetheart, It's okay if your not dating anyone. It's gonna take time to find someone whom cares about you. Would I suggest is don't change who you are (makeup etc.) and if someone only likes you because of your looks, then he's not worth your time. Your single because God is above saying "I'm saving this girl for someone special"
2015-01-12 02:12:35 UTC
Girl, I'm 16. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. There's no point to it, you'll break up eventually. I am proud to be as "experienced" as I currently am. There is no point in distracting yourself while you at currently at a tumultuous, hormone-stricken age. Keep it up, and do not waste your time worrying about this. Good luck!
2015-01-12 12:14:29 UTC
Don't worry 16 is still a young age there's plenty of time for all that stuff :) patience
2015-01-14 01:57:46 UTC
You've got a good thing going on then. It is not your loss if you're still single, and virgin. That means you're just making yourself worth the wait. :)
2015-01-11 18:58:56 UTC
Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't hit on them like how guys do. Just find a guy you like an hit on him. He won't know you exist if you don't make yourself known.
2015-01-11 10:46:07 UTC
That's nothing to be ashamed of! Most girls are in a rush to have boyfriends and lose their virginity. The truth is, it's amazing that you are still one! That shows respect for yourself. Good on you!
2015-01-12 13:32:02 UTC
That's normal I believe.
2015-01-14 12:48:49 UTC
Don't worry the day will come. Why worry so much, you're still young - this isn't a competition.
2015-01-12 12:55:36 UTC
Take your time don't worry, when the right guy comes along, you won't be writing on here. Good luck.
2015-01-11 10:44:10 UTC
Sweetie it's fine

I'm exactly the same

Internet relationship is what I have but nothing physical

It's all fine it'll happen eventually
2015-01-12 20:38:11 UTC
im a 16 year old guy and seriously just be yourself. don't go putting extra makeup on and changing your hair just for other people. go back to your natural hair colour and only put the makeup on that you really want.(DO NOT CAKE YOURSELF) guys hate lots of makeup. always take care of yourself e.g. wash hair and body, brush teeth, smell good etc... but don't give people headaches because of all the perfume. just have enough to smell nice. overall just be yourself, pretend like none is watching you and surely you will attract someone who likes the real you. trust me its soooo much more attractive meeting someone real :)
2015-01-12 04:06:37 UTC
I didn't get a boyfriend until I was 17, then I somehow managed to land a guy who was ridiculously hot, all my friends were jealous, and he was actually grateful to be with me!! It was kind of a tweak but completely worth the wait.
2015-01-14 08:55:55 UTC
Good. Not necessary. I didn't get mine until 19 years old and I'm 21 now.
2015-01-14 00:27:08 UTC
Thats great, don't listen to anyone else but me. Get saved, accept the King Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Find a church and serve in that church and find a boy that will love you forever. Christian boys really want to please God and it's this reason that keeps most pursuing your heart and treating their woman the right way.
2015-01-12 11:06:23 UTC
One thing don't try to change yourself for guys. Respect yourself first. Real guys respect girls and do not see them as objects. I am one of the few out there that care about a girls emotion and personality. Its your choice I am just here to help:)
2015-01-14 16:44:53 UTC
What can you do? Wait as long as possible, because sex leads to an avalanche of feelings that you can't stop. And you end up getting your heart broken. So yeah, stay a virgin as long as possible, sweetie. Be a kid for as long as you can because you can never get your childhood back.
2015-01-14 04:14:06 UTC
At the age of 16 you appear to be highly self-conscious and you expect others to pay much attention towards you .This is not very realistiic in the real world.. Your artificial beauty due to excessive make up is covering your natural beauty. This is one of the reasons why boys of your age group does not get attracted towards you .Be pleasent and charming people will notice you . This cannot be achieved through make up at your age. It may be giving a more matured appearance than a teenager of 16. The normal tendency is for boys to laugh at such girls and ignore them .Behave according to your age and let kissing and sex come to you at the corrrect age. You are still a minor .If you go to have sex at this age the boy can be charged for rape . Mix up with people of your age group and lead a social life .You are bound to come accross your dream boat.
2015-01-11 10:45:20 UTC
Changing yourself won't get you the love that you deserve. Just be YOURSELF.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a 23 year old virgin and got my first kiss a few months ago. So hush about that :)
2015-01-12 15:27:34 UTC
Hi how about go and ask a boy that you fancied out for like movie or dinning or to amusement park? Some guys are shy to ask pretty girls ou that's all.
2015-01-13 09:36:14 UTC
Well that sucks maybe you could email me at for the subject put yahoo mail and I'm also a virgin so maybe it could work out good for us. Let me know and I will talk to you later.
2015-01-11 15:35:31 UTC
It is good to get to know people before getting into a serious relationship. Enjoy school, have fun, socialize with fellow students, and be yourself.

For further discussion call the Boys Town National Hotline at

2015-01-11 14:27:09 UTC
Hey I'm 17 asian guy who never had a gf as well. Maybe we can get to know each other so contact me.
2015-01-11 19:15:45 UTC
that is good but what ever you do don't go online dateing sites millions of murderers are on them
2015-01-12 23:01:54 UTC
Girl you be freaking proud!!!!!! join the club of girls who have never had a boyfriend!!!! all my friends have had boyfriends except me. But my saying is "being single doesnt mean youre weak, it means that youre strong enough to wait for what you deserve!"
2015-01-11 17:32:52 UTC
omg darling u still wayyyy too young to think about this things u still growing im sure u are beautiful the way you are concentrate on ur study and the future career thats what will get u some where in life,
Mild Mind
2015-01-12 18:20:34 UTC
Get on AMTRAK; get off at the Kelso, WA station; let me know you are there; I live across the river, behind the Chevron station in Rainier, OR. Spend the year with me and we will go to the coast until we find you a boy friend.
2015-01-16 10:52:00 UTC
seriously i can apply the song "try" by colbie calliat to you. your 16, don't try to make your self better based on what you think that everyone will accept you for, just be yourself, honestly. i know you probably got told that already but seriously be yourself. Whats gonna happen when you do get boyfriend but only because you had to cover yourself up to try and look and be different and he sees thats not really you? putting on makeup everyday sucks, being fake in general just sucks cus you'll never be satisfied. and dont be embarrassed. im 18 and i barely got a boyfriend..i did get asked out several times but i wasnt interested in high school. my boyfriend now who is 23 tells me himself. guys in high school are just pigs and really immature, and he knows this becasue he was one of the jock type guys. i had never kissed anyone, except my boyfriend that i have now and i still havent had sex and im proud of it. dont be embarrased, the perfect guy will find you and love you for who you are. no need to rush :)
2015-01-14 19:16:47 UTC
Honestly you need to become satisfied with how you look. Guys will be attracted to YOU not what you think he'll be attracted to. Some guys think girls look fake with makeup.Some dont. Who knows who cares. You are way too young to be thinking about this stuff. I dont know why people flaunt their sluttiness like its a trophy. Save your body for your husband. How would your husband like to hear that you've had sex with other men before you got married. That's shameful. Sex isnt what books and the media portrays it to be. There are so many sex related diseases. Most people that have them either dont know or wont tell you out of shame. Birth control and condoms wont prevent you from contracting these diseases or having a baby. Most people who end up with those say, "I never thought I would get one. It was my first time." You're not ready to have sex. Wait for your husband and dont sell yourself as prostitute in the mean time it'll be one of the best decisions you have ever made. Love ya:)
2015-01-14 12:17:36 UTC
That is perfectly fine! You should be proud of yourself actually. There's a lot of girls your age that can't say the same. If you've been told you're pretty a lot then it means something! You're just too pretty for anyome you've met so far. But really the right time will come when you least expect it. Don't try to rush it :)
2015-01-13 14:46:32 UTC
I feel like I wrote this question.. LOL.
2015-01-16 08:58:19 UTC
Your fine, don't rush. You don't need a guy to be happy, plus most guys find confidence a turn on, so rock whatcha' got (without being to revealing or slutty tho). Your young. you've got plenty of time, relax and live life and let 'him' find you, ( i know very cliche but it's true)
2015-01-15 03:05:14 UTC
you should not embarrassed baby you should be proud that you are mature person stay away fro these kind of thing
2015-01-14 08:00:45 UTC
you don't need to have a relationship at a certain age to be happy, it's all about what you want that makes you happy. Relationships and love comes at a time, it's best not to come at it, but to wait for it to come to you. Love should first start off from friendship to make a bond, you will grow more and more with that bond until you hit love.
2015-01-14 06:15:52 UTC
You should listen to the song "Try" --- Colbie Caillat.
2015-01-13 20:01:04 UTC
I'm almost 17 and same story ): Same ol' same ol'
2015-01-13 17:01:32 UTC
I am 18 and just had my first kiss with my first boyfriend.. Dont worry! and dont rush things or you'll regret it later, wait for the right person
Tru Nobles
2015-01-13 13:17:36 UTC
You have NOTHING to worry about. Although it will seem that way now. My mom gave me advice when I was 20 and still a virgin. Some people live life when they are young, and others live life when they are older.

And she is so right. I finally lost my virginity last month, I have been going out more, and I have people that actually live in my state.

And even though the way I lost it was not with my true love (random friend), I was really happy with how it happened.

Besides, teenagers in today's society don't really know how to handle sex. Sure, they can have it, and tons of it, but they aren't mentally mature enough to deal with the aftermath.
Yiral Poof
2015-01-13 07:22:59 UTC
Oh get a grip.
2015-01-13 06:17:48 UTC
possible reasons: 1. are you fat

2. maybe you have spread the word that you will not give sex

3. possible bad hygiene habits

4. maybe your conduct and personality is a turn off
2015-01-13 00:17:28 UTC
actually don't thin of it as a main thing , i bet u r pretty and stuff but true man will love u for what u r not with more makeup or something , u don't have to attract ppl cuz if they want they will come , i prefer u stay away from that for now cuz it's better to learn more befor u enter something , like seeing what's positive and the nagtives in it
2015-01-13 00:10:30 UTC
I am 18 and single i love my life having bf or gf doesnt make u big just focus in your life make it beautiful and i know some Mr perfect is waiting for you
2015-01-12 07:39:12 UTC
Do not worry just wait and see and when the right guy comes along you will be happy
2015-01-13 14:00:35 UTC
2015-01-12 20:08:05 UTC
You should be thankful that you have not had a "boyfriend". You should try to help other girls who have been fooled into thinking it is good to have a boyfriend.
2015-01-13 00:02:37 UTC
This is a classic example of early sexualization of young teens thinking they are out of it if they are not having sex. Sic Sad Society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-01-12 05:41:06 UTC
Women have the upper hand when it comes to dating you crybaby
2015-01-12 23:35:07 UTC
Accept the fact that you are ugly... or pay a male prostitute to have sex with you.
2015-01-15 16:10:24 UTC
SO what? you are best and different from others you rock.. I have a respect for you and safe your virginity for your husband
2015-01-14 01:45:49 UTC
what is your problem? and why are you so confused?. what bothers you most?.. you are virgin or you have not sex?. concentrate on your goal, as of now in studies. because at this age, it happens.
2015-01-12 12:18:29 UTC
first learn to spell, we like correct grammar, second there is no reason to be down on yourself.. your time will come and you def dont want to be a whore, simple answer dont think about it so much enjoy your life as it is now, it will happen
2015-01-13 02:14:19 UTC
Dont worry someone will come around. Just be patient.
2015-01-12 05:20:19 UTC
Have you tried losing weight?
2015-01-12 13:32:25 UTC
Dont, its better without a significant one.
2015-01-11 10:42:20 UTC
have more goals in life then to just be in a relationship.
2015-01-12 06:19:25 UTC
Why Rush?
2015-01-13 02:12:09 UTC
join da club......

i'm single n don wanna mingle...

not nw anyways....................
2015-01-13 09:59:39 UTC
it is not a problem. i hope u will get soon

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.