What does it mean when you end a relationship with a man and a week later he has a personal ad on
2006-11-23 14:24:23 UTC
I ended a relationship with a man and a week later he had taken out a personal ad on When just weeks before this, I was being told I was his Soulmate, His True Love ( meaning I was the only woman he had truly loved), He wanted to be my husband one day and I was "the one". I guess it didn't take long to get over us or me? How can a man turn his feelings on and off like a light switch? I guess my satisfaction in all of this is, he will never be able to replace me and I think that is what he is trying to do. How do I know this? He is the type of person that hates being alone. I am intuitive with him and I can feel that he misses me but refuses to communicate with me in anyway. Why do men deny themselves and not pay attention to what their heart and head are trying to tell them? We ended very badly but I thought we might be able to communicate somehow, someday as friends. So okay guys what gives?
Twenty answers:
2006-11-23 14:31:13 UTC
The way you talk about him it seems like you still have feelings for him.......... and maybe you do because things havn't totally cooled off yet. Maybe you are hurt from jealousy /spite in his thing. Does he know you will see this does he know you have seen it? if so then he is obviously trying to make you jealous or is spiteful about the hard breakup and wants to make you upset. is he succeeding? If he would have never guessed then maybe he is tryign to move on... I ended a relationsihp with my boyfriend last week and it was like the 3 days from hell but I was too afriad to call him and talk to him becuase of the rejection in store..... All I wanted to do was get back together with him but when I thought that I couldn't i focused on mending my heart. Maybe he is just trying to browse for someone else to help forget about you.. sometimes that helps. But if a man told you that he wnated to spend the rest of his life with you and you ended it He isn't over you.... Unless you said some extremely mean things to him ending your relationship or cheated on him or something horrible like that then he isn't over....Think of things from his point of view why he would do that and it should answer your question. But guys are usually totally inlove with you... or totally tryign to get over you and don't want anything to do with you.. But that's just in my experience... there is no middle ground! good luck! I hope I helped!
2006-11-23 22:33:24 UTC
Here is what i think. I think that he doesnt want to be alone it is not a bad thing. But there are alot of people who feel this way and besdes yo broke up with him he has that right to do whatever now you go place an ad too! It is fun and before you say yes I dont have an ad on that one and a couple of more I dont have time to go out and meet people so I either end up with a good date or dinner and drinks and then I go to bed it is rather interesting oh yeah yahoo has one also. It is Great!!
2006-11-23 22:45:45 UTC
Well, it ended "very badly" so he may just be really looking for a relationship (casual, or even just a good friend, who knows), anything just to take the taste of what happened out of his mouth.

I don't know what happened between you two so it's hard to judge, but, if he actually did feel that strongly and then things went very bad then he's probably feeling very wounded (and even irrational). Confronted by strong emotions, many guys will attempt to switch them off or sidetrack them -- guys don't grow up with any idea of talking about emotions or acknowledging them. It's just not done.

Finally, if it was that bad of an ending, it's probably better to just let it BE over. I'm not sure how you found out about his ad, whether it was surfing personals yourself or heard about it elsewhere, but guessing at his head and "taking satisfaction" at being unreplaceable sounds like you haven't ended things with him in your own head yet. If you had good reasons for breaking it off with him, just try to put him out of your head -- no that's not easy, or even possible entirely at first -- but just put yourself into other activities and let time do its thing.
2006-11-23 22:28:56 UTC
Why are you being so immature about this whole thing. You broke up with him. What do you want him to do, keep talking to you when you don't want to be with him. And not move on with his life? You should not be so concerned with what he is doing, you did not want him, he is moving on with his life. Perhaps in your next relationship you should not play games. If you love someone and you want to be with them, well, don't end the relationship. You need to move on and maybe even seek some counseling and find out what is going on in your mind that you are acting in such a manner. Good luck and God bless****
2006-11-23 22:26:31 UTC
It either means 1.) He is completely over you because he didn't really want to be with you or care about you as much as he said he did. Or 2.) He is looking for the all so well-known REBOUND! Either rock and you deserve a REAL man and you can do so much better than that!!
2006-11-23 22:30:30 UTC
Honestly, why would you broke up with him right?

I wouldn't spend any time analyzing this at all, he has found a way to pul away so enjoy it and don't ask why. Move on, since you that is what wanted.

Who cares what makes him tick as long as he is moving on!
Anon Tom
2006-11-23 22:27:08 UTC
You answered your own question when you said that he is the type of person that hates being alone.
~sweetie pie~
2006-11-23 22:31:27 UTC
it means that he is a self absorded jerk who needs to feel that security of never being advice...wait a week nd then start lookin again...that way u dont seem desperate or like ur waitin for him to come around...nd get over him..cause he has obviously gotten over u...sry to hear its over...but just think...


good luck......lots of love

~sweetie pie~
2006-11-23 22:29:35 UTC
you answered your own question---- he hates being alone and will probably jump at the first girl that comes along. it sounds like he needs to find him self before he finds that someone else
2006-11-23 22:27:31 UTC
you just said it- "He hates being alone"

Thats all he needs, he may tell ebery girl hes dated "you're the one for me," or "You're my only..." Guys do that (even girls do) when their needy and lonely.

I wouldnt worry about it. The next girl will figure it out too. move on.
2006-11-23 22:28:02 UTC
He may just be hurt and this is his way of healing. It's not very productive, but all too common.
2006-11-23 22:26:27 UTC
Why wait for Mrs. Right, when he can find alot of Mrs. Right Now
2006-11-25 02:36:57 UTC
It means that you ended it and he has a right to look elsewhere. Really, pretty simple.
2006-11-23 22:35:12 UTC
you need to move on and stop worrying about what he is doing, he was lying to you and from the sounds of trying to manipulate you also- just move on
2006-11-23 22:26:34 UTC
2006-11-23 22:25:48 UTC
he's lookin for somebody else
( Kelly )
2006-11-23 22:25:33 UTC
It means he is a desperate, pathetic loser.
2006-11-23 22:27:10 UTC
i think he just feel hurt


If you are single and have the time, please visit my site:

2006-11-23 22:26:41 UTC
you were not that special
2006-11-23 22:27:25 UTC
Duh, what the hell do you think it means? It means he's forgotten about you and wants to find someone else.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.