I ended a relationship with a man and a week later he had taken out a personal ad on Match.com. When just weeks before this, I was being told I was his Soulmate, His True Love ( meaning I was the only woman he had truly loved), He wanted to be my husband one day and I was "the one". I guess it didn't take long to get over us or me? How can a man turn his feelings on and off like a light switch? I guess my satisfaction in all of this is, he will never be able to replace me and I think that is what he is trying to do. How do I know this? He is the type of person that hates being alone. I am intuitive with him and I can feel that he misses me but refuses to communicate with me in anyway. Why do men deny themselves and not pay attention to what their heart and head are trying to tell them? We ended very badly but I thought we might be able to communicate somehow, someday as friends. So okay guys what gives?