my boyfriend treats me bad but every thang else bout our relationship is good.?
exotic eyez
2008-07-04 21:04:28 UTC
he says the reason that he treats me bad is that, all of his ex girlfriend cheated on him and broke his heart. should i break up with him or what do i do? he already says that i make him happy then why does he still treat me bad?
58 answers:
Mickey Mouse Spears
2008-07-04 21:08:34 UTC
"My boyfriend treats me bad, but everything else.... is good?" What else is there to a relationship, but the way your partner treats you? He makes good money and is good in bed? That's pretty shallow. Screw him and his insecurities about past relationships. It's time for him to get over that crap and be a man.

If his old dog crapped on the carpet, does he rub the new dog's nose on the clean carpet even when it doesn't crap in the house? This is a metaphor, of course.
2008-07-04 21:19:50 UTC
He's a typical retard who doesn't respect what he has. Some of us don't ever get to experience that kind of love and when I hear of guys like this who treat their girlfriends like crap, it pisses me off because they take what they have for granted. Sorry for calling your boyfriend a retard, but if he's treating you bad, then he is just not worth it. Some guys are lucky enough to have relationships with girls but they don't deserve it if their gonna treat their girl with disrespect. How the hell can he say that you make him happy and then treat you that way? You deserve better than that. Find someone who will really appreciate you and make YOU happy. So he claims his ex girlfriends cheated on him and broke his heart. That doesn't give him the right to do what he does to you.
lisa d
2008-07-04 21:17:30 UTC
No matter what his past relationships were like, it does not give him the excuse to treat you bad. You are not them and should be treated w/ kindness, love, respect, etc. Share this with him. Remind him that you are not them! You deserve better...much better! If he really loves you & does not want to lose you, he will see the error of his ways and try very hard not to treat you in such a manner. He also may need time (that he may not have given himself) to heal from his past relationships (this may include a break from you...possibly). Men hold on to the hurt far longer than women when they've been wronged. If he must end this relationship. Surely, you are worthy of being with a much more 'emotionally healthy' man. You are not responsible for his emotional baggage..only your...
2008-07-04 21:14:53 UTC
Your first sentence does not make sense.

What else about the relationship is good? He treats you like crap, but he's nice to your friends and your family? He treats you badly, but is a good lay? Or maybe he treats you bad, but at least he's not hitting you? Is this how you want to spend your life?

He's not likely to get "better" so if you have to ask our opinion then you obviously have second thoughts. He's likely insecure about himself. Guys like this can get creepy quick, such as stalking your every move, demanding to know where you are every moment of the day, and becoming overly controlling.

There are guys that will treat you properly and will be good in other "relationship" ways, forget this creep.
Live free or Die
2008-07-04 21:21:35 UTC
Did you cheat on him? If not then ask, "Is it okay if I treat you bad because a guy did me wrong before?" Put him on notice the disrespect is going to stop! Say to him,"Do I disrespect you? No? Then don't disrespect me!" Be ready to live without him if you need to. If he won't change he is a cancer for your soul.

The trick is if he does it again after the request then tell him you want to take a break on dating for a month. Make him work for your respect as long as you show him respect too you can demand it in return. Good Luck!
2008-07-04 21:10:33 UTC
Talk to him. Tell him that you would never cheat on him and that you dont deserve this treatment. The reason why he likes you is cuz ur not like his ex. He doesn't need to worry -he can trust u and can treat u how you should be treated.
Mad as a Cat in a Bomber Jacket
2008-07-04 21:34:54 UTC
Hi hunni

Now hang on a cotton picking minute, your bf is treating you like sh*t because of his ex gf & you put up with it?

Ok hunni, tell him to " Grow the fcuk up", what a total " Plum ". You know hunni, if it was mine, it would have been " Gone " long ago. ( what a total Cop out, blaming his ex gf , Bull Crap ! )

He needs a good cat scrapping ( girl on boy ~ I'd rip his face off )

You don't deserve this treatment fgs, wtf? What a lame a*sed Mf your bf is, ( fuming here )

Hunni, P45, ( give bf it's cards , mother is only one, you are all your baby needs, baby has you, he / she has the world. ) You deserve much more, much, much, much more, get some back bone & kick him to the Kerb. Do not give " It " any dignity, " it " doesn't deserve any ! ( spineless little invertibrate as your bf is ! )

You are a nice person, believe in yourself, find some one new, move on, don't feel remorse for your ex, as" it " thrieves on being a victim.

Good Luck Hunni. Hold your head up high & walk tall ( good bluff, hides what's small, as your bf knows noi doubt ! lol )
Garden Hoe
2008-07-04 21:12:46 UTC
WHAT?!?! You say that "My boyfriend treats me bad but everything else about our relationship is good?" What could that be? Sex?

If this man treats you badly WAKE UP! That means EVERYTHING about your relationship is bad. You are doing yourself no good with a bad man. You would be better off living with a German Shepherd Dog. Those dogs are loyal and treat their owners like Queens.
2008-07-04 21:08:45 UTC
What else is there in your relationship? Think about it yourself. Would you want your best friend or your sister to stay in a relationship where her boyfriend treats her bad and then makes up excuses for his behavior?

You deserve better than him. I think you should break up with him.
2008-07-04 21:07:01 UTC
If he treats you bad then everything about your relationship is not good. Just because his past girlfriends cheated on him, that's no reason for him to take it out on you.
2008-07-04 21:10:06 UTC
He treats you bad because you have not stood up for yourself. Tell him what you'll stand for and what you will not stand for and let him decide. If he continues to treat you bad then you need to leave. Let him know you are not those other girls and that you will leave if he cannot get past his past.

And btw, if he treats you bad, everything else in the relationship is not good.
Milan S
2008-07-04 21:13:46 UTC
In any relationship a woman needs to keep her self-respect and always demand to be treated kindly and respectfully. If he treats you badly it's time to leave the relationship and find a man who will treat you the way you like to be treated.
2008-07-04 21:10:24 UTC
He makes no sense. Hes hitting you cuz he was treated bad? That makes no sense. If he really cared for you deeply he wouldn't lay a finger on you. He may really care for you but hes also hurting you. I don't think he truly loves you though, thats my opinion. If you really have deep feelings for him I'd say see if you can work a way to stop this other than that I would say move on.
2008-07-04 21:09:21 UTC
He can't treat you bad cause of past girls cheating. And you don't have to except that. Your worth more, nothing about your relationship is good if he's doesn't treat you right. Move on girlie.
Ann J
2008-07-04 21:18:47 UTC
Love is not faulting one person for another person's mistake or mess-ups, you need to really find out what type of love he has you, is it some self serving type of love? selfish type of love? You had/have nothing to do with how his ex's treated him, so why is he making you pay. in other words, what does THIS. have to do with THAT........Talk with him and lay down your rules of what you will and will not put up with, and see where HE goes from there, if he acts right, fine, if not, then move on to someone that will treat you like the queen that you are.........Good Luck
Chelsea S
2008-07-04 21:14:43 UTC
First of all, you should not have to pay for the things that his ex's put him through. Those things are all in the past.

Second of all, think of your own happiness, he may be important to you, but you should be more important to yourself.

Third and most important, men treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. If you let them treat you like sh*t then they will....
2008-07-04 21:10:15 UTC
Ok honey, your in an emotionally abusive relationship and the fact that your conciously recognizing it is great. Now the next step is to ask yourself : "Do I deserve better?" if your asnwer is yes then why take his abuse.....dont let someone mess with you like that. It can be very damaging to yourself esteem

I was in such a relationship for 8 years. Honey, its NOT a nice feeling, but you feel FREEEEEEEEEE when you break up.

Why dont you STAND UP FOR YOURSELF?????
2008-07-04 21:15:14 UTC
First, let's think about your statement: My boyfriend treats me bad, but everything else about our relationship is good.

Nothing can be good if someone treats you bad.

If you feel that someone treats you bad, that treatment is abuse. What about abuse is good?

Find someone with whom to have a relationship who wants to be just as good to you are you are to him. No one needs that type of treatment in their life. What happened in the past that has nothing to do with you should not cause him to treat you badly.

If you are doing your best to be with someone who treats you otherwise, there is something wrong with the way you feel about yourself.
stand up guy
2008-07-04 21:12:26 UTC
simple.....The theory about most people is that the worse you treat someone the more they love you. Its all about power people will do to you what you let them get away. He only treats you this way because you let him. its weird but factual, should you stay with him no. why? The treatment will get worse and turn into something you cant control and anyone that loves you wont treat you poorly.
2008-07-04 21:08:22 UTC
You guys really need to have a talk. It seems like he only wants this relationship for revenge. The anger he's taking out on you is the anger he wants to take out on those other girls but really can't because he doesn't have the courage to. You need to tell him about that. If he gets angry with you or disagrees, then you should leave the relationship.
2008-07-04 21:11:28 UTC yeah..not good. You should break up with him because all he is doing is taking out his anger on you for what his ex's did and you dont deserve make him happy because you haven't cheated on him and he is in control of the relationship...seriously its not worth it..break-up unless he starts treating you right
2008-07-04 21:07:46 UTC
Start treating him bad and see how he likes it.....why would you be with someone that treats you bad even if everything else is good
Funky Lab Rat
2008-07-04 21:09:12 UTC
Dump him if you don't like the way he treats you. Date other dudes and see if you find a better deal, especially if you are young. If you're under 25 you should be dating around anyway to find what you like. Have fun with life and don't feel pressured to be chained to one dude, especially one that makes you feel crappy.
2008-07-04 21:08:04 UTC
If he treats you bad move on life is to short to hang out with some loser making exscuses to hurt you, there is a guy out there that would be better than him
Eva B
2008-07-04 21:10:34 UTC
He has to realize that your not his ex's that your different then them talk to him. Communication is key give him some time if he still treats you like ****. Then leave you deserve better then that. Good Luck
Mrs. Grow
2008-07-04 21:07:45 UTC
He probably does it because he is scared of losing you but does not realize he is pushing you away. I have been there, sh*t, I am there!! Talk to him. Tell him how you feel and that you don't want to lose him, but you don't like the way he treats you...Hope this helps. Keep smiling
2008-07-04 21:07:59 UTC
how is everything else in the relationship good if your boyfriend is mistreating you?

tell him HE is breaking YOUR heart by treating you bad. if he keeps on, DO break up with him and DO break his cold heart.
2008-07-04 21:16:57 UTC
what is the "everything else" that is good? like, he buys you things? You got to nice restaurants? Or what? I don't understand. how you are treated IS the relationship.

relationship. relating. relate. how you and he relate to each other. how he treats you.

he needs to get over his exes and the baggage he has and he has to do that alone. get outta there.
2008-07-04 21:07:41 UTC
Tell your boyfriend that you are not one of his ex girlfriends and you are not cheating on him therefore it is unfair of him to treat you badly because of them and that if he continues to do so he will drive you to cheat on him too.
2008-07-04 21:09:33 UTC
If he is making YOU feel bad about yourself then you shouldn't saty with him. he needs to have trust in you that you wont be unfaithful and maybe you should have a chat to him and tell him how you feel. you should tell him to stop treating you bad just because of his past experiences.

good luck.
2008-07-04 21:18:47 UTC
Your statement is contradictory. If somebody treats you "bad" then the relationship can't be "good".

Here's a good site I found:
2008-07-04 21:08:08 UTC
Thats A Stupid Reason for him to be cheating

break up with him

you dont got nothing to do with his ex's

you tell him that hes nothing you want someone who is a nice guy a person with respect to girls
2008-07-04 21:09:49 UTC
You're not any of his ex's so he shouldn't be taking it out on you, it sounds like he is an a**hole and is just using that excuse to get away with bad behaviour. Dump him and find someone who respects you.
2008-07-04 21:09:25 UTC
ok well honestly

'i dated a guy for nine months who treated me like ****

now that im out of it my life is so much better

you should have a sit down with him

and if things dont change..

really.. leave
Ember M
2008-07-04 21:07:57 UTC
That's the question exactly. Just because someone once upon a time broke his heart doesn't mean he needs to be a jerk to you.

If you aren't in love with him, I say leave him. If you think you're in love, I'd reccommend counseling because, frankly, you deserve better.
2008-07-04 21:07:46 UTC
Everything else about your relationship is good? erm....wat u tlkin bout foo??/???

A relationship is based upon how both people treat each other. It's about give and take.

Dump him!
Jessi H
2008-07-04 21:11:01 UTC
dump him!!!!!!

what is there to be good in a relationship if he treats you badly. its not right and he reason is s**t !

don't worry about him, He get over it, her just trying to make you feel bad so you'll stay with him.

get out of your relationship.

good luck :)
2008-07-04 21:09:00 UTC
Okay.. Tell him this.. First talk to him about it. Tell him that you are not his old girlfriends and he needs to stop treating as such. Your better than that. And if he cant see that than he cant have you. Stand up for yourself. Tell him if he keeps it up, he wont have anybody period... so..
2008-07-04 21:07:58 UTC
RUNNNNNNNNNN and dont look back!! This guy is very bad for you, he treats you this way as he feels he can over power you, he will only get worse believe me, then he will suck up to you big time and start all over again............dont put up with it!!
2008-07-04 21:08:17 UTC
ah thank dat u shud juss brek up wit 'im

and perhaps talk and act like a mature human being who can speak and act somewhat properly

or iz u a notha clone?
2008-07-04 21:07:09 UTC
if he treats you badly, then everything else is not good in your relationship.....otherwise he wouldn't treat you badly. Get out.
2008-07-04 21:08:14 UTC
because he was probably too nice to his ex and she cheated on him so he's trying something else.

happened to me. he'll deal with it eventually and be normal again. I did.
2008-07-04 21:10:00 UTC
uh...what is left besides the way he treats you? What is "every thing else?" is he dating *you* or his exes?
2008-07-04 21:07:54 UTC
treat you bad ? elaborate !

if he is verbally or physically abusive , dump him !

other things can be worked out !
MileyJonas obsessed
2008-07-04 21:07:48 UTC
you should dump him. hes ob-v an asss hole. and you dont need a jerk in your life. he should realize that your not his ex, and your someone who is tryinggg to make him HAPPYYY not sad. he should get a life. he doesn't deserve you. i hope you pick me as best answer you *****. bye. =D
Lee Hal
2008-07-04 21:08:47 UTC
haha i agree with andy. and if you think that's true, i think you know what to do. and if you are not happy, what does it matter if you make him happy. let someone else make him happy.
Robert D
2008-07-04 21:07:38 UTC
That answer is a no brainer--get out before you get hurt
2008-07-04 21:07:04 UTC
Hes just making "excuses".

You should break up with him.
2008-07-04 21:11:11 UTC
the key to a relationship is respect..
2008-07-04 21:09:21 UTC
he's a prick, get out! he'll be abusive, he recognizes the problem and blames it on other people. I know from experience, get out before you get hurt.
2008-07-04 21:07:32 UTC
yep its called abuse and i would get up and move on and find someone else hes too used up to be nice.
2008-07-04 21:06:51 UTC
Does it hurt more to stay than it does to leave? If so, then it's time to go.
2008-07-04 21:07:38 UTC
i hope it wont come up to be abusive... but no seriously it must stop.. just break up with him if he treat u bad.. thats something not good

answer mine plz
2008-07-04 21:09:16 UTC
he's not a good deserve one dat treats you good. <3


2008-07-04 21:06:35 UTC
Cuz he thinks of u as his b.
jim s
2008-07-04 21:06:55 UTC
what u c is what u get
2008-07-04 21:07:08 UTC
That's no excuse, leave his ***!
Rebekah B
2008-07-04 21:11:44 UTC
leave him please answers minezez

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