I met a girl 6 years ago and it was love at first sight. From that day on I could not stop thinking about her day and night. We exchanged numbers and started talking on the phone and we grew allot closer to each other. I felt madly in love feeling like I had never felt before. I had a car and a job and I kept asking her out on a date or if I could go see her. I wanted to start a relationship with her. However she was younger than me at the time and her parents would not let her go out or me go see her. But we still kept talking on the phone and getting to know each other more. Soon she moved away and we did not have a way to contact each other. Around that same time another girl asked me out and her and I started dating. We moved away together, got jobs, and an apartment. We were together for 3 years. During that time I often thought about the other girl. I could not put my thoughts about her to rest. I thought about her quite periodically and did not tell anyone, not even my girlfriend. The relationship I had with my girlfriend went sour and we split up after 3 years. I got a different job. Another 2 years went by and I lost the job that I had and I was still single. I was unable to pay the rent at the current apartment that I had. It seemed my life was going through some changes as everyone does at times. I decided to move back in with my parents once again. I began working at my dads business and I was now in the same area once again that I had met the other girl at that I had talked to on the phone for so long. I immediately started thinking about her again. Actually, she never left my mind to begin with. I decided to try to get in touch with her once again and I got online and started typing in people search and trying all these different search engines. None of that was successful so I tried one more thing. I typed in her name on MySpace hoping she would have a profile on their and it would come up. And after I typed in her name her profile did come up. I had finally found her once again. I read her profile and it said she was in a relationship with somebody but I know most relationships don't last when you are young and I could tell by reading her profile that she was not as close to him as most people that are in serious relationships are. She stated that she loves to party and she did not seem happy. I decided to contact her. I wrote to her and asked her how she was. A few days later she responded. She added me as a friend and seemed really surprised that I found her on their. She wrote back to me and asked how I was and said it was really cool that I found her on their. I wrote back to her once again and told her that It would be really cool to hear from her again and I would love to know what was new with her. She wrote back and gave me her phone number and told me to call her sometime. I immediately began feeling madly in love with her again. It is a feeling that I have not been able to explain. I began listening to music I don't usually listen to (stuff like Reo Speedwagon, Edwin McCain and allot of 80s Love Ballads). And the more I listen to them it makes me want to be with her more and more. When I think about her I feel so much joy and happiness more than I have ever felt before. Each day is filled with peace and joy and more happiness than I can explain. I am crazy for her. I think she might have feelings for me but she has no idea I feel the way I do towards her. I have her number and I want to be with her more than anything and I know she would be completely flattered if she knew how I truly feel about her but I don't want to scare her away. She is older now and has a car. I have no idea what to do. I would like to go eat lunch with her if nothing else right now. Like I said, I am crazy for her but I don't want to scare her away. I also don't want to loose her at all either. I truly feel she is the one I am supposed to be with so this situation needs to be handled in a fragile way. Please help me. How do I contact her? What do I say? Should I just call her and act like I don't feel the way I feel towards her and that everything is cool and ask her if she wants to hang out as a friend. Than I would not push her away and I could tell her in the future how I truly feel once we grew closer to each other. Or should I tell her everything now and than back away and let her make up her mind, possibly loosing her forever. I have no idea what to do. I am asking for advice from mainly girls that know allot about relationships and could imagine themselves being this girl and not knowing how I feel. But I will take advice and answers from anybody that is mature and know allot about relationships. Please Help. Serious replies only. Thank you.