2019-09-30 18:14:11 UTC
After a small argument (via text) stated I state I'm not going to wait for me to give me what I want/ need and said we need time “to cool off” since it was my last week on my 5 week business trip after that week... After, we made small convo and let him know I made it back to our state. After, the awkward convo, about 2 weeks later I reached out again (another short convo), and just ended it with " Well, I hope you have a great rest of your day"... Then the next day I see he posted a picture online w/ two beautiful women on his left and right, so unfollowed him on all social media (like blocked and unblocked, so he's not following me)... Haven't talked to him in over 3 months... However, saw him on a rooftop with his friends while I was getting a tour the the venue by a worker, I completely ignored him and walked right past him.