Ok so i wonder is the guys care if the girl is overweight??? And not only as a girlfriend but also as just a friend :)
Ten answers:
Jon G
2013-08-31 15:42:06 UTC
I do because I pride myself on my body. I do a lot, and I wouldn't have much in common with a girl that didn't. but, I do have a lot of friends that don't care if their girl is over weight. they actually like their girl to be overweight.
2013-08-31 22:57:14 UTC
I don't make friends based on how someone looks. If you're funny, friendly, and dependable, then you'll be a good friend to many people regardless of anything that could detract from your attractiveness. I'm sure many men would feel the same way.
However, when we're talking about potential partners, of course looks matter, and weight is a part of that. Of course, it depends on your own definition of "overweight". If, by overweight, you mean someone who just doesn't have a flat stomach, yet is, medically speaking, healthy, that doesn't affect my attractions. The point at which being overweight starts to really repel me from someone (as a partner) is far past the point at which extra weight becomes unhealthy. In short, if your physician says you're healthy, any weight you have isn't going to be a problem.
2013-08-31 22:39:31 UTC
Some do, but there are many who don't. It depends on what you mean by overweight too. ADo you mean over weight with no shape? Ok, then most guys will pass on a woman like that, but some guys ( usually not the best of the guys) will date a big girl just because. But a big woman with a shape has a lot of guys to chose from! If you're shaped like a small woman but with bigger parts, hell i'd go out with you! Some guys like small sports cars, and some of us like BIG sports cars! Get it?!
2013-08-31 22:35:59 UTC
Some guys are close minded and some are just simply not attracted to overweight women. If you are, let yourself be! There is nothing wrong with that.
2013-08-31 22:38:34 UTC
If the guy is a descent man then he wouldn't because he has to know that true beauty is on the inside.
Dr. Roopali
2013-08-31 22:37:48 UTC
yes this is truth...guys don't want their girlfriend to be overweight.....but they do like as a friend
2013-08-31 22:39:18 UTC
No fluffy girls are the most awesome person peoples to meet
2013-09-01 03:05:12 UTC
Prvo i pre svega hvala na odgovoru cenim to i svidja mi se sta govoris sacekacu jos malo pa cu onda izabrati naj odgvor. Iz panceva sam poz za bg...
no odgovor na tvoje pitanje U danasnje vreme moda i amerika uopste promovisu zene cija tela su vitka a one same gotovo anoreksicne, ranije su u "modi" bile priznatije punije zene. danas promocijom vitkosti punije zene su slabije trazene ali ja znam super momke odavde i to njih najmanje 10 koji imaju punije devojke a momci nisu ruzni vec prelaze preko toga i gledaju psihicke stvari. Mozda si u delu mozga pomislila malo pancevo pa nemaju izbor :) (salim se) ali nije tako mali jesmo ali ima izbora tako da ne brini naicices na nekog, iako mislim tako smatram da vecina muskaraca misli da je mrsavija zena bolji izbor ja vise volim unutrasnjost osobe ali da se ne lazemo bitna je i privlacnost partnera suprotnog pola. Ukratko ne brini naci ces nekog. Sto se tice prijatelja ja imam preko 15 najmanje prijateljica koje nisu kao iz casopisa (mrsave) skroz dobre u dusi. Ako mozes probaj i trudi se da skines kile sport je zdrav ali ako ti to nije mogucnost onda ne brini jer koliko znam ovaj svet nije toliko upropasten da odbaci punije zene... na kraju krajeva svi smo ljudi
Dve stvari:
1.Srdacan pozdrav hvala za odgovor za sad je najbolji ali je i jedini :) tako da cu sacekati
2.Ako sam napisao ista uvredljivo ja se izvinjavam nisam hteo da kazem nista lose
i jos plus u 5 ti ovo pisem ne zato sto sam pacenik za kompjuterima cak ni fejs nemam napisao sam to u pitanju na koje si ti odgovorila nego zato sto sam bio u nekoj zajebanoj bleji pa sam se sad vratio kuci.... :) :) :)
2013-08-31 22:35:42 UTC
Do worry about what they think.
2013-08-31 22:35:04 UTC
some do some don't.. depends I guess
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