Dating an ex is almost always doomed to failure.Quite a sorry start, but it’s something you really have to understand.But still the Qustion is"Are you really ready for it?".
#1.Memories of your ex
So why exactly have you been thinking about your ex and missing them? Is it because you genuinely love them and think the break up was a mistake?
Or is it because your relationship with your ex seemed a lot better than the relationship you’re in now? You really shouldn’t try to get back with your ex because you’re having a hard time getting into a new relationship or experiencing another bad relationship.
Here are a few things you need to ask yourself. If you still think you should date your ex after giving these aspects a thought, well, perhaps, you are ready to take a plunge back into the same waters all over again. After all, dating an ex for all the wrong reasons will do nothing but take you back to square one.
Comparing your present with your past
#2.Dating an ex is extremely tempting after a break up.
When you’re in a relationship, you get to do a lot of couple things together, be it in bed, at a party or while lazing at home. But the minute you break up, it’s all over. All of a sudden, you would have to force yourself into a whole new life whether you’re ready or not.
Even if you’re in a relationship with someone else, you can’t help but compare your ex with your current partner now and then. And if your current partner lacks in a few departments when compared to your ex, you’d obviously feel a huge surge of renewed appreciation for your ex.
#3.Is it the sex?
You can’t really grab an ex wherever you want to, now that both of you have broken up. You may bump into an ex now and then, and the most you can do is admire how good they look, especially if they’re in someone else’s arms!
Sex with an ex can be a rather tempting proposition, and the breakup may renew all the passion and sexual attraction that may have been lacking while you were in the relationship with you ex. Most people confuse this kind of an attraction with love. But it really isn’t.
#4.Is it really love?
The only reason you should ever get back with an ex is if you truly love them and find yourself shattered after the break up. If you’ve been dumped or found yourself walking out on a cheating partner, you may still love your ex and may want to start dating your ex again. But should you take a chance on your ex’s love again?
#5.Is the feeling mutual?
Do both of you want to get back together or is it just a one sided love story with no happy ending in sight? If your lover is happy in another relationship and has no interest in getting back with you, you really can’t force your ex into walking out of a happy relationship just for you. The only way you can date your ex is if both of you want to get back together and give the old romance another chance at being happy.
#6.Where did you go wrong?
This is treading on tricky grounds because both of you may not always be too keen to accept responsibility. But can you really pinpoint where both of you went wrong in the relationship? Dating an ex is easy, but going through the same pain and frustrations all over again is just not worth the effort unless both of you avoid repeating the same mistakes all over again.
#7.Is there enough maturity?
Have both of you matured emotionally since the break up? When you’re experiencing a messy relationship, it’s easy for two grown people to behave like children, especially when it comes to things like relationship insecurity, jealousy and communication.
Do you genuinely think you and your ex can look past the earlier errors and avoid them from ever happening again?
#8.Will the same mistakes crop up again?
If you want to date an ex, you have to be willing to take a chance together with a hope of something better the second time around. But can you prevent the same mistakes that happened the first time around from cropping up this time around? And even if the same painful memories surface, are both of you ready to face it and overcome it?
#9.Is a second chance worth the effort?
Dating an ex again can feel so good, especially for the first few weeks or months. The novelty of getting your ex back in your arms could seem intoxicating and the sex may be fabulous. But at some point of time, the relationship will start to attain its maturity, and it will happen much faster than a new relationship because both of you know each other so well already.
When the excitement does wear off eventually, would you still be happy to spend the rest of your life with your partner?
Can you really see your ex as someone you can spend the rest of your life with, once the novelty and excitement wears off? If you’re unsure of any of these questions, perhaps you should ponder over your thought of dating an ex again and give these questions a serious thought before taking the plunge again.