So finally got to go on date with the girl I really like! She happens to be the sister of a friend of mine which he doesn't see as an issue btw. The date went great - she is an architect so took her to a bar on the 31st floor of arguably the most amazing structural building in London which she loved! Conversation went great and she looked stunning! She was intrigued when we would go next so told her we are going for dinner - tool a taxi there and she loved it too! Following dinner we went for a walk together and stopped in a bar along the way which she liked - stayed there for a drink until it closed. Walked with her a little more and before she got into the taxi home she hugged me and we kissed on the cheek (she is Spanish so normal
Kiss). Gutted I didn't kiss her to at least show I really liked her more. Made a massive effort for this date and she loved it. She is here for another day then goes back home in Spain just for a week before returning here. Questions: 1) did I blow it by not kissing her? 2) Should I message her/call today (day after date) to ask her out on a second date or wait till she gets back?