I offered to take naughty pics for my b/f?
2009-06-04 15:58:49 UTC
So he would have something to look at when I was away because he views porn so much I was hoping I could be apart of his fantasy too

But he said he didnt want them because he likes to look at other women instead and fantasize about sleeping with them. he said even if I gave him some naughty pics he would use lots of other porn and probably not much of mine.

He felt as though I was trying to trap him and he said he wasn't having it?

I don't understand what this meant?
29 answers:
2009-06-04 16:02:51 UTC
the loser you are dating is lower than dirt and you need to dump him asap. porn? thats the lamest thing i ever heard and he has NO RIGHT to expect that from you. have some dignity and respect for yourself. dont degrade yourself down to that level.
Milk Man Pan
2009-06-04 23:06:16 UTC
Well, porn time and gf time are two totally different things. Being into the person you are with doesn't mean a guy still doesn't like his lesbian porn.

But if he doesn't want naughty nekkie pics of you, find someone else.

But even before you do that, maybe he's got some sort of fetish that you haven't picked up on. Tell him you want to do some really nasty disturbing things and need him to give you some ideas.
Cakes the Heathen
2009-06-04 23:04:51 UTC
Sending nude pics to a boyfriend isn't a great idea (even though I've definitely done it myself), but this just seems like he's not into you as much as you'd hope. If he fantasizes about women other than you when he faps (I mean, more often than not, since all guys do it at some point or another), chances are he does the same while having sex with you, and you deserve better than that.
2009-06-04 23:39:48 UTC
Hmmm...I think I'd of been happier if he hadn't of been so blunt about it!

But to be honest...It's actually a good thing...I mean what if his friends saw the pic's? or if you split ...I know of at least one website where this guy puts up nude pic's of his exs with some blurb about what bitches they were so y'know?? In a way you may of had a lucky excape!!

It may even be that he is worried that if you would offer so freely you may not think twice about doing so for someone else...who knows?

The chances are tho' that he views the girls in porn in a different way to how he sees you and to see you like that would make him think less of you.

If it was me I would say to him that I understood his reasons, but I was hurt and a little confused by how he said it.

Hopefully this will start the dialogue and then you will know for sure just why he said it...after all no one on here is truely able to answer for him!!

Good Luck and enjoy ur hol's!!

2009-06-04 23:03:33 UTC
Wow, he does not appreciate you or value you. I'd be really angry and upset if my boyfriend said that to me. Because this is not a way of trapping at all, you were actually nice enough to send him naughty pictures of you and he then replies to you with this stupid immature reply, this sucks. It just shows that he likes porn more than you, and likes the women there more, and fanatsize about them, how horrible. Why don't he just go to strip clubs and have a different girl each day? I wonder how he's in a relationship with you anyway. I'd leave that bastard.
2009-06-04 23:04:45 UTC
Wow. That wasn't a nice way to treat your suggestion at ALL!

Maybe your boyfriend isn't ready to feel such a great commitment towards you and so he feels the need to see other women naked-to feel like he's not trapping himself in with you? I would be glad that he's only looking at pictures, but also I would decide if this is something you can deal with.

As I have said, his reactions show that he is not ready or a big commitment.
2009-06-04 23:08:06 UTC
It sounds like there are much bigger issues here than the porn and him not wanting to watch your porn. Him saying that you were trying to trap him and he won't have that...girl...He would be gone!!! Trap him?? I would have told him he was not trapped and he was free to go at anytime. That is disrespectful and I hope you don't take much crap from this idiot. The last thing you should have to deal with is someone who thinks they are doing you a favor by being with you.
2009-06-04 23:41:34 UTC
uhm... he should want to make ou feel WONDERFUL. Like, don't expect a guy to kiss your feet or anything, but... uhm yeah there is something wrong with that. A guy should want you the most. And also, every guy will think of another firl every now and then... this one just isn't smart enough to just THINK of a girl every now and then. Sounds like porn is becoming his reality. Dump him, and soon he will be sitting there thinking, wait... this girl is digital... why did I let the real one get away?
2009-06-04 23:03:54 UTC
I think it's rude for him to say that he'd rather look at other women and think about sleeping with them than look at you and think about sex with you. Personally, I'd leave this guy, cause clearly he doesn't appreciate you as much as he should, and it takes a lot of confidence to take revealing pictures of yourself because so many girls aren't comfortable with showing off their bodies like that, and he doesn't seem to realize that. No offense, but honestly, this guy sounds like a jerk.
Ultimate Warrior
2009-06-04 23:05:42 UTC
Porn is to guys as chocolate is to girls.

We are wired to love it. It's not a substitute for you, it's an entirely different area of male sexuality.
2009-06-04 23:12:30 UTC
i know this'll sound different from all the other answers, but i could never 'get off' to a pic of my girlfriend... not because she's 'not attractive' or anything, but because i have too much respect for her. she's the most beautiful girl in the world, but i could never pleasure myself to a picture of her... it just wouldn't seem right!
2009-06-04 23:04:38 UTC
What a weirdo. I would think any man would want nude pics of their gf, Maybe he's just wanting to keep it fantasy, because having sex with you is real life? Good luck sweetie, I wouldn't take it personal. He's attracted to you, if he weren't he wouldn't be with you.
2009-06-04 23:03:28 UTC
Some guys who watch porn its as a fantacy they dont really want a sluty woman but they like to have fantacies about it. Maybe he doesnt want to think of you as one of them.
2009-06-04 23:03:19 UTC
In my opinion, I would see it as time to find a guy who values you more. Don't try to understand it, because with something that wrong, if you start to understand it, it will start to seem okay, which it isn't.
2009-06-04 23:08:05 UTC
he's dumb i would love to get naughty pics from my need to leave that guy he lives in a fantasty world. he probably peter pan anyway.
2009-06-04 23:03:29 UTC
he might like different kinds of it or something

he might have his own membership and thats y

he might not want any1 else 2 look at u "naughty", in case they looked through his phone?
2009-06-04 23:21:31 UTC
He is totally not into you and most likely you will not leave him and he knows that. that's why he is mean to you, I will say if you know what is best for you walk away.
2009-06-04 23:02:24 UTC
He doesn't want to want your pictures because he would be guilty for doing it. Like most relationship, most guys who have their girlfriends often have naughty pictures and send. Reason is because most guys like to show off their friends of what a "hot body" or something.
2009-06-04 23:05:35 UTC
His an ********! Dump him. What guy wouldn't want pictures of there girlfriend unless he doesn't find you sexually attractive.
2009-06-04 23:04:12 UTC
If you give them to him he will show them to his friends and everyone will see your goodies. Then you will get depressed because girls will call you a skank and guys will not want you and you will kill yourself. Don't do it.
2009-06-04 23:03:31 UTC
I would break up with him. thats mean why would he say that its like he doesnt even have a interest in you at all. so should break up with him.
2009-06-04 23:04:18 UTC
WOW it means he doesnt like your body and that your not that attractive for him.
2009-06-04 23:08:47 UTC
wow thats messed up....he feels as though ur not giving him his space to let him do what he wants and he's not taking any of that anymore.

Guys can be really dumb sometimes.

HOPE I HELPED !!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
2009-06-04 23:03:01 UTC
he's a punk. you need to leave him! he'll be fine jacking off to fine girls he will NEVER get with.
2009-06-04 23:09:07 UTC
I wish my girl would do this for me!!!!
2009-06-04 23:03:48 UTC
he doesnt want you lol
2009-06-04 23:01:41 UTC
probably he doesn't like your body

wow you look... I don't know what you look like

I can't even see anything
Double Dizzle
2009-06-04 23:33:52 UTC
ITS A TRAP!!!!!!!
2009-06-04 23:02:18 UTC
wow. i'd be mad.

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