well, Dont believe him right away, dont give in either.
when was the last time your mom said, 'hey i'm kind of tired of being your mom, so for the next few months, we're just friends'?
love does NOT and will NEVER work that way.
Mainly because he said he doesn't see the point in dating you because he doesn't want to feel obligated to see you, and he doesn't see why daiting is important even if you see eachother once a week.
honey, listen, if he really loved you, and he wanted to be with you, he wouldn't be taking a break.
He would be eager for you two to be together, and loyal and committed. He would try to write to you, even if he couldn't see you.
People are married to people in the military that can o nly see eachother for a week or two out of the entire year, yet they are still married, because they care deeply for eachother, and ther eis a point.
Being someone's girlfriend or boyfriend, is a title, to uphold, throughout the entire relationship, you cant put love on hold. It's not how it works.
To me it seems like he wants a break, not because he is busy, or not because he's doing alot of schooling. But because he was with you for 2 years, and feels overwhelmed by the relationship, but you bought the busy for school part.
He might want to see other people, without feeing guilty, this could be only because he wants to be sure it is you he wants to be with though, so dont take huge offense in it.
Also, i've seen relationships whre, the guy says we'll get back together, but after such and such a time, but then makes it so the girl might not want to come back to him, or the time ends up being pushed back.
Listen, I wont say he's using you. But i will tell you, Taking a break is a 50/50 deal, you have to agree to it too.
If he says he wants to take a break, you have to want to too.
He cant put you on hold to wait for him, to make the right decision.
You need to seek out new peopel too, and see what is going on in your own head. Sometimes we feel comfortable with one person, and dont want to move on, even though we know there are better opportunities out there.
It's up to you, with what you want to do.
Try telling him no, you dont want a break, and if he still wants one, then tell him it's over, and that you can wait for him to decide whats important, and that if he loves you, he can work out a way to see you, because sometime like love is not something that can be put on a side burner, and you are not left overs.
Please think of my advice even if it hurts you, i've been in a similar circumstance...
If you believe the other people who answered your question then, fine, they too are jaded by thinking men are deep and emotional, when they aren't as deep as you think.
Tell him, you're willing to see him, even if it's just once a week, and that those days can be special, but you dont want to give up on your relationship.
Good luck.