Hey ppl, if you dont want to read all this then just skip to the bottom and read the numbered paragraphs, i added all the additional info because i want yall to understand where im coming from. im 15 and i can possibly get a GF but i was never a good BF in the past. I never called them or made plans on the weekend, i just saw them in school, which is y they probably left me. I was never a really social person. i wish i was cause that will help me be a better BF. its wierd cause i can talk to girl and joke with her but if the conversation escalates to dating then my heart drops and i feel an intense nervous feeling that actually hurts my stomach. i dont no y. To b honest im kinda a flirt with girls but like i said, i go dead wen it comes to dating. for example in 6th grade i talked to this girl, and we got to be good friends, laughing and jokink, but wen i asked her out, everything went down hill. i couldnt talk to her like i use to. i had to talk to her as my GF not a friend. eventually i was dumped. how do i become a good boyfriend. are there certain stuff that i have to do like walking her to her class and stuff. another wierd trait that i have is that i can get close to a girl, like biting her in a flirtacious way, as a friend of course, but wen i go out with a girl, i get very nervous wen i try to get close to her. i sort of have an embarassed feeling. its wierd i cant explain it. another thing i realized is that boys go out with girls within their circle of friends, and thats how they hang out, in ppls houses. me in the other hand, i dont belong to a "circle of friends" i jut have 4 0r 5 quality friends, which is fine by me, but if i go out with this girl that i have in mind, how am i suppose to hang out with her outside of school on weekends or something. thats the main problem that im trying to fix. i dont drive yet and i nerver have a ride, and cause i dont belong in a group of friends that revolve around dating, its hard to hang out with her. Personally i prefer hanging out wit her with a group of ppl, then pull her out occasionally to get close to her, i just feel more comfortable doing that because if its just her and i, then all the focus will be on each other, and since im not good with girls wen im going out with them, it will be harder for me to start a convo or to get close to her. i apologize if this is to much, i just need seriouse help or advice. Relaxing or going with the flow is alot easier said than done.
here is a list of problems that i need help to fix
1. how to overcome the intense nervous pain within me wen im trying to get close to a girl that im going out with.
2. how to hang out with her outside of school, since i cant drive, or have a ride, or house to hang out at since we both dont belong in groups, and the fact that we cant hang out at our own houses.
3. how to be a good wanting BF in general. wen i say this, i mean, from the way i talk to how to kiss better, or from how to start interesting topics to talk about to whatever.
4, how to be more easy going, not awkward to my GF(if i go out with her)
Thanks ppl, i apreciate it and those of you that wont bother to anser my question and just want to say stupid, mean thing, just **** off.