He is fake - there is NO question. I have encountered this same story so many times on dating sites
NO real person would EVER ask a person they had never met to send them money for any reason. This man is probably in his 30s or older - he has NO long time friends, no family, no work buddies, no neighbors, NOBODY he knows IN PERSON who would send him money for hospital bills????? Come on.
Not to mention that Malaysia has UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE - meaning treatment is free in all public hospitals. You cannot even get into a private hospital if you do not have private health insurance. A foreigner needing emergency treatment is treated for free
I can guarantee you have never Skyped - or you'd know the scammer you are in contact with is NOT the handsome man in the pictures, whose photos were stolen off some stock photo or amateur modeling site
And if this person claims to be a foreigner in Malaysia a call to his embassy will confirm he does not exist. If he was in the hospital his embassy would have been notified immediately. And he would also be registered with his country's embassy if he was on a work or residence visa
Malaysia is one of the capitals of online romance scams
"When we say "Nigerian scam", it doesn't mean it originates from Nigeria only. It may also originate from any other West African country, like Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal etc.. But recently Malaysia became a real hotspot for Nigerian scams. There is a huge Nigerian cell operating out of Malaysia...."
"A sad new scam is becoming very prevalent on the Internet - romance scam. Generally the romance scam artists are from Nigeria - though lately from Malaysia as well. They are operating out of Internet cafes, and often correspond with 10-11 woman at a time, hoping to make the kill."
"Most victims are highly educated women aged between 25 and 55, who frequent social networking sites in search of a relationship, but end up falling prey to Nigerian or Ghanaian swindlers based in Malaysia, Southeast Asia."
The fact he asked you for money in a country where healthcare is free is all the proof you need this person is a scammer. And the fact if he won't Skype when every internet cafe in Malaysia has webcams so he has NO excuse
A single call to his country's embassy in Malaysia will give you more proof
These criminals are good and use psychological manipulation to gain your trust and heart but it's all a cruel scam to steal as much of your money as possible