should i turn into an asshole since that is what women seem to want today?
steeler nation!!!!!!!
2007-05-24 15:57:29 UTC
I mean like I said before,women have told me that I am a great guy that they would love to have in there life,but lets be friends. what should I do,continue being a good guy or become a asshole.p.s.I apprecate everyones anwers in my other qustion they were great but I need a llittle more info,thanks.
56 answers:
2007-05-24 15:59:10 UTC
2007-05-24 16:04:11 UTC
Not true! Yeah right that women like a**holes they stay with them because they probably fell for them before the mask came off. Abusive men usually wait until marriage then they are no longer a good person. The women that get stuck in these types of situations are too scared to leave them. Others do it because they fear of being alone so really there was no need to judge some women for ''wanting'' a**holes because im sure they don't want that. I mean come on now and this goes for men too not just women who wants someone that treats them like ****? If you think you should turn into a mean *** then do it but you want to know what nobody is going to put up with that UNLESS they are scared of you and you are a jerk if you really want a woman that is scared of you!
2007-05-24 16:04:01 UTC
Maybe you are looking in the wrong places, or you might be too anxious and want to rush into things. Many women do not feel comfortable with a man who wants to get serious too quickly....

I don't think you should be mean or change if you are a nice guy. Chances are, the right woman is out there, looking for you, too.

Continue being nice and don't settle, either.

True love is a blessing, and it takes time and effort to mantain it once you find it. Good luck!
2007-05-24 16:06:55 UTC
Lets be honest. A tiger can't change his stripes, right? You're no more able to turn into an asshole than I'm going to turn into an apple. Don't worry about women not likeing you for being a decent person. I guarantee you will meet someone who will love that you make them feel like a queen. There are MILLIONS of women out there, the vast majority just want to feel like the most important thing in the world to their man. Be patient. Keep an eye out. Don't turn your nose up just because a girl just wants to be friends. The greatest loves usually start out as friendships. She just needs time to realize you are what she's looking for.
im jus me!!!
2007-05-24 16:04:44 UTC
dont turn into a asshole. if you start talking to girls and they already have a boyfriend, flirt with them in a noticeable way and tell them that your feelin them, dont play the friend role at first because thats how you will be treated. And if a girl is telling you off top that she wants to only be your friend, move on, dont keep trying with her because if she see you not interested in her as a girlfriend and you trying to pursue a relationship with someone else and your blowing her off for the next chick she will get jealous and eventually want you. So continue to be nice and your lucky girl will come along. And those other girls will be mad cause they will see what they couldve had
2007-05-24 16:05:30 UTC
Don't bother turning into an asshole. That's not gonna work. Here's the reason why because if you want to get a chick . Be yourself, no one likes a fake. If your'e truelly an asshole be an asshole, if your'e a nice guy be a nice guy. You do what you want but if the girl of your dreams being an asshole doesn't cut it.
2007-05-24 16:05:21 UTC
Ouch...who hurt you? No, women do not like assholes anymore than men probably would prefer a *****. Sometimes chemistry clicks, sometimes it doesn't. Both men and women--present company included--have been in your shoes. Just be yourself. If you are feeling angry or insecure, that will show and be a turn-off. I think people are attracted to people who are confident and upbeat. Be the good guy you are and don't worry so much what other people think. It'll happen if it's meant to be.
2007-05-24 16:04:27 UTC
ABRA CAT ABRA.....your an asshole now. Good luck on getting someone who likes you as an asshole. If that is the kind of girl you want. Try being yourself. If you find someone who likes that person you can have a meaning relationship. If you try to be an asshole it will come out later that you are not and that girl will leave you for another asshole. You don't want the type of girls who like me.
2007-05-24 16:03:17 UTC
Well some women like *******. So depending on the kinda girl you meet then turn into whatever type of guy she prefers. As much as people think the sweet guy technic is appealing to some its not others like rough guys. Try being in the middle but more of an a88. see if it works.
2007-05-24 16:03:05 UTC
Women don't want assholes. But they also don't want nice guys. They want nice bad boys. Someone who keeps them interested, curious, and in pursuit. If you let them think they have you, then you're done with them, they'll move on. Keep them guessing, but you can still be a nice guy with a bad side.

I've tried both ways (being a nice guy and being a nice bad boy) and the nice bad boy is far better. You'll get squat just being a nice guy.
2007-05-24 16:03:59 UTC
No. What ever you do don't sink down that low. Just because some women like bad boys and stuff doesn't mean that all girls do. Most women like a kind guy who they can open up they're heart to. Just be who you are and some girl who likes that about you will end up with you.
Kori spelled backwards is Irok
2007-05-24 16:05:02 UTC
Not all women want to be with jerks. The ones who do end up in relationships with ******* most likely grew up with an abusive male, whether it be a father, guardian or brother. To them, it's what they consider normal, so they'll date men like this because it's familiar to them. A nice guy can be actually really scary to a woman who has only known bad men. However, don't be discouraged and never "false advertise" because you want someone who loves you for who you truly are.
2007-05-24 16:02:50 UTC
Maybe you are trying to date the wrong type of woman for you. Women who say they like the bad guys are not looking for love. they want to have "fun". Those who think they like the bad guy and end up marrying him almost always regret it since that bad guy doesn't turn good with a ring on their finger.
2007-05-24 16:04:07 UTC
Don't be an asshole, because that'll get you nowhere. You'll end up alone and drowning in self pity. Just continue to be yourself and the right girl will come along. Don't worry about it. I'm the same way. So, just continue to be the nice guy and your Cinderella will come along soon enough.
2007-05-24 16:02:03 UTC
Women DO NOT like assholes.period. if you turn into an asshole you'll even lose the oppurtunity of friendship let alone a intimate relationship. DON'T CHANGE AND STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF then one day the right woman will find you and ask to be more than friends.
2007-05-24 16:03:44 UTC
NO! not all girls want that... only the girls who are a**holes themselves want an a**hole to get with...

perhaps all the girls that tell you that they just want to be friends is because they arent looking for a life partner, they are just looking for someone to screw, if you just want to be a ho, then go for it screw who ever you want... but if you are actually looking for a relationship with some women than wait for the right one to come... i heard that the longer you wait for something and the more hardwork you put into it the better it is in the end.. so just wait for the right girl to come into your life, and the wait will pay off in the end... GOOD LUCK!
2007-05-24 16:01:10 UTC
If you're not a jerk, you could only act like one for a limited amount of time. It's hard to keep up a pretense like that if it's not really you. (I pretended to be a good little Penecostal for a year when I was 18 so a girl would go out with me. It got very tiresome very fast.)
2007-05-24 16:32:50 UTC
You don't have to be an asshole to score chicks like one, you just need to understand what it is about assholes that seem to get them all the girls. They usually tend to be more confident and think they are they greatest guy on earth. That is what draws girls to them. Girls love confident guys. When you go up to girls just be really sure of yourself and they will respond to that. but once you get a girl, treat her nicely and she will stick around
devon d
2007-05-24 16:00:10 UTC
NO. A nice guy will eventually find the right person and be happy. A asshole will go through lots of girls but in the end won't ever be happy with the right person.
2007-05-24 16:02:57 UTC
I've considered it. If they like you too much, it seems they "value the relationship too much and don't want to risk losing it," then you become a brother rather than a boyfriend. Apparently, they love to hate. Be obnoxious, uncaring, thoughtless.. then they'll be with you. Maybe they love to hate. That way they can male-bash with their "girlfriends" because of how bad their boyfriend is to them!
2007-05-24 16:04:17 UTC
you want honesty? OK here it is women want a guy who is assertive and takes control when needs be. there is being nice and being a wimp learn the difference. being nice is saying yeah you can borrow my wrench being a wimp is not asking for it back because you don't want to piss them off. when i go out with a guy he needs to know what he wants and how he wants it but isn't an asshole to achieve it.
2007-05-24 16:00:52 UTC
No.....don't be an a**hole. Eventually, the right girl will come along that will appreciate you for being a nice guy. I think some women only like a'holes until they marry them. Then, once they discover their ERROR, they leave them and find a nice guy. Good luck to you.
2007-05-24 16:06:32 UTC
Women fall in love through their ears. You need to sound confident, certain and opinionated, which does not necessarily have to equal "asshole." Keep your body language in sync with your message; don't act submissive.
muscle bound hunk
2007-05-24 16:03:54 UTC
women don't want an asshole. you are confused, as are most guys about this situation. girls want a confident man. not cocky, but a man that is a leader. women were born to follow. i am not sexist, that is just the way it is. men are born to lead. that's why we have deep voices, big chests, and we fart a lot.....well, maybe not the last one
2007-05-24 16:11:30 UTC
the reason girls are attracted to guys like that are b/cuz they are the ones that usually stand out. No offense but the nice guys tend to get lost in the crowd. So u can stay nice, but speak up, make yourself known. girls respond to confidence.
2007-05-28 10:48:27 UTC
Maybe ...holes only like ...holes and you aren't one. So hold out for those smart women who like smart guys like you!

P.S. Dont get mad just because a girl wants to "just be friends." Sometimes they really think you're great, but they don't want more than friendship.

Hope this helps! :)
2007-05-24 16:02:00 UTC
Hmm well, put it this way.

2 nice guys in my life that i am friends with, if i had to go with one it would prob be the one that is more of an asshole, i dont know why its some way they manage to get round a girls head, but then saying that, my friend who is totally lovely, i love him, so i would say stick to being nice.
Lina x3 Pete Wentz is the sex!
2007-05-24 16:02:36 UTC
ah thats a question i would ask except in a girl version. yeah but dont turn into an asshole! bad decision. then just like go find others. apparently you fall for the assholes
2007-05-24 16:00:36 UTC
NO. Don't become something your not. When the time is right you will find a woman to appreciate all your great qualities. When we're searching for love is when it eludes us and when your not searching anymore is when love tends to find you.
2007-05-24 16:01:32 UTC
I feel you,women just date those guys because the like being entertained by the stupid things they do or say according to my source.
2007-05-24 16:00:53 UTC
don't change yourself into something bad. you just haven't met "the one". you will eventually. right now you prob. feel like giving up but i wouldn't if i were you. you will eventually find the love of your life. good luck & peace<3
Charli W
2007-05-24 16:03:55 UTC
no dont become an *** like every other guy if your a good guy you should stay that way and any girl would be lucky to have you.... you might be friends for now who know what might happen...... =)
2007-05-24 16:01:58 UTC
No. You should be yourself. It might be a little harder to find a girl who would like to go out with your type, but it's worth it in the long run.
2007-05-24 16:00:50 UTC
Don't become an asshole, girls don't like that (okay well maybe whores do)

but my point it you will loose you're friends if you do, and you won't get girls.
2007-05-24 16:00:53 UTC
No, you should not. I am sure you are not an A Hole. Just be yourself. You just haven't met the one for you just yet, give it some time.
2007-05-24 16:00:19 UTC
i think you should continue to be a good guy because anybody who would want to you to become that..


would be pretty crappy, not matter how rich, beautiful or whatever they may be..

I'd rather have a guy that really nice and crap that a complete jerk..
2007-05-27 14:45:14 UTC
You should be yourself. If they don't like you for who you are it's their loss. I have a boyfriend. I like him for his personality. He is nice not a jackass like other boys. Just for the record before he asked me out a real jackass boy asked me out. I told him no. Not all girls like jackass boys. Only some girls do.
Chelsea :-*
2007-05-24 16:02:07 UTC
no!!!! i would kill to have a guy like that!! well i know a guy like that but hes scared to death of me!! ((my friends say hes scared of me bcuz im so hott l0l)) but don't change u will find a girl that will apprecite u for u not for the a$$hole that your pretending to be!!
2007-05-24 16:01:27 UTC
no. DO NOT BECOME AN ASSHOLE! just be yourself. be true to her. that's all we really want. honesty is the best quality. just be patient, you will meet the right girl.
2007-05-24 16:03:29 UTC
well i think u should stay a good guy! there be someone one day that will enjoy ur company and wanna be more then friends!
2007-05-24 16:01:44 UTC
if your goal is just to get laid be an asshole

if you want more keep being nice and looking for miss right
2007-05-24 16:01:35 UTC
your face=]
2007-05-24 16:00:27 UTC
well sometimes girls want bad boys:]]

but u dont have to be an asshole in order to be bad.
Mizz SJG
2007-05-24 16:00:24 UTC
Wait for the woman who appreciates you for who you really are...and f-ck the rest.
2007-05-24 16:00:41 UTC
depends on where you live, what kind of boys are around you, and what type of girl you are trying to seduce
2007-05-24 16:01:07 UTC
no way! if these other girls don't want you the way you are, then they are not right for you.
2007-05-24 16:03:14 UTC
2007-05-24 15:59:50 UTC
If as*hole works.
2007-05-24 15:59:39 UTC
No you shouldn't, if they don't like who you are forget them.
2007-05-24 16:00:33 UTC
yea,but watch someone doesn't wipe you-and flush you away.
2007-05-24 16:00:50 UTC
coarse not mate..good guys win...
2007-05-24 15:59:44 UTC
NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! the best girls you find will want you to be sweet, not stupid and mean.
The pink Soccer ball
2007-05-24 15:59:42 UTC
2007-05-24 15:59:40 UTC
stop feeling sorry for yourself
2007-05-24 16:00:26 UTC
Only if you want sex.
~~eddie m~~~
2007-05-24 16:00:20 UTC
yea sure, why not!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.