Why do some guys think it's okay to say the F word?
2011-09-02 08:02:32 UTC
Why do some guys think it's okay to say the F word around girls? I have had a few guys in my days use the F word around me as if it's nothing. I grew up to believe that ladies dont say that (even though I curse when by myself). And guys should not use it loosely around girls. I get a weird feeling inside when guys do this, especially when in a group they think nothing of it and when I hear girls saying it as if it's just part of their language, I get a bad impression of them. What do you think? Thanks for your answers..........Im writing an essay.
Eleven answers:
2011-09-02 08:07:28 UTC
I personally don't swear around girls. The F word or other swear words. I think it depends on the girls though, if the girl's all wild, you know, the partying, doing drugs, drinking and smoking kinds, whatever, just swear, they probably like their boys bad and messed up.
1970s Bill Murray
2011-09-02 08:13:40 UTC
I think my biggest gripe is people using the word so loosely that it has lost meaning. I think it's a good word, though I would never use it around little kids.

There are worse things to say, but I think most of all, we should be annoyed by the context of the words. For example, if I was to bring up the OTHER F word, I have no problem with it...BUT, I do find it wrong when it is referring to a homosexual in a pejorative way.

Aside from that, I think I get most upset over political correctness. I think it is far worse than the words themselves. It means we have lost right to say what we really want to say (despite that fact they we are thinking it).

Ultimately, I think people should be aloud to say exactly whatever they want (but keeping in mind of children who are not yet mature enough to grasp the idea of those words), but also, knowing that the context is far more important.


I think GARK is spot on with this, especially when he said that it has the biggest impact when it is used by someone who rarely swears at all. I almost feel like that was the core purposes for words like this--to express the ultimately feeling of whatever it is that you are feeling in one word.

The word has entered into our everyday vocabulary giving it very little meaning.

Consider the sexual revolution in the 1970's. Sex at one point was taboo to talk about (especially if you were a woman) but in the 70's, it became a very casual thing to do and talk about. Perhaps it was durring that same era that the word began to become more casual. the F word, but definition, means sex and it began to be used in mainstream movies in that era. I was born in the 80s, so I wouldn't know, but it's just a simple theory.
2011-09-02 08:12:57 UTC
the F word is a brilliant word. it can be used in all sorts of ways...

Noun: I don’t give a F.

Adjective: Jennifer is organizing the F-ing event.

Verb: Don’t F it up.

Transitive verb: Paul F-ed Jennifer.

Intransitive verb: Jennifer Fs.

Part of an adverb: Jennifer organizes too F-ing much.

Adverb enhancing an adjective: Jennifer is F-ing amazing.

Part of a word: Fanfuckingtastic! Absofuckinglutely infuckingcredible!

it's a wonderful word with a wonderful history, as has the rudest word of all. you know the one i'm talking about..... C U Next Tuesday, yeah? that, too, has an interesting history. Shakespeare would slip it into his plays, by having his actors emphasise syllables of other, 'What country (CUNTry) men are these?" etc.

i've always found that the less a person swears, the biggest the impact when they do- especially when it is uttered meaningfully, as opposed to shouted out by every other degenerate in the street.

2011-09-05 02:46:41 UTC
The F word is not ok to say around anyone. The problem is you hear it in movies a lot now, so some people think it's ok. For me, it is very uncomfortable to hear. It sounds very violent.
2011-09-02 08:14:08 UTC
A lot of people - both guys and girls drop the F bomb very loosely these days. Many people do it because they don't have the verbal skills to express themselves any other way. Swearing is basically a small mind trying to express itself powerfully.
2011-09-02 08:07:31 UTC
I think it is OK to use if you hit your thumb with a hammer, but I try not to swear around girls. Sometimes, I have let one out, as well I have heard women swear around me on occasion, but it is not good etiquette. People who do not know you will think you are less educated if they hear you swear.
Jeanne B
2011-09-02 08:06:41 UTC
I guess I am old fashioned or something, but I don't like it either. I don't use it and I see it as a lack of respect when guys use it around me.

Maybe its cos we don't say anything that some people think it is okay to use it everywhere.
2011-09-02 08:05:47 UTC
Most men have always sworn - but not so frequently around girls as they do these days. It`s a sign of the times.

Many girls also swear now - since women`s lib they like to be one of the guys, on a par with the men.

Personally I think it is sad. A clear sign of declining manners and morals. But there you go - that is the reality.
2011-09-02 08:05:21 UTC
They think it's ok to use it because they're used to using it. It's foul language. And yes, getting a bad impression is the normal thing to feel for those who are raised in a good environment.
2011-09-02 08:05:34 UTC
Because It's just a word. An intense word but still just a word nonetheless.
2011-09-02 08:03:56 UTC
Its 2011, Everyone says the "F" word.

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