I am 13 and I have a gf and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her is that crazy she wants to as well and we really love each other?
2017-01-15 03:31:15 UTC
I am 13 and I have a gf and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her is that crazy she wants to as well and we really love each other?
223 answers:
Obi Wan Knievel
2017-01-17 15:54:50 UTC
Of course it's crazy. But that's not a bad thing, it's just a fact. The teenage years are pretty much the standard definition of insanity, and most of us enjoyed them immensely.

I had my first serious girlfriend at 13, and what we had was real. It didn't last, because almost no couples last long at that age, but it was as real as real gets. That was now over 30 years ago, and I'm still on good terms with that girl. We might be older, wiser and a little more wrinkled than we were in those days, but we're still the same people we were 30 years ago.

You probably won't spend the rest of your life with your girlfriend, grow old together and die in each others' arms. I'm not trying to discourage you, that's just the cold hard facts. But that's no reason not to enjoy what you have today, so enjoy it.

And if anyone tells you you're too young to know what love is, tell them they're just too old to remember what life is. Then tell them to get back to the nursing home and take their meds.
2017-01-18 23:49:27 UTC
Wow look at all these older people telling her she hasn't lived enough to know what love is and telling her what will happen. Pretty sure she knows what love is. I had a bf at age 11 and it was the exact same love I felt when I was 20 and now 30. It was real at the time and it's still real now. Love is love. It's an emotion, it doesn't just change (unless you give up on life or something but even so it doesn't just evolve or change shape. It's a simple, nice emotion that happens when you meet someone you are crazy for, doesn't matter how old you are). You love her. Your outlook on life might change, as well as your interests, and your skills and other things, but I think it's not crazy to feel these things at 13. In fact it's probably exciting and really nice, which it should be.

Be happy together and I hope you two do stay together forever.
Variable 46
2017-01-17 05:24:22 UTC
You're not crazy. I know how you feel. And while the odds are against you, sometimes these things happen. Our society celebrates people who have been married 50, 60 and even 70 years, but for this to happen, they had to bind themselves to each other at a very young age. Just like you two might be doing.

So good luck! But an unsolicited bit of advice if this doesn't go as you now hope: If the day comes when you two break up, no matter how much it may hurt, try to do so with maturity, discretion, honor, kindness and tact. No matter what, you'll always want this special girl to remember you well.
2017-01-21 16:29:25 UTC
It's not crazy to feel that way. It's a mistake i think every Human is guilty of.

There's nothing i can say that doesn't make me sound like a boring adult, but it's the reality of things.

The odds of the two of you feeling that way forever are slim. And yes it's because you are both young. One of you will eventually reach a point where you feel you need to get more experience and not want to have been shackled to the same person their whole lives.

Thing is you are both still growing and maturing in the mind. We change a lot from that age, how we feel and think from our experiences.

When you're 25 like me you'll have felt like you've lived several personalities. 13 year old me is like an entirely different human being. Even my preference in girls has changed over those years.

I'm just saying you have a lot of growing to do still, and with that will come a lot of changes you have little power over, which shape your out look and expectations from life.

I guarantee they conflict with long term relationships, especially when you're younger.

You might not even love her. Sounds harsh. But when i was that age i used to think that. But when i compare those times to my adult relationships i realise i didn't know what love really was. I thought i loved these people, actually i was just highly fond of them.

Still, treat each other right and make it last as long as possible. Nothing wrong with that at all. I'm just warning you to not get so invested in the "spend the rest of our lives together" thinking. It's rare in even adulthood.
2017-01-19 05:35:04 UTC
Be together as long as you want! It's possible that you two WILL be together for the rest of your lives. Just because you're 13, it doesn't mean you won't find your true love that you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. I'm just warning you... Things can change when you guys get older. You two aren't fully matured and might just be a lust or something. It can be love. I'm not you so I don't know what you're feeling. But you have a 50/50 chance! It's possible you two will never speak again in the next 7 years OR you two will still be together sitting in your living room all wrinkled and 90 years old asking each other "which one of us pooped this time?" Lol good luck with her dude!
2017-01-16 01:01:57 UTC
You're not crazy. I was madly in love at your age as well. I'm 20 now. You are really young though. That doesn't mean you are incapable of feeling intense emotions, however, you will grow and change so much over these next years. Every year of your teenage life you will grow and learn so so much. So will your girlfriend. This isn't a bad thing. What happened with me and my ex boyfriend is we outgrew each other. We are still best friends but we are two totally different people now and cannot make a relationship work. However, if delicately done, not every break up has to be horrible. You can become great friends. There's only one of my ex's that I hate and it is because he ruined my freaking life when I was a few years older than you. Aside from that, I'm friends with my ex's. Don't be scared to lose her. If it is meant to be, you will work out.

And DO NOT listen to people calling you a dumb kid. Your views of love may change over time, you still feel this right now though.
2017-01-16 02:41:39 UTC
I have no doubt that you love her, and she loves you; and that you two want to spend the rest of your lives together. It's a true and deep and special love; and you will always love her, no matter what life may throw your way later.

If you two were of an age where you could marry each other now, there's a high possibility that you would stay together for the rest of your lives. Unfortunately, you are not able to do that.

You both are still growing and developing your individual likes, dislikes, and interests. In a couple of years (if that long), both of you - without even intending to do so - will meet someone new whom you will love and will always want to be with. I don't intend to sound hateful, but that's what is going to happen.

You two enjoy your love and your feelings for each other now; and don't be concerned about the rest of your lives. She will always be your first love and you will always be hers; and NOTHING and NO ONE will ever take that wonderful memory away from either of you. If you live to be 100, whenever you think of her you will always remember her with love.
2017-01-20 23:20:15 UTC
happened to me too at 13 and 2 days later I got sick of him so. Don't mess around with love too much, society is already ****** up enough. I guess you guys are just developing feelings, it's all okay. But make sure you don't get to far, one single bad move one of you do and it will end into a pain full break up. good luck with your relationship tho. People change too, what if tomorrow she will start being a hippie (example) and you can't stand it but she can't do anything about it because she likes it. there's another problem, in high school you will have to start choosing colleges of your choice. Relationship will be a side problem for you. Everyone likes money right? Everyone wants to live peacefully? So trust me you will go for the job than a girl. Sounds brutal but true. You will have a distance relationship, but?? You both will start growing up and meeting new people. You will probably find a new girl that will be your taste, she will be like your girlfriend now. But the fun part in dating in middle school is that you need to enjoy your time being together. Just enjoy it, go out as much as possible, talk as much as you want. Do whatever you want, you don't know how much I regretted the fact not asking my old crushes to ask them out, I was so shy about it. I did once, it turned out into the best relationship I've actually ever had. Take risks and enjoy your time. BE SAFE THO!!! Have fun :)
2017-01-18 22:56:54 UTC
I'm not knocking you and I commend you on your decisions, but are you serious? Did you really sit down and make a conscious decision about this?

Your only 13 years old and you have your whole life ahead of you.

Have you decided on getting a job, to help support the one you love.

As young as you are where does such love stem from? Have you two had s x yet?

I'm not trying to knock you down tiger, it's just that your still young and making a decision like that a 13 in my opinion is overwhelming for me. That's a huge step, to live with someone for the rest of your life.

If that's what you want and if that's what she wants, then I hope you the best. Just make sure you make all the right decisions that's all. I hope this helps.
2017-01-17 18:13:03 UTC
No,it's not crazy it's really sweet.I hope it does work out for ya'll.But the chances are very slim.You may or may not grow and change a lot in the next few years.I won't say it can't work out.Because many times in the past it has.But you two take your time and don't rush into sex just because that's what everyone does.If you are mature about it and work at it.You can make it last. But, you can't look at every sweet little thing that walks by, you know?
2017-01-20 05:57:08 UTC
No that is not crazy or weird to me. I've heard of stories where people who dated in their teenage years, later married and are spending the rest of their lives together. I hate when people say "Oh that relationship won't last" when they don't even know the details of the relationship and how strong the bond is.

They are probably jealous they can't find anyone. I do believe any relationship can last if both people put their minds to it and take care of each other. Relationships are big commitments but they are worth it if you really care about that person.

Don't let people bring you down. Enjoy your relationship and see where it takes you. Will you last forever? It's definitely a possibility. If you truly love her and aren't just interested in looks, and she loves you for you then yes I certainly see your relationship lasting forever.

But if you're only dating each other because you's look cute then it has a lower chance of lasting. If that's the case, sooner or later one of you will have the attention of someone hotter and you'll both go running from each other in a millisecond.

I've been in shallow relationships before and they do not last. My current relationship however, is not based on looks. It's based on personality and how deep our feelings are for each other. We care about each other for way more than looks, sex, or physical shape.

We're only 16/17 and I'm confident about this one. My others however, I was never so confident about. If you feel like this is the one for you and you're confident about it then it will likely last. And I hope it does! You seem to care very much for each other. Good luck :)
2017-01-15 11:59:34 UTC
what a special thing you two have but your young real young you aren't even out of your parents house either one of you yet. I am going to tell you something and not to let you know something. I am not a young person I have lived many years seen lots of things. I have rund across people that met it other in grade school and were either in like with each other or it felt very special. But they where always in the same school all throughout but they also both had boyfriends and girlfriends throughout all those years. Then school stops for everyone one day. well this is whats important. If what you two have with each other is that very special thing that can happen with two people it will be there no matter what with the both of you. If you go about your life like I said these other people did if its meant to be it is but if you or her find that you find someone that makes you feel even more than you do for that other person (which is already pretty special) then it would be hard to ignore it when it did come along.
2017-01-18 14:58:53 UTC
Wait until you're 18. Hate to say it, but I'm 14 and would never do that until I'm adult and I 100% know that person is the one for me even though I haven't dated anyone else. This could be a rash decision. If you haven't been together for that long, you would get divorced easily. Besides, you need your parents' blessing to marry because you're so young. You may think this is the only time you'll feel the strong feelings of love, and my guess is you're not used to it. You can love more than once. Many many times, in fact.
2017-01-18 21:25:00 UTC
Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. No. The chances of one of you getting struck by lightning, mauled by a bear, then having the bear get struck by lightning while it's still digesting you is high than the chances of 2 13 year olds who think they "wanna spend the rest of [their] life together actually doing so.

And to the others who talk about those who've managed to stay married for a really long time? Yeah, grow up a little bit and get to know them a little so they can tell you about all the times each one has cheated and/or how miserable they were/are but just never felt like going through the trouble of getting a divorce.
2017-01-16 03:17:30 UTC
No, you are not crazy. Plan your futures together. Take some time to examine all of the ways that you love each other. What exactly do you have in common with her. Do you share the same opinions on politics, art, cinema, music, food? Then move onto the more weighty stuff like philosophy, ontology, epistemology. During my life I had four women who honored me by sawing they were in love with me. I buried two; the other two broke up with me several months after our relationship started. Try to find out all of the things that you do NOT like about each other. Then think, "are these gamebreakers?" At the end of the process, you will be better equipped to make the decision whether to stay or leave her. Good luck to both of you.
2017-01-20 06:45:24 UTC
No that's not crazy at all. I think you should totally go for it, be happy together and see how things turn out. Unfortunately, many people won't take your relationship seriously and that can be stressful sometimes (I've been through it) but as long as you are happy and you truly love each other, I hope you end up getting to spend the rest of your lives together.
2017-01-17 14:51:53 UTC
At the age of 13, you are capable of feeling intense emotions towards someone. But let me remind you of something.

Now, at this current state, your body is still physically undeveloped and will undergo major differences in the next few years. But not only your body, your outlook will change. You see, personality of today will resemble personality 10 years from now (assuming you won't experience anything traumatic or drastic) but will not be the same.

Similar changes will occur to your girlfriend. Adolescence which awaits you will deeply change the foundations and bring certain insecurities while at the same time it will bring essential knowledge required for the future.

To ask your question: be happy and enjoy time with her, but when you two separate don't feel sad, because you've got whole life in front of you.
2017-01-15 06:47:43 UTC
You and her would have to get along for many reasons including being

compatibility on many levels. Figure out how many things you have in

common with each other.And,its okay when there are some things you dont have in common. You both need to talk to each other about everything in your relationship.Its teamwork.And it shouldnt be hard work.Be happy

together. Its not really crazy. You have a lot of things happening in your teenage lives so live and learn.If you make mistakes at least learn from it to be better.

I'm going to suggest you do some reading. There are books for teenagers you should read:

"Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul". And there are other books in the

series. "Teen love on Relationships" By Kimberly Kirberger. Read those so you can learn more about relationships.
2017-01-21 17:53:01 UTC
If you think you will die at 18 yrs of age, then I will say you are not crazy. Go ahead & spend the next 5 yrs with her. Other than that, I think you are beyond NAIVE & crazy. When I was 13, I could not even go on internet (did not exist then) & post crazy stuff like you can today. Be thankful of what you have today. Do as best as you can in school. Success will come of your hard works & good education but success will NEVER come because of your relationship or having GF at 13 yrs old ...guaranteed
2017-01-17 03:37:41 UTC
That's not crazy. Love her while you've got her. I hope you spend your entire lives together and grow old together on a porch swing holding wrinkly hands. Just be careful not to prioritize that above everything because in the long run you need to keep your grades up and be prepared for the world to throw the unexpected your way. I had to move away from the love of my life for college but that's so we can afford the porch swing to grow old on. Love finds a way, wishing you the best, make good decisions (don't have sex for a long, long time)
2017-01-16 05:17:55 UTC
That's a lie because love is a high. Therefore the tolerance will build up in you but not her. Then when she loses her tolerance she will blow everything up and you will lose a tremendous amount.

Girls don't get the same flood of hormones boys do at that age. But just look up divorce court results. Women lie and only you feel this way. She just hates the risk and loves the commitment.

But when another dude with more stuff comes along your commitment wont matter to her and she will see you as needy and clingy. Then she will want some lame gay lookin dude like drake. Who is quiet and beats her in doors like Rihanna. Because she created that and it's her own idea.
2017-01-18 03:30:41 UTC
You're definitely not crazy, it's just that not a lot of relationships at that age last. I should know, I just got out of a serious one that started when I was 13, and ended after a CRAZY year and a half
2017-01-16 07:37:14 UTC
You are not crazy man I knew I had really strong feelings for a girl when I was 13 and I never acted on it and I'm 19 point is u can love at any age I feel. I'm 19 and don't have any girl frequently in my life lol so she is just a number
2017-01-16 19:27:31 UTC
You are definitely not crazy to be in love with your gf. The only way to let her know that you are serious and willing to commit to her is to have a baby. Remember though, in doing so, you're assuming the responsibility of being a parent and also providing for your family. Start looking for a part time job in which you can earn enough to take care of a new born, and girlfriend. A job with medical insurance would also be helpful.
2017-01-17 16:08:45 UTC
I admire and respect your feelings. The big problem is that all those touchy feely, warm and fuzzy feelings change over time. Also society has so many false expectations as to what real love and committment really is. The cards are very much against you, but if you and her choose this path to walk, may God bless you. I have a friend that met and decided to marry a girl when he was 9. They married in their late ttens and are now in their 70's. They have a beautiful family with lots of kids and grand kids. The whole thing boils down to committment and that promise to love,honor and cherish. I can happen, as long as two are willing to work to make it so.
2017-01-17 17:08:21 UTC
Sorry to burst your bubble but at your age you do not even know what love is. What you feel is infatuation and your smitten to having this person in your life what is known as puppy love. Many things change as you age and also going through puberty and such the girl you like now may not be the one you will like in 2-3yrs. Many people date several people throughout there time in jr.high and high school to be hooked on one right now is kind of foolish and wishful thinking. You may think your in love but just wait and see someone else possibly better looking maybe bigger breasts a better butt etc. catches your eye and things end with this GF you have now. Puberty changes the way we look at the opposite sex and also the way we look at the world.
2017-01-20 09:00:25 UTC
Well I'm 15 now and my boyfriend is 16. We've been together for 2 years now and still happy, a lot of rocky roads to start our relationship, but we have now grown up a lot and have an amazing relationship! Don't let anybody tell you you're too young, because I loved my boyfriend at 13! love does change though, you'll find the way you love them changing but it's only ever for the better (well has been for me) enjoy you're relationship :)
2017-01-16 18:32:09 UTC
I'm 14, I had a girlfriend for 5 months until she broke up with me some weeks ago. We thought we would stay together forever. Of course, that's just my experience. It differs a lot from person to person. If you really think you'll stay together forever and have a future together, go for it, but all I'm saying is, things might not always have an expected outcome. And at your age, it's very normal to have such strong feelings. Sometimes they're temporary, sometimes they last forever.
2017-01-17 21:40:00 UTC
Well on my point of view it is kinda crazy. But I started dating my current spouse when I was 13. And we really wanted to get married. Now we're 40 and we're pretty happy. We were crazy but if you think it's true love then make it work
2017-01-20 03:30:19 UTC
I'm afraid we all go through times like this. You are too young to be thinking like this. When you both leave school for college your relationship is very likely to break as of the distance (presuming you go to seperate colleges) And you get to an age when you want to explore and meet new people. This could also cause you to drift apart. I dont mean to be bad but these things usually work out this way. And my money is on that you are split before you're 17. Sorry.
2017-01-23 01:17:47 UTC
Of course this is crazy!!... But I totally understand. I've been with my bf for almost 4 months and we feel the exact same way, but I'm about to be 15 and he's 16. There is a possibility that things could work out Hun... But it's small. We all hope to god that it will work out. In fact, me and my bf already made plans for when we graduate!! Young love is strong love. Enjoy it while you can!
2017-01-21 10:31:18 UTC
Look kid...make sure that you really love each others before you make such decisions bcz when i was 13..i was like you i was in love with a girl to the point where i wanted to stay with her forever and she felt the same but then...a year later i discovered that she just stopped caring about me and i guess we both stopped feeling that chemistry that was between us and we had to go diffrent ways and split up...and that hurt me so much at that time so take your time to think about this so you don't do the same mistake i did Peace out
2017-01-16 20:11:50 UTC
Look, I'm 14 (turning 15 in March) and my (now ex) gf and I were madly in love too. You're not crazy but I have some advice:

Don't have sex without protection - You may not even be thinking about sex right now but me and my gf had sex regularly after the month after we turned 14 and she ended up missing her periods and we got really scared that we were gonna have a kid but luckily we didn't. Actually just don't have sex until your prepared to have a baby unexpectedly.
2017-01-19 00:40:29 UTC
Crazy? Yes. Love? Maybe. For the rest of your lives? Probably not. At 13 it's hard to tell...
2017-01-16 23:14:40 UTC
There is no right and wrong in love it's other things you should consider

Is my age going to get in the way?

Am I too young and I am not wise enough and made the wrong choice?

Will show endure and wait for me and encourage me?

All these questions are on your mind now

Don't worry I know people who where childhood friends and ended up being married

It's normal it happens keep it up don't lose the one you love and don't give up
2017-01-17 16:25:54 UTC
Real serious relationships start after 20. Until then anything can change. So dont get too attached to one person. You will get hurt if they leave, as they usually will. Just spend time with you loved ones like your parents until then. They love you regardless and they want leave you for another person no women can match their love. You need to know who love you the most in life. everyone else takes second place. dont forget the hierarchy of love and it will cost you dearly later in life when this gf says bye bye.
2017-01-15 10:10:20 UTC
It's not crazy love, it means you are two very healthy and happy kids, well done. You can sure try and stay together forever i don't see why not. Relationships, good ones are love and chemistry plus devotion and working on it. You just never give up on each other and you grow together.

Don't listen to idiots love, you two should love each other, live your lives, enjoy the closeness and love and work on staying together. You two can do whatever you put you minds to it when it comes to most things, especially your relationship.
2017-01-16 09:14:42 UTC
No... You're not crazy... It's normal to live someone in any age, but you must be careful, because the incidents in life are unpredictable... You don't know what will happen even in the next few minutes... So, maybe you won't love each other so much in the next years, but I hope your love stay immortal... Good luck...
2017-01-21 17:58:02 UTC
No, it's not crazy but it IS young love. You will find that young love often doesn't last (although it is not impossible), as over the next 10-15 years, you will change very as a person. Sometimes, you just find that you no longer are who you thought you were, and neither is the person you love/d.
2017-01-20 13:22:18 UTC
yes its crazy but I suggest not really sharing that with anyone because no one knows the fate of the relationship between you two and most peoples opinions and comments will be very doubtful of you two being together for the rest of your lives. You just need to understand that while you feel this way and they are true genuine feelings that also the reality of this happening could be a no so since you two are both young just focus on being a good boyfriend and she needs to focus on being a good girlfriend.
2017-01-23 00:54:17 UTC
I'm not trying to be a downer but you're only 13, it's likely that you'll change in the future and so will she You both might want different things as you age so you shouldn't get your hopes up.
2017-01-22 08:17:11 UTC
It wont last, some 20 year old guy going to do her. 20 year old guys love 13 years old. And if he be 35 wow, she's going to be very experience at 13. You can thank the older guys for stealing all the babies from the young boys.
2017-01-16 04:05:08 UTC
no you're not crazy for wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone. even at such a young age. maybe it's not likely for you guys to stay together forever but it is possible. but you have to realize that things might not work out. and even though there is a possibility that you guys won't work out. that doesn't mean you should just give up.
2017-01-22 21:34:18 UTC
It's not crazy. You can love someone at the age of 13 it just bare in mind that she could change her mind in the future so be prepared so the guys I like when I was 13 are just eww to me. So yea but it's not crazy it's cute.

Check out my blog guys
2017-01-16 18:06:21 UTC
No i think it is normal to feel that way.

The issue is when u 2 start dealing with life lessons as u get older.

Everything may feel warm and fuzzy now, but then when start to realize lie isn't as warm and fuzzy as u thought, your feelings may change.

True love isn't so much of how warm and fuzzy u feel about someone, but the whole person (flaws and all) that u see in front of u aftet getting to know them and work at your relationship

That's life, that's love

Good luck
2017-01-18 19:45:56 UTC
you are not crazy man i knew i had really strong feelings for a girl when i was 13 and i never acted on it and i'm 19 point is u can love at any age i feel... i'm 19 and don't have any girl frequently in my life lol so she is just a number
2017-01-20 03:39:03 UTC
It’s nice to hear that you and your gf love each other very much and want to spend the rest of your lives together. You guys are too young and have a lot of future ahead. Please pursue things hand-in-hand – school, higher studies, career, life. Remember you have a lot of time to do things right and not in haste. I wish you good luck. Sending prayers your way!
2017-01-16 03:43:33 UTC
Don't give up just because people say it won't work out, anything could happen and people have met their true loves at this age before. Remember to not lose hope, and trust and communication is always an important factor in relationships! :)
2017-01-18 12:15:12 UTC
Indeed that might work out well for you, and I hope it does. But note that at your age many things are happening in your body and in your mind and nobody knows how you might feel in a few years time.

Note that your love will have to be platonic (non-sexual) for a few years yet. The minimum legal age for sex in many countries is 16 years, even higher in some. Check the law where you are to get the full legal details where you are.
2017-01-19 12:19:47 UTC
that's not crazy... love her while you've got her... i hope you spend your entire lives together and grow old together on a porch swing holding wrinkly hands... just be careful not to prioritize that above everything 'cause in the long run you need to keep your grades up and be prepared for the world to throw the unexpected your way... i had to move away from the love of my life for college but that's so we can afford the porch swing to grow old on... love finds a way, wishing you the proper, make good decisions (don't have sugar for a long, long time)
2017-01-20 12:20:54 UTC
It's not THAT crazy and it's also defiantly not unheard of. But it is unrealistic. I honestly do hope that you two turn out for the best but realistically speaking it's not guaranteed. And I'm 14 so I know and understand our ages but just know to enjoy your time with her and see how it all works out. Good luck x
2017-01-16 01:12:35 UTC
You're not crazy. When I was 14 I literally was convinced I would marry my boyfriend. To be honest I still think that he would've been the one had he not moved. For some people, they're very fortunate to find the ONE at such a young age (my college professor married his MIDDLE SCHOOL sweetheart!!!) you're not crazy, who knows, maybe you're meant to be together :)
2017-01-15 17:34:06 UTC
It's too quick to get to such a's not crazy but you need to think about it.people at such age are nt that mature that they can get to such a conclusion nd be very sure about it.maybe it just feels like you would want to stay with them need to think about it as you are very young to get involved in true love thing and even you have a future to make.this is growing age you have different types of thinking nd your mind starts running giving you all sorts of thoughts.make sure you don't lose your focus from studies..having said that there is nothing if you really have true feelings then you can move ahead with it nd don't bother about different people's it's just not crazy
2017-01-15 11:27:08 UTC
It is too early to come to such a conclusion . With maturity ideas can change .There is nothing wrong in having a love affair at the age of 13 but give priority to build up your future so that you can realize your childhood dream.
2017-01-18 20:41:51 UTC
you are not crazy man i knew i had really strong feelings for a girl when i was 13 and i never acted on it and i'm 19 point is u can love at any age i feel... i'm 19 and don't have any girl frequently in my life lol so she is just a number
2017-01-18 21:00:47 UTC
Its really called first love or puppy love. You guys will have very different feelings 5 or 10 yrs from now. Enjoy being good friends and develop a strong friendship. There is no need to rush into anything. Who knows who you will be with 5 yrs from now.
2017-01-18 17:31:24 UTC
it isn't impossible for that to happen, and no it isn't really "crazy", just take things slow, you'll meet new people and you guys will still grow. Love is pretty broad anyways. Just try your best for each other, and avoid messing up your opportunities to have a good life together when you guys grow older :) wishin you luck.
2017-01-17 16:08:59 UTC
Its not crazy. However your 13 and your hormones are constantly fluxuating. I say date her and if by end of high school you are still together then make the commitment to her. But until then take it one day at a time. Good Luck!
2017-01-17 18:11:58 UTC
to bad were all gonna be dead by the time you are old enough to marry her. Obama is gonna come back and take over and drop environmentally friendly bombs on all of us. Any way, if you love her buy her stuff, like flowers and trash bags, gurlz go crazy for that stuff. Big money little bud! catch ya on the flip side. Daddy Cornstarch is cool
Brandon Brooks
2017-01-17 20:22:51 UTC
No its not crazy my best friend and his wife have been together since 6th grade and now they're 28 and 30 still have their same smile and love for eachother. Congrats on finding her early
2017-01-17 13:02:58 UTC
That's good. Love is fun. Enjoy it.

But remember one thing: your personality doesn't stop changing and evolving until you are about 24. So keep in mind that both you and she will be very different people in 11 years.
2017-01-19 01:26:59 UTC
You're not crazy at all. Good for you 😊 A lot of people who are older than you have horrible relationships. But it's nice that someone at your age can feel that way about someone you love.
2017-01-18 15:56:11 UTC
You are only 13, your preferences will change as you get a little older, she may be the opposite of someone you want to date in 3 years... physically and mentally.
2017-01-17 06:10:19 UTC
You're young dude.. you're in your honeymoon stages. maybe when she gets older she'll fall for someone else or maybe your interests will change... attitudes will change.. friends will change... but for now... Enjoy it.. have fun... live... laugh and love eachother... just don't forget to do your homework and stay in school. I hope she's a good influence. You're not crazy at all.
Linda R
2017-01-19 19:50:25 UTC
Neither one of you are mature enough to even know what 'true' love is. Focus on your education; graduate high school, go to college, graduate college, get a job and then think about marriage. Marriage is a HUGE responsibility and it is NOT for 13-year olds!
2017-01-15 21:02:53 UTC
Not weird at all I was the same way at 12 with my boyfriend we wanted to live together forever and my parents were nice enough to let us "own" the basement ish cuz they would rent it out to people so they let us live there and we still currently live there and it's been the best 3 years of my life
2017-01-17 21:32:29 UTC
No, i knew of a few people like that and two of them are still together 20years later. Only time will tell like anything though, people fall in and out of love and adults get love and lust confused.

nobody knows if things will last or not. The people I knew of had many tell them it wouldn't last as young love never does and they are still together.
2017-01-15 19:24:06 UTC
Look, buddies. Everyone has relationships from that age we all have regrets about. Either regrets that we let them get away, or let everyone tell us they wouldn't work, regrets that we spent so much time on them, or regrets that we even tried. This has to be heavy deep,. deeper than wanting to stay together forever. It's gotta be heavy crazy fairybook level business, and if it is, you need to wait it out, and pursue it. Keep figuring out who she is, till the day you all die
2017-01-18 20:35:37 UTC
you both feel that way right now, but trust me in a few years, it'll change again, u 2 may grow apart and move on to other ppl*....but you may remain friends for a very long time...Enjoy your time together..and who knows, you may be that one couple that stay together over the years n maybe even end up getting married..but for now, just enjoy each others company n life :)
2017-01-17 06:11:22 UTC
It's not crazy, it happens to anyone of any age who falls madly in love! It is possible for your relationship to last forever, I know two couples who met in middle school too, and have been happily married. One couple's in their thirties and the other is in their sixties.
2017-01-21 02:04:15 UTC
2017-01-15 03:46:27 UTC
I don't know. 13 is young. In 5 years you will all take your separate paths. It matters how deep the love is.
2017-01-18 14:19:08 UTC
Go gay kid. That sweet innocent girl will be your future tormentor. Girls may be sugar and spice but keep her away from the bread and rice. You did not smell her stuff yet. Give it a second thought. Get out of the straight life now! It is horrible for men!
2017-01-17 06:02:01 UTC
No you are not crazy

You're just serious about your relationship and gf
2017-01-19 00:49:49 UTC
Well dude don't make any drastic decisions (like get married) but I would stay with her till you guys get older and if you still feel the same way then go ahead and do what you want
2017-01-21 05:06:32 UTC
I said that when I was 13. I broke up with her 2 days later.
2017-01-19 23:26:49 UTC
You're going to meet so many new people when you get older... Don't limit yourself to one person at the age of 13
2017-01-17 20:45:08 UTC
It'll be over in 2 days
2017-01-18 04:01:16 UTC
See how you feel and if you're still together by the time you finish school, then you'll be sure by then about who and what you want.
2017-01-17 14:33:29 UTC
You are not crazy to feel that way but you are very young it's also good to meet people as well.
2017-01-15 05:32:58 UTC
Cute story kid but it'll all fade away as you both grow up well only unless you're that crazy for each other and if it's not one sided.Best of luck👍
2017-01-18 18:40:40 UTC
MMMMM, some puppy love.

Listen here, little grasshopper.

Before u take on the important role as a husband, you gotta learn a thing or two. Good thing u have papa kevo here to teach u. First things first, when lil mama wants some sugar, you gotta give it to her. You understand me? You must satisfy her young, precious needs. You following, grasshopper?? Good. Now, second, you gotta ease her down on some cucumbers. Good, your all set :)
2017-01-15 16:27:17 UTC
Don't listen to idiots love, you two should love each other, live your lives, enjoy the closeness and love and work on staying together.
Orla C
2017-01-17 10:33:40 UTC
You're only 13. You might hate her in a few years.
2017-01-21 20:10:14 UTC
Don't let being only 13 stop you from experiencing love.
2017-01-15 16:55:44 UTC
Honestly, and in all reality, VERY FEW child hood sweethearts go on to marry, and stay married all of their lives. That is not bad, it is just a statistic. There are a few, but VERY FEW. I had a child heart sweetheart too, in high school and we loved each other dearly, but we did not go on to marry. Best wishes anyway.
2017-01-19 00:52:38 UTC
Lovely, but unless you are both independently wealthy, you need to get an education, so you can get a decent job, make a living, and support a family. What you are feeling now is mostly hormones, and it could change, overnight.
2017-01-22 08:34:58 UTC
Look here young lady, it's normal you feel that way about another girl. May I suggest attending gay and lesbian seminars? They could help with your situation. And plus, they could probably help with your grammar skills, cause they are lacking the appropriate attention from your teachers and parents.

I hope this helps you young lady.
2017-01-19 22:21:52 UTC
I firmly believe in love at first sight. My older cousin met his now fiancée when he was 15 years old and they have been together ever since with no break-ups at all. They are in their mid 20's now.
2017-01-22 23:34:10 UTC
I know you may think that now...but you are young. You have your whole life ahead of you and a lot changes over time. Good luck to the both of you though <3
2017-01-18 21:39:04 UTC
I remember feeling the same thing at that age. Unfortunately I married the guy I was dating at 14. Worst mistake.
2017-01-18 22:01:07 UTC
2017-01-22 15:40:02 UTC
I think you're asking if it's all right for her to get pregnant. I say, sure. Your parents are young enough to raise another kid and you'll be near enough in age they can pass it off as their own. Go for it.
2017-01-16 22:05:10 UTC
It could happen. A friend of mine and his wife met in kindergarten and have been married 51 years. My wife and I were 17 no still married after 56 years. Good luck.
2017-01-15 05:25:23 UTC
im 12 turning 13 and i thought that with my bf but he recently broke up with me. i think thats really sweet! hope it works out and if u guys love eachother thatr much i am sure it will. just keep doing what ur doing and it should work out:) btw how old is ur gf
2017-01-18 05:27:04 UTC
Wait till your both 16 and she'll look like she could be your older sister. And not everything will be rainbows and butterflies when she is pmsing.
2017-01-23 00:33:56 UTC
well, my advice is be friends and friendship last a life time... Study together, and if you have the same interest they will grow with you... remember you are just babies... and do have a life time ahead of you.. and what comes on with responsibilities, which you will have one day when you are responsibilities are a big thing.... and burden to some people.... so best enjoy your life while you can...
2017-01-15 03:34:01 UTC
Yess u could get an STD or anything at that age ik ur just hitting puberty and ur hormones are fired up but noo that's stupid ur time will come wait till 20 or older it's not worth getting diseases or anything trust me!
2017-01-15 03:34:19 UTC
No problem, just be wise and choose the proper time for things so you don't mess up a bunch of lives.
2017-01-15 16:36:18 UTC
Girls are going to come and go by the time your 20-21 she's going to be a fading memory.
2017-01-16 10:51:12 UTC
honestly... yes. when i was 13 i thought i would be with my partner forever because we were together for 2 years... and then again at 15... we dont often stay with our first love forever. and it is actually a good thing. heartbreaks are a growing experience
2017-01-15 04:18:56 UTC
Everyone whos 13 thinks that buddy.
2017-01-18 01:20:34 UTC
Not crazy but wait until you are atleast 21 to get married.
2017-01-16 02:17:08 UTC
Wanting to stay with her ain't crazy unless you have some other reason behind.
2017-01-18 09:22:54 UTC
Your not crazy. Maybe you will end up with her when your older but honestly things change and people change so I wouldn't bet on it (not to be rude).
2017-01-17 01:05:53 UTC
Yea, you're pretty crazy. You'll be lucky if that relationship lasts another month.
2017-01-16 04:18:16 UTC
2017-01-20 04:05:07 UTC
You can be in love at any age and if you've met the right person then 👍
2017-01-20 16:42:30 UTC
Aww puppy love! Trust me that will fade as you grow older. I speak from personal experience. But if it doesn't congratulations.
2017-01-20 18:09:03 UTC
You are not crazy, my friend is in love with a boy and she is 14 and wants to marry him someday.
2017-01-16 02:50:37 UTC
Good luck!

You'll be surprised when stupid things happen and your relationship falls apart.

The basis of a strong relationship is TRUST and COMMUNICATIONS.
Sheltie Lover
2017-01-19 05:28:20 UTC
Unusual, but not "crazy". ... I met my future husband when I was 13 and quickly decided that he was "the one."

We were married for 61 years. I lost him last year at age 81.
2017-01-18 17:19:07 UTC
Its not crazy, but since your so young be prepared that your feelings can change over time and thats normal too.
2017-01-19 23:04:41 UTC
I think you need to put that thought on the backburner. At that age you can not feel deep love. You have lived long enough.
2017-01-18 23:46:15 UTC
If you feel it's love after 18 years old then go for it but right now it's "Puppy Love" "A crush"
2017-01-17 21:02:52 UTC
just make sure that's who you chose so in the future your bodies change you change and you have so many other people around you don't mess up. keep your faith trust and you love times going to be hard are you willing to stand by her side and she by yours .??????
2017-01-16 16:46:40 UTC
You're not crazy but make sure you don't go to fast
2017-01-15 03:54:56 UTC
No, you two do not love each other.

It is just an obsession that will not last.

Enjoy it while it lasts, but stop taking it seriously.
2017-01-16 13:05:33 UTC
You're not a dumb kid at all I've been there. In reality you guys will grow apart though
2017-01-16 06:27:13 UTC
Ya it's crazy she's going to drop u eventually
2017-01-18 05:16:35 UTC
you really need to pound her poon for maybe 1 1/2 year and then ask her to bring her female friends into bed with ya'll, okay?
2017-01-20 17:53:35 UTC
I'm bad at giving advice so I'm just going to take my points and go.
2017-03-30 22:36:56 UTC
wait until you're 18... hate to say it, but i'm 14 and would never do that until i'm adult and i 100% know that person is the one for me even though i haven't dated anyone else... this could be a rash decision... if you haven't been together for that long, you would get divorced easily... besides, you need your parents' blessing to marry 'cause you're so young... you may think this is the only time you'll feel the strong feelings of love, and my guess is you're not used to it... you can love more than once... numerous numerous times, in fact...
2017-01-29 08:26:15 UTC
you and her would have to get along for numerous reasons including being

compatibility on numerous levels... figure out how numerous things you have in

common with each other...and,its okay when there are some things you dont have in common... you both need to talk to each other about everything in your relationship...its teamwork...and it shouldnt be hard happy

together... its not really crazy... you have a lot of things happening in your teenage lives so live and learn...if you make mistakes at least learn from it to be better...

i'm going to suggest you do some reading... there are books for teenagers you should read:

"chicken soup for the teenage soul"... and there are other books in the

series... "teen love on relationships" by kimberly kirberger... read those so you can learn more about relationships...
2017-01-24 23:54:04 UTC
no, you are not crazy... plan your futures together... take some time to examine all of the ways that you love each other... what exactly do you have in common with her... do you share the same opinions on politics, art, cinema, music, food? then move onto the more weighty stuff like philosophy, ontology, epistemology... during my life i had four women who honored me by sawing they were in love with me... i buried two; the other two broke up with me several months after our relationship started... try to find out all of the things that you do not like about each other... then think, "are these gamebreakers?" at the end of the process, you shall be better equipped to make the decision whether to stay or leave her... good luck to both of you...
2017-01-23 22:21:13 UTC
I dated few guys before I met my husband. We got married at age 19 and my husband was 18 then. We dated a year before that and people thought we got married because I got pregnant or something. Nope, we were both virgins till the marriage. People also thought we were just crazy or being irresponsible or being reckless... Wrong again!

We were just in love and wanted to be together all the time. It's been 13 years since then but our love only grow stronger each day.

Yeah, it sounds crazy but that's fine. As long as you know not to act on it(like have a baby with no job), you will be fine. Keep up with that love!
2017-01-23 19:13:49 UTC
When I was 14, I loved a boy and we both thought we'd be together forever. We also wanted to get a pet monkey and light our apartment with candlelight so as not to have an electric bill. Fast forward 55 years, we did not marry each other, but we have remained true friends. It is sweet that you and your gf want each other only, for all time. I suppose in rare instances things work out like that. Good luck to you both!
2017-01-23 18:28:35 UTC
wait until you're 18... hate to say it, but i'm 14 and would never do that until i'm adult and i 100% know that person is the one for me even though i haven't dated anyone else... this could be a rash decision... if you haven't been together for that long, you would get divorced easily... besides, you need your parents' blessing to marry 'cause you're so young... you may think this is the only time you'll feel the strong feelings of love, and my guess is you're not used to it... you can love more than once... numerous numerous times, in fact...
2017-01-23 15:31:13 UTC
Don't jinx that just yet I'm 14 and me and this gorgeous girl were dating for 7 years i said i wanted to get married and have children the next night she left me because she thought I was crazy
2017-01-20 05:23:29 UTC
Mmm'kay, time to slow it down just a bit. You only feel like this because of your pubescent hormones running amok. Enjoy it, embrace it, but don't let it consume you.

I hate to sound pessimistic and negative, but there's a big chance that your relationship won't last forever. But who knows? You two could be one of the few who does. Just...slow things down, you've got your whole life ahead of you
2017-03-10 13:58:38 UTC
wait until you're 18... hate to say it, but i'm 14 and would never do that until i'm adult and i 100% know that person is the one for me even though i haven't dated anyone else... this could be a rash decision... if you haven't been together for that long, you would get divorced easily... besides, you need your parents' blessing to marry 'cause you're so young... you may think this is the only time you'll feel the strong feelings of love, and my guess is you're not used to it... you can love more than once... numerous numerous times, in fact...
2017-02-20 02:37:57 UTC
at the age of 13, you are capable of feeling intense emotions towards someone... but let me remind you of something...

now, at this current state, your body is still physically undeveloped and shall undergo major differences in the next few years... but not only your body, your outlook shall change... you see, personality of today shall resemble personality 10 years from now (assuming you will definitely not experience anything traumatic or drastic) but shall not be the same...

similar changes shall occur to your girlfriend... adolescence which awaits you shall deeply change the foundations and bring certain insecurities while at the same time it shall bring essential knowledge required for the future...

to ask your question: be happy and enjoy time with her, but when you two separate don't feel sad, 'cause you've got whole life in front of you...
2017-01-25 02:13:27 UTC
if you think you shall die at 18 yrs of age, then i shall say you are not crazy... go ahead & spend the next 5 yrs with her... other than that, i think you are beyond naive & crazy... when i was 13, i could not even go on internet (did not exist then) & post crazy stuff like you can today... be thankful of what you have today... do as proper as you can in school... success shall come of your hard works & good education but success shall never come 'cause of your relationship or having gf at 13 yrs old .........guaranteed
2017-01-24 17:54:36 UTC
its sweet but you are young and it might seem like that now but wait until you get older and youll start to see and understand things differently
Shirley s
2017-01-24 07:10:39 UTC
I have my 13 y/0 son who has a GF

Yes I do know about it, it's natural at first I was upset but I talk to both of them , make each other an inspiration to so good in school,,,I will say the same thing I told my son ' don't think that she's the only girl he will meet

As long as they behave their self and study first
2017-01-24 05:35:44 UTC
Dude don't listen I know a couple that meant when I think they were 14 and they are now in 40s and are still in love. Age doesn't matter that much.
2017-01-24 03:40:44 UTC
You're a good guy
2017-01-24 00:46:10 UTC
Stick it in her and make a baby. You'll never lose her from your life whether you want to or not.
2017-01-24 00:35:26 UTC
2017-01-23 22:58:33 UTC
I don't doubt that you love your girlfriend, but you're only 13. People change as they grow, you and your girlfriend may love each other now, but when you leave school, you may end up going to different unis or colleges and lose contact. I was best friends with a guy from infants for years, but when I left school, he stayed on to sixth form and went to uni, whereas I left school at 16 and went to college. We went in different directions in life, but when I was little, I was sure I wanted to be with him. But things change.
2017-01-23 18:20:33 UTC
Sure you do now. And then one day she'll be your X and you be like "I can't wait to get away from the psycho B*tch." It happens all the time. That's why you're better off if you don't let your emotions jerk you around on a leash and you don't think with your dick.
2017-01-23 17:38:40 UTC
I'd think it's a bit too early to decide that now. But hey, anything could happen in the future.
2017-01-23 17:02:52 UTC
I think you should do whatever you want :) if you both love each other then why not?
2017-01-23 10:07:39 UTC
My friends parents started dating 13 years old they are 44 now.
2017-01-23 06:48:02 UTC
I don't think it's crazy i'm 14 and still have the bf I had 2 yrs ago. it's normal to feel this way. The chances of u 2 getting married and spending the rest of your lives together is very slim but I hope it works out for u guys.
2017-01-23 05:25:17 UTC
it's the best kind of crazy, love is something no one person knows better than another. A 30 year old loves differently than a 13 year old, but that doesn't diminish the love. Take it by the years, love her but never let her come between a goal; college, career, etc.
2017-01-20 05:52:31 UTC
virgins... virgins everywhere
2017-01-17 12:30:45 UTC
It's OK to have feelings for someone.
2017-01-17 10:39:23 UTC
You're not crazy
2017-01-16 12:59:16 UTC
You're young
2017-01-18 07:59:22 UTC
That's how all relationships start when you're young.
2017-01-16 12:30:06 UTC
Ahhhhhhh. Xxxxx lovey dovies.
2017-01-22 17:18:41 UTC
2017-01-18 08:42:19 UTC
I'm so jealous of you.. You have no Idea how much I'm feeling right now.
2017-01-19 18:10:40 UTC
Hey, im happy for you and her. If you can make it another 5 years together and feel like this. I will personally marry you. Ill get my license doing it.
2017-01-18 18:31:43 UTC
2017-01-19 09:25:16 UTC
No it's not ok. If I have to die a miserable lonely old man so does everyone else.
2017-01-17 15:24:30 UTC
No it is not in any way crazy, enjoy planning your life together and have fun.
2017-01-22 06:26:44 UTC
If you are really 13 just stay back.
2017-01-17 23:53:07 UTC
I was 11 and dating someone and we were madly in love. Don't get too into her. Mine cheated on me. :(
2017-01-20 10:00:20 UTC
Not unusual. Bit pointless right now though. You can't even finish school yet.
2017-01-16 04:01:18 UTC
Best way start work together in same place.this.way in few years you have save money and can plan future
2017-01-17 22:40:08 UTC
You're too young
2017-01-18 05:22:41 UTC
What is ur name? And nah it's not crazy!
2017-01-18 00:03:03 UTC
no as long as you both love each other and dont want to move on to someone else then by all means go for it
2017-01-18 07:53:25 UTC
Nah bro I felt that way when I was your age back in 1950.
Bella Hayes
2017-01-22 23:51:27 UTC
that is sweet, just make sure you guys know everything about each other before going crazy
2017-01-20 17:34:32 UTC
Yeah... I fell for the same trick. Good luck to you, but be careful. Sooner or later, she may very well turn on you.
2017-01-19 03:47:29 UTC
ur probably gonna break up in 2 days, buddy. It's a scam, a conspiracy. Their all sisters, trust me. One big conspiracy. Leave it alone and be gay.
2017-01-22 15:52:06 UTC
i mean when ou love someone all that you think of is loving her forever so i get that just try to take it slow and not think about that make the most of what you have now
2017-01-16 05:59:39 UTC
i don't know... 13 is young... in 5 years you shall all take your separate paths... it matters how deep the love is...
2017-01-16 04:34:27 UTC
Hopefully you haven't gotten to third base yet because u are quite young
2017-01-17 05:05:19 UTC
Feelings change. It is okay to feel this way, just don't do something you will regret
2017-01-19 20:01:11 UTC
Over time you will both change and grow apart. Sorry but that is life.
2017-01-22 05:44:36 UTC
I can't be 👔 down like that but, do you.
2017-01-15 20:16:01 UTC
if you really like her you will still like her years from now so just wait until you're older until you make big decisions.
2017-01-20 02:51:35 UTC
No it's not crazy. it's really cool.
2017-01-19 05:31:37 UTC
Its hard to hear but you have a crush. Its lovely but temporary
2017-01-15 23:57:28 UTC
13? what do you know about love??
2017-01-16 23:31:41 UTC
You are not crazy, you are young ;D

You two may "outgrow" each other. Wish you best of luck! ^.^
2017-01-15 11:16:51 UTC
everyone whos 13 thinks that buddy...
2017-01-16 04:55:20 UTC
its both your first love ofc your gonna feel this way . the likely hood of it happening probs not. its not crazy though.
Peter K
2017-01-15 10:16:28 UTC
Enjoy it whilst it lasts. You have all y our life ahead of you
2017-01-17 05:05:50 UTC
2017-01-16 00:35:51 UTC
Wait until your balls drop and then fall in love
2017-01-18 04:51:49 UTC
U are young, what you feeling is not love, when u get older, u will soon find out what true love is.
2017-01-15 20:38:59 UTC
No one cares
2017-01-19 01:39:03 UTC
Too young to know
2017-01-15 14:05:02 UTC
use reliable birth control. with this one and the next and the ones after that.
2017-01-16 13:00:31 UTC
how old is batman? 45. That's your answer.
2017-01-15 15:41:17 UTC
Do what makes you happy... unless that means underage sex. Don't do that.
2017-01-18 07:36:18 UTC
Be careful with that because when you are older it might change
2017-01-19 12:33:10 UTC
Young love at its finest. Day by day young one day by day
2017-01-16 08:36:15 UTC
Its cool
2017-01-16 19:03:40 UTC
That is truly wonderful and romantic
2017-01-15 16:49:22 UTC
2017-01-18 22:16:50 UTC
do not forget that women always get tired of the same old c0ck
2017-01-21 04:44:41 UTC
Go for it
2017-01-19 23:32:05 UTC
just advance nice and easy

then AFTER college propose
2017-01-16 06:53:06 UTC
Go for it
2017-01-16 08:18:32 UTC
As you become older your mind will change!!
2017-01-20 09:59:30 UTC
I remember my first girlfriend....I was 8. It was your mom.
2017-01-18 20:02:38 UTC
Not really
2017-01-19 00:22:35 UTC
i feel bad for you man its not going to last lol
2017-01-18 20:36:58 UTC
You should be in school
2017-01-16 12:37:17 UTC
No its normal
2017-01-20 21:36:02 UTC
You're 5 y/o. Stop yourself. What about college???????????????????????????????
2017-01-22 02:18:27 UTC
That is sweet
2017-01-22 04:41:09 UTC
I would be good
2017-01-19 22:49:52 UTC
2017-01-16 05:31:39 UTC
you young
2017-01-16 04:26:17 UTC
im so happy for you
2017-01-16 17:33:00 UTC
2017-01-22 04:17:29 UTC
hahahaaaaaaaa yess if you have job and money
2017-01-16 21:13:25 UTC
Go screw yourself
2017-01-17 03:14:11 UTC
**** her
2017-01-16 22:48:09 UTC
2017-01-16 02:19:31 UTC
LOL ******* no
2017-01-22 02:57:43 UTC
Destiny Awaits
2017-01-19 22:50:16 UTC
2017-01-19 14:25:01 UTC
2017-01-19 09:06:06 UTC
2017-01-22 18:46:33 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.