am i cheating on my girlfriend??!!?
2009-04-03 14:03:20 UTC
my girlfriend of 3 years adores me, and i adore her 2... 2day while i was with my cousin.. he showed me a picture of a girl... and i said she was cute... it was my first time ever to say that someone is cute other than my gf... is this wrong?! i feel so guilty like i betrayed her... i know its not cheating but did i betray her?!! i still love her and want her more than everything in the world.. nothing changed... but did i do a bad thing or betray her:(.. please help
40 answers:
2009-04-03 14:10:51 UTC
No, of course not!

You're a human, you have eyes, and so you can see beauty. Stating that someone is beautiful doesn't mean anything than you admire their beauty, and that's fine. If this other person becomes an obsession, and it becomes more than just harmless admiration, then you've got a problem. But as long as it's just an honest recognition of an attractive person, it's totally OK.
2009-04-03 14:08:54 UTC
If you really care for you Gf which is sounds like you do, you have done nothing wrong. If you see a famous actress on Tv and say WOW she is pretty is that cheating on your Gf. This is information she doesn't need to know. If you feel the urge to do something with someone else than break off the relationship. But as for looking at a picture and thinking you are cheating on your girl is just crazy. Guys are guys and guys will look but in a relationship you can't touch. I mean common what guy has been somewhere with his girl and saw another girl walk by and didn't sneak a peak?
2009-04-03 14:10:19 UTC
Haha thats funny. No, it isn't cheating. Look at it like this. When you see a pretty girl, and you say "Oh, she's cute," does that mean you want to go out with her? No. You're just stating the fact that she's good looking. It's the same with us girls about guys. We may have the most amazing boyfriend we could ever ask for, but cute guys are cute guys. You're simply stating a true fact. If I see a cute guy, it doesn't mean I want to go out with him. Don't feel bad. Having unconditional love for someone versus saying someone is cute are two, very different things.
2009-04-03 14:13:46 UTC
So if you're in a relationship you can't say someone is cute?! You feel guilt when you've done something wrong, saying someone is cute is not wrong or bad. You have not betrayed your girlfriend. You gave your opinion, in a relationship you are still entitled to your opinion. You are making this bigger than it really is.
2009-04-03 14:08:57 UTC
Well, technically, no, you're not cheating on her. When you cheat on your girlfriend, it's like you're doing action on another girl. Trust me, it's not at all cheating. There are times were a boyfriend will say another girl's cute that's not their girlfriend, which happens all the time. You're not alone, really. I know a guy friend who thinks I'm cute, and he's been dating the same girl for about 5 years.
2009-04-03 14:18:24 UTC
I think it's great that you're worried about being thoughtful and don't want to hurt the girl you're in a relationship with, but my goodness- you're not going to stop being a guy just because you have a girlfriend. This doesn't mean it's right for you to be flirting with other girls while letting her believe you are completely devoted to her, but no matter how into a relationship you get- even when you're married, you're not going to stop noticing cute girls. Just remember that your girl is the cutest and let her know that. ;)
The Rawle
2009-04-03 14:08:42 UTC
I don't think it is unusual to notice other attractive people. But it is how long you dwell on the fact they are cute or what kind of thoughts come into your head after. If your having thoughts of what it would be like to be with her than you are starting to cross a line. While I commend you on being worried at such an early stage, I would suggest you be careful because you don't want to slip into too much grey.
2009-04-03 14:10:51 UTC
Are you kidding me? Uh no hun you did not. It's human nature to look. Its normal and healthy to think others are nice looking. Everyone does, for example, I have a bf and I still think hugh jackman is hot, jason statham, gerard buttler and the list goes on. Doesn't mean I would act on anything. Means Iappreciatee the beauty around me. I chose to be with my bf so obviously he has my heart and is the best looking of all to me. Looking is ok. Stop feeling guilty. Anyone who says they don't look is lieing
2009-04-03 14:12:36 UTC
No of course not!

You've done nothing wrong!

It's completely normal to find more than one person attractive and it certainly doesn't mean you cheated on her, or even betrayed her. And you can find someone attractive without liking them in that way, or even at all.

Honestly I really wouldn't worry.

2009-04-03 14:11:06 UTC
It's nothing wrong with you. You cannot deny if someone is cute or not. Your girlfriend knows you are dedicated to her. Plus it is only a photo, it's not like you were some where gawking at another chick.
2009-04-03 14:11:28 UTC
Nah you're not cheating and you're doing nothing wrong so relax.

If you're in a relationship where you can't even say another human being is attractive then it's time to get out of the relationship.
2009-04-03 19:58:46 UTC
Hahaa, You sound so sweettt. (:

no you are deffinitly not cheatin on herr!

my boyfriend calls girls cute all the time just like i do

to guys. Its just a word.

It doesn't mean anythingg. as long as you don't wanna like date the girl you called cute, i think you'll be okay. lol.

But likee if you need anything else just message me, i would be happy to help =]
dilligaf* destinee :)
2009-04-03 14:19:41 UTC
all of these people are right its not cheating unless your doing things behind her back like going to partys and stuff without telling her your fine she talks about cute guys on movies and stuff im sure its perfectly normal to like someone like that
2009-04-03 14:12:09 UTC
Lol how old are you man, relax she probably does the same thing it's normal as long as you are not getting with another girl behind her back
2009-04-03 14:07:37 UTC
WOW! You are perfect, and obvi. in love!

That's not cheating @all, just cause you say someone is goodlooking doesn't mean you're are going to act on a relationship or anything!

2009-04-03 14:08:48 UTC
oh my lorddddddddd. you sound like the perfect boyfriend. worrying about saying a girl is cute. hahaha, thats adorable.

Brittany P
2009-04-03 14:10:36 UTC
no you didn't betray her. i think that you have the right to look as long as you don't take it too far like saying she has nice boobs or something.
2009-04-03 14:09:42 UTC
No! that's not betrayal. If you said this in front of your girlfriend it might hurt her feelings, but she knows you love her and you obviously didn't mean anything by it
2009-04-03 14:08:14 UTC
Of corse its not wrong.As long as you're not trying to pursue this girl or do anything with her, its cool.I mean seriously?Would you get mad if she said that Johnny Depp was hot?
Vanessa A
2009-04-03 14:42:16 UTC
oh my god!!!!that is so totaly not conciders cheating you are a really good boyfriend let me tell you...your gfs lucky to have you ...some guys make out with other girls and they still dont concider it cheating
Joseph B
2009-04-03 14:07:49 UTC

It's completely normal and acceptable to think that other people on the planet besides your significant other are attractive. Just don't act on it.
2009-04-03 14:07:56 UTC
Dude grow some balls, its fine. When she is with her friends they probably always talk about cute guys.
2009-04-03 14:11:23 UTC
you just commented on a picture, you did not betray her
2009-04-03 14:09:15 UTC
it depends on the type of gf u get jealous over anything so i'd b trippin...but the way u sound...u sound like u really love long as she knows u really love her then no worries my friend=]
2009-04-03 14:09:13 UTC
No it's not cheating. I'm sure she has said plenty of times that other dudes are handsome to her.
2009-04-03 14:12:26 UTC
of course your cheating, what is wrong with you, why are you looking at other girls? Your a disgusting pig. Why do you think blindfolds were invented?

You PIG !!!!
2009-04-03 14:09:37 UTC
unless you kiss,****, or touch her its not cheating i bet you gf does the does the same thing. its normal to check other people out.
2009-04-03 14:28:55 UTC
no your fine chill the girl may have been cute but not as beaautiful as your gf
2009-04-03 14:07:46 UTC
you diddnt do anything bad its not bad thinking a girls cute, no if you did something with her thats would be cheating
FInny Macgee
2009-04-03 14:07:56 UTC
Did you put your penis in another girl's vagina? No, so you didn't cheat. Wise up, kid, and stop putting the pussy on a pedestal.
2009-04-03 14:09:06 UTC
not cheating.

everyone has a different definition of cheating, but this definitely isn't it.

maybe you should reconsider your relationship if you think it might be however.
2009-04-03 14:07:17 UTC
you think your cheating coz u said a girls cute?

mate i really really would not worry about it
2009-04-03 14:07:49 UTC
God forbid you ever do cheat on her, your head would explode from the guilt...
2009-04-03 14:08:50 UTC
no MAc............cheating is if she thinks you looking or ... $crewin someone behind her back

im so glad you love her this much!!!!!!!!! so cool!!!!!!!!!!

and long as shes #1 you are NOT cheating
2009-04-03 14:07:17 UTC
Grow up.
2009-04-03 14:07:02 UTC
completely fine, you're not cheating.

Cheating would be fcuking someone behind her back
2009-04-03 14:07:03 UTC

Settle down, b'y.
i rawkkk
2009-04-03 14:07:21 UTC
awww. dont feel bad. you didnt do anything wrong.
2009-04-03 14:11:44 UTC
no but atleast you didn't say she was hot or sexy
2009-04-03 14:08:08 UTC



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