2009-11-23 11:30:58 UTC
He was with his ex for about 3 years - during high school and a bit of college, and she was only real serious relationship before me (he had another girlfriend after her, only for a few months).. Anyway, the girl is GORGEOUS - she's a professional dancer for an NFL team and a model - the whole nine. And I know they were very serious, and the break up must've really hurt him (eventhough he's never told me how he felt about it, other than that she had changed a lot and become a bit stuck up). Regardless, when we HAVE talked about it, its been because I have asked questions, out of curiosity.
Anyway - he moved out of his parents house a few months ago and got his own place, and there was a scrapbook she made him and I took a peek (I asked him before looking). I felt a little weird after, but I shook it off.
A few nights ago, he said he needed to unpack some of the pics of him and I that are still in boxes so he can put some up in his place. I replied, "yeah and your Jessica memorbilia too." and he said "F that sh!t, I've been wanthing to leave it on her doorstep". I told him NOT to do that, because it might give her the wrong idea. As a girl, I know that if my ex left me a box of our old stuff, I'd feel like he was trying to get a message across to me. So I asked him why he couldn't just throw it away and he said "I wanted to a while ago, but my sis said no theres nice pics in there" I told him he could easily take out the ones that are of him and his friends or family and get rid of the rest. I dropped the whole conversation after that, because I didn't want to seem jealous, but I kinda feel like I am.
I know its stupid to be jealous of his past, but lately I can't help it.
We've been having issues about me not spending enough time with him (busy with school, work, family, etc -- its VERY complicated, but I'm working on it). Seeing these pictures and all that stuff makes me feel like one day she's gonna come around and want him back, and he'll somehow remember how she used to spend a lot of time with him, and I don't get to as much for reasons beyond my control.
I know, I know, I sound a little silly.
But back to my question - Why won't he get rid of her stuff?!
Any input would be nice, sorry I wrote so much.