I like this guy a whole bunch and everyone seems to think he likes me alot too. He always seems to notice me but we dont talk, ever! We are both very shy but he smiles and stares ALOT! (yes I return them) But I'm still not sure he likes me. Once I was in church and I was doing the twist with some little kid and he was watching me with this big grin on his face. Him and his friend both stare and smile once I notice they are staring. And once his friend even tapped his shoulder and pointed at me and the guy looked at me and smiled and starting blushing.He has girls falling all over him and he never pays any attention to them but he's usually looking at me when they are hanging all around him. He's even came up and stood right besdie me (like less than six inches away). He's He's looked at me once and tried to play a drum solo when he had already unplugged his drums and once he actually did a drum solo when I walked in the room and then smiled at me. He also looks for me when I'm not in the room and he ends up leaving the room a few mintues after me and going to the room I am in. he also copies me movements, like I took a drink of some bottled water and then he took a drink of his gatorade. He's also three years older if that means anything. But I just sent him a message about a week ago and he read it and got offline. (all it said was hey!) He got back online later and he still didnt reply. I know he read it cause it tells you if he does. I know I should talk to him but I have a huge fear of rejection which I think is what is gonna happen. So what do you think? Does he like me? Why didnt he reply? What should I do?
Thanks for all answers :)