Should I break up with my cheating boyfriend?
2014-12-25 20:17:44 UTC
I love my boyfriend of three years. He and I have been through a LOT. I've given him my all. He gave me an STD after insisting he was clean, but I forgave him and tried to work through it, though I always thought he might have lied about it. His phone has been a problem since day's constantly being blown up by someone, and when I've asked to see it, he's refused. He eventually gave me the code when I threatened to end things, but I always felt awkward snooping and tried to just trust him.

One day he was showing me a part of a funny text his best guy friend sent him, and I noticed as he was scrolling up his friend asked how he met "her." When I asked to see the rest of the message, he wouldn't let me but showed other parts where they discussed all the girls he's slept with in the past and how he can't wait to meet new ones. I broke up then but took him back after he said this was "innocent guy talk" and he cannot picture life without me.

A few months later, I decided to snoop and saw he not only had texted another girl dirty pictures of himself a month after we got back together (he forgot to delete the message), but his phone records revealed he had been talking to his ex girlfriend every day behind my back.

I'm stunned feeling like I don't know who he is. Before I found all this, he had taken me on a trip, paid for everything, and bought me $1000 in jewelry. Why would he have invested all of that if he's been doing all this dirt? Should I save this relationship?
127 answers:
2014-12-25 21:44:56 UTC
Leave him and don't look back.

TYPICALLY when a guy does all those nice things, like buy you tons of things, and treat you and basically get weird with treating you like a queen, AND it's in combination with suspicious activity, it's because he's guilt ridden.

That does not mean you should stay with him, the guilt of starting to cheat didn't stop him and it hasn't yet. BUT if you really want to save the relationship, and if you really think you can, give him an ultimatum. Either end contact with her, and make sure she knows that as long as you two are together that she is not to bother him, or you break contact with him. If he's a cheater then there's no compromising, remember he's the one who put himself in the situation, you had nothing to do with it, and it's HIS FAULT. It's very important to stand your ground here. If he agrees to sever contact with her, tell him you have to build trust again because he broke that trust, and you get to look at his phone until you are satisfied that he is no longer likely to cheat. It's not true the old saying that "once a cheater always a cheater" but it is very serious and if you wish to continue the relationship then you need to be sure that it all ends immediately.
2014-12-26 19:02:02 UTC
Why do you want to save a relationship in which your partner is obviously not being faithful? He has lied, cheated, and snuck around behind your back since day one. He has put your health at risk with his unsafe sexual practices. You deserve better than that.

You know who he unfaithful womanizer. The question is will you continue to allow him to do it while still keeping you as a back-up lover? His activity is not "innocent guy talk". If he truly loved you and could not picture his life without you, he would have no need or desire to talk about his past girlfriends or yearn to meet new women. Deep down inside you know this to be true.

As for his "investments" in the relationship (the jewelry, trip, etc.) they are simply material things. The only things he is capable of providing because he is emotionally unavailable. You can supply yourself with these material possessions or find another more trustworthy man to spoil you with gifts that come from the heart. You don't need this cheater for those things. I hope you realize your own self worth and break up with guy for good. Good luck!
2016-07-19 21:54:09 UTC
I went through the same thing as you and it broke my heart, till this day I love her but what you need to understand its not about what you can do, it's about what both f you can change to contribute to a healthy relationship and if one is not there then chances are it won't work.Read here

She didn't tell you she had a bf because you were going on a date what she was telling you is about a guy that had already been there which is why she most likely gave you the run around. This goes for all people in general when you really care for someone you fight for them and when one person decides that their life and likes are beyond you then that person is not worth the fight anymore. I never wanted to hear it and I know you don't either but break ups happen and it will happen again. She most likely cares for you and the little annoying habits you have might bug her but there's nothing about a good person that can change true love and she my friend does not harvest those feelings for you. I have learned all of these things the hard way and I could go on in detail to every aspect but point blank move on an better your self and continue to do it for yourself not only will you set good examples for others but you will empower yourself with all positive things. Because of my break up I have changed in a positive and negative way. I have become more understanding of true love and how to treat a woman, I have obtained new hobbies in which I would have never done before, but negatively I view women at a young age in a different perspective then before not necessarliy in a horrible way but I believe the majority of women are emotionally mature at a young age. I do not think that anyone at a young age should be into a committed relationship until they are at their best meaning maturely stable in handling someone else's feelings let alone their own. My advice to you is date around learn what it is you like in women learn about your self and what it is that you have different to offer then the guy next to you and don't wait for your ex to make a decision if it happens it happens if it doesn't you'll be much happier improving on your life and expanding your social circle and possibilities.
2014-12-25 20:23:03 UTC
You were right to have broken it up with him the very first time. He keeps secrets from you. He's a cheater, liar, and scammer. Break it up. Now. You should have done it a long time ago. You deserve someone so much better, someone who will respect you and never cheat on you or lie to you like this guy. He's addicted, once a cheater always a cheater. You don't even know what other girls he is talking to right this moment. I guarantee you that that girl is not the only one he's been sexting.

End it now. You deserve better. Best wishes.
2014-12-26 12:40:37 UTC
Sweetie, at this point into your relationship, in my opinion after reading your story, I think it's best that you end your relationship with him. It's not fair nor healthy for you to go through all the problems your boyfriend has caused throughout the course of your relationship. You deserve better; a new light in life so you could have everything in the world. You need someone that will always hold you down, won't cheat, and love you for who you are. I apologize if this offends you, but all those gifts he bought is just a lousy "I'm sorry" for the uncalled for things he has done to you. What he fails to realize is that buying you gifts won't make the situation any better. Keep this mind: he could buy expensive things for you that you could buy for yourself; but to experience the love and passion someone has for you and you for them, that's priceless. Go with your heart and enjoy this beautiful life with someone that really makes you happy.
2016-02-29 19:41:11 UTC
I skimmed through most of the replies and to sum it up, you really should consider leaving him. I get it, it is much easier to say leave him vs actually doing that but if you feel it is best, than don't wait another second longer. Personally, I have seen my friend with a cheating boyfriend and after all the time he told her "I'm different" or "trust me" it turned into empty promises. For that moment when your bf texted another women, for that moment you were not his number one. For that moment, he thought it was okay to go against this relationship. That to me, is an act I can never forgive. Plus, he has shown to repeatedly do it over and over again. A relationship shouldn't be built on lies and empty promises. Instead, it should be fun, loving, you should get those jittery butterflies when you see him and at the same time feel really comfortable and safe with him. You should long for date nights and little things like holding hands smiling glances at each other. If you are not feeling those feelings and if you feel it's kind of dull and boring, that itself is a solid reason to move on. Good luck! and remember, you come first before anyone else, do what will make YOU happier!!!!! Lots of love!
2014-12-28 17:08:59 UTC
I skimmed through most of the replies and to sum it up, you really should consider leaving him. I get it, it is much easier to say leave him vs actually doing that but if you feel it is best, than don't wait another second longer. Personally, I have seen my friend with a cheating boyfriend and after all the time he told her "I'm different" or "trust me" it turned into empty promises. For that moment when your bf texted another women, for that moment you were not his number one. For that moment, he thought it was okay to go against this relationship. That to me, is an act I can never forgive. Plus, he has shown to repeatedly do it over and over again. A relationship shouldn't be built on lies and empty promises. Instead, it should be fun, loving, you should get those jittery butterflies when you see him and at the same time feel really comfortable and safe with him. You should long for date nights and little things like holding hands smiling glances at each other. If you are not feeling those feelings and if you feel it's kind of dull and boring, that itself is a solid reason to move on. Good luck! and remember, you come first before anyone else, do what will make YOU happier!!!!! Lots of love!
2014-12-25 20:25:25 UTC
Yes, if it were me, I would totally break it off with him. First off, the STD thing is sad. He told you he was clean when he wasn't, and then he gave it to you. I know you forgave him for it, but he should of told you the truth in the first place. Secondly, he cheated on you. That is a huge problem. If he's cheating on you now, he will probably continue to cheat on you throughout your relationship and he will lie and sneak around with different girls and you won't have any idea of who he's with and why he's acting suspicious with his phone and with who he's hanging out with. You should break it off now because that relationship isn't going to get any better. Just end it now. I know it might be hard for a while, but trust me, it will get better. If you don't want to break it off, then don't but your problems are only going to get worse. Your worth more then having a cheating boyfriend who is a liar. Find yourself a true man who will be faithful to you and who won't cheat on you.
2016-03-12 01:28:36 UTC
Yes, you should break up because he will never stop. The way you do it is point blank and no drama. Say you know I don't hate you but I hate the things you do. I've never really gotten over your cheating and I don't think that I can. So this is really just good bye. And don't let it be a go away/take him back/go away thing. Skip the drama and cut him off cold and the impact will affect him more so maybe the next poor girl won't be suckered so bad
2014-12-26 14:02:56 UTC
Be very concerned about you and why you are not empowering yourself and YOUR life with bfs that are worthy of your values. I promise you that while datnig if your hooking up, things will go sour. He is interested in trying out the merchandise or just bidding his time so that he can have a nice looking girl and sex all the while having no intention of a primary relationship leading to marriage. How do I know? I lived it and these guys can be nice, but wolves in sheeps clothing none the less. Bother to date Godly types who walk the walk and are serious about getting to know you leading toward marriage. Or fancy the idiots who think your hot and just have sex and get dumped or live together until the both of you meet something hotter Aye! Join a young persons church and meet some one different.
2014-12-25 20:29:40 UTC
It's probably best if you tell him the truth and about your suspicions from earlier on. If you want to try and save your relationship then act calm and cool and try not to sound too jealous or upset. Tell him the way you feel and how you two might be able to figure things out. If things doesn't work out then I suggest you live him and let him do what he wants to do. Try to make him feel like everything was his fault which in fact it was. So hope I helped.
2014-12-26 17:59:13 UTC
If a guy gives you an STD it says he doesn't care about your or your health. And there are some really great guys out there. Why be with one who treats you that way. That is not a healthy relationship. Be more secure in yourself and and either be with someone who treats you the way you treat them, or don't be with anyone at all.
2014-12-26 10:00:54 UTC
Its obvious he's a cheater from day one but you are trying not to see it simply because you don't want it to be true. But facing reality later than sooner can cause you much more harm than you can imagine. My advice, if you love yourself, you respect yourself, and if you respect yourself, you demand respect from others; and by demanding respect from others, that dude should be out the door from yesterday. Sure breakups hurt; but rather to hurt now and get it over with than to constantly getting hurt now in this current relationship and still having to go true the same breakup-cause speaking from realty this relationship will not last no matter how hard you try.
Jay R
2014-12-26 16:49:18 UTC
Some guys like to have an anchor relationship, a point of departure gf who they can cheat on, lie to and disrespect all they want while begging to be forgiven and taken back. He will not change. You're only as valuable to him as you are to yourself, and it sounds like you've been his fool. End this and be aware next time that you may be attracting sleazy men.
2014-12-28 17:32:08 UTC
It's your choice, really, if you think he could change, let him stay, but if you don't think that he can change, or he doesn't change, you should definitely break up with him. If you've already given him another chance, you should just leave him, I'm sorry if it might hurt, but if he keeps messing up in this stuff, you need to leave him, I'm sorry, it's going to be really hard if you love him as much as you say you do, but you really need to, so that he doesn't hurt you even more, it's like cancer and chemo, both hurt, one hurts a lot right away, while the other just hurts more and more over time, but if you choose the on that hurts right away, it'll get rid of the one that will hurt more and more over long periods of time. I'm sorry, but I think it's time to let go of him.
2014-12-26 15:31:46 UTC
***Why would he have invested all of that if he's been doing all this dirt? Should I save this relationship?***

To ease his guilty conscience. He's not worth your time or trouble. DUMP HIM like a bad habit! He won't change and he can't be saved!
2014-12-27 20:10:25 UTC
from a guys point of view... that's annoying... snooping around... why are you looking for reason that he is cheating on you? don't you have trust? and from day 1? I think it's better to let go, that's not healthy
2014-12-26 20:30:34 UTC
I am sorry you do not think well enough of yourself to stand up for yourself, and allow someone to treat you so badly. In the last 2yrs I had to watch what I say, because of a family conflict, most of the family does not want to get involved. So I had to keep my mouth shut dozens of times. But recent events, of the football player who knocked out his girlfriend, and some people making excuses for him hitting her, has brought back old memories of 4 sisters who found them self in an abusive relationship. I got in two fist fights, once I pulled a knife, and once I pulled a gun. That was over 20yrs ago. Its was wrong then as it is now. You deserve to have a man who respects you, and care about you. All this came to a head on Christmas. I was at my nieces house and her husbands step-father made a statement that he was not sure Ike Turner hit Tina Turner, but if he did it was because she had a big mouth. I had to speak up and said. A real man does not hit, belittle, cheat, call he fat, stupid, ugly, the B word, or the C word. I was going to finish by saying my mom and dad were married for 54yrs and my mom and dad never called each other foul names at least in front of us kids. And never hit each other. But he stopped me and said I was not a real man. I said I was a very strong and real man, because I control my emotions, and it does not make you a man to hit a women. He got upset and left. Go to someone you look up to and ask them if they would put up with how your boyfriend treated you. Or ask your boyfriend if he would be OK if you cheated on him. Find someone who treats you good.
2014-12-25 20:36:16 UTC
leave him A$AP Rocky girl !!! he is a scum first off he gave you an STD that tells you how dirty he is and just because he bought you stuff and he took you places doesnt take away the horrible things he did. sadly, I have friends like him who tell me they love there girl but have to cheat. Sometimes when he gets drunk he starts crying how much he loves her but he never changes or even attempts to change. Sadly theres many guys like this that have the psychological problem and need to have a lot of girls. he is dirty and disgusting leave him before he gives you a bigger STD
2014-12-28 12:24:41 UTC
Helo Anonymus

Now I understand why yo gave me the answer that you gave me in my question of 1 hour ago.... about me being or not used by my fiancee. You're bitter.

Nonetheless,,, my answer is simple.... There are millions of guys who wold love to have a lady like with that dedication and commitment. KICK HIM IN THE BUTT and get rid of him... You're too good for that piece of... cheating excrement. I hate cheats and liars... hence my slightly impolite reply
2014-12-26 08:50:20 UTC
hmmm. he lied. he gave you an std. he cheated and in fact is probably cheating on you still. and yet you want to forgive, forget and move one?? wow. guess you don't that he did all of those things, disrespected you and your relationship, and committed two of the cardinal sins of bieng in a relationship. stay if you wish. he isn't going to change. it will happen again. and you will come back to answers and ask if you should stay or go.
2014-12-26 10:25:35 UTC
Yes break up with that ****** dirt bag every woman should be treated with respect and you sound like you really love him but kick him out and give the scum what he deserves You sound like a nice girl and you shouldn't let you feelings get hurt by the bastard go ****** Explode on him and kick him on to the street And let everything out. you'll fell better after you kicked him out and let everything go instead of held up inside you.
2014-12-28 14:40:10 UTC
Your a pathetic doormat, you do understand that right?

He's a cheat, he has cheated on you numerous times, has no respect for you and treats you like ****.

You are an enabler.

You have no respect for yourself.

Chose to leave him, have some self respect or he will just keep walking all over you.

Leave him, or accept his cheating. Your choice.
2014-12-25 20:28:28 UTC
You NEED to leave him!YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT HIM ONCE YOU CAUGHT THAT DISEASE!HE LIED TO YOU AND NOW YOY HAGE A DISEASE THAT WILL KILL YOU(if not handled) You also seem a little desperate now. Let him know who's boss! Leave or kick him out until he makes up his mind of which girl he chooses. If he can lie to u about texts, imagine the other things he lied about
2014-12-26 01:06:36 UTC
You should leave him. The std should have been enough and he's still doing it. That's a loose loose situation.
2014-12-26 14:35:20 UTC
I would never stay with someone, who has cheated on me. As much as you love him, you need to realize that you deserve so much better. You have been a good girlfriend to him for three years and he has continually disrespected you. Your relationship with him is a one-way thing, because you are the only one giving love but aren't receiving any in return. You deserve to be with someone, who will love you as much as you love them.
2014-12-26 02:30:55 UTC
oh hell no leave him no one deserves that bs your probably an amazing women. each women deserves to be treated with tender loving care. theres no respect in the relationship. your like a butty call sorry to say. your boyfriend is a dirty lying cheater, and doesn't deserve you. he has you wrapped around his finger. hes going to keep playing with your heart, and driving you crazy with his mind games. hes like the dirt under your finger nails the lowest of the low. leave him and never look back. good luck and find someone special who loves you.
2014-12-28 23:30:49 UTC
you just need to sit him down and talk...tell him about how better you are then his ex-girlfirend and if he still likes her then why did he break up with her and ask you out, is he trying to make you jealous or something. Depending on how the talk went then you try to decide if your gonna break up with him. If you love him that much that you can't even say I'm breaking up with you then don't break up with him. I've dated someone who was trying to ask another girl out to a dance and i told him if he really wants that stupid other girl then he should tell me we are can push through this girl!
2014-12-28 14:01:18 UTC
Please don't be stupid. I have been in the same sitaution as you and have been for one year and a half until two months ago i decided to break up with him for good. we were always breaking up and getting back together but honestly 2 months on i can honestly say it was the best decision i have ever made. My ex wasnt even half as bad as yours and i had enough. he gave you a fuc****g std! Please dont be stupid and just leave him. It will be hard but it will be worth it in the end,you can find any guy who will treat you like a princess
2014-12-25 23:04:37 UTC
You really should let this guy go cause he's just gonna keep breaking your heart and by doing this he's letting you know that he isn't very trustworthy... basically he's not worth it.
2014-12-26 00:01:18 UTC
He gave you an STD. You cannot reason with a liar. He is a player and will go to any length to keep his game. Just leave him.. When time passes, you will be much happier. By staying with him, you are sending the message that it is okay to lie and cheat.
2016-04-24 05:55:54 UTC
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2014-12-28 19:31:58 UTC
Break up with him and don't give him any more chances. You deserve better. Any guy who doesn't put you first and talks to other girls doesn't belong with an honest, faithful girl like you. You can find someone else much better and you'll be happier.
2014-12-25 20:22:55 UTC
You should leave him. The std should have been enough and he's still doing it. That's a loose loose situation
2014-12-25 20:37:22 UTC
No you need to dump him. He is not telling you the truth and you don't want to be with a lying cheater. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
2014-12-28 23:21:11 UTC
2014-12-26 21:54:45 UTC
don't let your emotions get the best of you.

don't let material items control your decisions for your self.

don't let this person hurt you.

you have worth too.

you have to protect your emotional self too.

there are other people out there who are capable of treating you right.

next time he buys you a gift give it back.
2014-12-28 19:25:29 UTC
Solutions to problems always end in black and white.

Ok, well, lets say some girl sleeps around but I think she likes me? ...Do I really need that confusion? Actions speak louder than words. Now I already know, if we did get together, she would play the whole..."I don't know"...."I am confused"....That is the problem.

You have to think for others. Do not let them think for you, or themselves. You Think for you....and you think for others. If they cheat, they don't like you. It is that simple. Free your heart. If they turn around and flirt and pretend to like you than want you to get jealous when they are flirting with others? Or better yet, sleeping with others? ....the only reason you can get mad is because you did not think for yourself and others.

It is simple, someone who sleeps around, they are bad people. When I say bad, I mean cold. Their heart and mind are numb. They do not feel like you feel. So, you have to know who you are. Know who others are. Judge others inside yourself, but, never judge people externally. Be wise but be innocent. Sounds hypocritical? does, but, at least you do not become a pawn.

I think, when someone sleeps around. That is what they love. Like a druggie...they love drugs. I did not chose drugs because in my heart, I wanted to be good. Others, chose drugs so they can be bad. In their heart, they hate good. It is what it is. Just do not live in the grey area or the place where you let others play with you. Decide who you are, and who they are, so jude but never judge, things work like that all the time. We are suppose to love one another. That is the bottom line, we are all flawed and need God..So Build everyone up. But do not be a fool either.
2014-12-26 19:58:52 UTC
if this is what relationships are about some of this- im so glad i decided too gay and have a terriffic boyfriend. and a single gay parent with a 5 year old son. anyways i read some of his stuff and how in the hell/ does one person go threw this bs?? i would be in a nut farm.get too hell out of this thing with this nut case your running around with. my god this soap opera of a half baked relatinship is just plain nuts. pack bags move out. dump him hons.
2016-01-26 16:40:52 UTC
Getyour Ex Back Permanently Forever -
2014-12-25 21:41:15 UTC
Ask yourself this questions - why would you stay with someone who has absolutely no respect for you? Once a cheater always a cheater and that is a guarantee.
2016-02-06 18:37:53 UTC
Steps Toget Ex Back Guaranteed -
2014-12-26 03:47:24 UTC
If he's a rude, selfish, hypocritical, inconsiderate, condescending, stuck-up bad boy, dump him or reject him and tell other girls to avoid him!
2014-12-29 11:57:42 UTC
He Really likes you but is very thirty and wants more. I think that he overall likes you he can fall on back on you. he is trying to find better. When he finds someone that he likes more he will take her and leave you. I think there is better people out there you just have to look
2014-12-26 15:06:19 UTC
Leave him in a heart beat. Nobody deserves to have to feel the pain of no longer being desired.
2014-12-29 13:17:15 UTC
Dump that dirtbag............he's playing you like a fiddle......Just Curious.......who has the better body? I'd find out who he had sex with. It sounds like you have a nice body and hes giving you all these things to keep you as his "sex toy" but he might be having true feelings for his ex and/or moving on from you to go to her.
2014-12-28 21:52:58 UTC
well you should weigh your options. for me i've had my bf cheat on me but i KNOW that no one else could love me the way he does and no one could ever replace him. If you feel like you could or even can do better, then it would probably be best to try and move on. He sounds pretty special to you though, i know it hurts but maybe it'll work, idk though cause im not you.
2014-12-26 11:41:34 UTC
honey if you can't answer this question for yourself you need to get a pet gold fish and lock yourself in a dark room.
2014-12-30 01:40:35 UTC
yes break up with him.a person who don't value the feelings of another person don't deserve love.just keep this thing in your mind that he is not of your standard and will never deserve your love!!
Lily 105
2014-12-25 20:26:03 UTC
End things. He is buying you gifts so he can keep on playing with your heart. You deserve a guy who is only going to be with you.
Anthea D
2014-12-28 08:50:31 UTC
i would
2014-12-28 06:07:38 UTC
You should have broken up already
2014-12-27 22:06:35 UTC
When I read your question all I could think was GIRL PLEASE! He's been taking a crap on you from the start. Why do you allow this? Sweetie you appear to have self-esteem issues. A female would allow it. But a real WOMAN in the true sense of the word ABSOLUTELY would not allow or tolerate such abuse. You didn't say if you had any kind of support, like family or friends. You need to lean on them & remember that you're a woman, a strong powerful woman WHO DOES NOT TAKE CRAP FROM ANY MAN!
2014-12-27 21:46:18 UTC
Yes, you do it. He's cheating and holding you like a backup or toy. He's paid that much and given that much in fear you won't leave him. You go on and be happy, much love
2014-12-27 20:45:31 UTC
if you accept being cheated on then its fine
2014-12-27 19:03:23 UTC
I would break up with him, once a cheater, always a cheater!
2014-12-27 17:45:43 UTC
I know it';s hard to have deep feelingsa dn then just let it go, but I will not excuse anyboyfriend whoia cheating on me. He gave you that disease and you still took him bacK????He didn't get this from eating corn you know. Women are not strong enough. They are like melted butter. This man cheated / He;s not your husband. He is a guy to date. Men run over you and you just accept it until he leaves himself,.

How can you even trust him to not be with another woman? How???????????? He cheated once and he will or is already cheating again. I feel sorry for you.
2014-12-27 17:11:06 UTC
I wouldn't give any ultimatums. He's a cheater. Whatever ultimatum you give will make no difference because he will just find new ways to hide what he is doing. No amount of money is worth being cheated on. Think of it this way. If he asked you if you would be willing to "look the other way" when he has his indiscretions if he pays you $1000, would you do it? Find a man who you can trust., It's not him.
✨ Positive Vibes ✨
2014-12-27 17:04:37 UTC
Get rid of him. He isn't worth it.
2014-12-27 14:36:47 UTC
I don't think that anyone should say to you just leave him because that is much easier said than done. You clearly love this guy and everyone does make mistakes, however you cannot let him play with your emotions because the longer you leave him to do this, the harder it will be to walk away. Most guys cheat because they know that they can do it and their girlfriend will forgive them again and again because they love them. If I was you I would show him that you are stronger than that and you can say no. Go on a break and make him feel like he will never get you back and when he feels like this you can forgive him. As long as he remembers how he felt without you, he probably won't cheat again because he knows that next time, you will be gone for good.

I hope this helped you and I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can sort things out. x
2014-12-27 13:01:51 UTC
**** YES
2014-12-27 10:39:20 UTC
What I'm understanding is that the issue isn't with your boyfriend, it"s with yourself. Somewhere down the line you forgot how wonderful you are! And, your are amazing! Now doesn't amazing deserve amazing? Yes it does. You have been given signs from day one, and have refused to believe them. Are you a liar and cheat? Then why do you associate yourself with one? Love is patient, kind, respectful and joyful, but if you treat yourself the opposite, you will only attract it's likeness. It all begins with you, not your boyfriend. Don't you think you deserve better, I do! So start treating yourself with the love and respect you deserve, and you will attract someone who absolutely adores you! How amazing will that be? I send many blessings your way!
2014-12-27 09:48:00 UTC
2014-12-27 09:21:50 UTC
Yes, you should break up with him. Try finding someone nicer than him like through piano, guitar, singing, harp, violin, or cello lessons. Taking piano, guitar, singing, harp, violin, or cello lessons could help you find someone nicer than him. Don't take dance because then you would be the only 19-year-old in a group of 3-6 year olds because you didn't take dance when you were little, so it would take a long time for you to reach your age in dance if you take dance. And then you would be the only 35-year-old in a group of 19-year-olds if you take dance. I didn't take dance when I was little because I didn't want to take dance when I was little, so I threw a bad fit over dance when I was little. Try taking piano, guitar, singing, harp, violin, or cello lessons to find someone who is nicer than him, and maybe taking piano, guitar, singing, harp, violin, or cello lessons would work to find someone who is nicer than him.

2014-12-27 06:44:40 UTC
once a cheater always a cheater.i would let him go.remember this world has plenty of guys go for one that is not a cheater.
2014-12-26 20:19:33 UTC
So I'm not going to read your post as the title says all I need to know.

Cheaters get dumped. He has no respect for you and even less if you come back for more.
2014-12-26 19:36:23 UTC
if he is cheating on you yes you deserve better
2014-12-26 18:37:10 UTC
no, dump his ***, he sounds like a ******* loser. No guy should tret a woman like that. If he wants to fool around with other girls he should have the balls and decency to just end things with you.
2014-12-26 17:26:33 UTC
I didn't have to finish reading your question. The answer is a resounding YES, break it off with him. He will only cause you more heartache down the road. Give yourself plenty of time to heal before you embark on a new relationship. Time healing = emotional strength.
2014-12-26 16:37:55 UTC
why stay with some one you cant trust
2014-12-28 02:06:55 UTC
Do you respect him? Then leave him and live on your own and re-claim your life and integrity back. Meanwhile, he is getting free sex, meals cooked, washing done, someone to help out with his living expenses................ Don't leave him because he is a moron, do it because you are worth it and you have a lot of years ahead of you yet.
2014-12-27 22:39:07 UTC
Leave him. If he's gonna play with your heart then don't waste your time trying to fix the relationship with him.
2014-12-27 22:34:29 UTC
Yes. If he cheats, that's it. He doesn't respect you. There can never be trust again. Leave.
2014-12-27 20:51:20 UTC
I know. Breakups are hard. My ex cheated on me also when I loved him with every inch of my heart. Leave while you can. Before it gets to hard to do a thing. Just get out while you can before it's even harder on you to do it. I know sometimes it seems impossible because you love them so much, or just maybe your scared of starting over, being single. But you can do it. If I could you can also. Guys are complete jerks. Mine text me steady after I dumped him trying to apologize and trying to make me jealous with all his new girls. I just ignored it. It's hard I know. ESPECIALLY, if you love them like I did him. But you can do it girl. It'll all get better in time. Goodluck.
2014-12-27 19:46:51 UTC
look if your ok, with someone disrespect that lie to you and just want to blind yourself and not see what really happen go on but will never have a good ending. learn to love yourself if you dont love yourself no one will....thats answer is what i think.GOOD LUCK
2014-12-27 15:28:20 UTC
sorry honey but you need to end it now ASAP he is cheating on you why bother saving the relationship if he likes another girl instead you could be with a guy who loves you and you alone and who doesn't hide things and will respect you and give you his heart.

Dump that jerk and find someone who will love you

trust me you"ll be happier

good luck
2014-12-27 15:19:41 UTC
Make him buy you something big then leave him. Teach him a lesson
2014-12-27 14:46:02 UTC
Yesh, He cheated he apparently doesn't care and isn't as committed to the relationship. He isn't a real men if he's going to do that and is just a stupid player. You need a real man who doesn't play games and break hearts. He's trying everything to make you stay when he truly doesn't deserve it. You can forgive but you can never forget and you will always wonder and worry if he will do it again.(or if he still is doing it) Admit it that he has lost your trust and trust is hard to ever get back.

And anyway, why bother being with someone you don't plan on spending your life with? He has



•Kept things from you

You really want to be with someone who does that? For the rest of your life? Divorce is expensive– and Marriage is forever. Just tell him you're done now and don't worry about it. You'll find someone better, someone who actually CARES, because he OBVIOUSLY doesn't.

He tried to buy your love anyway.
2014-12-27 14:37:46 UTC
Dearie, I think you know EXACTLY what you have on your hands! You have a liar, a cheater, a good for nothing BF who doesn't care about his own health, much less yours! Think ahead a teeny bit, you are pregnant with his child, and he gets herpes and gives it to you and your unborn child? WOW! Still hanging on? WOW! To what? Sweetie, not only would I kick this loser to the curb, I would put a toe tag on him! But then, I am not a VICTIM, and do not play one in real life. I am not his Mom either, so I will not be calling up his other cuddle buddies to warn them off my 'man', because that is not a 'man' that is a BOY with no sense! These other girls are probably aware of his infidelities too, and he probably swears to them it was 'guy talk' to you too! They are just as gullible and dumb too! If you like all the drama, then hold on to your 'boy', you are in for a lot of fun, just the way you are liking it now! Me? I am not a dog that keeps going back to their vomit! When I am done, I am done, NO TAKE BACKS! Look deep within yourself, as you are coming up short in the confidence department! If you know your true worth, you would know this dirt bag isn't worth the pond scum it took to put him together with! Come on, you're a big girl! Act like it!
2014-12-27 11:46:03 UTC
leave and don't look deserve better
2014-12-27 02:47:14 UTC
You need to move on...

I used to be this guy. I didn't mind dropping $1K in jewelry. It had two (2) returns...

One (1) - She would always be grateful

Two (2) - Other women would think I was such a sweet guy... Atr least one or two would want to hook up.

Bottom line, this guy is a player and is considering you ground work in case he needs something later. Don't know what, don't know when... But it's worth it just in case.

I'm married now, happily for 9 years and would never consider disrespecting my wife like that... EVER.

My suggestion to you, walk away and find a guy who treats you with respect and dignity. They are out there.

Otherwise, stay with him and get used to being the girl he's with until he finds the one he wants
2014-12-27 02:39:09 UTC
leave him. sounds like a womanizer, he can't be tied with only one woman.
2014-12-27 02:12:06 UTC
I think the best thing you can do is whatever you think is best. Do you love him enough to put the time and energy into fixing this? If he was truly sorry and he stopped all contact with his ex and he showed you everything he sent and you were sure that he was truly yours, would you ever be able to forgive him? Do you think he would be willing to prove to you that he was dating you and ONLY you? These are the questions you have to ask yourself. You'll know what the right choice is, but don't make a decision unless you're sure it's the decision that's right. I hope I helped!
2014-12-27 00:49:15 UTC
I stopped reading at "He gave me an STD".. Have some self-respect, & find some self-love and kick that cheating boy to the curb. By accepting this your destroying your self-esteem...

You deserve someone that makes you feel pretty, This IS love. If he makes you feel sad, & ugly this is NOT love.

He will do this to the girl after you, just like the girl before you. Some people suck and he's one of them. He does not respect himself enough to be of his word which means he will not respect you either he simply cannot. There is nothing wrong with you this is all him and he will continue to destroy your spirit until you take charge of yourself and say I deserve to be loved not trashed.

I hope you leave him...
Anna lynn
2014-12-27 00:27:16 UTC
Honestly in this case staying is much worst than leaving. This is an unhealthy relationship and you have every reason to leave. Giving you an STD after insisting on being clean is enough reason all on its own.

If you stay with him after he cheated it makes it okay- and he will continue cheating. If he is buying you expensive S*** its because he feels guilty. Why would he feel guilty if he's done nothing wrong? He cant buy his way out of this and he cant buy your trust back. The fact that he thinks he can is pretty

f***** up and shows how shallow he is. He doesn't look at you as an equal and he doesn't respect you.

At this point this relationship can't be saved. I'm sorry darling but at some point no matter how much people tell you over the internet you have to be the one to say enough is enough, you are better than that.

I hope I helped and I hope things get better for you.
2014-12-26 23:34:40 UTC
As u have already been damaged by infection of with STD, U r not to spare that bloke.
Undefined Matter
2014-12-26 22:27:54 UTC
Best thing to do is get him out of your life.
2014-12-26 18:41:48 UTC
look this is simple you've got to broke up with him because you never know if he gave you STD what he might give you next just by being with him . you maybe love him but you need to protect yourself as well
2014-12-26 15:35:47 UTC
He is doing all of those nice things because he knows he screwed up . why else would he be kissing up to you. if he wasn't doing something he knows he should not do why would he buy all of those things. he would be mad about the accusations if he was innocent.
2014-12-26 20:00:08 UTC
There is no relationship to save. Grow up and get out.
2014-12-25 20:21:21 UTC
If you are not leaving him. Be prepared to get cheated, even more down the time.
2014-12-26 08:37:06 UTC
Definitely. Once a cheat, always a cheat!
2014-12-26 22:01:25 UTC
Elevate yourself. This should have been the end of it when you received his STD .Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
2014-12-25 20:30:12 UTC
Yes it only gets worst
2014-12-29 10:10:12 UTC
leave him, true love is another thing ... not only a $1000 jewelry and some mind blowing speech
2014-12-28 13:08:22 UTC
He gave you an STD and cheated on you! Dump him!!!
2014-12-29 10:33:04 UTC
DUMP HIM GIVING YOU A STD FOR GOD SAKE WHY ARE YOU STILL WITH THIS JERK , Coz you luv him think he will change , he won't ,
2014-12-29 07:01:29 UTC
leave him.. leave him now.. he's a leech will suck on your feelings till you have nothing more.. then move on to next victim.. n ya give him a parting swift-kick-in-the crotch...
2014-12-26 13:44:11 UTC
No never, how can you do that to yourself. Where will you find another guy like him.
2014-12-26 18:21:44 UTC
yes, being in the relationship is pointless now
2014-12-26 07:08:02 UTC
2014-12-26 02:56:33 UTC
2014-12-26 01:13:13 UTC
Just leave him, he is not good for you and just using you.
2014-12-30 02:39:11 UTC
yes leave him consult a doctor.
2014-12-29 13:02:41 UTC
get away from him - he has only v=given you what you don't want - get away from him now.
2014-12-26 09:03:04 UTC
IMO speaking as concerned, caring and sincerely as I can-please please please run. This is my story:

I speak from experience as the same things you list happened to me. Let me target in on the std. I got that from my ex and it was so bad I had to get my cevix cut off to remove the pre-cancer cells from the Hpv he gave me . My GYN was so angry at him and basically begged me to leave him but I didn't. I had 2little girls who adored him and I put up with all the disrespect he gave me for their sakes. He slept around, lied, stole from me, ignored me, didn't stick up for me, and treated me like dirt really. Sure I fought back when I needed to, prayed all would be ok, cherished the little time he gave to us, etc. He loved treating me the way I let him. Because I wasnt stronger and let him get away with his bad behavior, he got worse and my kids could only learn that it is ok for men to treat them that badly. Then one day my mom had a talk with me. I was crying and telling her I was unhappy as he and i were having such issues and waiting to see what he wanted to get things in order. That wonderful woman said only 4 words that changed my life forever. She asked me "what do YOU want?" a light bulb went off over my head. I immediately regretted letting my girls see a weak woman letting a man rule over her like that, I regretted thinking I needed a person so mean, uncaring, disrespectful and void of human compassion, a hypocrite, and capable of only doing the wrong thing into my life. I knew better. I didn't deserve any of his bull because darn it-I was a good person, was more than good to him, and my girls were not going to be raised to repeat taking this kind of crap from anyone.

I realized what an ****** he was and could not wait to get away from him. I did not want to waste another second lifting him up. I wanted to get on with my life and try and find peace. It had been almost 20 years of my life wasted on his butt, at least 5 affairs, upwards of $10,000 dollars, countless nights alone, a cervix operation, and an ilagitamit child from one of his affairs.

I called him, told him where to go and how to get there, told him to get out of my house an my life, filed for divorce, went back-to my maiden name, got my kids and got my groove back. Believe it or not, when I got strong and showed him what I was made of-The jerk actually begged me to forgive him, call off the divorce and take him back. He would change, he only wanted the woman i was now all along, etc. Too little, too late.

I got my freedom, got my mojo back, and got all his buddies and more wanting me now that I was available. all he got was an order to pay child support for my kids plus the other woman got one for him to pay for her child she had with him. Also got to see how sad and depressed he looked wanting this new me back and the satisfaction of knowing that I hurt him even if it was nothing compared to what he put me through. I am so happy now with a new man in my life, the man of my dreams, who loves me, takes care of me, respects me, and would do anything to save me from 1 second of hurt or sorrow. Been 6 years for us now and I can believe I wasted all those years on my ex's happiness and not mine.

I know i am rambling and this response lengthy but i have vowed to save anyone in this situation that i can. Long story short (too late!) DONT EVER LET ANYONE TREAT YOU WITH ANYLESS RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE! I wasted almost 20 precious years of my life never knowing this. It is not too late for you or anyone else in that kind of bad situation to remember and always remember this: don't be used, never settle, and ALWAYS get what you deserve. I hope to goodness you do the right thing honey. Life is so short-don't waste it on bull crap. There are PLENTY of good men out there waiting for just a chance to respect a woman like you. Leave that man alone and you go out and live life to the fullest-for YOU. Good luck to you
2014-12-26 21:41:36 UTC
leave him he messed up if he really cared none of it would happened you can do better
2014-12-25 20:19:58 UTC
Leave him girl.
Love N Life
2014-12-27 22:57:06 UTC
Leave... You know your worth!
2014-12-29 00:13:37 UTC
break up! simple
2014-12-26 02:58:27 UTC
dump him and dont look back!this is who he is and he isnt going to change.
2014-12-29 20:52:02 UTC
make him take u on a shopping spree then leave him
2014-12-26 21:01:16 UTC
No. You should marry him and have his children.
2014-12-26 13:42:47 UTC
Dump him.
2014-12-26 18:44:16 UTC
leave and look for better person.
2014-12-26 21:57:04 UTC
Dump this looser **** immediately.
2014-12-27 12:49:23 UTC
break up
Chand cha
2014-12-27 15:59:52 UTC
2014-12-27 01:25:17 UTC
I think you should
2014-12-26 13:57:31 UTC
I do not know?
2014-12-30 00:00:29 UTC
2016-03-23 00:04:19 UTC
Answer -->
2014-12-26 16:27:01 UTC
dump the bum.
2014-12-29 08:11:40 UTC
i would
2014-12-27 17:27:35 UTC
2014-12-28 18:43:37 UTC
2014-12-25 23:49:16 UTC
duh. why is this even a question?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.