IMO speaking as concerned, caring and sincerely as I can-please please please run. This is my story:
I speak from experience as the same things you list happened to me. Let me target in on the std. I got that from my ex and it was so bad I had to get my cevix cut off to remove the pre-cancer cells from the Hpv he gave me . My GYN was so angry at him and basically begged me to leave him but I didn't. I had 2little girls who adored him and I put up with all the disrespect he gave me for their sakes. He slept around, lied, stole from me, ignored me, didn't stick up for me, and treated me like dirt really. Sure I fought back when I needed to, prayed all would be ok, cherished the little time he gave to us, etc. He loved treating me the way I let him. Because I wasnt stronger and let him get away with his bad behavior, he got worse and my kids could only learn that it is ok for men to treat them that badly. Then one day my mom had a talk with me. I was crying and telling her I was unhappy as he and i were having such issues and waiting to see what he wanted to get things in order. That wonderful woman said only 4 words that changed my life forever. She asked me "what do YOU want?" a light bulb went off over my head. I immediately regretted letting my girls see a weak woman letting a man rule over her like that, I regretted thinking I needed a person so mean, uncaring, disrespectful and void of human compassion, a hypocrite, and capable of only doing the wrong thing into my life. I knew better. I didn't deserve any of his bull because darn it-I was a good person, was more than good to him, and my girls were not going to be raised to repeat taking this kind of crap from anyone.
I realized what an ****** he was and could not wait to get away from him. I did not want to waste another second lifting him up. I wanted to get on with my life and try and find peace. It had been almost 20 years of my life wasted on his butt, at least 5 affairs, upwards of $10,000 dollars, countless nights alone, a cervix operation, and an ilagitamit child from one of his affairs.
I called him, told him where to go and how to get there, told him to get out of my house an my life, filed for divorce, went back-to my maiden name, got my kids and got my groove back. Believe it or not, when I got strong and showed him what I was made of-The jerk actually begged me to forgive him, call off the divorce and take him back. He would change, he only wanted the woman i was now all along, etc. Too little, too late.
I got my freedom, got my mojo back, and got all his buddies and more wanting me now that I was available. all he got was an order to pay child support for my kids plus the other woman got one for him to pay for her child she had with him. Also got to see how sad and depressed he looked wanting this new me back and the satisfaction of knowing that I hurt him even if it was nothing compared to what he put me through. I am so happy now with a new man in my life, the man of my dreams, who loves me, takes care of me, respects me, and would do anything to save me from 1 second of hurt or sorrow. Been 6 years for us now and I can believe I wasted all those years on my ex's happiness and not mine.
I know i am rambling and this response lengthy but i have vowed to save anyone in this situation that i can. Long story short (too late!) DONT EVER LET ANYONE TREAT YOU WITH ANYLESS RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE! I wasted almost 20 precious years of my life never knowing this. It is not too late for you or anyone else in that kind of bad situation to remember and always remember this: don't be used, never settle, and ALWAYS get what you deserve. I hope to goodness you do the right thing honey. Life is so short-don't waste it on bull crap. There are PLENTY of good men out there waiting for just a chance to respect a woman like you. Leave that man alone and you go out and live life to the fullest-for YOU. Good luck to you