What does "taking a break" mean in a relationship?
Just me.
2008-09-30 20:09:17 UTC
Me and my boyfriend have been dating not too long but he already wants to take a break. I totally respect his decision because he told me about a lot of things that are happening in his life. He said he wants to be with me but he can't because of all that is happening to him now.
Does it mean we'll get back together or will we just end up drifting apart?
To me, the words "taking a break" seem so permanent....
71 answers:
2008-09-30 20:14:28 UTC
It depends on what he means by it. Taking a break means you are not seeing each other anymore, depending on what else was including in the discussion it could be. "taking a break: to see other people, or just to have some space." Maybe he is unsure of where things are going and wants some time to himself, maybe he wants to see other people and see if you guys come back to each other. You need to talk to him and figure out what exactly this break means. So you know where you stand with him, but if he wants to take a break and see other people you need to respect his choice and do the same, don't wait forever, even if he doesn't want to see other people and just wants some time apart, put a limit on the time, you can't wait around for a guy to make up his mind forever. If you respect his space and his choice you may get back together but there is no promise in anything, but if you drift apart you will find someone else.

Best of luck.
2008-09-30 20:15:59 UTC
Taking a break just means taking a break. I personally think it's an immature move but some people actually need it. In my opinion, if he's the one for you, he shouldn't need a break. He should man it up and manage everything accordingly instead of being so wimpy about it. The word isn't permanent. Some people get back together after taking a break because they realize how much they meant to each other and begin becoming more thankful. However, there are definitely other cases where people fall apart completely and never get back together again. I am an example of the second one. My ex wanted to take a break because he was insecure and I broke it off with him completely. Don't worry though. You're not a statistic or probability. If you hold on to this, who knows? It might just work out for the better.

Keep your options open though during the break. I.E....maybe you'll find someone better than this current boyfriend of yours. If you do, remember that you have no obligation to stick with the current boyfriend due to the fact that he wants to "take a break."'ll be his loss if that happens.
2016-11-05 13:53:47 UTC
Taking A Break
Honeybear's Darlin'♥
2008-09-30 20:16:53 UTC
You know I never understood the point of taking a break. A break means you're not totally over but ur not together at the moment. It's very weird but you have to be careful with these breaks because most of the times couples who go on break end up over for good. I'm not sure how you and your bf will end up but if for some reason you guys don't find your way back to each other, you should move on because more than likely he would have moved on with his life already. To me, I believe a stable couple should be together through the worst of times to help one another. But that's just me. Hope things turn out well and you guys find way to one another!!! Good luck!!! =)
. .
2008-09-30 20:23:03 UTC
needing space can be about a few things;

1. not sure about feelings towards you

2. does have many personal issues which prevents a healthy and happy viewpoint for the two of you

3. re assure him that you are going to wait, but not forever. I would give him about 3 months...after that start to move on.

4. ask what the break means to him on the level of you and him and not about other stuff.

5. if he can't be with you during stressful times now, how will he handle the future? Loving someone means going though the tough times together not running away. (be careful not to blame as this may push him away)

6. keep your strength and believe in yourself while you are going through this.

7 all the best to you
2008-09-30 20:24:50 UTC
There are two possible reasons for this and, unfortunately,it's more than likely going to be the first.

Like most people are saying, it's because he's wanting to play the field but he doesn't want to lose conin caseith you in case things don't work out.

The second reason could be because he is going through tough times and needs a break. Maybe he just wants to be alone right now.

There's one more thing but it's mainly for couples who've dated for quite some time. I once dated this guy and we had to be apart from each other for a week; no calls, no texs, no contact what so ever. When we finally did see each other and get to talk with each other, it was like a breath of fresh air. Like when we first started dating and we both appreciated each other a lot more.
2008-09-30 20:14:45 UTC
It's really just a big excuse and an easier way to say "im sorry, but let's just end this." When people take breaks, they usually end or get back together, take a break, get back together, break up, get back together, take a break... etc. It's a horrible cycle. Maybe you should just it be how it's gonna be, and move on.

That is not to be mean at all but to save you from getting hurt in the end. Just accept that things probably won't be the same and just go on with your life while he does with his.
2008-09-30 20:17:15 UTC
There is no way to be sure however the fact that he was able to talk to you about it rather than just dump you or cheat on you is a good sign. Just give him space and see where things go. I am going through something very similar right now. My girl and I have known each other for several years and decided to take things to the next level. When we were just best friends everything was always fine but after we started dating all of our little differences started to add up and become big ones, to the point where it just wasn't working. We have both decided to take some time off but remain very close and talk everyday. We both know that it just wasn't the right time now and that hopefully in the future things can get better and last. It is worth fighting for. Stay positive and don't stress too much. Best, G.
2008-09-30 20:16:11 UTC
Possibly 2 reasons. He wants to date other people or he needs space to deal with issues in his life. But don't give up hope. There are relationships that have continued after a break. Be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket though. If he decides to make the break permanent, make sure you have a safety net. Meaning something that will lessen the blow of the break up. Perhaps another guy you have in mind of dating. This helps but not recommended because it will break the heart of you ex if you still care about his feelings after the break up.
2008-09-30 20:16:38 UTC
It can really mean either, but be aware that a break is a break and in relationships and fine china. You can put it back together, but you'll always notice the spot where it was fixed. Most times things are not the same afterward. Move on and stop making excuses for him.

Considering that you haven't' dated that long, he should want you by his side when times get tough, not push you away.
2008-09-30 20:13:24 UTC
I *always* think a "break" is a cop-out. He might be busy and have a lot going on, but if he was crazy about you, he would want you by his side while he goes thru it. I'm sorry this is blunt, but from my experience, a break is never a good thing. Even if you wind up getting back together, there will probably still be problems. As far as I'm concerned, you're either together or you're not. I think he's unsure as to what he wants from you and is hoping you'll just wait around like a devoted puppy for him to make up his mind.

Don't be the puppy - you deserve better.
2015-08-10 07:52:56 UTC
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What does "taking a break" mean in a relationship?

Me and my boyfriend have been dating not too long but he already wants to take a break. I totally respect his decision because he told me about a lot of things that are happening in his life. He said he wants to be with me but he can't because of all that is happening to him now.

Does it mean...
2008-09-30 20:17:36 UTC
In order for you to avoid drifting apart during the break, I recommend that you call him occasionally. Not once a week, but like every other week and never on the same day as before. It is probable best to call him on the weekend so that way you have a better chance you won't catch him when he is busy. Also, try not to ask if he wants to hang out just let him know that you are there for him if he ever just wants to talk. don't let him drift away if you really do want to keep the relationship going.
mr pickle
2008-09-30 20:17:33 UTC
Doesn't everyone have a lot of things going on in our lives? Little bit of a cop out. It would be nice to know "what things" and what does a break look like. Come to some arrangement so you just aren't hung out with the laundry.

What is so serious? I mean, he can still be with you and work things out. Isn't that the way things are done?
2008-09-30 20:15:33 UTC
Usually means it's a permanent break up because during that break there's a good chance one of you will hook up with someone else. If he does, you'll always wonder if she was the reason for the "break" he needed. Do yourself a favor and move on to something better.
2008-10-02 16:52:43 UTC
"Taking a break" is usually code for, "I always want you to be an option, but for now I want to do other things." And by things, I mean women. Honestly, the only times in which I've ever heard this phrase is either when a guy wants you around without the commitment for a while, until he "finds himself," or when they just want to sever all ties gently and gradually. I hope he's an exception...

2008-09-30 20:19:01 UTC
I took a break with my ex before and we got back together but we broke up about a month later however we had been having problems with each other. If he really cared about you he should want you around to help him through everything no matter what it is. Good Luck!
2008-09-30 20:13:52 UTC
Yeah its the confusion stage. I think it is definately a lot to ask for, but if he says he wants to still be with you and does his best to keep in contact with you, then you can rest assured that he will inform you if he feels that he is drifting apart from you. While you may think that is a bad thing. Closure would be what you want if he drifts away.
2008-09-30 20:13:18 UTC
It's not completely over it's just like literally a break for a bit it's breaking up but being good friends until you guys decide to get back together type thing...
2016-05-31 03:49:12 UTC
Do you want your ex back, but they treat you as if you don't exist or don't matter? Has your ex told you that they will NEVER get back together with you, and have they said they don't love you anymore?

You see, if you want your ex back, but they are treating you indifferently, you need to do something outrageous! Yup, that may sound crazy, but trust me, it's the most powerful psychological trick which will make your ex regret breaking up with you!

Read on to find out how you can use this trick to your advantage...
2008-09-30 20:15:35 UTC
It means it's over Sorry but yeah. My Ex and I took a break and hooked back up again but majority of the time it's over
jeff m
2008-09-30 20:13:11 UTC
I dont care what is going on in his life. If he cares about you all he needs to say is that he needs space but be very clear that he is still your boyfriend. Taking a break generally means he wants other people.
2008-09-30 20:15:32 UTC
ask him what he means by it.. it can mean so many things that I have learned.

It can mean you are drifting apart and needs time to see if he really wants to be with you... which you are allowed to date other people

maybe you are a little smothering and he just needs a breather.. which you aren't allowed to date other people.

really it can mean so many things and have so many different rules... its best you ask him what exactly he means by it.

It would suck if you thought it meant not to date other while his version is to date others.. then more mess will come up from it. But yeah just make it clear and what he wants to accomplish by this.
2008-09-30 20:16:37 UTC
for me taking a break means you're really breaking up in a polite way or not to hurt your feelings. maybe he thinks that your a hindrance to his future plans in life.
2008-09-30 20:14:09 UTC
Well if what he says is true then I might give him the benefit of the doubt. But 99% of the time when a person says that the relationship is over. He's saying he's to busy to make time for you in his life? I always find that dubious.
2008-09-30 20:14:01 UTC
this is a hard question. "taking a break" could mean a lot of things. i think that if its not too awkward you should talk to him soon and ask what he meant by it. if you cant do that i would just give him space for now. if you hes worth it things will work out.
2008-09-30 20:13:28 UTC
he doesnt want 2 be with u anymore, once one person in a relationship brings that up, most likely the relationship wont last much. and if u guys go back together from that break, u guys r gona be fighting alot.
Juana J
2008-09-30 20:14:45 UTC
well it really depends on your relationship becuase sometimes they really do need a break with to much going on in there life ... but sometimes it means that they dont want to break up and stop bieng friends ... they want you to still talk to them
2016-02-07 03:53:59 UTC
Getyour Ex Back Permanently Forever -
2008-09-30 20:15:51 UTC
It's over, but he's saying it as nice as he possibly can! But you never know maybe he means "Just taking a break"...

-Alie (;

P.S. Good Luck!!
2008-09-30 20:18:44 UTC
You are being let down easy by someone who likes and respects you..

pretty much the reality is your too hung up on him and he isnt interested in a long term thing.

Pull back and open your self to meeting others.. and get to it.. hes moving on to the future without you. Its probably going to be permanent.. but he had feelings for you . and is letting you down nicely.

Its over.
2008-09-30 20:13:49 UTC
It means he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He basically wants to play the field a bit, then come back to you when he has soiled his wild oats. Move on girl, you deserve so much better.
2008-09-30 20:14:48 UTC
ok one answer it means break up!!!!!!!!! for sure i know this because my friend a girl had the same problem and that was th end of their relationship
2008-09-30 20:13:43 UTC
it means that u and him r breaking up and he will come back to u as soon as the things in his life gets better for him.
2008-09-30 20:17:49 UTC
HAHAHA. Did you see the episodes on the show "Friends" where Rachael and Ross were, "taking a break"? For him it justified sleeping with another woman in record time. Be careful.
♥ Mrs. D♥
2008-09-30 20:12:46 UTC
sorry to say this but from my experience "taking a break" means there's probably someone else he is interested in. he may just want to go on one innocent date to see what it's like.

Nicki worded what I was thinking perfectly!
m c helvis has been violated
2008-09-30 20:14:16 UTC
He's too weak to break with you. You are too good for him. Get yourself a real man.
2017-02-18 03:28:02 UTC
100% ♥Creole♥
2008-09-30 20:12:35 UTC
most of the time, it is permanent; it's a person way of being nice and not hurting the other person's feeling.

but, then again, maybe he is going through something and you both will get back together. time will tell. =)
Rachel Bitchface
2008-09-30 20:13:08 UTC
It means he no longer wants a romantic relationship with you but he does not want to hurt your feeling or cause any kind of hard feeling between the two of you.
2008-09-30 20:15:03 UTC
r u sure that's he's not jus making up things. he might wanna break up so u should wait fo a while n if he still doesn say anything than move on.
♥prittygirliam♥ aka ♥Krissy Poo♥
2008-09-30 20:23:32 UTC
I'm so sorry you had to go thrue that hunnz but what your (former) boyfriend is saying is that it's over. I think maby he just can't handle al of the pressure and things he is going thrue and make room to love you...............I'm am so sorry once again.
2016-02-06 10:01:58 UTC
My Ex Back Success Story -
Trey Z
2008-09-30 20:16:36 UTC
Oh, you got crapped on. You should break his windshield with a brick while he is at that cheap motel in your town with his new girl...sorry
2008-09-30 20:12:26 UTC
It means that he is interested in someone else and if that doesn't work out he wants to be able to come back to you.
2008-09-30 20:12:42 UTC
You're right. There's a 99% chance of being over.
2015-10-09 09:48:13 UTC
lol its like Friends' Ross and Rachel
2008-09-30 20:30:07 UTC
meaning seeing other people for a while. maybe permanant
2008-09-30 20:12:41 UTC
"Taking a break" means one (or both) of you want to see if you can hook up with someone else, but they don't want to let go of what they've got. It's dating slang for saying "I think I can do better than you, but just in case I'm wrong, I don't want to burn this bridge."
2008-09-30 20:13:04 UTC
Yeahh.. it means he's breaking up but being nice about it. Sorry :(
2008-09-30 20:15:41 UTC
it just means that the person needs thier own space
2008-09-30 20:12:27 UTC
Lemme tell you a little story:

Once upon a time you got your crap out of his apartment and you left.

The end.
2008-09-30 20:13:01 UTC
Sorry, but he dosen't want to see you anymore. It's time to move on.
2008-09-30 20:12:53 UTC
nice way of saying i want to see other women

or he is seeing somebody else already
2008-09-30 20:12:21 UTC
Taking time off for ourselves, to think and take time off, a less things off your shoulders. Like taking a vacation off school, to relax to clear your mind.
2008-09-30 20:12:36 UTC
he wants to break up
Ghost Kitty
2008-09-30 20:13:58 UTC
2008-09-30 20:11:59 UTC
it usually ends up with drifting apart

Linda K
2008-09-30 20:17:43 UTC
might be over but it also might mean he just wants some time apart and think about stuff in his life

don't jump to conclutions give it time

answer mine please?
2008-09-30 20:12:26 UTC
It means 'splitting up'.
2008-09-30 20:12:13 UTC
it means he wants to fuxk other girls and breakup with you without hurting your feelings.

it's happened to me a couple times
2008-09-30 20:13:04 UTC
it means he is done with you and its time to find other women
2008-09-30 20:11:34 UTC
It means it's over and he's letting you down as easily as possible.
2008-09-30 20:12:52 UTC
girl, you got dumped. :(

ive been gets better
2008-09-30 20:12:27 UTC
go outside for a change
Cassie N
2008-09-30 20:12:29 UTC
HE DUMPT YOU kindly tho
2008-09-30 20:12:00 UTC
it means it is over. but he is not man enough to say it.
2008-09-30 20:12:43 UTC
let's just say sorry.
2008-09-30 20:11:53 UTC
not good
2008-09-30 20:11:39 UTC
its pretty much over
2008-09-30 20:11:42 UTC
make a step!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.