2011-05-27 08:26:38 UTC
Within a day or two of my joining, I had all sort of guys interested in me, of which all but 2 were very old married men. (40+, I'm 19, and don't really want to date guys more than 7 or 8 years older than me) Of course this really upset me, so I decided I ought to delete my account. It took me 20 minutes to find the form that you use to delete your account, and filled it out and submitted it 6 times. Nothing happened. So I found their contact page and filled out that form in order to inform them that I didn't want to use their service any more. I did this three times, and also nothing happened. I clicked "Submit" and it just went back to the regular help pages, just as it did when I tried to delete my account.
Now, 3 days later, my account still is on their site, and I've replied to every email sent to me by their customer care email account informing them of how angry this is making me, and how much I'd like to have my account removed, and they still aren't doing anything or acknowledging my concerns.
My account is still getting lots of attention from older men, and this is making me really uncomfortable that it won't let me delete ANY of my personal information, or, at the very least, my picture. Has anyone had this problem before who can help, or knows what I can do to make this stop?