And I don't know what to do, i'm still in love with a person who's now dead... I cry almost every night and I think about him before I go to sleep so i'll dream about him... How do I get through this? It hurts and i'm depressed over it.... I loved him and only him now I feel so incomplete.... I did have a dream about him the other night he told me he'll be in my dreams. Is he trying to tell me something? He was in a gang and got shot. He was mean to me. Threatin to kill me beat me up but never did. He liked me for a few days then quit... I guess he was trying to protect me. He called me the day I gave him my number but I didn't answer.. I think he did want a relationship with me. Then He started hating me because he said I was a stalker when I was just checking on him. I loved him. Do you think he is trying to tell me something? Like he is trying to tell me he's sorry?
He was black and i'm white.. He'd always stare at me. At one time while at school he hid behind a wall and watched me walk to class.... I saw him though.. And the way he stared I knew he cared.