is it normal to be a virgin at the age of 28?
2015-08-22 23:31:23 UTC
still have not met mr right...only dated 2 guys...but i feel like if i waited this long- i will wait until marriage..will guys look down on that and turn on me?
265 answers:
2015-08-24 03:44:45 UTC
It is normal and highly creditable to be a virgin at 28 . If you loose your virginity before marriage it indicates that you have been used by someone . In short you become second hand in the marriage market . Fall into the hands of Mr. Right as a virgin . You will never regret it .
Remedy in my head
2015-08-24 20:25:18 UTC
You could be double your age, and being a virgin would still be fine. In fact, there's no scientific fact, the age the majority lost it, all that doesn't matter. You are an individual who should choose their own path, regardless of not losing their virginity yet.

I think you are letting society's "rules", "values", and stereotypes take a negative toll on you. There is no right or wrong age to lose it. You might feel like this because of peers around you, your environment, or social media's values about virginity. Don't let any of that change your values or affect you, because you should think for yourself. Don't listen to those stereotype, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin period. Only shallow people value that more than personality. If you're with people like that, dont be with them. Be with good influences. People, places, and things.

You shouldn't feel like a loner, a weirdo, or feel frowned upon. In fact, this shows you value a healthy serious relationship, and you are not just jacking off with every single guy you meet. Some guys actually do value that.

Dont give up your beliefs, and dont stop reserving yourself for the right guy just because some people you know lost their virginity easy at 16.

Lose it when you are sure this is the person you want to be with. Lose it when you feel comfortable and happy, don't feel pressured to do anything.

Enjoy the time you have being single, mr. right will probably take a long time to come, but it will be worth the wait.

You're still young! There's more to life than worry and sex.
2015-08-25 23:16:09 UTC
Virgin girl at the age of 28 is strange now a days but not impossible because there are few religious people who even don't marry and want to be single for all life. In Asia and Arabic countries there are many Islamic girls who don't make physical sex with their boyfriends so it might be possible that you can find a virgin girl at the age of 28. I would also like to say that big girls or ugly girls can remain a virgin girl at age of 28 or if a girl is abnormal so she also can remain virgin at age of 28 so these were conditions which I know just because of my personal studies on lifestyle and relationship.
2015-08-25 06:37:31 UTC
I don't get this "wait until marriage" malarky.

It's not the olden days where everyone got married off. Arguably, it still goes on within certain religions and cultures, but in the more developed countries, not as many people get married as they used to. Most couples I know live together before they even think of marriage. and even then, marriage never comes up!

Most people these days lose their virginity before they're your age, but there's nothing wrong that you're still a virgin. It's your choice, and most men would think it kind of nice.

The issue I have is what if you never get married? Do you want a life of celibacy? You might meet a lovely guy that wants to live with you and take care of you, but he might not necessarily want to get married for whatever reason. Would you end the relationship just because of that? A piece of paper isn't the key to happiness.

Good luck with whatever you want from life! :-)
2015-08-24 06:04:43 UTC
Men always think of having sex, it's in their genes. And if your want to wait until the marriage they will feel frustrated because you will be at their (well.. at HIS) side and he couldn't even touch you. I think it's not commun to be a virgin at the age of 28 because you start your professional life and you're supposed to have your family like most of people still have at the age because at this age you're an adult but if you didn't find the right man yet it's another thing. I think even if you are 28 you have the right to decide with who, where en when you want to lose your virginity because it's important for we women, the first time is always seen like something's magical so if it must be magical feel free to decide when and especially with who you would like to lose your virginity because contrary to the men, women are more romantic so don't pay attention of what a few men could tell you just because their balls are talking to you.
2015-08-24 17:28:02 UTC
Hi Rose, you appear to have deemed yourself precious, which in my book is a great thing. So, I would beg to differ what is a norm or fad for that matter based on what is continually being delivered our way threw television, movies and the media. Why, because over the centuries we have globally bought into the so called myth behind ones virginity, especially a woman's. Nothing else is globally talked about as is ones virginity and the amount of sexual partners one has had. For a woman she's damned if she is and also damned if she isn't by men throughout the world. Yet still they selfishly only put in the amount of effort for their own enjoyment alone. So, don't let your peers or society allow you to be swayed from your own true agenda at just how precious you are as a woman.
2015-08-25 02:04:31 UTC
Men always think of having sex, it's in their genes. And if your want to wait until the marriage they will feel frustrated because you will be at their (well.. at HIS) side and he couldn't even touch you. I think it's not commun to be a virgin at the age of 28 because you start your professional life and you're supposed to have your family like most of people still have at the age because at this age you're an adult but if you didn't find the right man yet it's another thing. I think even if you are 28 you have the right to decide with who, where en when you want to lose your virginity because it's important for we women, the first time is always seen like something's magical so if it must be magical feel free to decide when and especially with who you would like to lose your virginity because contrary to the men, women are more romantic so don't pay attention of what a few men could tell you just because their balls are talking to you.
2015-08-23 23:33:33 UTC
It is admirable that you value the sacredness of your own body. Virginity is something to be proud of not ashamed of. Wait for that special person. Don't jump into bed with just anyone. You risk disappointment, sexual disease, possible pregnancy (if you are female), then you have the lifelong adjustment of a child or some people abort. Don't put yourself at risk of the consequences of sexual activity if you are not in love with a person. If people remained virgins until they married (like the old days), there would be no abortions, no children born unloved and no shallow relationship or risk of the person leaving you once they have had sex with you. Stick by your morals. I commend you. It takes guts to remain a virgin. Once you lose your virginity you cross a line you can never cross back over. It is done.
2015-08-23 21:06:20 UTC
Society tries to brainwash you that it's not normal, but it's perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin or waiting until marriage to have sex. To me, that shows some serious self-control and commitment. And, a lot of guys find being a virgin an attractive quality rather than someone who's slept around a lot.
2015-08-23 07:47:29 UTC
Normal? Sure. But not common. I don't think you should wait for marriage. Hell, I don't even believe in marriage, it's a bullshit institution. Forget what your parents and the preacher man said, they just didn't want you to get an std or knocked up at 16, so they told you some bullshit. I think you should be in a serious relationship and love the guy. Truth is people place so much emphasis on the "first time," they want to see fireworks and rainbows and i'm telling you, that doesn't usually happen the first time anyways. Sex, like anything, gets better with experience.
2015-08-25 18:13:47 UTC
Normal in this day and age honestly no. Normal is what's accepted by society weird is what's not. But everyone has something that makes them weird in other people's eyes and honestly there's nothing wrong with you being a virgin because you don't have to live with the regret of giving it to the wrong person. Or being called any names but not all guys will look down on you because of it most of them will love it and some of them will want nothing to do with it but every guy is different.
2015-08-24 22:19:26 UTC
No, it definitely isn't. No offense, but that's not even healthy. That's just strange. Sexuality and intimacy is an important part of life and you should have that and be comfortable with that by now. Most people lose their virginity at 16 or 17. It's a fact. I think you have some catching up to do!
2015-08-24 11:50:26 UTC
I wouldn't say its not normal, its just rare, well done by the way for waiting for that guy. Im a man and I am a 22 year old virgin I have had 5 chances to lose it but I didn't like the girls it was about peer pressure and it still is. All I hear about is sex its everywhere I am actually sick of it and ive not even had it yet lol
2015-08-24 15:10:45 UTC
I don't think it's normal (i.e. not many people are at that age). But since you're a girl/woman I think it's more acceptable. If a guy was a virgin at 28, he'd get roasted, but for a girl it's cute. Respectable even, if you're that kinda guy. Personally, all things being equal, I thing it's a good thing in a partner.
2015-08-24 19:21:48 UTC
It's good to be a virgin until you're married because if so, then your Mr. Right will see that you've saved yourself for HIM, not given yourself to just anybody. If he would be worried for some reason or look down on you for not having sex before you were married, then just explain your reason, that you don't have a problem with having sex it's just that you wanted to save yourself for the right person. He should be honored that you would do that, and, if not, then maybe he's not Mr. Right because he doesn't care that you're doing that for him. It really is an honor to go up on your wedding day and be able to say that you've saved this gift for your spouse. Sometimes, when you date someone, you already started to fall in love with them emotionally, so when you get married you can't always say that that person was your first love, but you can say you saved a special part of your love just for them. And that proves your love.
2015-08-27 19:07:40 UTC
It seems we have a lot of religious virginity die-hards answering here.

I know I'm going to get voted down, but I'm posting anyway because YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. This is FACT: for women, having children later in life (eg, 35 and onward) drastically increases the chances that your offspring will be born with mental retardation or other serious birth defects or abnormalities. The later you start, the higher the chances, the worse it is.

That being said: if you're not planning on having kids, then you have nothing to worry about. But personally, I would not wait so late to have children, given the chances that they will be born permanently disabled, for the off-chance that I would appear "desirable" to others or to uphold some crazy religious dogma.

There is nothing wrong with waiting until marriage. There IS something wrong with intentionally waiting until later in life to have your children. I'm sorry, but this is how I feel, and what I said about birth defects/mental retardation is a FACT.

I wish you well.
2015-08-24 04:33:08 UTC
Who cares about 'normal'. Most of my friends aren't on Facebook. Is that 'normal'? Whatever you do, don't fret about it, when you meet someone who's happy to wait, it'll be all the more wonderful. For some of my friends, that 'first time' has been very late - 30s, 40s, even 50s. Do they regret it? No, because it was wonderful for them and in most cases they're still with that person.

When you're young and rush into these things, it can often be a huge disappointment. People often say "My first time? It was awful. Laughable."

Stay happy and let it happen naturally, when you're ready.
Lisa M
2015-08-24 05:29:30 UTC
Congratulations! These days virginity is not at all valued enough and should be. My daughter is 20 and still a virgin. What s the automatic thought of most readers reading this right now? They don t believe me and say I m naïve! But she s gone to the ob/gyn who can confirm. My daughter also has common sense. She realises that no boy is important enough to ruin her future.

I think people who scorn you are jealous. Perhaps they made bad decisions that still affect them now. Like ending up pregnant and alone. If they only had said no to that guy who left them anyway! After all, in the end it s the woman, nobody else, who must decide what to do if she gets pregnant. Virginity should be held in higher esteem these days.

Maybe you can start a movement!!
2015-08-23 15:08:52 UTC
It is perfectly normal. It just isn't as usual nowadays, as we have people constantly telling us through television and popular culture that sex is normal and virginity is odd. I am 35 years old and a virgin. I have had many dates and multiple boyfriends, but I do not believe in sex outside of marriage, so I haven't taken that step. I certainly do not feel that there is anything wrong with sex, simply that it has its place. I also don't feel like anything is missing from my life. I am perfectly happy and fulfilled. If I meet a man to share my life (and my bed) someday, then I will be thrilled. If not, then I will be fine. And you will too.
2015-08-23 13:57:10 UTC
Is it because you haven't found anyone you want to have sex with? Normal

Is it because you are confused about your sexuality? Normal

Is it because you are more interested in other activities? Normal

If you had sexual desires but were limiting yourself because of shiness or beliefs that sex is dirty, that would be a problem.

That being said guys (and girls) think that a virgin partner is actually better. Sex will be more of an amazing-discovery thing and there will be less thinking about matching the "expertise" level of the other person.
2015-08-23 12:20:29 UTC
Yes, it's normal. You're perfectly fine. It's better to wait for a guy who actually wants you for you than some guy who just wants to get in your pants that you'll break up with later. And yes, it's better with someone you love than someone you're infatuated with. If a guy shies away just because you're a virgin, then that's a pretty good sign he's not so interested in you as a person. Some may care, others won't. Don't be pressured.
2015-08-23 23:33:00 UTC
I don't think that it's abnormal to be a virgin at 28. I honestly don't plan on having sex ever, as it just isn't appealing. Besides, although I know it's tempting to listen to other peoples' opinions on your own life, other people can't live your life for you. If other people want to tell you to have sex before it's too late, or to wait until hell freezes over, it's really not their place. You need to do whatever you feel comfortable with, and if that's waiting for marriage, then do that. If it's going out and having sex tonight, then do that. If it's never having sex, then do that. It's your body, and you do what you want with it. No one can tell you different. I hope this helps. :)
Chris Sellick
2015-08-23 17:37:40 UTC
Its normal no matter what. What are you doing to find the right guys that have the potential to be your future husband? Have you figured out what you want in life? What qualities a guy has to have for you to settle down with him? Do you have pride and good standards to eliminate the bad ones to get to the good ones? Read some books on the subject. Look for warning signs to avoid the wrong guys. There are books like these that might interest you:

1)Its not him,its you. By Christie Hartman.

2)If I'm so wonderful,why am I still single? By Susan Page.

3)The little book of big red flags. By Natasha Burton.

4)The Dirty Seven.Ladies beware. By June Marshall.

There are plenty of dating books too.

Be proud of who you are and for having good standards and morals. You'll find the right guy soon. Its up to you to find the right ones whilst eliminating the wrong ones.
2015-08-23 19:21:25 UTC
There is no such thing as normal! I was a virgin until I was 26 (that was last year). I thought I would NEVER have sex. I had pretty much given up on it. There were some guys who expressed interest in me, but I did not reciprocate their feelings. And I didn't want to have sex with someone unless I loved them. I think I also didn't put out a sexual vibe. It's okay to be sexual and sexy when dating and finding a mate. I think that's especially important to men so that they know you're attracted to them (this is according to my boyfriend I know). Do NOT feel bad about this. I got my miracle :)
2015-08-23 18:20:25 UTC

If I haven't been married and if I'm still 31 single or even 51 I'd love to stay virgin. .Being a virgin is a privilege and sadly the society portraits virgins are the unattractive ones, like no guys desire them and you probably will see some weird people even make fun of virgins. Nope, it's better than being a slut.
2015-08-24 04:36:18 UTC
My brother met the love of his life when she was 32 years old. They are both in the 30s and embrace a lot of books that are popular among intellectual teenagers. Hunger Games, Twilight Series, Lord of the Rings, etc

If I were you, I would embrace the freedom you have and go venture out on some Europe trips, backpack around, meet coed friends of all sorts, do a tour package and meet people like yourself having a blast from all different parts of the world. Without even trying, you will land some guys with common interests and let nature take its course, you'll find him.
Sea Dog
2015-08-25 12:58:45 UTC
Nobody is 'normal'...if we were of a norm we would be as clones! OK,,,28 is an unusual age to be a virgin unless there is something like religion or culture behind it. In some cultures, the Romany for instance men expect their wives to be virgins but they do tend to marry very young and within their own too. But it's your body, you decide!
2015-08-24 08:44:07 UTC
What's normal? There's no such thing.

If you meant 'common', then no, it's not common. In this day and age, it's unusual to be a virgin at 28 but it's by no means unheard of. Just do what makes you happy and don't compare yourself to anyone else.
The Rainbow Child
2015-08-24 11:18:49 UTC
Not necessarily 'normal,' but not really 'bad' for a woman either. You would be feeling much worse if you were a man, because in women, virginity is something to be prized and cherished. In men, it is usually seen as and derided as a marker of inadequacy.

However, if it does make you feel bad, see if you can work on your own self-confidence a bit. Make a list of your positive qualities and refer to them daily. This may seem a bit vague, but if you do this regularly enough, you will start to feel different and better about yourself, rather than maybe, someone who is unloveable, unf*ck*ble etc.

Whatever you feed into your mind, will be recycled as feelings, different thoughts, different behaviour, and most importantly, confidence. And confidence is very attractive.
2015-08-23 19:37:00 UTC
Hmmm. It's not abnormal, but it is unusual. You're approaching an age though where it will be

seen as weird. After 30 people will wonder what you're clinging to. There is a lot of middle ground between virginity and promiscuity.
2015-08-26 19:48:49 UTC
I think it's fine to be a virgin at 28. It's pretty common around the world. Just that people don't go around and shout it out that they are virgin or something. Don't be pressured over losing your virginity or something. it's your own choice. Maybe deep down you feel that you are just not ready to risk it all or give your all. No offense to the others, it's just my personal thoughts.
2015-08-24 15:57:06 UTC
I'm a guy and I was a virgin until I got married at 27. My wife was 22 and she was a virgin too. We lost our virginity to each other on our wedding night. Don't give up, Rose, there is somebody out there that wants you.
2015-08-24 14:37:07 UTC
Yes. I am 28 in dog years and I'm still a virgin.
2015-08-25 13:19:22 UTC
It's no big deal. What's wrong with being 28 and a virgin? NOTHING! If that's the path you wish to take, then it's your business and no one else. You go with what you feel is comfortable with you. After all, it's your life, you can do what you want with it. If others don't like that... that's their problem, not yours. So walk out your front door with your head held high and confident. Your choice is as perfect as you. :)
2015-08-24 15:01:46 UTC
actually there are still guys out there that are still virgins for the same reasons that you give. they haven't found the right somebody either. so feel bad about not giving yourself to just any body. another thing too don't let any guy that you do find make you feel bad about you being a virgin, someone will be proud that you waited. plus you don't have to tell anyone your personal business, it is your right not to just give yourself around just to find the right guy. . there is nothing to be normal or abnormal about this. cheer up! I wish you the best
2015-08-24 17:31:46 UTC
Normal yeah but defiantly not something you hear of very often. Congratulations for having respect for yourself and for waiting for the right man and marriage. A lot of men do take advantage of women and give them zero respect and I think when the right man does come a long he will feel honoured and proud to be your first and your last. Being a virgin is something you should be proud off and you defiantly shouldn't be feeling ashamed.
2015-08-27 13:12:26 UTC
Listen anyone who looks down on you is an asshole. Dont let anyone pressure you into losing your virginity. Sure people will talk sh*t but who cares. Lose it when YOU want to whether or not its to Mr. Right. If anyone does look down on you they're being a little b*tch. Just because most people around your age are not virgins doesnt mean its wrong for you to be one. Good luck with mr right
2015-08-24 06:51:04 UTC
It's normal to want to remain a virgin until you are married, yes. A good mate is hard to find. If your virginity is special to you as it was for me, then you should hold on to it. And, if you do let go of it you can still find life to be amazing. We are not our virginity after all.
2015-08-22 23:44:04 UTC
Rose, I don't see you as anyone but a mature, and dignified woman. I tend to think you are exceptional, simply because you are 28, not married, and a virgin yet. That said, I enjoy sexual compatibility with a young woman, and I would think highly of you if you were not a virgin. You are refreshing, to say the least, and some guy in your future will be so fortunate to have your love.
2015-08-23 19:10:19 UTC
It should be! Sadly, it's not. It's best to wait until marriage, and I know I will get voted down for this. I don't care. Sex is suppose to be sacred between a husband and a wife. It's something special that seals the bond of marriage. You are very wise, and I admire that! Keep going against social norms! If you don't, there will be no change.
2015-08-25 02:33:15 UTC
yes it is normal.its obvious that people gets into the relationships and make love but there are many people out there who may not have found their love up to the age of 28.well i live in Nepal which is developing country and we have certain boundry and in my locality its normal to be virgin at the age of 28 and above than that.
2015-08-24 00:29:44 UTC
If a guy looks down at you for being a virgin, don t get involved with him. There s nothing wrong -- for that matter, anything sacred, contrary to what others have posted -- with being a virgin at 28. You re not obliged to have sex by a certain age - in fact, you re not obliged to have sex at all.
2015-08-23 15:27:34 UTC
That was important in the 1800s to be a virgin but now in days its more about personality heart and not about that men don't wait
2015-08-25 18:14:55 UTC
NO You are turning Yourself into a joke. By now You should be a Mother and have Children. Stay away from any tropical Islands where Virgins are sacrificed to Volcanoes because They will get You the moment You step off the plane. We have 2 in My Wife's family and all the Guy's make jokes about Them whenever there is a Family gathering. Whoever influenced You to remain single never did You any favors Ignore Them and get Yourself a life.
2015-08-23 14:57:58 UTC
Yes, it is. It's normal to be a virgin at any age actually.
2015-08-25 10:24:38 UTC
Yes its normal, what isn't is that about 1/3 to 2/6th of the female population are whores another 1% sleep only with men they are in a relationship with

Many women lie claiming to be more sexually active than they actually are
2015-08-24 15:10:37 UTC
I think it is very admirable that you are holding on to your virginity until you marry mr.rightguy. It is completely normal. Do not let a guy take advantage of your body just because they want to. You should just wait until your ready for mr.right. All in all, it's normal, yes.

Hope I helped.
2015-08-25 11:52:38 UTC
Not really normal in this day and age, but if you can somehow maintain thew willpowert to hold on to your virginity that long... There's definitely something admirable about that. To be able to make it through adolescence and the early 20s without giving into curiosity, peer pressure or just nature sounds rough.
2015-08-23 05:59:03 UTC
It's not healthy, and it's a symptom. You, very likely, have issues with s e x and sexuality.

It's OK to have issues, everyone does. It's also Ok to get help for our issues. What is not productive is proclaiming whatever we have as normal, and not dealing with it.

Nobody will look down on you coz you haven't had sex, but the reasons (issues) you haven't had is till 28 will bother people.
2015-08-24 12:54:48 UTC
You are to be commended. It's true that most women and few men are virgin these days but that doesn't make virginity wrong. It really means the world in general does not have high moral standards. There was a time back years ago when men may have sex with any girl but he would only marry a virgin. Yes things have changed as to moral standards but then you have to ask yourself what is important to you. What if you decided to have sex with the next guy you go out with and then the NEXT guy after that turns out to be Mr. Right. Mr. Right Loves you but he only wants a girl who saved herself for HIM.???? What is important to you. Personally I have several friends who are in their mid 30's who are still virgins and they are very happy, well adjusted, interesting females who just haven't met Mr. Right yet. They are not concerned about that because they have happy, busy lives, they travel a little and enjoy many friendships with both sexes. But they have high moral standards that are out of date with the world around them....they couldn't care less about that.
2015-08-23 22:26:25 UTC
It isn't bad to be a virgin, just like it isn't bad to be a non-virgin. If you don't think you're ready and are waiting for the one love for you/marriage, then do it. Don't let anybody tell you different or try to change you. You know your own body and you can do whatever you want with your life.
2015-08-24 16:37:16 UTC
It should be normal to be a virgin on your wedding night, but most women and men aren't virgins by the time they get married.
Dennis M
2015-08-24 03:27:05 UTC
Being a `Virgin` at any age does not matter it is your choice to do as you wish, when you wish to. Mr. Right could be right around you. You just need to look a little harder. Although, be careful at the same time. Try a date-line, or wait for someone to bump into you at say, the Grocery Store or Cafe.
2015-08-25 11:33:20 UTC
Definitely not!! Girls like you are rare and and any guy would be more than gratified to meet you and marry you since girls these day by the age off 15 they would have lost their virginity, guys look at the girl who lost her virginity as a way of entertainment to their sexual needs, but they look at the girl who is saving herself for marriage as an excellent wife... I respect your virginity and congratulate you for staying a virgin until this age and i eager you to stay like that until marriage!
2015-08-23 22:58:04 UTC
Staying virgin after the age of 15 is certainly wrong and a foolish idea.
2015-08-26 14:43:09 UTC
liissteeennnn lol thats what up your still a virgin still pure and haven't infected your soul with anyone else. Im telling you not every guy is an *** and all he wants is sex. Just like you have your ideas of waiting for marriage so are other ppl. Some guys might have had sex already but want to wait for the next one. :)
2015-08-25 18:29:35 UTC
Each person can live their life as they wish. You are proud of being a virgin and that's

excellent thinking. Too many youth waste their most precious privacy with this guy and

that guy with no feelings toward them. If you're a Christian, just pray that Mr. Right will

come along, and he will. I prayed for my son to meet a decent girl, and Ms Right did

come along and they are wonderfully married now.
2015-08-26 22:06:59 UTC
I know a lovely and successful lady who is a vrigin at 38. I know another super hot-looking girl who is very religious and still waiting to marry her Mr Right and sleep with him after their wedding...she is 36. So 28 is pretty young still :) There are many women who did not give into social/peer pressure and respect themselves enough to wait until much later in life than you. I congratulate you on your values and wish you all the best.
2015-08-24 07:03:21 UTC
Sure. I myself was a virgin until I was 32. Never had a boyfriend until I was 30. Got married at a virgin himself. Married 20 years now.
2015-08-24 18:14:58 UTC
I say there's nothing wrong there - I'm 29, and still a virgin myself. I've not had luck with relationships as my last one ended 5 years ago. he said he only saw us as friends, but I have a sneaky suspicion that we never actually had sex throughout our relationship could be the reason - even though he said he understood and was prepared to wait for me. also, when my friends had sex when they were in their teens, they regretted it looking back. this shows you're waiting for the right person, and he will come along - possibly even when you least expect it.
Dream On Peter D.
2015-08-24 19:54:53 UTC
there is no normal, but I think that at age 28 being a virgin is ok ,though it appears you are socially inept.....dated only 2 guys doesn't put you in a very good light........I feel that you need to get out much more & rethink your (all too high expectations)
2015-08-24 09:22:03 UTC
Normality is really a mathematical concept. It is simply what most people do most of the time. Its only virtue is known as safety in numbers. Yet our human nature requires us to be diverse, so your position may not be normal but there are better things to strive for than mere normality.
Joseph hola
2015-08-23 18:06:21 UTC
Normal, yes, common, not so much. But there's nothing wrong with being a virgin.
2015-08-25 19:27:26 UTC
I think it's quite admirable.

Sex is what people make of it. Let me tell u I lost my virginity to my first love when I was a teen.. she lost hers too.

She dumped me and dated other men and slept around. It absolutely killed me. I felt so close to this person after sex... she didn't feel the same way. I never slept with anyone for years after that... exept my wife now.

People disconnect themselves from sex... doesn't make it ok thought. It really is a very important thing and it should be saved till marriage.
2015-08-23 06:57:04 UTC
Not too common these days. Some guys could shy away from you knowing that you are, sure, because they really want sex with a girl before marriage for most men over 21. But I guess there are some who are really chaste enough themselves and would welcome you and honor that you are a virgin and would wait for marriage if that's what you want.
2015-08-23 22:01:06 UTC
Being 100% honest, it is. no girl wants to not be prepared for that moment. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Don't worry though... there are many that are the same. I hope this helped and don't worry I'll probably also be a virgin, but until I die hahahaha I'm one ugly ************. hahahahaha. M17.
2015-08-25 13:38:35 UTC
normal is not the right word here ,it is not common to remain a virgin pass high school,i personally believe it is better to lose it like in your late teens ,like 18 on,because a person who is a virgin late in life really have no experience in all the things that go with it,like relationships ups and downs,or how to handle them
2015-08-26 10:38:03 UTC
No. it's is not normal. Most people lose their virginity when they are a teenager. Not until they are almost 30 years old. Unless you are waiting until you're married.
2015-08-24 16:00:30 UTC
I think you have very good morals to save yourself for the right man! Well done!

Sleeping around isnt a good thing! It can lead to a guilty concious, plus stds! Being immoral and loose causes nothing but heartbreak! Remain a virgin til you find your Mr. Right!
How To Catch Lying Vermin
2015-08-28 06:14:06 UTC
If you are serious wait, yes until there is a ring on the finger if that is what you need to be sure, and it will be worth it. Don't waste that experience with someone you are not sure you would spend the rest of your life with or who would not care for you the way you deserve(although I do not know you personally). There are too many people too high on their own hormones(those crazy hormones), to recognise the sanctity of committing to a loving, stable and monogamous relationship.
2015-08-24 21:22:51 UTC
normal not really I was married and had a 9 year old by then but I was also divorced from the abuser at 32 so with 3 kids so what can I say?
2015-08-23 10:08:29 UTC
2015-08-25 12:29:01 UTC
Well it isn't in today's society... but I kind of think that's romantic. I mean Princes only marry virgins so think about it this way: you're waiting because someday, you want to marry a prince. Some one who will treat you right. Who will be your first and your last. You saved yourself so that you could give him your all, and I think that is pretty special :)
2015-08-26 22:42:16 UTC
It's perfectly awesome. I am a virgin and proud. I desire to lose it at marriage. It isn't too common at 28 though, but for sure, it is cool. High five to you~
2015-08-24 18:13:34 UTC
No it's abnormal but in a good way. Too many sluts running around having kids that they can't take care of by guys they can't remember or are ashamed too admit that's my baby daddy. The phrase baby daddy and equally annoying baby mama come from people who randomly sleep with whoever.
2015-08-24 23:48:55 UTC
You know if you are virgin till yet and not married then you are the greatest lady of your town,But i think that you hv to marry as soon as possible becuase many boys feel bad when they look at number 30 and you are 28. find him fast marry him and enjoy your life thumbs up.
Chand cha
2015-08-25 21:06:19 UTC
Exceptional. I was virgin upto the age of 37 when I got married.
2015-08-25 18:33:07 UTC
There is no right age for an adult to make love for the first time. Just make sure you are making love and not just having sex. Sex is the physical act which be had between total strangers. Making love is intimate, a sense of caring dearly about each other. They are much different.
2015-08-23 18:19:27 UTC
It is nothing wrong to be a virgin unless your 40 years of age or older using the computer all day trolling people and watching porn all day.
2015-08-24 11:12:22 UTC
To be perfectly honest with you, these days it's not what I would call normal

But I admire you for being so open and honest about your personal life.If this

is what you want, I don't see anything wrong with you accomplishing your goal.

Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone disway. in any way.

God bless you !
2015-08-25 05:22:58 UTC
You are missing out on some great sex, why wait until marriage, that is a big mistake. You could end up with a guy who is terrible at making love and be really disappointed and left feeling frustrated and wondering why you didn t test drive your husband. You should try to get out more and socialize, I suggest you join a bowling league.
2015-08-25 06:56:31 UTC
Damn that's sad. NO, it's not normal. Damn when you get in bed for the time that is going to hurt. Depriving yourself of something is never good. Because as soon as you do get some D, you'll be blowing up Tinder profiles and craigslist like you just first figured out how to masturbate. Not good. Oh child, I wish you luck. Jesus please help this white girl... AMEN
2015-08-24 07:32:02 UTC
It's pretty normal that you are virgin with that age. And I will congratulate you with that.
2015-08-25 10:16:25 UTC
this society nowadays thinks sex is a recreational thing and that everyone needs to do it, but really no. its supposed to be a thing you share with the person you love. and it does take some time to find that person. dont be pressured to throw away something such as virginity because other people think theres something wrong with you if you dont. there is NOTHING wrong with it. remember sex is like tape, the first time you use it there is the strongest bond but when you keep using over and over again (such as different people) then it means nothing to you anymore
2015-08-25 11:20:30 UTC
Girls who lose th=ir virginity at a young age arent the kind of girls I would want to date. Those are the ones that slept with several guys whwn they were in college.
2015-08-26 12:00:57 UTC
Im 29 and still a virgin because I don't want children :) who cares what people think normal is do wahts right for you its your lif and choice noone else's business
2015-08-24 09:04:50 UTC
Makes 2 of us, although I'm male and in my mid 40's.

Women just don't seem interested in me.In some respects, I've given up. Not worth worrying about anymore.
2015-08-24 03:58:42 UTC

there's nothing wrong with being a virgin at 28

I think everyone should wait for mr.right to do it with.
2015-08-23 22:00:23 UTC
I m gonna be 18 in September and i am still a virgin and my brother is 32 and he still is a virgin so it s not common , it's rare but not impossible to find us in this big world. :)
2015-08-24 22:51:07 UTC
Nope. Guys wont care your still a virgin, heck, most would probably like that. But then again, most might not even believe you when you say your a virgin, if your pretty.
2015-08-25 15:58:03 UTC
It may not be "normal", but, darling, it's beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you that purity is unacceptable or strange or taboo or whatever. Virginity is a precious gift. Keep it until you find the man who legally becomes your husband. If he doesn't deserve your heart, he doesn't deserve your body.
2015-08-23 14:20:16 UTC
I think its awesome that you have waited this long. Its not very common to find ppl w/old fashioned morals about relationships these days. If a guy does look down on u for it, he's not the right one. The right one will come along & love u even more for it.
2015-08-25 00:59:42 UTC
Well its not bad if u know that u hv all the qualities tht will keep a man close to you, but it will b pointless if u keeping your virginity til u get married but u fail to keep ur marriage. As for me sex is nothing, getting married to a virgin or not a virgin to me is fine I only want to be loved as a man, wht shall it help to get married to a virgin but you feel unloved?
2015-08-24 00:05:35 UTC
Yes it is! Thats absloutly amazing! wait for the guy that wants to spend the rest of his life with u. virginity IS something special to guys and i learned that not too long ago.. Marriahe hell yeah wait for it! thats awesome and i dont think its not normal at all! Its great and ur husband gonna love it i promise uu
2015-08-25 15:50:32 UTC
Don't listen to these ******* retards. It might not be considered "normal" to idiots but I honestly think its great. And I think most men would agree with me. For real guys would honestly rather a virgin to date or marry.
2015-08-24 08:28:46 UTC
Of course it is normal even at the age of 82. You and you alone decides what you want and what to do with your life.
2015-08-24 08:15:38 UTC
2015-08-25 22:30:22 UTC
It is completely normal. Life shouldn't be conforming to what people think is the right age to have sex or anything. Do what you want, not what other people think is right or acceptable because they are actually throwing false info.
2015-08-24 12:38:03 UTC
Thats a great thing! there has been a few out there looking for the right one.. If hes mr right he wont ask for sex but dating is great way of knowing them. If they push you into sex then you know they are not the right one for you. There's men with high sex drives but a true man can control himself and show you respect and excuse himself to fix his issue..There's been religions or decisions where you can wait for marriage and if thats what you choose, A real man will accept your choice and if he leaves he wasnt mr right.
Just me
2015-08-25 03:31:53 UTC
I am 29 male and still virgin. So normal..
2015-08-25 17:11:56 UTC
Bing true and good to yourself is not a bad thing, it a great thing. No need to hurry to sex because of your age. All real men wants a good women to share his life with. He doesn't want a women sleep around and have sex with other guys. You should be happy and proud of yourself for being a good person.
2015-08-23 20:21:48 UTC
Standing out from the crowd. That you're not afraid to speak your mind and to avoid following others. Your decision is right, if you settle down in near future !
2015-08-24 20:58:03 UTC
Depends, would you judge a man who has slept with several women before he decided he wanted just you? If you respect someone's past, they should respect yours. I don't see virginity as being more moral but it was your personal choice and one I respect you for.
Pauly W
2015-08-24 10:37:11 UTC
It is normal, I didn't lose my virginity till I was 41, which was last summer.
2015-08-24 17:05:24 UTC
Not everything needs to be normal. Yes, it's good and normal
2015-08-24 04:34:56 UTC
Sure. I'm 20 and I'm still a virgin. People don't believe me lol because they think I'm "too pretty" to be one *rolls eyes*.
Mamta Darshna
2015-08-26 00:06:05 UTC
its ok cuz ur virginity is ur most valuable asset and its up to you as whom you wana give it to you

if statistics state that 3 out of 4 are not virgins that look up at the 1 who is stilla virgin

anyways i supportu cuz i myself m a virgin and im waiting for my mr right

and best of luck

i hope you will find him soon :-)
2015-08-30 04:45:54 UTC
You can stay a virgin for as long as you like. Dont have sex just for the sake of having sex. Wait for the right person
2015-08-27 08:11:21 UTC
That's a plus point you have, sweetheart

And that makes you really sweet and desirable among guys (good guys for sure)

And yeah it is completely normal
2015-08-23 20:11:35 UTC
I don't see why not? I'm 21 and I still haven't really dated anymore. I dated a little bit in high school but it wasn't really something that appealed to me.
2015-08-23 22:30:54 UTC
Dont Worry Rose

Everything Is Possible
2015-08-23 20:47:26 UTC
God made sex for marriage,amen. An know its not easy,God gives us the Grace though. Jesus loves ya,us all,we just ask Him in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all our sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore an Charles Stanley,good Christian teachers to encourage you in Jesus. An good to attend a Christian Bible based Church,an John is a great place to read in Bible. God Bless, save, meet your needs,in Jesus amen shalom Israel,family. PTL Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 more about Jesus,prayer,encouragment
2015-08-24 09:36:34 UTC
it's when you're ready, don't worry about society pressure. It's better to do it with someone you are 100% comfortable with then with some cheap guy that has not interest in you, he just wants to get to your "parts". Don't worry, best of luck for the future :)
2015-08-24 06:11:43 UTC
2015-08-25 06:03:05 UTC
Guys like virgins :)
2015-08-25 01:08:37 UTC
congrats !! of course normal but not common...keep it up until you marry..A good, polite and an honest person always search for a girl who is like you...This is the gift for a virgin..
2015-08-23 18:09:07 UTC
2015-08-24 06:29:05 UTC
yeah it's normal don't listen to any of the bullsh*t that you have to lose your v card at like the age of 14 or whatever lose it to someone you love when you feel ready.
2015-08-24 14:50:14 UTC
It's embarassing but you shouldn't care; no one will beat you up for being a virgin
2015-08-24 06:57:39 UTC
2015-08-23 17:05:47 UTC
Totally normal.

You are normal you are waiting for the right person and the right person has not turned up yet.

You respect yourself and the right guy will respect you.
2015-08-26 14:39:54 UTC
yes, it is completely normal. I think it should be a personal choice for each and everyone when to have sex but not the decision of the society.
2015-08-23 21:10:16 UTC
Yes. Some are still virgin after their thirties as well.
2015-08-30 14:19:58 UTC
I am a guy around that age, and no, I would not look down on that fact. If someone does look down on it, ignore them. Don't go against yourself, even if others are telling you to do so.
2015-08-25 18:49:27 UTC
Wait for Mr. Right. If you want to lose your virginity before you are married to someone then go for it. It is your life do not let people push you arround.
2015-08-26 15:27:45 UTC
Nothing is wrong unless you put a negative stigma on it. However being inexperienced will make it difficult to start off, but eventually you'll have nothing to be ashamed of.
2015-08-25 21:22:08 UTC
2015-08-25 08:37:32 UTC
lets just say im 20, and its not normal that im still a virgin
2015-08-23 13:42:21 UTC
Guys love that. I have a good 35 year old guy I know who would be into you if you live in Chicago and love former Marines.
2015-08-24 11:48:54 UTC
I have to say, you should be proud that you maintained your virginity. In this time, other just disregard it, and just give it to anybody like it is just something less significant.

Dont feel pressured on meeting "the one", as old adage goes "he will come just right in time".
2015-08-24 10:50:10 UTC
No need to acquiesce to societies standards. Its a completely and totally personal choice. When the time is right, itll happen
2015-08-24 23:50:13 UTC
Im 27 and still a virgin. Enjou your freedom while you can
2015-08-23 20:11:04 UTC
yes i was virgin till 21 by choice as in i didn't go find it etc
something fishy
2015-08-23 18:41:33 UTC
just remember you can only give it away once...

why rush it

if you are working on you, earning a degree and working on a career...I think it is normal...

other wise you'd be whoring out with a couple kids on your hip what good is that...
2015-08-25 05:37:53 UTC
NORMAL, that's sound's great ,

I Love it, I'll support to you (y)

I like 100% your words "i will wait until marriage"
2015-08-24 15:51:35 UTC
yup there was a guy that worked at my old middle school and i knew him he was a virgin untillll like 32 yeah we talked about stuff
Chris Ramirez
2015-08-25 11:03:39 UTC
Everything is normal as long as you are not ready to have sex what can you do? My sister lost it at 30
2015-08-24 04:37:44 UTC
Not really Don't sleep around until you are ready for that special someone.
2015-08-25 10:16:10 UTC
whats wrong with that? Just find a good guy and wait until you get married!! Everyone loves a virgin pusy ;)
2015-08-22 23:38:23 UTC
I think men who settle down like to do it with virgins
2015-08-23 07:30:26 UTC
It sure is and is a great quality to have. Just think about it, when you find that guy your looking for then he will be your first and final. As I guy who would "be the one" I would say that is a great honor.
2015-08-23 23:32:17 UTC
Wait as long as you want. You are the best example. Anyone who isn't willing to wait for you love isn't worth it.
2015-08-23 08:46:13 UTC

2015-08-27 06:18:50 UTC
U want to wait till marriage or not its all depend on u. There is nothing wrong to wait but still acc. If u wait always remember u will always get a second hand husband ( a non virgin guy). Do u really believe that kind of people worth ur waiting.. Ur virginity. Some men feel proud to have virgin girl. I hate that kind of men because if taking someones virginity make a person proud or spl. Thn they can never make me feel SPL. Because they had already handovered their v card to someone else.
2015-08-25 07:41:51 UTC
There's nothing wrong with that. It just means that you're saving yourself for the right guy
2015-08-23 19:01:28 UTC
There is nothing wrong with waiting until you find the right guy and any guy that doesnt understand your reason for waiting isnt worth your time
2015-08-25 08:01:25 UTC
I don't think that "normal" is the word.... is it surprising in this day and time? yes definitely..

The thing is, is its your choice.. and i believe that your "Mr. Right" will be a man who waited.. or strongly appreciates that you did.
2015-08-24 12:27:03 UTC
I am a 29 year old male virgin myself.. and if I ran into a woman that wanted to wait till marriage... it would probably end really fast.. either by me or her
I am waiting for
2015-08-25 01:11:32 UTC
Why not.Losing Virginity is not measurement of your identity.
2015-08-22 23:49:54 UTC
As a single guy, I would love to find a virgin girl. If I loved her I would gladly wait until marriage. If a guy gets mad and tries to pressure you into sex, then he definitely does not love you.
Alex Kisser
2015-08-23 21:25:53 UTC
no, lose your virginity when you're ready to lose your virginity and when you're with a person who makes you feel safe and comfortable.
The Inquisitor
2015-08-24 10:11:38 UTC
If you've concentrated on your career or education and now earn ? then it's you who gets to choose, it sounds romantic and I'm sure he'll be very lucky, I wish you every happiness.
2015-08-26 06:34:19 UTC
2015-08-24 07:14:56 UTC
guys who want a one night stand or a 'casual relationship' will. a lot of men just want sex, and theyre the ones who will, but if hes 'mr right he wont care
2015-08-27 06:30:17 UTC
2015-08-24 01:36:13 UTC
There's no such thing as normal
2015-08-25 01:07:54 UTC
Its okay honey. you will find the perfect guy soon, and he will love you whether youre a virgin or not. MWAHH xxx
2015-08-24 07:52:04 UTC
2015-08-24 02:16:22 UTC
It's normal if you're okay with it.
2015-08-25 05:21:00 UTC
it's absolutely ok In my dictionary, You're one of purest girl in the world so far.. And keep it as long as you can
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-23 11:41:00 UTC
I don't know what is NORMAL, but it is unusual. Nothing wrong with that !
2015-08-22 23:33:37 UTC
it does not matter if its "normal" or not ---- its your choice and if the guy likes you being a virgin or not is irrelevant he likes YOU so stop worrying about it and concentrate on finding someone mature who does like you
2015-08-24 23:24:05 UTC
Very normal and acceptable, but not common these days. I am proud that girls like me exist. :)
2015-08-23 09:52:07 UTC
I think it is possible but the present time it is heard to someone prevent virginety ha ha ha
2015-08-25 03:23:43 UTC
2015-08-23 20:16:57 UTC
Yes. I don't care.
2015-08-25 06:16:53 UTC
2015-08-23 14:36:30 UTC
i have the same views as you. and i'm 24.
2015-08-25 08:33:11 UTC
Yes there is nothing wrong with that. Look at the duggars
2015-08-25 13:45:12 UTC
Not only it is normal, but also good and beautiful.
2015-08-26 13:27:32 UTC
It's weird af.
2015-08-25 00:29:47 UTC
nope, in this day and age it isn't normal
Mike Exeter
2015-08-25 17:15:39 UTC
Dont worry, men are a complete waste of time, dont bother. I should know. Im one of them.
2015-08-24 02:09:07 UTC
No seems fine its good you have waited most people who did it too young regret it
2015-08-24 12:54:46 UTC
2015-08-28 10:54:21 UTC
IT1s weird
2015-08-24 04:57:58 UTC
completely normal...i admire your courage dear, wait till the appointed time!!!
The Man
2015-08-23 14:12:10 UTC
I wouldn't worry about it.
2015-08-25 03:49:18 UTC
only promiscous people will say its not but good for you sleeping around isnt very classy lol atleast you know your worth
2015-08-23 07:29:30 UTC
Your romantic inexperience is a big turn off.
2015-08-25 11:33:10 UTC
stop beating off to hentai porn and get in the game young buck, go slay some pussy!
2015-08-24 08:21:58 UTC
2015-08-22 23:31:56 UTC
No they won't look down on you. At least I wouldn't.
Adriana Gomez
2015-08-26 15:55:09 UTC
Completely fine (:
2015-08-23 20:59:01 UTC
2015-08-23 17:47:16 UTC
you will now deep down in your heart when it's time to have sex,, it will happen when you find true love
2015-08-23 23:21:02 UTC
Yes! The guy whose going to marry you is so lucky! =)
2015-08-25 07:44:41 UTC
You can call me over and ill sort that problem out for you ;)
2015-08-24 17:12:40 UTC
totally ok, only sleazy people loose it before they are even 18 honestly
2015-08-25 06:59:47 UTC
yes. you are a waste of time. I will spend my money on women that pay their debts
2015-08-25 21:56:14 UTC
they come in all ages
2015-08-24 14:43:24 UTC
I find it better if people wait til marriage
2015-08-24 17:42:40 UTC
2015-08-23 19:07:34 UTC
2015-08-24 10:13:26 UTC
Its fine
2015-08-23 14:47:04 UTC
It's OK !
2015-08-27 00:46:50 UTC
yes, I wish I find a girl like you
2015-08-24 12:37:52 UTC
very normal
2015-08-23 20:30:39 UTC
It is ok, which state that you are a good girl.
2015-08-26 16:29:22 UTC
Wow I think if you meet the right person he will be very impressed by that. :)
2015-08-25 13:04:08 UTC
Yes, it's a beautiful thing. Be strong and save yourself until marriage. If you do, you'll never regret it.

May I suggest that the first question to ask yourself when considering whether or not to date someone is, “Is this person a strong person?” If they’re not, no matter how much you like them, how much they like you, or how “cute” or “hot” they are, - please don’t date them. A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), displays a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), gives their best effort, and demonstrates self-control (of their body, anger, tongue and money). A strong person isn't overly concerned with what weak people say, do, or think.

My suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already) and eventually look for this type of guy (otherwise you are setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of man is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!

PS Here’s some information about sex before marriage from the books True Love Lasts and Straight Talk About Dating:

Having sex before marriage can be harmful to you and to your future. This harm could include things like:

- not feeling good about yourself

- finding out that having sex causes people to become emotionally attached way too quickly

- sex becoming the main focus of your relationship

- finding out that having sex makes people ignore serious problems in the person they’re dating - serious problems that could destroy a marriage

- failing to realize that dating relationships which have sex as their main focus usually don’t last - until the relationship falls apart

- not learning to have real communication with each other, to be in touch with the your positive and negative feelings and the feelings of your significant other, to resolve conflicts in a calm constructive manner, to really get to know what your significant other is like in all situations because you’re spending too much time having sex

- not feeling good about choosing to have sex after your boyfriend or girlfriend says “I love you” and then later finding out he or she was lying to you just to get sex or he or she just has the feeling of being “in love” instead of true love (true love is supposed to be a lifelong commitment)

- feeling that you need to keep having sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend or else they’ll break up with you - even though you don’t feel good about it

- finding out that having sex makes people stay in dating relationships much longer than they should

- making the bad choice to stay in a relationship that you know isn’t good for you because you’re having sex

- being broken hearted after your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you

- becoming an angry person after having your heart broken

- becoming depressed or possibly even suicidal after having your heart broken (please see a professional counselor immediately if you feel depressed or suicidal)

- feeling that you can’t trust anyone anymore after you’ve had your heart broken

- feeling horrible that you broke your boyfriend or girlfriend’s heart when you broke up with them

- getting into the habit of jumping from one sexual relationship to another looking for true love and sadly never finding it

- getting a sexually transmitted disease

- getting pregnant

- becoming a single mother (guys often don’t marry their pregnant girlfriends)

- having a child who doesn’t have a stable male role model in their life

- becoming more hesitant about making a lifelong marriage commitment to another person after having your heart broken

- ending up having problems relating sexually to your husband or wife in marriage because of the sex you had with them (and possibly with others) before marriage

- becoming divorced (statistics show that couples who have sex before marriage are more likely to get divorced than couples who don’t have sex before marriage)
2015-08-24 11:54:15 UTC
2015-08-25 17:15:41 UTC
2015-08-23 07:13:10 UTC
just do as you see fit, some cant wait until marriage so if u can then good for you
2015-08-24 19:28:01 UTC
no the rigght wont find guys with the same values as you and u should be alright.
2015-08-25 15:46:31 UTC
I think so yes
2015-08-24 19:27:06 UTC
Yes it is normal if u are not unmarried.
2015-08-24 06:03:26 UTC
Its pretty good. Its much better then being slu*ty!
2015-08-24 00:10:20 UTC
I think it's very admirable. :)
2015-08-27 02:46:31 UTC
It is a little unusual
Hydro M
2015-08-24 16:33:41 UTC
2015-08-24 02:06:57 UTC
David Jones
2015-08-25 18:46:04 UTC
I'm 32 & still am,
2015-08-25 15:56:35 UTC

Wrong? Not at all.
2015-08-25 05:09:24 UTC
I would say you are a late bloomer.
2015-08-25 06:27:14 UTC
2015-08-23 21:59:05 UTC
Hell nah ****@ , you gay af. Get out there and get your di*k wet
2015-08-25 15:59:23 UTC
Its not common, but i think you should take your time.
2015-08-26 08:53:26 UTC
yes. just not common
2015-08-24 07:34:49 UTC
odd, very odd. better get out there and start having safe sex.
2015-08-26 00:36:06 UTC
its normal,but not common.
2015-08-23 18:20:38 UTC
no it is not ..if you are you might be a-sexual, or have no sex drive at all..go to the doc
2015-08-25 08:19:36 UTC
It is okay, as long as you are happy with it.
Angie Richards
2015-08-25 08:37:32 UTC
2015-08-26 21:19:11 UTC
Yolo. Go **** someone
2015-08-23 14:23:20 UTC
just keep being you? if youre that desparate though hire sex
2015-08-24 09:15:43 UTC
Anthea D
2015-08-24 14:16:04 UTC
be proud yes
2015-08-24 20:43:47 UTC
no, that makes you a prude, which no one likes
2015-08-23 15:23:56 UTC
no you can go to guinness book
2015-08-22 23:39:11 UTC
I would not look down on that.
2015-08-25 09:01:43 UTC
Yup if u lyk to
2015-08-24 07:09:25 UTC
I can change that
2015-08-23 15:33:57 UTC
every girl is diffent
Mir Quasem
2015-08-25 20:39:51 UTC
You are fine.
2015-08-24 10:07:09 UTC
You are awesome
2015-08-24 05:57:53 UTC
yes , but you can use sex toys for fun
2015-08-23 17:42:21 UTC
If your ugly
2015-08-24 14:53:41 UTC
2015-08-26 12:02:21 UTC
It's sexy
2015-08-28 10:29:24 UTC
You must be Fat. with small breasts..Yes?
2015-08-25 12:10:29 UTC
its fine
2015-08-24 21:35:22 UTC
When you are ready you are ready
2015-08-24 06:44:54 UTC
Not not at all
2015-08-24 06:20:19 UTC
yh ok
2015-08-27 08:50:04 UTC
dude you are sterile
2015-08-23 07:45:56 UTC
I would be thrilled to be your first !!!!
2015-08-25 06:01:48 UTC
2015-08-24 04:37:59 UTC
2015-08-25 23:57:21 UTC
no why should you not have sex before marriage?
2015-08-23 20:02:31 UTC
you sound amazing
2015-08-26 01:35:21 UTC
No. Have sex soon before you die!!!
2015-08-23 13:35:44 UTC
2015-08-24 00:11:36 UTC
2015-08-24 17:10:49 UTC
2015-08-24 11:58:30 UTC
2015-08-25 15:18:10 UTC
its ok
2015-08-24 12:06:40 UTC
Um, no.
2015-08-26 08:52:42 UTC
2015-08-24 11:30:26 UTC
2015-08-23 17:32:51 UTC
2015-08-25 10:31:02 UTC
2015-08-23 14:11:16 UTC
2015-08-25 12:17:33 UTC
no, youre F U C K E D!
Mustafa Mohaimin
2015-08-24 01:43:08 UTC
its all up to u...........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.