are pregnant teens more mature than all the other girls?
2006-10-21 13:59:03 UTC
they sure do act like it, even though they werent mature enough to keep their legs closed
37 answers:
2006-10-21 14:00:42 UTC
I don't think they are - sure, there are some teenagers who cope fine with parenthood, but in general I think it is a very immature thing to do falling pregnant at such a young age.
2006-10-21 14:13:08 UTC
I can't say all preg teens are more mature than the others but a vast majority of them are. Now, they may have made a bad decision by having sex unportoceted or otherwise - but does that make them any less of a better person or any less mature? No.

The reason I believe being pregnant makes you more mature is because you are faced with endless responsibilities, and no way to go back and fix it. What's done is done. You have no choice but to grow up and face what it comming. You are going to be the nurturer to someone else. You are going to care for another life above your own. A lot of preg teens realize this, and that is what makes them mature. They are facing parenthood. Which believe me, is no easy feat.

The maturity issue in all of this is being accountable for your actions, taking responsibility.....Other teen girls don't have anywhere near the choices to make, or responsiblity to take care how can they be more mature when they have never faced something of this aptitude? There biggest problems are thier grades, clothes, and which boy is asking them out. A mother has so much more to tend to.

I know, because I got pregnant at 17, got married when I was 18. Now I am almost 21, and I see I missed out on a lot. But to me it was worth it. Yeah, I grew up a lot faster than some other girls, but so what? Look at what I have. I wouldn't trade my 2 kids for the world.

FYI for the one that said something about having one with a 2 yr old. My son will be 2 in dec, my daughter will be 1 in nov. And even though things were hard. I, myself, WOULD do it over again. Don't speak on something you know nothing about.
2006-10-21 14:05:05 UTC
The pressure of soon becoming a teen mother may make them have to grow up real quick like. They may be worried and stressed out about the baby coming into their lives. This alone could make them seem more mature. The sad fact is, teen mothers have a very difficult road ahead of them. Being a young mother along with the pressure and emotional instability of just being a teenager is a tough thing to handle.
2006-10-21 14:01:26 UTC
Are you kidding me? You can't tell me that a 10 or 11 year old are mature. Even at 16 they aren't mature or they wouldn't be in that situation to begin with.

Sure babies are cute but you have the responsibility to take care of the once they are here. Not an easy task!!!

If after they have their baby they are still going out with there friends instead of taking care of their baby that just shows how immature they really are!!
John P
2006-10-21 14:02:57 UTC
You've answered your own question. If they were mature they wouldn't be pregnant. I'm assuming that the majority were not planning it, anyway! Getting knocked up is not a sign of maturity. many people think having sex is a way of showing you're an adult, but sex is a natural instinct so the urge is automatic. Controlling that urge and being responsible - that's where maturity comes into it.
2006-10-21 14:02:46 UTC
What the point? Once they have thier children, they have no choice but to be mature and grow up fater than most girls are age. Im not a teen now but I WAS a teen mom and I find myself to be way more mature than most of my friends. All younger mothers are like that. You dont even know the situation, she could have been raped, she could have been tricked by some no good man, You dont know it, so thats wrong to say they were so damn mature to get pregnant in the 1st place. Know the fu cking facts b4 u judge.
2006-10-21 18:10:50 UTC
They think they're mature because they're being brave enough to keep the baby. But that's just a cheap façade. They're just as immature as the rest of 'em — and then some.
2006-10-21 14:02:48 UTC
Pregnant teens ?! Hell no, that's the moment when they just show off...; unfortunently they WILL be more mature than the other teens when they'll actually have the baby and see how difficult it is to be a mother
2006-10-21 14:03:28 UTC
No, because they relaly don't know what its like being a mother yet and they usually want to go out and have fun, but They can't because they are a parent now the first thing that comes first is that child and nothing else.
2006-10-21 14:03:00 UTC
Maybe they act like it because they just learned the REALLY hard way by making a big mistake. Maturity comes from learning and evolving emotionally and taking responsibility for the actions and decisions you make.

Not adding up your birthdays or having your period. You sound pretty immature yourself, maybe you have been bitten by the green eyed monster. Hmmmm?
2006-10-21 14:06:43 UTC
no they are not, they just have a huge responsibility handed to them and have no choice about looking after it. If you were to ask any pregnant teen, or better one with a 2 year old if they had the choice all over again I do not thinl they would choose pregnancy
2006-10-21 14:02:55 UTC
being pregnant doesn't make you any more mature than you were before you got pregnant (which for a teen is not mature at all).
2006-10-21 14:01:20 UTC
Well I think that was pretty dumb of them to get pregnant if they were teens, but I guess they had to grow up quickly since they had to take care of a child even though there childern.
2006-10-21 14:01:16 UTC
no, they're not mature in the fact that they couldn't control their desires....they've just been forced to grow up so much faster b/c they've had kids when they're still a teenager! they've missed out on all of the fun things that teenagers should be able to do. that's what makes them seem more mature, but in reality they're not.
2006-10-21 14:04:56 UTC
its pretty much a yes and no question. no because they were immature for getting pregnant to begin with and yes because when their baby is born, they have to be mature. Once they have a baby, theyre pretty much not a kid anymore they have to grow up.
2006-10-21 14:02:27 UTC
Absolutely not, its the exact opposite. They have no idea what's about to happen to there lives. It's quite sad actually and the baby will be the one who suffers because of there stupidity.
2006-10-21 14:01:27 UTC
No they aren't....Just because they are pregnant doesn't make them a bit more mature...

And you are right about them spreading their legs......

That is not being very mature in my book...
Miss J
2006-10-21 14:02:15 UTC
Pregnant teens are not mature--children having children? They pretend to be but really, they are not.
2006-10-21 14:00:48 UTC
NO they are not more mature - only forced to act that way because they were not mature enough to use protection.
&d. i. l. i. hawt;
2006-10-21 14:01:49 UTC
it seems so, but they arent, bcuz they werent mature enough to practice abstinense, but they seem mature bcuz they go through alot, which is like a learning experience 4 them
Amanda K
2006-10-24 11:36:37 UTC
No, quite the opposite I would say. It reinforces the fact that they are still children themselves.
2006-10-21 14:02:32 UTC
mature girls are smart enough not to put themselves in bad situations. by no means are pregnant teens more mature than teens who are smart enough to A)wait to have sex until they are mature and B) intelligent enough to use protection if they are engaging in sex.
2006-10-21 14:01:45 UTC
Parents will always be more mature than the childless. They have another life besides their's to look out for.
2006-10-21 14:00:17 UTC
no.. they wern't mature in the first place to go and get pregnant
2006-10-21 14:01:52 UTC
No they are not. They say they are. But unless they are already married. Then that is a different story.
2006-10-21 14:02:29 UTC
no because they are immature enough to make a big mistake in their life.
2006-10-21 14:02:09 UTC
u just answered ur own question. they ACT like it. that dont mean they are. they might be compensating or sumthin or tryin to make it look like they didnt make a mistake, and that they knew wat they were doin. damn pride. or it could b hormones, i have no clue.
mamma bird
2006-10-21 14:01:30 UTC
being pregnant does not have anything to do with being mature.
2006-10-21 14:00:49 UTC
the other girls who are still virgins are more mature.
2006-10-21 14:01:26 UTC
No, they're just totally morbid because they have accepted that they have practically ruined their lives
I'm Anonymous,
2006-10-21 14:05:54 UTC
NO! It they're so DAMN MATURE they sulde CLOSED dem nasty LEGS....their just making u jealous!! SHOOT if I got PREG RITE NOW!? MY MAMA WULD KICK MY A**!
2006-10-21 14:01:26 UTC
No they just had sex early and got cought in a jam
2006-10-21 14:09:35 UTC
2006-10-21 14:00:15 UTC
What's the point you are trying to make?
2006-10-21 14:00:38 UTC
hmm thats a great question..but im not sure
2006-10-21 14:04:08 UTC
not really
2006-10-21 14:00:43 UTC
not hardly...

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