Hmmm... You're 31 and want to pursue a relationship. I saw a question on yahoo last week that asked if 14 was too early to start dating. Maybe dating should take place sometime after 14, but before 31.
We need to figure out what can be done to solve this. And it has to be solveable. There are way too many jerks out there who have girlfriends and don't appreciate them. If they can get into relationships, surely, there can be something that can work for you.
Lets face it, when it comes to the opposite sex, or the same sex for some, we will react in many ways, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Our pusle may rise, we may feel feverish, we may feel a drop in the chest.. We may have feelings of passion, love, lust, infatuation. Our minds may be clouded by racing thoughts, fantasies, the stimulation of the other party. I'm sure we all can feel overwhelmed by it time to time. But it has to be a pain if it feels like that all the time.
The first thing I would ask is if you feel uncomfortable in all social settings, or certain types of social settings, or just social settings in general. It could be considered social anxiety, or general anxiety disorder. Cognitive therapy and medication can help this in extreme cases. Beer, in moderation, can help with more mild forms.
The next thing I would ask is how you feel about women in general, or ask how you respond to women. Keep in mind they are people too, even though they are a little different than us men. In my research there are some signigicant differences- too. They look prettier (with the exception of a few drag queens), They like to talk alot. They like to shop too. And most like chocolate. They also like men who show confidence, intelligence, and a sense of humor...
So how do we use this to our advantage? Several ways. I could really go off on a rant here, so I'll pause for now. Let me know if you would like me to continue. Feel free to send a message.
Hope this begins to help, lol