At my school every year the guys all come out with a hot and not list.Last year i just barely made the hot list (i was #46there r about 100girls in my grade and each list has 50 spots,if u dont even make a listThat is when u have a problem)I no this list is a bad thingEpecially for many peoples social livesBut i cant help that the guys put 1out.Any way. this year i made the top of the list.I hav no idea yI guess it would be a good thing but my friends are all completly jealous.All of my friends ended up in the early 30-late 40'sexcept 4 my bffRachel, who got #18But any way.Not only that but al the guys in my classs hang around me and about half of the guys in my grade askd me outi want a bf but i dont want them to ask me out just because i made the top of a stupid list.Now here is the worst partThe guy ihav likd 4about 4yrs finally askd me out but he never really noticd me b4 the list came here is my question,shld i say yes even thoughhe may hav just askd me out b/c of the list?