My girlfriend has bad breath?
2016-04-30 18:12:00 UTC
I've been with my girlfriend for almost a year now. I met her at a park. Her breath has always smelled bad, but initially when I first met her, I thought it was the typical bad breath, like maybe she ate pizza or garlic earlier and it made her breath smell bad. After a few weeks of dating I knew it was chronic. About a month into the relationship she had a big fight with her mom and stayed at my place for a few days.

This is where things get really weird.

She brushes and flosses her teeth before bed. I noticed soon afterwards her breath smelled fine, but about 15 minutes later it began to smell bad again. She has really good hygiene, better than me, as I don't floss often (I'll admit).

When she met my parents, I could tell from their reaction that they smelled her breath. They even gave me a funny look like (don't you smell that?)

She has great teeth (white and no cavities) and she visits the dentist. So I don't understand why she has bad breath.

I really love her, but have never worked up the nerve to tell her that her breath smells. I don't even know how it's possible with such good hygiene.

What should I do?
195 answers:
2016-05-01 21:42:13 UTC
Sometimes bad breath is to do with the gut her gut could be off the PH balance. Sometimes it can also be tonsil stones that's where food get caught in the tonsils and fester and give off bad breath no matter how often you brush or floss. Does she brush her tongue? as food does get on the surface of the tongue and if you don't clean that away it can smell.

You really should sit her down and have a sensitive talk to her make sure no one is around and its just you 2, firstly start of on all her good point and then slowly build it to where you need it to go. Just explain that you have notices that she is very clean ie bushes, flosses but you have notices that her breath still smells even after she does all her dental hygiene and you think its worth while she visits the dentist and tells him that you the boyfriend have noticed her bad breath.

I know if that was me I would appreciate someone telling me so I was aware of it especially when meeting other people and not knowing she is offending them with her breath. Good luck I'm sure all will be well.
2016-05-01 04:32:31 UTC
Agnes has the best answer.

Sit your girlfriend down and reassure her that you mean no harm but you're concerned.

Tell her you love her (if you do) and that you think the world of her, etc.

And then just say you've noticed that her breath is not very fresh, even though she has great hygiene.

Reassure her the entire time that you care for her. I can't stress that enough - this could be devastating news to her so be as gentle as you can.

Do some research online together and then make an appointment for the doctor.

Bad breath is called halitosis and can have medical causes.

As hard as it is, I do think you should tell her.

She deserves - and needs - to know.

Poor thing. She's lucky to have someone as understanding and kind as you.

Good luck!
2016-05-03 07:51:19 UTC
I have known people with the same issue and there are two reasons why she may have this condition: (1) she may have an abscess in her mouth (tooth rotting) she is unaware of and that is what is causing the odor, another reason may be that it is genetic. I have a close relative that also has this condition and it is not her fault, she has always been this way. The dentist will provide her a prescription for a certain type of mouthwash to use. Here is the bigger problem, how do you tell her? You can be casual about it and bring it up like it is something that you just noticed and suggest she may want to see the dentist because you had a friend who had the same issue and it turned out to be a rotting tooth they were unaware. I suggest that you come up with something that will not make her feel ashamed or embarrassed (she may already be aware of it). If you approach her from a place of LOVE (not judgement), she will wan to fix it because she cares about what you think of her. This is not a relationship ender, you will NEVER meet the perfect woman, so ask yourself, would you rather have the "perfect girl FOR YOU" who happens to have bad breath? -OR- would you rather have the "perfect girl FOR YOU" who has no teeth? Just remember, no one is perfect, its all about accepting someone, flaws and all. I hope this helps.
2016-05-04 03:26:17 UTC
Maybe book and appointment with your doctor or GP and tell her you'd like for BOTH of you to go for general check up or something since you never whats out there that could effect US etc. - Then get the doctor to assess her for any other issues in her stomach or whatever that may be causing this.

ALTERNATIVELY: Train your brain daily to accept her bad breath smell as the new FRESH smell in life.

OR - if that is too difficult, make your breath smell bad and join her.

Okay... on a serious note: My daughter had this problem shame, and we tried everything we thought applied but nothing would work until a doctor removed her tonsils and presto no more bad breath.
¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• αgηєş •♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸
2016-04-30 18:17:52 UTC
Since you've stated she has great hygiene and visits the dentist, she may have an underlying. It could be gastrointestinal problems, sinus problems, TMAU, or she may have tonsillitis. All of which cause chronic bad breath. She'll have to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. In the mean time, you can mention it to her, but suggest that it could be a medical problem. You could even go to doctor visits with her to show her that you support here and won't leave her because of it, because believe it or not the world is an insensitive place. Many people would not stood around as long as you, even if the person's bad breath was out of their control. Good luck and I hope everything works out for the two of you.
Anna E
2016-04-30 18:19:34 UTC
Bad breath can be caused by other health problems such as yeast infections of the mouth, a condition called dry mouth, sinus infections, post nasal drip, chronic acid reflux and diabetes. Also, some foods that you eat can cause bad breath until they pass through your body (onions and garlic). However, it is surprising how many people don't know that they need to be brushing their tongue as well as teeth. She might want to go get a thorough medical check up. If you have not mentioned the bad breath, you need to do so.
2016-05-02 13:33:53 UTC
Sounds like gum disease, are her gums red and swollen do her gums bleed? If it is then simply brushing and flosing is not enough. She will need an good electric tooth brush and some inter dental brushes (for example tepe brushes) these will clean between her teeth and gums causing her gums to bleed in turn flushing out the bad bacteria in the gums. She will need to visit a hygienist at a dentist to give her gums a deep clean as well.

The smell your smelling is most likely the bacteria in the gums and would explain why her breath begins to smell not to long after brushing.

Also having white teeth with no cavities doesn't mean that she doesn't have gum disease it just means shes most likely in the early stages of the disease and can be easily sorted with the correct treatment.
2016-05-01 18:59:56 UTC
Get her to brush , floss , brush her tongue and use Peridex or other prescription mouth rinses.

Also- dietary changes play a big part.

Mainly a plant based raw diet ( fresh fruit and veggies ) contribute to better oral and overall health. Heavy meats, dairy and sweets tend to rot in our bodies and cause bloating , gas and bad breath.

Read the book called " The China Study " , you'll find the answers. Educate yourself and your girlfriend before running off to the doctors.

However, it may also be a cavity , sinus or gastrointestinal problem. So, either way talk to her and share this information with her, stating you're concerned about her well being.

If you're kind about it and sound like you know what you're talking about - she'll truly appreciate it.

2016-04-30 19:20:47 UTC
Often gum will make the problem worse unless it's sugarless. Bacteria feeds off sugar. Sugarless gum helps with generating saliva in the mouth to freshen the mouth. Drinking a lot of water helps too.

She'll need to brush her tongue as well, not just her teeth. Did you know 90% of bacteria in the mouth comes from the tongue? A toothbrush would work, but a tongue scraper would be better. I like to do it with a little toothpaste. She should also use an alcohol free mouthwash.

It could also be an underlying problem. She could have digestive, sinus, acid reflux, tonsil etc, issues. She should see a doctor and a dentist. And her diet should not contain sugary and smelly foods.

Just tell her that she might have chronic halitosis (bad breath) and you want to help her.
2016-05-02 10:21:22 UTC
You might want to be careful about posting issues concerning your relationship online like this. Your girlfriend might see this page and be able to figure out that you posted it, especially since you describe things about the relationship like:

You met her in a park.

She, at one point, had a fight with her mom and had to stay at your place for a few days.

You and your girlfriend have been together for almost a year.

Your girlfriend has good hygiene.

Your girlfriend has bad breath that just won't go away, even after she brushes her teeth. (She may be well aware that she has this problem. She may just be hoping you haven't noticed. Sometimes people hope for unrealistic things when it somehow involves a romantic mate. Or, if she does assume you've noticed, she may just be hoping that you don't care. She may be afraid to bring up this quality to you.)

If she happens to see this page, she may strongly suspect it is you and that you decided to post something about y'all's relationship online. And, if she assumed that, she would be right in this case. She may then get mad that you said she had bad breath in an online forum with people. She may be upset that you brought up a concern about your relationship to some people on an online forum (random people you don't even know) before you brought it up with her.

I'm on your side, my friend, and I want you to succeed in your relationship. But I want to give you this cautionary note, so you won't get into trouble in your relationship. Be careful. You never know when the thing that is unlikely to happen somehow happens and she sees this post and suspects you. Just be careful, amigo. Best wishes to you and your girlfriend in y'all's relationship.
2016-05-03 01:54:45 UTC
Sit her down. And be straight up with her. Don't make her feel like crap. Just say I love you no matter what. But since u met u , u always had this bad breath obviously it didn't stop me from loving u, but I think u might have a stomach prob. We dating for a year now so we should be comfortable telling eachother things. Take her to a doctor and check out her stomach. Or maybe she needs a clean up with a dentist. I remember once I had bad breth bc I didn't get my teeth cleaned for a while and a had plaque build up in the back of my teeth that brushing wouldn't take it away (gross I no) let her no hoe clean she is and stuf like that. I been dating my guy for 5 years and when his breath smells I tell him ur breath smells like **** bro go out a breath mint in lmao. It's always best to be comfortable with ur partner. Btw his breath smells always that I can't kiss him sometimes. Bc he smokes to much weed. Yuck!!
2016-05-04 10:19:23 UTC
You really should sit her down and have a sensitive talk to her make sure no one is around and its just you 2, firstly start of on all her good point and then slowly build it to where you need it to go. Just explain that you have notices that she is very clean ie bushes, flosses but you have notices that her breath still smells even after she does all her dental hygiene and you think its worth while she visits the dentist and tells him that you the boyfriend have noticed her bad breath. The smell your smelling is most likely the bacteria in the gums and would explain why her breath begins to smell not to long after brushing.
2016-05-02 07:52:37 UTC
It is likely that she has sinus infection. I have sinusitis myself and it even makes it really hard to breathe with nose most times. When i was in elementary school, we had to brush our teeth after lunch and we always had a little fun sniffing each others breath to check our fresh new breath. But i was the only one who still had bad smell in my mouth. I had a surgery for this sinus infection when i was in high school age but the infection came back merely a few months later. It's unfortunate, but I'm not going to kiss anyone because i don't want to be embarrased.
2016-05-01 12:26:00 UTC
I know it's hard for Americans to look at bad teeth, and that yellow is considered 'unhealthy' but Dentists have scientifically proven that yellow teeth are often healthier than White Teeth.

Believe it or not, but you can overdo Teeth Hygiene. If you do it too much, you start taking away the good along with the bad. Eventually leaving bad alone.

I'm not saying, stop brushing and flossing. I'm saying to not overdo and that's most likely what's happened here.
2016-05-01 17:44:36 UTC
Be honest but kind & respectful,do reassure your gf you care about her. Suggest consulting a dentist to make sure it's not a serious genetic disease. I would want someone to tell me sooner rather than later bc A while back my mom had very bad breath. She had good hygiene and a nice smile. My sisters, dad and I always noticed her breath was worse than "food breath" we beat around the bush for years and offered her gum and didnt stand where we could smell her breath when we talked with her. One day sitting around the table my dad said to my mom "I'm gonna tell you something, and I don't want you to be upset. I know you take care of your teeth but you have bad breath." My moms feelings didn't seem hurt but more mortified bc we hadn't spoke up sooner. Come to find out she had a very bad genetic gum disease. She had her teeth pulled, implants place and it's been years where her breath is not a problem. I know my sisters and I are scared To get it, if it's me one day I pray my bf tells me.
2016-05-06 01:31:28 UTC
If she has poor eating habits and an unhealthy diet and has never detox her box to clean out her colon and everything else, you can get bad breath. Everybody has some type of bad breath, but breath that reeks that bad is an internal problem, not external. Since you said that she has good dental hygiene.
2016-04-30 22:58:45 UTC
Kudos to you for not leaving her because of her chronic bad breath! Some of the other answers are right. It could be bacterial growth in her stomach or other places. There are many things that can contribute to bad breath, including cancer. Indeed, have her see a doctor and have her tested.... especially for the sake of her health. Make sure you stress to her that you're only concerned about her health in this matter. And, by the way, cheating causes many problems, bad breath is NOT one of them.
2016-05-02 06:54:58 UTC
Some people just have bad breath no matter what they do. She knows she has bad breath; someone must have told her many times over the years. The real question is, is it a deal breaker or not? Do you love her more than you hate her breath?
2016-05-02 05:20:40 UTC
She could brush and floss all day but if her gums are slowly decaying and causing recession on her teeth, that can cause bad breath as well. Most people assume it's the tongue but it could be inside her gums. Check to see when she last had her teeth cleaned. There's another medical term for the bad breath and it's not always halitosis.
2016-05-02 04:34:00 UTC
My uncle had bad breath every day no matter what he did. Even gum wouldnt help. The dentist missed it first few weeks. They diagnosed him w gingivitis. By that time..he couldnt do anything to save his teeth and got them pulled. He has dentures now, but most of these cases a year go undiagnosed bcuz...ppl cant smell how bad their own breath is. Honestly. Good luck!
2016-05-01 18:13:15 UTC
It can sometimes mean someones bulimic or is dehydrated. Have a serious chat with her about it, it could be a health issue and also she should at least want to try and get rid of this bad breath because it'll just lead to more embarrassment.
2016-05-02 08:25:05 UTC
Several yrs ago I dated someone that had the same problem. When I finally worked up the nerve to talk to him about it, he went to the doctor. Turns out it was a sinus issue. Bacteria build up in his sinus cavity was causing the horrible smell. Once a week he flushes out his sinuses by using a nettie pot. Do some research on line, it is not an uncommon problem. Once he started doing that.....bad breath problem solved! Good luck!!
2016-05-01 15:29:38 UTC
You should urge her to see a doctor. If she has good hygiene and the dentist didn't find anything wrong, it might be an internal thing like a bacterial overgrowth or something. But just reassure her that it'll be okay and you still love her whatever you guys do. That's really important, because it can be embarrassing to talk about things like that sometimes. Good luck with whatever you do.
2016-05-03 23:42:59 UTC
Her breath could be the result of an infection in her lungs. Anaerobic bacteria smell bad and could have come from an accidental gulp or inhalation of food particles down the wrong pipe. A simple prescription would solve the problem.
2016-09-17 03:23:04 UTC
you really should sit her down and have a sensitive talk to her make sure no one is around and its just you 2, firstly start of on all her good point and then slowly build it to where you need it to go... just explain that you have notices that she is very clean ie bushes, flosses but you have notices that her breath still smells even after she does all her dental hygiene and you think its worth while she visits the dentist and tells him that you the boyfriend have noticed her bad breath... the smell your smelling is most likely the bacteria in the gums and would explain why her breath begins to smell not to long after brushing...
2016-05-02 12:55:49 UTC
She probably has tonsil stones. The smell is very strong. They are hard to get rid of, they are like clumps of matter that form in the mouth or throat and they are basically made up of food enzymes or waste. If she has any crevices in her throat they can form in little crags or holes. I think if she is flossing etc she probably knows about her breath.

Changes in her diet can help with these such as eating less dairy products and less wheat.
2016-05-01 18:51:12 UTC
Should Have Gave Her Breath Mints
2016-05-02 13:40:18 UTC
Tell her how you feel, but say it in a soft tone and don't be mean.

Offer her some solutions or help her how to brush her teeth or have her drink a little more water with a small snack or meal. I find that sometimes if I have not eaten anything for awhile and I have not drank any water my break kind of stinks.

but yes be nice about, watch your tone of voice. this will be key.
2016-11-12 14:27:59 UTC
if she has poor eating habits and an unhealthy diet and has never detox her box to clean out her colon and everything else, you can get bad breath... everybody has some type of bad breath, but breath that reeks that bad is an internal problem, not external... since you said that she has good dental hygiene...
2016-05-02 10:25:05 UTC
Break up with her. You obviously don't love her. Let her find someone else who will love her for who she is. If bad breath really matters that much to you, go live under a rock.
2016-05-01 22:13:27 UTC
She might have candida or yeast overgrowth in her digestive tract. She needs to stop eating sugar, meat, yeast, bread or beer; anything that could feed the candida. And take probiotics. But she should definitely see a doctor first. Bad breath can tell you a lot about your health
2016-05-29 08:42:53 UTC
sit her down... and be straight up with her... don't make her feel like crap... just say i love you no matter what... but since u met u , u always had this bad breath obviously it didn't stop me from loving u, but i think u might have a stomach prob... we dating for a year now so we should be comfortable telling eachother things... take her to a doctor and check out her stomach... or maybe she needs a clean up with a dentist... i remember once i had bad breth bc i didn't get my teeth cleaned for a while and a had plaque build up in the back of my teeth that brushing wouldn't take it away (gross i no) let her no hoe clean she is and stuf like that... i been dating my guy for 5 years and when his breath smells i tell him ur breath smells like **** bro go out a breath mint in lmao... it's always proper to be comfortable with ur partner... btw his breath smells always that i cannot kiss him sometimes... bc he smokes to much weed... yuck!!
2016-05-03 13:37:25 UTC
When I was younger, I had nasty breath. Then I found out I had Celiac disease (gluten intolerance), and after I started eating a gluten free diet it went away. Now I have started eating gluten every once in a while and I have noticed my breath stinks sometimes. Even if she doesn't have Celiac, she might have a problem with her gut.
2016-05-01 00:18:07 UTC
Its her diet which is the problem here. She's probably got constipation because the food she eats doesn't agree with her and all that stale faecal matter is sitting in her lower bowel festering away and causing the smell. She needs to look at what she's eating; maybe she's allergic to wheat, milk products or nuts or maybe she doesn't drink enough water? Be very tactful though because she's going to get embarrassed and upset if you mention it.
2016-04-30 21:15:31 UTC
If she's got good dental hygiene she could have something wrong with her stomach, have bad tonsils without feeling sick, or be chronically dehydrated as happens to people who take in too much caffeine. Dentist first in case there's something wrong she's not aware of under the gumline. It's not a bad thing to bring to her attention if she doesn't know. Frame it in terms of her health. If it were me I'd want to know. I'd be embarrassed as hell, but I'd still want to know.
2016-05-01 16:19:57 UTC
If you love her you will tell her.

Friends , family ,partners exist for this reason- to tell the bitting truth so you can get better.

The longer you wait , the more pissed she wil get that you didn't tell her sooner.

Just say that you care a lot and didn't want to hurt her feelings and that it amazes you to find this out as she has kept herself healthy and clean.

Basically just what you wrote here, except parents part.

Sorry, but I think that you yourself realise that you must man up
2016-05-02 10:00:03 UTC
I get bad breath because I get tonsil stones... so it could be to do with that or a bacteria in her month? My boyfriend told me and he started the conversation with, ''I'm saying this as a loving boyfriend...'' If you are going to say something say it nicely and reassure her that you know it's not because she has bad hygiene. Tbh, personally, I'd rather know.
2016-05-05 00:21:33 UTC
Breath problems are diet and dental related. A lot of people don't floss their teeth, which is nothing short of disgusting. A meat based diet exacerbates dental dankness
2016-05-01 09:54:00 UTC
She must eat a lot of sugary foods, that's a guarantee for bad breath.
2016-05-02 10:45:07 UTC
She should check up . Something wrong with her Ph balance or some sorts of disease that causes a bad breath.
2016-05-01 05:24:25 UTC
I appreciate your approach towards the problem, not many guys I met in life are worry about hurting their girlfriend's feelings.

If the problem is not with her hygiene, then there is no way you, me or she can tell where the real problem lies.

Don hesitate, just talk to her about this, and take her to Doctor. Good Luck !!!
2016-05-02 06:54:42 UTC
Altoids. Plus see a dentist or doctor or research ways to alleviate the issue. It takes a true friend to tell someone they have bad breath!
2016-04-30 23:24:34 UTC
If her breath still smells bad while chewing gum, then she could have a mouth disease...I cannot remember the exact name, but it causes their breath to smell really bad at all times.
2016-05-02 14:52:00 UTC
Do this ask her if you could brush your teeth together show her some tips do it nicely

Another thing she might have a medical condition. Just be sensitive about it. You wouldn't want to be embarrassed about something you had an issue with..
2016-05-04 20:17:39 UTC
It must be halitosis. Next time you're dating or together or whatever, offer her some Altoids. They are very strong mints and will "cure" bad breath. They are so good so maybe she will start getting them which would help this issue.
2016-05-01 08:19:22 UTC
That's sexy for a girl to have bad breath.
2016-05-01 21:51:05 UTC
There might not be anything she can really do dose she take any meds regularly? Even advil might leave a smell. sometimes the side effects are dry mouth witch leads to stinky breath.there is no polite way to solve the problem it will hurt her fellings no matter what happens
2016-05-03 18:32:22 UTC
Give her something for her bad breathe. Like a tic tac
2016-05-01 00:28:17 UTC
If the dentist didn't find anything wrong its an internal issue, possibly stomach, colon, diabetes or other health issue. She should get checked by a doctor if fine, ask her to try a colon cleanser.
2016-05-01 07:55:16 UTC
You met her at a park and she has bad breathe ? Dude, are you sure she's human and not a puppy?
2016-05-02 09:39:12 UTC
Dude if you Love this woman it means loving her for every thing that comes with her and trust me sometimes we wish we could change something about someone but the moment you do they stop being the person you fell in love with...accept her as she is some of us are not as lucky as you and cant find a nice woman
2016-04-30 21:29:45 UTC
It doesn't sound like an oran hygiene issue. Sounds like an issue with her digestion. Something in her diet isn't digesting well. If not, it may be some bacterial growth or fungal is growing in her mouth.
Chris Sellick
2016-04-30 19:03:49 UTC
Its her digestion thats the problem.She isnt digesting food properly. Thats whats causing her bad breath. She needs to start looking after herself.I mean trying alternative therapies like Kinesiologists,etc.
2016-05-02 14:03:26 UTC
2016-05-01 21:26:17 UTC
2016-05-01 12:55:06 UTC
2016-05-04 01:34:01 UTC
my teacher told me this story of this person who always smelt bad despite her always been clean. because she smelt bad nobody wanted to go near her but she had no idea so my teacher took her out to dinner and told her and the woman was really thankful cause she had no idea and thought nobody like her for other reasons anyway she went to the doctor and it actually turned out to be something serious. Anyway the fixed her up and shes all good now so ya...
2016-04-30 18:19:59 UTC
Its probably coming from her stomach. Bad breath doesn't always come for the mouth or tongue.
2016-05-01 04:55:39 UTC
If you have tried everything then, GERD or acid reflux may be the problem. She may need to see her dentist, or family doctor. You can check it out at:

It will explain more on the subject. Hope this helps.
2016-05-02 10:39:30 UTC
Her bad breath is from giving other men bl0wjobs.. Ditch that hoe
2016-05-04 17:38:23 UTC
If she's a mouth breather that could be the cause, bacteria enters her mouth more than if she breathed through her nose.
2016-05-03 21:32:17 UTC
Given the length of time which you both have been together, I think that you two are past the initial formality stages and should feel more comfortable being honest with each other.
2016-05-01 06:39:21 UTC
2016-05-04 09:48:15 UTC
I knew someone with fecal breath. Turns out it was an infection.
2016-05-01 04:30:38 UTC
Make her shut her mouth. Recommend Colgate. Don't go to mc Donalds.
2016-05-04 09:49:28 UTC
Find a new girlfriend
2016-05-01 03:20:48 UTC
It's most likely internal if the dentist has said it's nothing to do with her mouth. I would have the nerve to tell her if it's bothering you
2016-05-02 09:04:26 UTC
The best way to cure the problem is to have the cause diagnosed by a doctor. As far as bringing it up...well, there is no way not to do so awkwardly, but try to be gentle and stress that you love her, and that you are concerned.
2016-05-01 15:14:18 UTC
She's sick, something is wrong with her stomach, I'm was like that, went to the doctor and he gave me pills and now it's better. Just tell her that you were like that not to hurt her feelings and let her visit the doctor.
2016-05-03 04:33:46 UTC
give her like 5 mints and tell her to eat them all at once that should stop the breath
2016-05-03 06:07:34 UTC
Slap her! She should know better than to walk around with her breath smelling like sour ***!.
2016-05-06 08:40:16 UTC
tell her to use mouthwash. sometimes bad breath coming for gastritis her for a professional dentist or a surgeon
2016-05-02 06:09:34 UTC
If she starts drinking more water it will definitely help. Buy her those type of water bottles u can carry around and refill. Also eating more fruits and vegetables helps a lot too.
2016-05-04 08:27:10 UTC
Does she smoke? If so what ? I once new a girl who worked in a fish store. I am sure the fishy odors oozed from her pores. Not many guys danced with her, and if they did, only once.
2016-05-04 14:07:29 UTC
Rinse her mouth out with ****. You'll be at least happy about that breath.
2016-05-06 14:29:15 UTC
She needs to see a doctor. You need to start flossing regularly, your 45 year old self will be grateful for not developing gingivitis...
2016-04-30 21:57:51 UTC
In the south we have a saying. If a girl has bad breath it means she don't swim on the same side of the river. Point being. Watch it. Bad breadth.....most likely do to cheating. Maybe trying to get you to break up with her. Anyways like my Daddy always said girls will be girls and cats will be cats.
2016-04-30 22:14:32 UTC
Dude tongue cleaner. Tongue cleaner is a magic for bad breath. Dude my breath smells like crap (no joke), but when i use it smells better,
2016-05-02 12:02:55 UTC
She must have given a crap load of bloww jobs before meeting you. That smell is all the come stuck up in her teeth and gums.
2016-05-02 10:17:37 UTC
Tell her to take breath mint or brushing her teeth.
2016-04-30 23:12:51 UTC
2016-05-03 15:40:38 UTC
If it really bothers you man, tell her. You should be happy in the relationship too, but if you do, BE CAREFUL. You do not want to hurt her feelings, so take it easy on her. Make sure to comfort her lots.
2016-05-02 18:16:26 UTC
Go with her to the dentist doctor, be part of the solution. Men carry weight and if the doctor hears you also_---they will take out the big guns and get things happening!
2016-05-03 13:54:49 UTC
2016-04-30 20:47:15 UTC
Seek dental practitioner
2016-05-02 12:50:09 UTC
be like "yo girl ddammmnnn why yo breath be smellin like that shorty! fix dat sht up!" She will understand & prevent her breath from stinking ever again.
2016-05-01 09:11:47 UTC
She may have a disease or something causing the problem. You might encourage her to get a check-up. Could even be tonsils. Good luck.
2016-05-02 01:01:49 UTC
Suggest her a good mouth freshner spray that kill the bad breath.See a dentist he can also prescribe a mouth spray.
2016-05-01 02:46:23 UTC
Hot Christ. Christiane. BE12Christianna. SC.M

I don't know.
2016-04-30 19:15:35 UTC
Ask her to go to a dentist and see a doctor for a physical.
2016-05-02 01:28:59 UTC
Too many blowjobs can also result in bad breath..Give her a break and see the change..
2016-04-30 23:58:42 UTC
Why doesn't she consult a Dentist & correct the problem by proper medication.?
2016-05-01 13:16:48 UTC
Tell her to visit a medical doctor
2016-05-01 01:56:33 UTC
Don't Write this type question your girlfriend read your question and she slap you.
2016-05-02 06:16:34 UTC
I don't know what to say, if you talk to her she would get upset! That's a complicated issue, sensitive.
2016-04-30 20:04:46 UTC
Could be medical issue? Perhaps see dentist or dr
2016-05-02 07:02:07 UTC
You're girl must know what is a toothbrush and toothpaste.
2016-05-04 15:03:32 UTC
It's probably that she need to fix her holes in her teeth, it's because of that.
Gaia’s Garden
2016-05-01 17:15:41 UTC
Tell her to ask her doctor to check for a sinus infection.
2016-05-02 19:15:31 UTC
Get some quality Iodine and get her to apply it to her stomach or arm crease
2016-05-03 10:31:49 UTC
Improve her diet and health. Make her clean her teeth. Done
2016-05-02 12:56:15 UTC
Maybe a doctor could recommend something that might help....i really dont know thou
2016-05-02 12:08:52 UTC
tell her she need to clean her breath

answerm ine
2016-05-01 12:33:05 UTC
Good luck
2016-04-30 18:55:00 UTC
talk about brushing and flossing, and mouthwash-as well as visiting the dentist twice a year for regular cleaning
2016-05-01 15:38:54 UTC
I feel like it's probably what she eats, for all you know she eats garlic and anchovies
2016-05-02 12:04:32 UTC
No offense, but this made me laugh. "Heeeeey honey, goooood morningggg"

*breath stinks up the place*
2016-05-03 18:08:32 UTC
You have to have a gently talk with her because this might be a serious problem
Alan H
2016-05-01 00:30:54 UTC
She needs to visit a dental hygienist.

Why tell us?
2016-05-03 07:18:22 UTC
Spray a can of deoderant in her mouth
2016-05-02 16:19:11 UTC
Your upper lip hun
2016-05-05 03:16:11 UTC
But some mint lollies and hand her a few.
2016-05-01 13:43:12 UTC
i eat sugar and have great teeth / brush reg,... 1 see a dentist ,... 2 use the mouthwash you like..3use after strong flavoured foods.....spices... and see that dentist reg
2016-05-02 07:23:35 UTC
If she became vegiteterian than she will be fine on overall health
2016-05-01 16:50:27 UTC
Brush her teeth in her sleep
2016-05-01 16:40:06 UTC
Man tell her to brush her teeth!! Go beyond the tongue and venture far.
2016-04-30 23:13:45 UTC
no,it is very bad for a man
2016-05-03 21:32:02 UTC
Tell her to stop holding her fart in cause it comes out her mouth.
2016-05-05 12:11:09 UTC
could be gum decease. Tell her your concerned about her health and that she should seek medical attention.
2016-05-01 12:15:38 UTC
Maybe she has gum disease or is due for a dental cleaning.
2016-05-01 03:24:07 UTC
Points to sinus and / or gastrointestinal infection.
2016-05-01 12:48:17 UTC
She may hve health problems.
Robin Morris
2016-05-02 07:31:21 UTC
A something
jason w
2016-05-03 20:05:01 UTC
Get her some toothpaste
2016-05-03 09:01:17 UTC
dont worry and take it easy. it is a habit. help her to get rid off oy
2016-05-03 02:46:29 UTC
Stop coming in her mouth, it should slowly improve.
2016-05-01 08:54:48 UTC
she's your girlfriend. just tell her the truth
2016-05-02 10:15:06 UTC
Tell her to use some mouth wash or you will leave her.
2016-05-02 19:22:23 UTC
Maybe because of the kind of food she ates
2016-05-01 11:21:09 UTC
Rub some bacon on it.
2016-05-04 13:35:24 UTC
Ok weird question
2016-05-01 09:37:45 UTC
Buy gum and offer her one
2016-05-02 23:46:03 UTC
set up a dentist appointment for her and take her
2016-05-01 09:46:24 UTC
my sister has fart breath from sluggish digestion i think
2016-04-30 20:01:01 UTC
Throw a tic tac in her mouth while shes talking LMFAO
Zee Orc
2016-05-03 02:35:17 UTC
Just tell her
2016-05-04 10:01:36 UTC
Get her toothpaste
2016-04-30 18:13:59 UTC
That's pretty gross. Tell her to use mouthwash.
2016-05-02 04:00:36 UTC
Beat her
2016-05-03 05:51:07 UTC
Give her a mint.
2016-05-01 04:13:13 UTC
She should just brush her tongue or get her condition treated.
2016-05-04 16:13:13 UTC
It could be her diet or her gut but do tell her!
2016-05-01 13:20:33 UTC
It may be her Stomach
2016-04-30 20:51:26 UTC
Was it a dog park?
Aly Morris
2016-05-01 18:23:46 UTC
Tell her to brush her damn teeth.
2016-05-01 09:13:16 UTC
She maybe have issues with her body.
2016-05-01 18:25:16 UTC
Just try to be honest with her.
Andrew Ronk
2016-05-02 16:05:09 UTC
Use mints
2016-05-03 20:23:05 UTC
i think it is embarrassed to tell her directly, maybe you can hint at her in casual communication.
2016-05-02 09:27:35 UTC
sit her down and tell her .honestly without any harm
2016-05-01 00:44:23 UTC
Krista W
2016-05-03 20:02:15 UTC
I would say give her a mint.
2016-04-30 20:50:29 UTC
Ni she doesnt
2016-05-02 20:13:08 UTC
Tell her
2016-05-01 15:42:13 UTC
She needs to also clean her tongue everyday.
2016-04-30 20:19:06 UTC
Ask her to use mouthwash maybe?
2016-05-01 15:57:15 UTC
Dip your d**k in scope or listerine and have her suck you off.
2016-05-01 04:39:13 UTC
Rub mouthwash on your cock
2016-05-01 15:11:10 UTC
tell her to brush her teeth with sperm or semen, and mix some salt in it.
2016-05-02 07:22:00 UTC
get rid of this disgusting animal.
2016-05-03 09:36:12 UTC
ew get a new one
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-05-03 12:09:56 UTC
Offer her some chewing gum REGULARLY ! COMMUNICATE !
2016-05-04 16:26:02 UTC

She needs to go to the dentist.
2016-05-01 06:56:49 UTC
do you have any idea how to write a question
2016-05-01 13:56:37 UTC
2016-05-02 17:51:55 UTC
2016-05-01 11:39:33 UTC
She ate the booty like groceries
2016-05-03 09:15:49 UTC
Be honest.
2016-05-01 12:58:18 UTC
My guess is she has been sucking too many black penises
2016-05-02 22:57:08 UTC
see a dentist!
2016-05-01 07:12:41 UTC
It could be bacteria.
2016-05-01 17:18:32 UTC
2016-05-02 09:41:19 UTC
Think u ahud tell her
2016-05-01 08:42:49 UTC
She can go to the dentist.
2016-04-30 19:25:57 UTC
Just tell her..
2016-05-01 02:13:04 UTC
2016-05-03 09:55:26 UTC
Well stop sticking your willy in it then ...
2016-05-01 15:33:25 UTC
bruh just dump that *****
2016-05-02 04:16:24 UTC
2016-04-30 22:49:49 UTC
dump her and give her to the nîggers so they rape her
2016-05-01 07:12:26 UTC
Dump that dirty whore
2016-05-02 17:53:54 UTC
have her go to the dr.
2016-05-01 15:55:06 UTC
tell her
2016-05-04 00:00:15 UTC
tell her
2016-05-01 08:18:50 UTC
she probably has gum disease
2016-05-01 10:16:09 UTC
tell her
2016-04-30 23:01:45 UTC
its ok
2016-05-01 09:44:29 UTC
so what
2016-05-01 00:46:31 UTC
2016-05-02 13:04:59 UTC
suck it up
2016-05-03 08:51:03 UTC
so what?
2016-05-03 00:52:44 UTC
dump the *****
2016-05-03 17:04:00 UTC
2016-05-01 07:48:40 UTC
2016-05-03 23:57:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.