I like this kid so much idk what it is with him hes just different from every other guy i have met. I know hes a player and stuff and talks to alot of girls because he is so handsome! Anyway idk y he even talks to me i cant act like myself around him im all shy and retarded!! And he always calls and i cant pick up the phone. Idk what to talk about. Im making myself sick because i want him and want to talk to him so bad but i just cant pick up or call him back. Idk how ppl can just call and talk to anybody on the phone. I cant do it unless im drunk. Well do u think he wants to talk to me cuz i spent the night at his house friday night and he called me 5 times on sat idk y and he kept texting saying pick up! Then i never did pick up and he called me once last night. What should i do omg