Me and my girlfriend had some problems some months ago. We would have problems like any couple and quarrel, I'd try to resolve them and keep this to a minimum. However when this girl loses her temper she can become very vicious. To date shes told me shes never loved me, she told me she was going to go with some guy to Lanzarote, finally she pushed me too far and told me shes going on some weekend getaway with another guy. The most trivial arguments erupt into dramatic episodes like this with her. I finally just ran for the hills sick to death of this blatant abuse and feeling stressed out all the time by her. So I started seeing other women, I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I basically told her I kissed this other girl (I didn't). But at the time it felt like the only way to emotionally put this girl through what I have since she cannot be reasoned with. Shortly after she tells me shes pregnant with my kid. She breaks down after I tell her I kissed another girl, I tell her I didn't but still tried to keep my distance from her because she hadn't even apologized for anything she said to me or care how I felt. Suddenly she demands emotional support since shes going through this pregnancy and I kept my distance, I ignored her. She was acting like a complete child. Shes kept me feeling miserable with her insensitive language towards me, yet she kept trying to insist its only because I'm pathetic and horrible and that shes somehow not accountable for the distress she puts me through. Just recently we wanted to patch things up after she had the miscarriage which resulted from her not eating or drinking. So I set aside a Saturday and texted her well in advance that I opened up a whole Saturday to talk, she never shows. Later on I tell her we can later and give her a time, I get no email or text from her and assume she'll just be a no-show again. She apparently shows when it convenients her and then says I'm cruel and horrible for it and that I should "Consider our 5 years ended" I tell her she did not confirm our meeting at all, she replies "Too late" as in shes already been with another guy. I have a lot of supportive friends and met many while attending college, some of them suggested she has borderline personality disorder. What do you all think?