Feeling hopeless.. Please answer?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Feeling hopeless.. Please answer?
Thirteen answers:
2012-02-24 05:11:57 UTC
Every female,no matter her weight, feels this way. Low self-esteem is very common. I,too,was used to eating fast food and junk food. Which caused me to be over weight.

Eating fruit really helps. Sugar is a major factor in which direction a person's weight goes. The more sugar,the more you can gain. Drinking water is an easy way to start. If you would like something with taste,green tea is amazing. Drink 1 or 2 bottles a day and that should help with weight loss and also prevent cancer. I bought a workout video that has 5-10 minute segments on it. It's dancing and quite fun to do. Walking around your house is a great calorie burner. Doing chores also helps.

If you do go out to eat or find yourself wanting to indulge,try cutting down your portion sizes. For example,leave the fries behind and eat just the meal. Diet soda is also better. Try sweet and low or other artificial sweeteners.
2012-02-24 05:12:31 UTC
Yes, what K said. It must first start within. I know it's cheesy, not really what you may want to hear, but sooo true. You're so young, you have plenty of time to work on your self-image. Don't be so hard on yourself - junk food is good. Who doesn't love it? I can go through a huge bar of chocolate in one setting. Just try to lessen the amount of junk food you eat. Explore different fruits and veggies, you may find yourself craving greens. I get big cravings for spinach and broccoli.. and lately beets! Try a spinach, beet and goat cheese salad. You may really like it. You'll also find the more exercise you do the better you feel afterwards and it becomes something you look forward to. These are just some suggestions, I hope I've been able to help somewhat. :)
2012-02-24 05:10:51 UTC
There are many girls in ur situation right now thinking that they are ugly cause they are overweight. Totally not true some guys dig that you just have to be urself. Plus just make sure you stay clean and hair fixed dash on some makeup and remember clothes have to do alot with confidence. You are beautiful being you, there will never be a person excatly like you. Embrace what you have :) But if you want to lose weight tricks are speed up ur meatabolism drink water about 7-8 glasses eat 1,300 calories a day and with just 1hr a day with exercise you'll look gr8 hope that helps.
2012-02-24 05:11:44 UTC
Exercise! Start out by walking a lot. Go on afternoon walks if the weather permits. It clears your mind, and begins to get you healthy. Once you are comfortable with those, move on to running and other types of exercise (i just love running, haha).

And, you said you're only 18 years old. You have absolutely no way of telling where your life is headed at this point. I bet you're a senior in high school, meaning you have your entire life ahead of you. When you get out of high school, your friends change, the people around you aren't as immature and judgmental as they were in high school.

To find love, honestly, just be yourself. Someday, you will find someone who loves you for you, and doesn't give a care what you look like. If you are truly yourself, you'll be happy, and my guy friends all seem to agree that they'd much prefer a girl who is happy, and themselves, than anyone else.
2012-02-24 05:22:34 UTC
Do you really want to lose weight?

What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight?

If any of these answers include for a reason that is not for yourself and to better yourself then you won't succeed or you will keep falling into the same patterns you already have with dieting.

Statistics show that people who exercise tend to stick to their diets more. Maybe you should find a friend who is available to help you through this personal change? Or maybe your Mom wants to help you? (I don't think I have met any mothers including my own who don't wish to be thinner and in better shape/healthier) You could also use this to help strenghthen a relationship between you and a friend you wish to be closer with or a parent/family member?

I feel that it may help you to have encouragement to stay on task. I have a "Zumba buddy" we go to Zumba together every week, if she doesn't go... I am not likely to go alone. She is a support system I use to help encourage me to keep going. And I ask people for ideas of what to eat for healthy meals.

Another thing that may work is a lot of people who go gluten-free tend to lose weight. It's hard to figure out what to eat and bread like and pasta gluten free foods are more expensive than regular food. When I was experimenting with it I ate mostly fruit and veggies... eggs. etc... might be something for you to consider also.

I hope this helped you. ^_^ Best of luck in whichever path you choose!
2012-02-24 05:11:09 UTC
Don't loose confidence. I was overweight too, and I was dieting and trying to make myself throw up since i wanted to be like everyone else. And I wanted a boyfriend and I just didn't want to look like I did. So I realized this is how I am, and I ate healthier and went to the gym and now I participate in three teams in lacrosse, and I play field hockey and tennis too! But, the only reason why I didn't loose hope was because I forgot about who I wanted to look like, and who I wanted to impress and I did it for myself. And I stayed confident by being with my friends and staying close to the ones who love me. Don't loose hope, and always stay confident, and you too will have to time to shine!
2012-02-24 05:11:41 UTC
Its easier said than done..but you really have to learn to love yourself the way you are already. Once you have done that then you will start to notice that the things that you are doing to your body..over eating..emotional eating is wrong. I have gone thru this and still have a ways to go. I also separated myself from the people that did not have kind words to say to me. People mistake that over weight people dont know that they are over weight. Wrong...they..we know!. You have to make a decision that you are worth loving..if your talents..the way you love other people..what you are destined to be in life. We forget about ourselves so many times in life and then get caught up in what the others think. All things will come to those who are deserving. Deserve life and love and kindness for you..and it'll work out.
2012-02-24 05:07:47 UTC
you should love your self for who you are n not try to please anybody else but your self..

about the weight thing the best thing you can do is lose wight for your own good i mean so u can be healthy.. i believe if u achieve that goal you can do it cause nothing is hard in this life

and about finding a guy.. dont worry about that in some place theres a guy for you who will love you for who you are even though if u dont end up losing weight,, there will be a guy ..

you will be happy and have a family dont worry ! cheer up and stop thinking about the future .. think about your present.. :)
2012-02-24 05:05:52 UTC
Don't base your happiness off a guy!!! Number 1 rule: Love yourself before you let someone love you or vice versa! Your a beautiful young girl! Never stop believing that. I would seriously get counseling if you really feel that your not worthy of love or anything. You need to realize your beautiful and special...I had to go to counselor for help. Honestly, there is nothing embarrassing about it.
2012-02-23 21:17:55 UTC
If ur overweight then that's the first u have to worry about if u ever want kids in the future. U need to be determined nd have the mind set in losing weight for ur future. Diets r gay and worthless nd there only around to get people to buy into them, people like u. So don't give into that crap. All u need is cardio. Jog outside for at least like 30min. Slow at first and later pick up speed as u progress. If ur embarrassed of people seeing u then jog at night or early in the morning, or get a gym membership. Jogging and eating healthy is the basic to that. Google it. They'll show u and hopefully motivate u. Get rid of all the junk crap u have in the house nf burn that **** up. It's garbage, think of it as eating out of a dump. Don't do it!! Eat that healthy stuff, if u feel hungry then drink water. So u start shedding a few pounds. Now it's time to look good. So this is where u go into ur closet nd match cute outfits out, idk what u keep in there so think about it, but don't over think or you'll start seeing gray hairs. Make your self look pretty. Again google. Then walk with confidence, and men...the true ones will start noticing u.

first lose the weight.

Then dress good and cute nd make yourself look amazing

You'll start catching people's eyes nd someone will end up talking to u.

WEIGHT IS THE FIRST THING U NEED TO WORRY ABOUT. Or there might not be a future.

Health is more important than finding ur sole mate. Start soon and you'll live happier in the future :)

Good Luck, stay motivated :)
2012-02-24 05:05:24 UTC
I'm overweight too, and I completely get this feeling. It wasn't until I realized that a boyfriend wasn't going to help me feel better about myself that I actually stopped caring about it and stopped it fr weighing me down. It sounds cliche, but let your true self shine through. I'm just 17, but still haven't had a boyfriend, and I just became okay with it. You have to like yourself before you can expect someone else too. Don't give up, someone's out there for everyone.
2012-02-24 05:08:36 UTC
Get someone to help you lose weight. Losing weight will super-boost your confidence, make you look better and increase your chance of making friends and getting a boyfriend.
2012-02-24 05:15:48 UTC
you can contact me . i am also hopeless like you. we can be very good friends .please contact me on facebook(

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