okay im just asking this to get every ones thoughts on this. now my ex said to take a break bc of stuff happening back to back since summer of last year til jan of this year, here are some examples: car needed fixed, needed to be inspected and wasnt for a few months, some who i considered a friend said stuff that my ex said and what others said (half the ppl she said wasnt even there nor in the room and i was crying and very upset), i asked my ex's best friend what her prob was with me and she told him i was attacking her when i wasnt and he believed her, when he went to tell her what happened he blamed everything on me and my family, the same so called friend turned everyone against me when i simply told her 'some friends we're are you always tell ppl that i always betray you and if some says anything you dont like you dont talk to them for months and you throw me to the side when you meet someone new', then i got one friend back then she did it her and it spit over into our house, my car kept messing up, and then it died... and before that i found soft porn and i didnt want him to hang with female friends without me. (oh i didnt find out he wasnt happy for a while until a a week after the break up, thats something you should tell the one your with right?)
now in your opinion is that any reason to break up when others have been through so much more. or is it childish that he did that.. now i will say this if he would of told me he was unhappy then we could of talked it out and then took a break for a while but he never talks things out. now im the typical girl when having a boyfriend, i dont want them watching porn or reading, i dont want them to hang out all day with females i dont knw, and i bottle things up until they get too much for me.
but again does those reasons seem right to break up over, especially when there were many more goods then there were bads (too many to name or list)