how did you get together with current boyfriend/girlfriend? any interesting stories?
2011-03-29 10:01:25 UTC
who asked who? were you friends? how did they act before? it'd be interesting to know
Eight answers:
2011-03-29 10:06:25 UTC
(I'm a girl btw)

He was like my best friend for years ... we were like brother and sister (sounds wierd now lol) and even when I had a boyfriend, I'd stay round my best guyfriend's house all the time. Then I broke up with my boyf and new I like the other guy, let's call him Sam*. I knew Sam loved me and I slowly fell for him but didn't think it was right since we were so close as mates. But I loved him. So his older brother throws a house party and I'm invited; Sam kept trying to find the moment to kiss me but I kept getting scared and shy :) but then, being stupidly drunk, I climbed into his bed, and we cuddle a lot. He started kissing my forehead and my neck and then my mouth met his and aaah it was like the most amazing night of my life. He actually ASKED me if I wanted to go further but I said no, because he's worth more than a one night stand. So he stopped straight away and we just carried on cuddling. He asked me if I wanted to be with him and I said I'd think about it. I left at 5am because I didn't want to be hungover in his house and throwing up and embarassing myself lol :). So, the next evening (bonfire night) we go into the park and just cuddle and kiss watching the fireworks. The next day he took me to Brighton to see our favourite rock band, Avenged Sevenfold. Before we went into the concert, we took a walk on Brighton beach, where he asked me again, and I just said yes :)

This was on November 7th. Still going strong and want to be with him forever.

Even when we were best friends, I could look at him and think to myself - I think you're the guy I'm going to marry.
2011-03-29 10:17:34 UTC
Me and my GF were friends in high school. We ran into each other after not seeing each other for over 20yrs watching a mutual friends band play. I thought she was so beautiful still and out of my league. We both were in divorce proceedings. I left early from the club and we had exchanged phone numbers earlier in the night. Later she texted me saying she was sorry she didnt get to say good bye and was good to see me. We started texting, emailing and talking on the phone for the next month or so. We have been together for just over a year and are very much in love!
2011-03-29 10:10:06 UTC
We were in the same dormitory and residential college program during university: him as a sophomore mentor for new students in my freshman group. We were close friends for five or six years before we started dating in January. He'd asked me out a few times, and even kissed me on one memorable drunken St. Patty's, but it never really clicked until a few months ago. We needed time to grow up. We were seventeen and eighteen when we met, but now I'm twenty-three and he's twenty-five, and I'm glad we waited so long. This is the partnership I've always wanted and never had, and there's no way either of us would have been mature enough for it even a year ago.

We plan to marry in a few years.
2011-03-29 10:07:56 UTC
we met at a club he was drunk i stayed on the phone the whole time until he got home..then i ignored him but he kept texting and we finally hung out 2 weeks later i finally agreed to go a date with him to the movies then to eat for about a week then we had sex and we saw each other everyday and finally i asked him where was we going with this and he said he don't know and i told him well we need to either stop or make me his girl and he said i don't want know drama and now we been going out for about 5 months no it okay we have mostly a lot of ups.. an i love him <3<3
2011-03-29 10:12:45 UTC
My boyfriend and I met eachother mutually through friends, and hungout for years together. I wasn't a big fan of him, my first impression was that I was VERY attracted, yet he was a ladys man so I kept my distance. He dated an old friend of mine, and played her so I became very resentful of him. We hungout for years, when I got out of highschool we lost contact with eachother for awhile. One day he texted me that his life was turning around, and he had a new full time job .. this guy practically worked in every possible place in my country. I was pleased and told him how I was doing, and how I was working too, and doing well in college.

He then started telling me how he wasn't in love anymore, he had a current girlfriend. I was giving him ample advice, hoping he would break up from his very 'evil' girlfriend and move on. He kept telling me how hopeless he was with his relationship and the future .. blah blah blah.

Months passed and I saw him at the park me and all my old friends would meet up at. He was just sitting on the swing having a cigarette (it was very late), and so I sat next to him. We looked at eachother and talked about the craziest things, and he put me ontop of him and we swung together on the swing, and he kissed me. It was very passionate, and I can't forget that night.

I left and for months we would just text like we never knew eachother before, and had soo much to learn. He then got back with his ex. Months more passed, and he finalized **** with her. It was very heartbreaking to me, I learned I was kind of the other girl, that he had, and was unsure if I was a SURE thing. Halloween of 2009, we were at the same party. He was a nun, I was a cop. We were finally ready to passout, by this time we were pretty sobered up. He started tearing as I layed next to him. I wish I remember how he put it, but he asked me to be exclusive with him. I was alittle hesitant because of our on again, off again past. I said yes, and to this day, wish it all happened sooner. He told me he never had the guts to go after me, and wish he knew how I felt for him at first.

Oh, men. :)
2016-10-21 09:02:19 UTC
Huh, solid question. i'm actual not sure what I might desire to evaluate this guy. that's much less stressful to call him my ex while i'm speaking approximately him, yet we not at all actual dated. I knew this guy continuously, our dads have been solid buddies and we frolicked on maximum weekends as quickly as we've been in common college. The boy is in a grade decrease than me, so via time I went to midsection college we fell out of touch. severe college got here returned around and we form of talked on and rancid in the process the years. My senior year got here visiting (his Junior year) and it seems he and his lady pal were broken up for style of 6 months or so. properly we've been given incredibly close, and he exchange into super candy and the 1st guy i individually quite loved. We frolicked daily in fourth era and we could text fabric non end. i could awaken and the 1st message on my telephone could be "solid morning :)" from him, and the final message could be "Goodnight! candy desires!" from him. I fell for him problematical. We went on 2 little dates, bowling for the 1st date then a action picture for the 2nd date (starvation video games actual) and had an exceptionally candy so long kiss on the top of the date. properly we went on a school holiday each week later and it seems his ex exchange into on the holiday besides. We went in this little excursion of this previous city and the subsequent ingredient i comprehend he and his ex are walking around the city holding arms and hugging. Then he exchange into no longer chatting with me, cut back me off thoroughly and began relationship her returned. So yeah, he exchange into like a a million/2 boyfriend i assume, not sure. Sorry for the long rant.
yellow daisy
2011-03-29 10:05:45 UTC
orkut! we met on orkut n den we deleted our we just prefer phone dan d we now
2011-03-29 10:03:21 UTC
I met her in a sex shop

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