is it possible for a teenage girl to be confident?
2008-10-27 18:34:28 UTC
im thirteen and i mean with all these hormones going threw you at this age is it possible to be confident im not confident i have really low self esteem can somebody please help me
58 answers:
2008-10-27 18:39:05 UTC
Yes, a teenage girl can be confident, but it's very normal to feel awkward with self esteem issues as a teen. Education and awareness of your moods and behaviors will help you to understand yourself. Good Luck!
2008-10-27 19:17:31 UTC
I had the same problem when I was your age-I eventually worked out a sure way to become confident. Its a trick. But you have to practice it really hard and never forget, while you're in public-you're ON!!

I found some-one I knew, who was a supremely confident girl(her whole family were like it). I then copied her public persona. Pretend its like acting. You are going for the part. But the part is pretending to be that person...not so that you lose you own personality-just copy her confidence. Confidence is a very easy thing to see, in a person. So if you can see it, you can copy it. You must copy some-one who ooses confidence. You will pretend that confidence and practice it for a long while and then you will wake up one day to realise that it IS you, now. You are no longer "copying"-you have "become"... If you can't feel it, baby fake it!!!!

I mean look at your avatar? That's a very demure avatar-it does not speak confidence, to me.Why don't you try changing it to something more outrageous, but not so outrageous that it loses the essence of you.

If you need to chat,send me an email.
2008-10-27 18:43:00 UTC
I wish I had someone to answer that for me at your age. It's easy for adults to say just be yourself, you are awesome, be confident, etc. The reality is, you spend your days (especially at 13) around kids who are mean and spiteful. Look your best and you will feel good. Even if you don't have a lot of clothes, always look neat. Keep your hair neat and keep the makeup simple. smile and wear a nice fragrance. Be nice to even people that are mean to you. It will take time, but you will get some friends and feel better about yourself. Pray that God will place kind people in your life that will encourage you. Study hard and behave. You will grow up to be more than you ever dreamed and you will have more confidence than anyone you know.

Maybe you can get involved in activities. If you like sports, you could do that. If you are not good at them, it won't boost your confidence. What are you good at? Do something you are good at and enjoy and you will feel good about it. Also, you are likely to make friends that enjoy and appreciate your talents. You hang in there, girl.
2008-10-27 18:40:06 UTC
Of course you can be confident! Of course the teen years are hard, no doubt! But everyone, no matter what, is beautiful! If you would like, look in the mirror every morning and say something nice about yourself, whether it be that your smart, beautiful, funny, or so on! And if anyone says differently, then it just means, THEY don't have confidence, and THEY need to bring others down just to feel good, which is not the way to go! Hope this helped!
2008-10-27 18:59:01 UTC
Heck yes! Confidence is DEFINITELY possible. I'm thirteen, and I know exactly what you mean. I used to have really low self-esteem, but I figured out how to get over it: raise it up. I used to hate everything about myself, but then I thought, "Is this rational? I'm beating up on myself WHY? I'm pretty in my own way, I have friends, and I know people love me for who I am." Just tell yourself about what really matters - your personality.

I'm not popular, and don't think I'll ever be, and that's fine. Why should we change ourselves to please others? We shouldn't! Be confident in yourself because you're a good person and you're willing to let that show. If you are confident that you are loved, you will shine. If you knew me a year ago, then met me now, you would think I had tricked you by showing you my secret twin or something. I was sad indeed. I didn't look people in the eye, I spoke quietly and only when spoken to, and acted as if I was afraid that someone would come out of nowhere and tell me how terrible and pathetic I was. And that's exactly what my fear was. Not clowns, spiders, pain. I had such low self-esteem that I thought everyone hated me.

I finally gave up on trying to be invisible. "I'm sick of this," I told myself, and (I seriously think I freaked everyone out with this) started to talk to people, lift my eyes from the ground, and care less about what everyone thought. It took a while, but eventually I became practiclly immune to the fact that maybe someone thought I looked funny, or I wasn't wearing the most expensive shoes. "Who cares?" I thought. "Not me." And you shouldn't, either. Now, I'm not saying to show up to school wearing crap - that would sink your self-esteem lower. I'm saying to spend less time on what people think, continue to be your kind self, and smile at the world. Confidence isn't that hard to achieve - you just have to take it a step at a time. : )
2008-10-27 18:44:06 UTC
Hi! You absolutely can be confident! I know this age is REALLY hard and the hormones are flying......what positive qualities do you have? I am sure you have many wonderful qualities and personality traits to share with people. For me, I feel that my confidence comes from my faith in the Lord. No matter what anyone says or how you feel remember that you are loved by God. You can find confidence through Him! Just ask!
2008-10-27 18:40:31 UTC
Does a bear sh*t in the woods? Without a doubt.

Yes, dear, you can easily have confidence. There's so much I could advise you on. But why would I when you can read it from the horse's mouth.

Pick up a book called "Feel the Fear...And Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

The one piece of advice I will give you, however, is that the only thing or person that can change you is you. As soon as you accept that, understand that and act on that, then you will return to life.
2008-10-27 18:44:58 UTC
This is a hard time-but hang in there! The best thing you can possibly do to increase your self-esteem is to realize that you do not have to fit in with everybody else to be happy. Be sure to surround yourself with friends that bring out the best in you, and realize (as hard as it is), that you DON"T need a guy to make you happy. Trust me, they are more trouble than they are worth, at this age. Make sure that you are pursuing the path that you want to follow, rather than the path that everyone else is following. Try different things, and find things you are passionate about. If you have something solid to hold onto, it will be much easier to be yourself and make the decisions that are best for you. In turn, you will find that your self-esteem is much higher when you are being yourself. Easier said than done, I know, but just hang in there and listen to your inner guidance-it will take you far.
2008-10-27 18:40:20 UTC
lol. No, most teenagers in general aren't confident because everything is new from the feelings you're started to have towards the opposite sex (or same sex depending) and most of the friends that you had in your younger years fall away and you make new friends. It is a whole new frontier and nothing humans are more afraid than the un know.

Relax, You're normal.

However, you seem like a smart, self respecting young woman you have no reason not to be self confident.
2008-10-27 18:40:20 UTC
A lot of people aren't confident at 13 because you don't know who you are just yet in a sea of people pressuring you to be certain ways and influences. Keep in mind that nobody your age knows who they are and you're going to look back that these years and realize that people acted the way they did because they were confused too.

And remember EVERYONE goes through these years and it makes you who you are. If it weren't for a little suffering nobody would have a personality worth while.
2008-10-27 18:38:39 UTC
Of course! Too be confident is to like yourself, and know who you are and what you want. Just start being happier more often. Maybe you could use a makeover, so you like yourself more. And maybe you'll get more friends and just maybe a boyfriend. And then you'll have major self-confidence. But don't let that confidence turn into Arrogance!
Meredith A
2008-10-27 18:46:03 UTC
I'm also thirteen and I'm confident. Pimples and looks come and go but I just tell myself no one notices and that my hair looks fine. What exactly is it that makes you not feel confident, thats the root of the problem?

Oh, and for the person who said "god can help" i think that is completely inappropriate as of you don't even know the orientation of this teen.
2008-10-27 18:42:11 UTC
Yes it is. What you have to realize is that we women (and young women) are sometimes too strong for our own good. We dream up all sorts of awesome ideas, and sometimes, if they are unattainable, we beat ourselves up over it.

But believe me, you are strong and beautiful. There is so much more to a person then how they look. I know you probably hear it alot, but it is so true, and I think that we forget it alot of times.

Unfortunately, when we tell ourselves negative things, we believe them. But it works on the flipside too. Wake up in the morning and say, "Hello world, here I come". Tell your reflection that you are beautiful.

Confidence is not something to be gained overnight. It takes time, and it is different for every person. But just believe in yourself and do not try to change who you are, and you will live a happy and fulfilled life.
2008-10-27 18:43:46 UTC
honestly I know a girl who was 14 and people thought she was 18 because she was so smart and mature but she was still a hormonal wreck. And she's incredibly beautiful. She probably causes 12 car pileups when she walks down the street. So I guess it just goes with the territory.
2008-10-27 18:42:24 UTC
Well, it's possible for anybody to be confident, or have a high esteem for that matter, it just depends on what you think of yourself:

"what the world around thinks of you is meaningless, compared to what the world inside of you thinks" ---- ME

hope that helped : )
Sarah C
2008-10-27 18:41:47 UTC
Yes, it's possible. Concentrate on what you're good at, and always try to look at your positive features and traits. Every time that little voice in your head says something's not good enough, tell it to stop, and think of at least 2 or 3 things that are awesome about yourself and something to be proud of.

PLEEEEEAAAASE don't obsess about how you look! There's nothing wrong with wanting to look nice, but do it for YOU, not for anyone else. If you have any issues in that area, please DON'T READ TEEN OR FASHION MAGAZINES! I swear, they're written, and the pictures in them are made to make us feel like crap about ourselves so we'll go out and buy whatever product they say so we can try to look like something that is completely ficticous.

You rock!!! Don't forget it :)
2008-10-27 18:40:40 UTC
This sounds corny but seriously it works....Wake up in the morning, when you're all ready for school look at yourself in the mirror and say 5 nice things to yourself..." you are so incredibly beautiful!!" " "That shirt looks awesome on you!!" " You're a wonderful person and everyone likes you!"......or any other nice thing you come up with....It will make you feel better
2008-10-27 18:38:46 UTC
Remember that everyone else is in the same boat you are. That should make you feel more confident in that you aren't different from the others. They are just human as you are, and as such, are no better than you. So go ahead and show them!
im not telling you my name.
2008-10-27 18:40:34 UTC
I'm fourteen and I know how you feel. I dont think that I'm as confident as I would like to be. What I think has helped me through it is when your walking through the halls at school just think in your head that your the prettiest one there and that your all that and stuff like that, and even if you really dont think that, just pretend and I think that will work.
2008-10-27 18:41:03 UTC
DONT EVEN WORRY BOUT THAT. everyone i know including me was self concious/ almost unattractive at that age prob going into soph year or near the end of soph year is the most change youll go through. things will start evening out and your face will grow in and match everything else. you still have alot of growing to do
2008-10-27 18:38:56 UTC
I think that teenage girls can be confident, you just have to find your confidence. I know that i'm 12 (almost a teen!) and I don't have that much confidence, but the teenage girls in my school, practically ooze with confidence. lol.
2008-10-27 18:42:01 UTC
it's possibly but not likely

at this stage, you're very self conscious of the changes youre going through

it may seem like some girls are all loud and cocky and showing off their butt and boobs and stuff, which certainly looks like confidence

its a matter of being comfortable in your skin, if you're proud of who you are as a person, than the changes in your hormones shouldnt effect you
Marlana T
2008-10-27 18:39:42 UTC
listen ....... join a sport and then you will be a lot more confident and have a high self esteem ! im in cheer dance and b ball( well going to be in b ball) but you have to try to be yourself and do something that builds character!
2008-10-27 18:38:13 UTC
its funny. confidence is a measurement, not a thing. want to be confident? Just act like everything you are doing is right, act like everything you say is correct, act like everything you wear is cool. and presto, you're confident and popular. trust me, it really does work. Confident people don't have anything you don't, theyre just sure of what they do have.
2008-10-27 18:37:52 UTC
yeah. lots of people have low self esteem they just hide it and act confident
2008-10-27 18:40:25 UTC
Start by thinking good things about yourself. Focus on your good aspects and features instead of your bad ones.

Don't tell yourself that you are ugly and fat, that won't help.

Get invoved? Sports, guitar, dance, skating...etc. When you feal like you are accomplishing something you feal better about yourself.

goodluck!!! :)
2008-10-27 18:39:02 UTC
At this age, people who you think are confident, might not be. They could just fake it, but people admire them because they seem to be.
2008-10-27 18:41:24 UTC
hey im 13 to lol =] Y do you have low esteem

Reply and maybe i can help
2008-10-27 18:37:44 UTC
I didn't get my confidence back until I was 22. email me if you need anything.
2008-10-27 18:37:44 UTC
just try and act confident and you'l naturaly become confident i know it's not as easy as it sounds but you make the best friends that way lol :)
2008-10-27 18:38:06 UTC

im fifteen, and im confident in myself.

i pretty much always have been.

sure, i have times of self doubt.

but you have to stay strong :)
2008-10-27 18:39:04 UTC
the problem really is that you haven`t much experience in life thats why you are like you are, or maybe you had a problem that makes you think twice .
The Higgs Boson
2008-10-27 18:38:47 UTC
Live life...

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde
2008-10-27 18:38:05 UTC
Yes it is, just leave the front door excited and proud and talk to people.
2008-10-27 18:41:03 UTC
just smile and laugh and have fun.

being a teenager is hard but if u make it fun then

life is just easier.
2008-10-27 18:37:55 UTC
Tell yourself that you are a pretty girl over and over as you gaze forever into the mirror.
2008-10-27 18:40:17 UTC

Please answer my question:
2008-10-27 18:41:23 UTC
just hang in there

and dont worry about the haters
2008-10-27 18:44:08 UTC
well its possible.but we all have our moments.

u have to look at waht is making you not confident.

just get through this stage and i promise it will pass.

dont let everything get u down.

2008-10-27 18:38:48 UTC
its possible for a toaster oven to become confident

Just use Clearasil------- Notice sideefects _______ causes confidence!!!!!!!!
2008-10-27 18:37:59 UTC
yeah, it's just not common for teenage girls. it's not at all uncommon to be insecure at your age...just give it time, and don't think too down on yourself...really
2008-10-27 18:42:51 UTC
yeah i'm 14 and i'm confident certain times i'm not though ;)
2008-10-27 18:37:05 UTC
yes baby there is babe. see thats confident FOR ME
2008-10-27 18:40:37 UTC
it gets better as your teenage years go on don't even worry babe
♥Tierneyyy rose ())>-%---♥
2008-10-27 18:39:39 UTC
yes it is.. heres a sight that helped me.
2008-10-27 18:38:34 UTC
get a self help book
2008-10-27 18:38:18 UTC
of course! have all the confidence you have!

your silly ;)
2008-10-27 18:37:12 UTC
Just be urself
2008-10-27 18:39:43 UTC
yeah im living proof :)
*Just Bliss*
2008-10-27 18:37:59 UTC
be yourself! and people will love you because your not acting fake
inactive as of 2/16/09
2008-10-27 18:41:56 UTC
2008-10-27 18:37:49 UTC
of course.

think about the positives.

what do you have that others dont??
2008-10-27 18:37:36 UTC
2008-10-27 18:40:58 UTC
yeah its possible. but it wont last longg.
2008-10-27 18:39:23 UTC
change up your look
Quick Brown Fox
2008-10-27 18:37:34 UTC
God can help you

2008-10-27 18:41:20 UTC
of course!!!
2008-10-27 18:37:35 UTC
duh its possible to be confident

if u like wat u look like, it sholdnt matter wat others think

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.