Is she normal ? I want my girlfriend to stop using drugs, Is she a slut?I love her.?
2009-10-15 01:06:41 UTC
My girlfriend of 6 months has been taking drugs since she was 16, mostly cocaine and ecstasy. We are both 24, and at university. She has only taken drugs whilst at festivals this summer. I don't like the fact that she had taken so many at an early age and that she still uses them.

I told her that I don't like the thought of her using these drugs and that it upsets me. I love her and want to be with her and eventually marry.

Now as she is at university she doesnt take drugs as she knows it will interfere with her studies, this is great. However she said to me regarding drugs "never say never" therefore she wont tell me that she wont use them again. She said I dont know if im going to use them again so im not going to promise. She said the chances are that she wont so i should stop going on about it to her.

She has a drinking problem also, when ever she goes out she gets so pissed she cant remember what happened. I could make up a story to her the next day and she would have now qualms in believing it.

The other night we were out and i saw her touching this guys chest and her hand on his waist. I didn't know the guy and i know she didn't as my mate introduced them, this was annoying to see as i know that is not normal when you first meet someone, especially in front of your B.F.

The point is i don't know if these drugs affect her to the level where she doesnt know what she is doing and does something regretful.

I don't want to get hurt and want to commit 100 % to this girl. She has had a rough past with drugs and had slept around until she met me. It makes me sick every time i think about it , but she is with me now and that's what counts.

I know she isnt taking them now behind my back as I am with her constantly. I feel that she wont take them until she finishes uni this year.

I dont think she has a big enough problem to enter rehab. My concern is more to do with he purity of the drug and what she may do when on them. I mean 3 people died in the mast month n my city as they thought the drug they were taking was coke, but it turned out to be white heroin.

I do not want to fight with her about it, I feel its a bit much to say to her, "promise me not to take drugs or ill leave you"

Lastnight me and her were getting intimate in bed, then when I went to have S*x with her, I came soft and couldn't penetrate, I'm not sure why, maybe all these thoughts in my head or was tired, anyway I was deeply embarrassed and got upset. This led onto a fight with her as i was talking about it, she mentioned to me that sex on pills (XTC) is amazing. I've never had sex with her on that stuff, it made me feel really small and sad inside.

When i said to her I didn't like that she said that, she said it was ages ago and that it is nice with me now. I cant get over her past, sexual partners guys as many as 18. Described in her diary as sexy hot and F*c**ng amazing. :(

I also mentioned that its the future im worried about, and dont want her to get hurt (it may not happen) but i said if the drugs come back and bite you I wont be there.

My head is spinning, does anyone have any thoughts ???

Kind Regards

Four answers:
2009-10-15 01:13:26 UTC
wow this sounds exactly like me and while i am curious to see the answers, she has self control and you dont own her.
2016-04-08 18:20:40 UTC
I mean, like everyone keeps focusing on the drugs. Which, don't get me wrong, are a problem. I think another huge problem is she doesn't seem to have respect for you at all. She is touching other guys in front of you? That's messed up. Your girlfriend doesn't care if she hurts your feelings. As far as what happened to you last night I think it's understandable. You are thinking about her drug use and all her partners. Has she always used protection? Shot up? Answers you will more than likely never have. I don't think planning a future with a person who's so unstable is such a good plan on your part. Building up all these expectations of her quitting the drugs followed by happily ever after might lead to some extreme disappointment on your part. On the same hand, you mentioned reading her diary. I will be honest with you dude..if you are going to read someones diary get ready for things you will not like. It's bad enough the way she's acting without reading her intimate thoughts on it. Just another way to upset yourself. (Plus, you shouldn't really read someones diary no matter how much they are screwing you over.) None of these answers are probably going to solve this problem for you, really. We are all telling you the same thing. She's no good and you are wasting your time. Every minute you stay with her you are just making it harder to get away from this toxic relationship. Not once did I hear one good thing about this girl. If you can think of enough bad things to be upset about, maybe you should think about the direction your life is taking.
2009-10-15 13:22:44 UTC
Honestly i don't see you and her in the future unless she stops completely using drugs. Why would you want to marry someone that likes to take drugs? That is not going to be a good example for your future kids. I don't think you should be with her only for the fact that she has a bad reputation in her past. What makes you think that it wont come back? Because it sounds to me like she's addicted to the drugs. You may love her but at the end if you don't think about it and keep on being with her you might regret it later and perhaps end up hurt. why not find someone that is normal? someone that is willing to make a life, someone that can promise you something and do it?
2009-10-15 01:12:53 UTC
your girlfrined needs some serious counseling but i also think you 2 need to have a serious talk

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