My ex girlfriend recently called off our relationship about a week ago because she is suffering from depression and there's a lot going on in her life that she said she needs to focus on. We dated for 5 months and I fell in love with her. We fought for about a week then she said she had it and didn't want to fight with me so she broke up. However latley she still calls me just as often and asks me on things as if we were dating and I told her this is awkward for me and she doesn't understand how or why I'd need space and see her minimally in order to move on. Her doing this and the way she is acting is leading me to hope or believe she plans on coming back and I can continue go on "outings" as she puts it with her just like we did when we were dating but the physicality or affection is gone. She said she wants our "friendship" to work and see where that goes. What should I do? I don't want to be her pet and stick around with my feelings hoping to get back together. Any ideas?