2020-10-25 02:27:42 UTC
To put things in perspective, I'm 32 and never dated, mostly because of suffering from clinical depression, clinical anxiety and low self esteem from childhood bullying. The fact that I'm now fat and ugly and am incapable of exercise (cant stand the burning pain and short breath of working out) means I'm going to be hideous forever. Additionally I'm shallow; despite being hideous i want to date hot women and i CAN NOT and will not lower my standards even if it means the alternative is permanent (loneliness). I can not and am certain will never be able to fathom how anyone can develop a good relationship with someone who they aren't physically attracted to. All the personality in the world isn't going to make sex with a fat person good. And sex is a huge part of a good relationship.
Anyways, ive been on Bumble a month and have spent about 500-1000 dollars on it and have had absolutely ZERO likes. To me, this is proof that i am Quasimodo, that i have no hope and that i may as well give up now and end my life as painlessly as possible ( well as painlessly as a 9mm round to the head can be). I will NOT use any other dating apps because i cant stand rejection and wont make the first move. Its Bumble or Bust, and i think ive busted. In a pandemic, theres no other way to meet women is there?