2010-03-10 12:56:09 UTC
Setting - college (I'm a sophomore)
Jen - a freshman red-haired girl I had a crush on since day one
Britt - a sophomore who's the red-haired girl's friend who I normally see hang out with, especially at dinner
John - a friend below my floor who's an RA
Renna - a friend of mine who's a girl who was changing rooms
So once upon a time, my friend Renna needed help exchanging her belongings from one dorm to another. The girl she was exchanging rooms with was Jen. Right away I knew we thought one another was attractive. Each time we passed each other in the hall we would enter that nervous, butterfly-in-your-stomach moment when we'd want to say something but only stare at each other and smile and mumble.
So time passes and I realize throughout the semester that Jen knows a lot of people I know, namely Britt. We chat from time to time whenever we have the chance, until one time in the library Jen actually invited me to tag along to the upcoming Comic Con in Boston in April. I was absolutely enthralled and still can't wait, I guess, but you'll see what happens.
Over winter break, I admitted my crush to Britt, but I wanted to know more about Jen because I hardly get to see her and she's never online nor on Facebook.
Britt never responded to my Facebook message because apparently she broke up with a recent boyfriend and I guess she didn't want to talk about love, which is what her other friend suggested.
After winter break however, Britt never once address me about my message in person, which felt awkward to me deep down. I still don't know if I should bring it up.
Jen and I randomly meet up again by chance. By this time, my friend John told me of a program he set up for his floor to all go visit the Met in NYC. But he didn't have enough people and asked his friends to ask for more friends to come along. I eventually asked Jen if she would like to come with us.
Note this: SHE SAID YES.
She agreed that she would go to the Met that Saturday.
The next day comes and it's Friday evening and I run over to Jen's dorm to tell her what time we're leaving on Saturday morning.
Guess what?
Jen left for the weekend, according to her roommate. Apparently Jen goes home a lot on the weekends.
Hrm, that's weird. No worries. . .
Valentine's Day comes and I drop off an anonymous present with a teddy bear and chocolates. I would then continue to hang out with Jen, get to know her more, and eventually admit it was me.
Then strange things start to happen.
Jen never came to dinner anymore. I sometimes switch from group to group for dinner, and even when I wasn't there with Britt, Jen still didn't come.
From then on, any time I tried to catch her in moments she usually was in, she wasn't there.
The thought then occurred to me: did I scare her off or something? Did Britt maybe say something negative about me to Jen and warn her about me? Was the teddy bear too much or something? I don't understand. This is the first time something peculiar like this happened to me with a girl. Technically, she lied to me about going to the Met. At least, withheld information that she normally went home on weekends. Unless it was something random and important? I'd really like to see her, but we're not so close where I feel I can randomly drop by her dorm. I don't get it though. She was always giddy around me and liked to tag along, and gave me this unmistakably look. Or am I, in the end, being too paranoid? And should I address finally in person to Britt about my crush despite that she never addressed me about it?