You're obviously unsure about it, so apparently, half of your brain wants you to do it because your so-called "bf" will love it and it'll make you feel sexy.
The other half is telling you that it's wrong to send naked pictures to anyone, 'cause there's a 99% chance that he'll secretly upload it for all the world to see, even if he promises he wouldn't.
It's your choice. But in my opinion, if your "bf" was really interested in you for your personality, he wouldn't have asked for a naked picture in the first place.
This is a sign of typical bad boy behavior. It's likely that he's using you, then when he's had his fun, he'll find a new babe to play with. Don't be surprised if you eventually break up one day. Just giving you a heads up...
If you don't send him one, he'll definitely be disappointed, but at least you'll have peace of mind. Plus, it would be a good tactic to tell if he really has a one track mind.