2013-04-16 12:28:54 UTC
Anyway, my ex and I have been drifting apart and she's gotten a bunch of 'new' friends. Basically, I miss being friends with her, I don't miss the sex or the intimacy, just having someone to spend time with on a daily basis (my girlfriend lives out of town so we see each other mostly at weekends). Obviously the solution is to get new friends. Unfortunately this is less straight forward than it sounds but that's a topic for another question.
I've been quite unhappy for the last few days, but I don't know how to explain to my girlfriend that it's because I miss my ex. I mean, she was there to comfort and console me when we first broke up. And before we got in a relationship, she said she had reservations because of how things were with my ex. (ie, lack of proper closure) I don't want to lie to her about why I'm unhappy or make something up, I just need some advice on how to phrase this. That or solve the problem, but that's more of a long term issue.