wow i seriously got played?
2009-02-18 18:32:37 UTC
i finally got he courage today to ask out this boy to prom ive liked for while and i thought he liked me too since he would look at me from across the room a lot, let me wear his jacket in school if i was cold, and smile at me in the hallway. also on the last day of the semester he told me that if wasn't in the class it would've sucked. so back to the present: when i asked him he told me he didn't know what he was doing for prom and left it at that. hmmm..then later tonight he texts me and says that he has someone else in mind, and when i asked who he said secret. ughh i feel like crap right now and a really big idiot. sucks cause hes in my first hour tomozz tooooo >:(

so what im trying to say is, can anyone cheer me up, maybe telling a story of your or something. much appreciated.
33 answers:
2009-02-18 18:42:51 UTC
First of all, you are not an idiot. This crap happens to a lot of kids. It's his loss! Tomorrow, don't let him bother you but act like it didn't happen. Smile, keep you chin high and move on in your utmost confidence. It's the best revenge cause he has seen that it didn't get to you. Stay happy without such a character!
Sara Kayloni
2009-02-18 18:51:54 UTC
Ah you just misread the signs. Yeah this could mean that he liked you, but you know a lot of guys do this without second thought to it too. Don't worry about it too much. Just act like usual and be chill around him. I'm sure you'll get someone better because this guy missed out. (:

Ah my story?

I was in love with a boy for the first time (and so far only) and he knew it. He told me he loved me too and we hung out afterschools a lot. He didn't really hang out with me at school much but I didn't mind much. We went to his place a lot (he lived across the street from school) and we made out, and he always put his hands all over me. And i know this sounds disgusting, and it's totally humilliating to say this here, but i am just to show you that you're not in the worst situation, i thought he at least liked me back if he didn't love me. I thought that was why we made out for hours without stopping (yeah.. weird but true. ROFL 3 hours.. that's the record) and why he always touched me. And then a couple of months later, he graduated (he was a senior, i was younger). And from then on, he never called me, texted me, a.i.m., nothing. I met him once after- on my friend's birthday when he dropped by school to give her her birthday present and i ran into him. He played me. Enough said. It hurt. But i got over it. It took me about 6 months though before i could finally talk about him without breaking down and ripping apart into pieces. I still hurt.. and i think i will for a while. But overall, i'm better. (:

Good luck to you (:
Marianna G
2009-02-18 18:38:06 UTC
Wow, I'm sorry, that's terrible! At least you had the nerve to do that. For two proms so far, I've chickened out of asking the guy I like! And it's most likely not going to happen this year! lol

But good job for asking! And, basically, guys like that just suck. Even if they don't lead you on, purposely. Which, I think the guy I like is doing unintentionally.
2009-02-18 18:38:11 UTC
Guys in high school really only have 1 thing on their mind.... and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. More likely than not, he probably wants to get laid prom night, so if I were you, I would take this as a compliment, it means he respects you.
2009-02-18 18:41:47 UTC
HES NOT TAKING ANYONE ELSE hes trying to see if you want to go with him ask him if it is some one hes texting or texted tonight and then if he says yes than ask him if its you then if he says no play it off like a joke and say tha you were kidding if he says yes then go with him... or re watch last nights episode of family guy to cheere you up...
2009-02-18 18:50:30 UTC
awwwe im really sorry! a lot of guys tend to do that a lot. ok so let me tell you what happened to me...well there was this guy i was talking to and he was so sweet and nice and made me feel like any other girl would want to feel uk. and we have been talking for a while now and he has just been more and more sweet to me. after lunch he would walk me to class and give me a really nice hug everytime. this was going on maybe for 3 to 4 weeks then this week starting off with a tuesday because i didnt have school monday.... im going to first period and i see him hugging up on an other girl!! i was so shocked and mad and so many emotions were going through i just go to class sit down and i just need to tell my friend so idid and we go outside cuz she wanted to see then we walk by them and i realize it was my cousin he was with and i just had to say something so i siad hey sarah hey daniel right when they were about to kiss cuz i really wanted to embarrise him the way he embarrised me uk. so we go back to class and one of my other friends tells me o you know...(she said first and last name) and i said yea why and she told me that they were talking for a while and that he was supposed to go over her house and meet her parents over the weekend around 1. well she said it was like 330 when she text him saying o hey whats up why arent you able to come and he said o sorry cant go i have a girlfriend now!!! i was like omg that little ****! uk now im mad cuz i was talking to that same guy too! i felt sooo bad! and yeah that my story...

hope it maks you feel better. :)
2009-02-18 18:36:55 UTC
Keep acting cool around nothing happened. Maybe his secret person is you, but he just wanted to be the one to ask. And if you start acting weird he may not ask. I know, this could be a stretch, but it's possible! Having a story behind your prom dates makes it more memorable!
2009-02-18 18:44:32 UTC
okay my best friends brother. i have known him since the 6th grade and i have been in love with him since then. well anyways he moved away and came back at the begging of the summer. he is 3 years older than me. and at the beginning of the summer he showed interest in me and asked me fro my number and everything. well he asked me out on a date to one of our school football games and as soon as i got there he wouldn't even talk to me. he texted me later that night after the game and said that he adn i should just be friends.

Well 2 months later he and i started talking...... and she asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought it was a bad idea but i was blinded by love, or infatuation. He would call me and tell me how much he loved me and one night i went over to spend the night with his sister and he and i used to stay up allllll night in the living room talking. well that night we broke up around 3:45 am. and he texted me around 5:30 am adn asked me to come to his room. well things got Intimate and i just gave in. i thought he loved me, i guess i was wrong huh?
2009-02-18 18:46:16 UTC
i dont have a story just a little advice...dont make it obvious that you are sad...on the contrary move on from have time to find someone and make sure they look better then him...and make sure you look great that night...make him regret saying no to only go to prom once.....dont let any guy ruin it for you...when you go to class smile and act like nothing then he"ll know that it meant nothing..i am sure your bothered but you can t make him go so move on..
2009-02-18 18:38:01 UTC
well i dont hav a story .but i got advice well .im sry that happen .. maybe he did like u. . maybe the other girl just a hoe. .but. tomarrow. when u c him .. dont show him ur hurt. i no girl do that to try 2 make the guy say something. but u got to b strong. .an i no sumwhere there a guy who gonna ask u . .ur c =]. gud luck
2009-02-18 18:40:37 UTC
ok.. so you want to hear an embarrassing story of mine. ok. so one time, i had a boyfriend about 2 years ago. so one time we went over to his house to hang out, and my *** was literally about to explode. He was taking to long in the bathroom. so, i pulled down my pants and took a **** on the floor. i went over to grab a paper towel, but he walked out and i threw a pillow on my ****. he knew something was up, and when he seen it he was like "what the hell is this..." and i said "your dog ran in here and took a dump on the floor". apparently, that guy didnt have a dog. so i made a run for it and left. we never talked again. yep.
2009-02-18 18:38:46 UTC
i met this guy over the internet 2 and 1/2 years ago. i insulted him on this weird blog site. and we talked. for a year. he lived in europe, and i in asia. he bought a plane ticket , and flew to where i lived, and we've been in love ever since. i moved to europe for studies, then because of studies had to go to china. he moved along with me. and he's still with me today.

this xmas, he gave me a diamond ring.

today's my birthday and im still the happiest girl in the world.

and im so lucky, it only took me 17 years of my life to find this man.

im 20 today and im so glad.
james g
2009-02-18 18:40:20 UTC
"such a boy... girl this os what you do absolutely nothing.. yup thatz right y you will b the 1 smiling...go on about ur bizzness like he no longer exists i promise it will eat him up inside... just try and see and by the end of the day u will be the one smiling..... tried and true....
2009-02-18 18:37:29 UTC
Maybe he's secretly going to ask you only in a more romantic way. Perhaps he had intended to ask you from the beginning and then you killed his surprise so his quick save was to play it off like he's asking this mystery girl. Good luck!
2009-02-18 18:36:49 UTC
Boys don't do signs. It's kind of a straightforward thing with most of them, it's girls that make up "mixed messages", at least in my opinion. He's Just Not That Into You got a lottt of stuff right. But I'm sorry, that sucks :/ Boy kind of sounds like a jerk.
2009-02-18 18:38:58 UTC
dont feel down,im sure there's someone out there who really wants to take you to prom.

and they boy just missed out on something great in his life or a really fun time.

here's a joke to cheer you up

"knock knock"

who's there?


i'm who?

i'm not really good at telling these jokes lol. :P
2009-02-18 18:41:40 UTC
that sucks. hes dumb and shouldn't have lead u on. its so not ur fault for thinkking what you thought. theres this guy at my school who likes me AND this other girl who is a total buttt hole and nobody likes her and i dont see why he does. and theres a dance coming up so im really scared to see how he reacts to her and me. im bumed he likes her so ur not the only one sad!! :) hope i helped.
2009-02-18 18:45:07 UTC
i really like this guy freshmen year. like REALLLY really like this guy. you have no idea. i was like heads over heals for him. he was sweet, hilarious (i love a guy that can crack me up . ) and we can talk for hours without running out of things to talk about . plus my ex and him was good friends too . (my ex and me became reallly good friends still after) i had p.e for 2nd period and english for 5th period with him. so i saw him kinda ALOT. we did kickbacks afterskool and stuff too and sometimes we hungout at lunch. he never reallly did tell alot of people about us and he like me as much as i liked him. i mean i REALLLY liked this foo, and he just liked me. it was all good and stuff until this one time i think i got a little over obsessive, because itd seem like one day we're all good holding hands and stuff then the next day he wont even talk to me- i was confused . so i held on tighter and callled him more. he called me less and less. then after a month, things FINALLY got better. it wasnt on and off. we were basicallly dating - i was in pretty damn of a good mood b'kuhs i reallly liked this guy. but then the next week i went to school my mom dropped me off and i saw him holding hands with another girl. i knew her too. shes a year younger than us. i was pretty good friendswith HER friends. and i flipped. that day in p.e i was like are you ever gonna explain to me or is this it? he's responce to that was.. you saw ? and then later on that day he broke it off. i was so ****** sad afterwards and stuff. a year later. i was talking to this girl. and we brought him up. ended up he was playing 3 girls at once. while he was with that younger girl he told my friend that he wished he was with her instead of that younger girl WHILE he was dating me. that ****** right ?? it's okay though. we got behind all that crap. we're all friends again now. specially that i have 2 classes with him AGAIN this year )= i hope you feel better !<3
2009-02-18 18:40:10 UTC
I was planning to go to homecoming with my boyfriend of 5 months, but the night before the dance he broke up with me. And then he went with my best friend.... :(
D-ROSE! SAY WHAT? Chicaaaaago
2009-02-18 18:38:28 UTC
thats not being played by someone

just because he doesnt like you doesnt mean he played you! thats not fair to him... not everyone likes you ya know! ask another guy to the prom. you dont need a cheering up story... just because your going down doesnt mean you have to take others down with you.
2009-02-18 18:37:51 UTC
well generally girls don't ask guys out to the prom... you seriously asked for it because that's the guys job. If he liked you he would make the first move in my opinion.
2009-02-18 18:37:42 UTC
well no you didnt really get played...because he never was taking you to the prom....maybe you scared him?

yeah well my gf left me for a guy with a perfect 6 i have an 8 pack
2009-02-18 18:37:03 UTC
I'm sorry, I got played by a Jr at the beginning of the year so I understand.
2009-02-18 18:38:27 UTC
once a pon a time...there was a princess who liked a price. they got married happy, and had lots of kids. they grew old together and loved each other frevr,

hope it helped :)
2009-02-18 18:36:48 UTC
maybe he wants to ask you out guys like to feel big and like a man so if he does pause and pretend to really think then say yes
2009-02-18 18:36:46 UTC
You shouldn't feel dumb. It was a coincidence, and he feels bad about it too, which is y he texted you as opposed to call you. Sorry this happened, but you shouuld know, it happens to everybody.
2009-02-18 18:39:08 UTC
i have better things to do like pick my boogers so yea



im an old lady with sagging butt cheeks
one day...
2009-02-18 18:36:44 UTC
you never know it might be you

dont be down in the dumps

maybe he has to ask his parents for permissiion to go

just calm down and you didnt get played lol
2009-02-18 18:37:12 UTC
my bro asked this one girl and she said yes, she would love to. they ended up dating for 6 months.

does that cheer you up?
2009-02-18 18:38:41 UTC
i wish i could, but i have had worse luck then u all the guys i like give me a flat NO!!!!!!!
ǐ'm Here For You.♥
2009-02-18 18:36:24 UTC
i'm confused. you asked him, to prom? and he's going to ask someone else? maybe he forgot... don't let it bother you.
2009-02-18 18:37:23 UTC
I like this girl, and I dont think she likes me =)... LOL i got nothing sorry... But that part is true....
*i miss the snow*
2009-02-18 18:37:12 UTC
this is my favorite pick up line, hope it cheers you up!:)

say: do my shoes mach my eyes?

(they look at you up and down)

Say: HEY! i saw you checkin me outt


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.