I want my ex boyfriend back i really want him back i cant live without him!?
2010-06-21 06:34:56 UTC
Additional Details
i just dont know what happened he came suddenly and said i'm sorry i stopped loving you i dont know what did i do i did everything possible to please him he was always proud of me infront of his team they were all jealous because he had me he was proud of the way i looked the way i acted and i was never mean to anyone i'm popular and everybody likes me i never hurt anyone everyone is my friend i was always there for him but he just left me when i really needed him! he just broke me, he always made me smile he always said i'm the one he was everything to me i just don't know what happened i want him back i need HELP please i just can't live without him i know there are alot of guys out there but i really love him :'(:'(!
31 answers:
2010-06-21 06:40:33 UTC
You'll get past it. Your going to love other guys in your life and your going to end up saying the same thing about each one. Look at it this way. You guys broke up so it wasn't meant to be. It opens up the door for a better guy to come into your life. Look at it as he lost the best thing that happened to him. And don't think you did anything wrong. Cheer up.
2015-05-03 18:52:19 UTC
If your boyfriend has just broken up with you, you are probably going through a very

emotionally traumatic time and asking yourself, "How can I get my ex boyfriend


Well the good news is it's possible, but the bad news is you are going to need to

basically lie low for a little while. Don't make the mistakes most people make right

off the bat.

Basically, don't immediately start calling and asking to see him and talk to him.

Ever heard of the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder? It is true most

of the time. A little time and space away could be all that he needs.

Try to resist calling for at least a week. Yes, I know that is tough to do! But if

it is space that he needs, you are not going to accomplish anything by calling or

text messaging his phone multiple times a day. In fact, you just may annoy him to

the point that you will lose your chance to get your ex boyfriend back. Yes, he will

remain an ex, and you don't want that to happen.

Studies have shown that the best thing to do is the hardest thing which is just do

nothing for a short time. And whatever you do, don't just sit around at home. Even

if you are sad and don't feel like it, get out there and continue on with your life.

Do things with your friends who you might have been neglecting. You may even run

into your boyfriend and just think how cool it will be for him to see you out having

fun instead of sitting home waiting for him to call you. Before you know it, you

might be back dating again.

Go to :
2015-05-22 17:31:21 UTC
Have you lost the love of your life and need to learn how to get your ex back? It's an emotional time and often it seems the harder you try to smooth things over and work things out the worse it gets. Before you make another mistake and finish things for good you need to find out just what to do. If you lost the love of your life and want that person back, you need the Magic of Making Up.

We all know of people who have broken up and then got back together. But I bet right now you wish you knew their secret. Getting back together can happen - there is a way - a strategy if you will - that's learnable. Even though the people you thought of who got back together may not have intended to follow 'the' strategy, they did - by accident. Now wouldn't you like to know just what they did?

Right now if you were to see or talk to your ex on the phone, the chances of your saying just the right thing at the right time - by accident are quite frankly slim to none. You need a plan. You need a map to show you just where you want to go and what you want to accomplish so when you next see or speak with your ex you say all the right things and deliver just the right message.

Go to :
2015-08-20 00:32:56 UTC
You need to take a new approach. Stop all contact with him for a little while. During this alone time, try to find ways to improve your own personal life and not focus so much on your relationship problems. Nobody said this would be easy, but you have to resist the urge to return to your old ways.

When your ex boyfriend realizes you are not chasing after him anymore, there will be a change in how he feels for you. Becoming unavailable and distant can actually work in your favor. Finally, he will be in a position where he can miss you. He wasn't able to miss you before because you were always bothering him!

Listen, the key to fixing a relationship gone bad is to work with human nature and not fighting against it. Instead of asking yourself "How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back", now you can avoid the common mistakes that most people make when trying to fix a broken relationship. Just try your best to stay strong during this time of being on your own. With some clear guidance, you will be able to get through this difficult experience and win back the love of your life.

Go to :
2016-01-12 09:36:47 UTC
You're only shot at getting your ex back is to follow the right steps that will make her ask you to get back together. Learn here

Maybe if you broke up with her, then you might be able to be the one who brings up the subject of getting back together. But if you can do it without, it would be much better. But how do you get someone back without seeming desperate? In order to get your ex girlfriend attention, you have to show value without telegraphing your interest in her, while at the same time initiating interaction. So don't ignore your ex texts and calls when they break up with you. It screams that you are so devastated by the breakup that you can't even handle talking to her. You want to respond to her, but do it in the right way. You can even initiate communication if you do it in the right way. You have to maintain a strong frame of confidence, and show your ex girlfriend that your happiness isn't dependent on being with her
2010-06-21 06:52:49 UTC
There are a lot of guys out there but they are not him!

I know this is not going to help you at all but believe me when it comes to getting your heart broken I know the feeling ever so well.

At the time I was 17 years old, totally in love and had my life all mapped out for me. It took a split second and it was all over before I knew what hit me. It nearly killed me, my two best mates were killed in a car accident then the love of my life shut down and walked away from me.

That was in 1978 and I still don't know the answer why but it happened and it destroyed me!

I made a massive mistake, I don't want you to make the same mistake as I did. Every time he wanted me I was there for him, just waiting in the background! I thought that if I stayed at his beg and call he would come back to me but it didn't work that way and it still doesn't.

What ever you do don't be there when he wants you to be, don't ring him, send him emails or texts. Let him believe that you have excepted that it is over and you will respect his wishes and give him is freedom!

Now that will shock the living crap out of him, he won't know what hit him. In time it should be enough for him to realise that you are -not- waiting around for him.

Continue going out with your friends but don't cry and carry on okay, if you do that will let him know that you will do anything to get him back. If you act normal and continue to live your life the way you did before he walked. people will leave you alone and stop talking about it.

Now whatever you do don't be in a hurry to go out with another male, he will look upon it as payback and the last thing you need is payback. Promise you I know, I found out the very hard way!

Now chin up, get stuck into your studies, keep going out with your friends and living life. When you are alone at night time you then can cry your eyes out but not out in public.

Things will get easier with time(I hate that saying but it is so true) if he does come back he will be yours for years to come, if he doesn't come back he is not MR right for you.

Don't lose the amount of life that I lost over a male............. In the end I have a beautiful daughter to a guy that is the other half of me. Keep smiling. x0x0x0x0x0
2015-07-12 19:40:03 UTC
A great way to get your ex back is

They might realize they need you and come crawling back!

If you do get back together, don't let the same issues that destroyed your relationship crop up again. Have a good, long talk about how you're both going to make it right this time.
2015-08-04 10:02:22 UTC

I want my ex boyfriend back i really want him back i cant live without him!?

Additional Details

i just dont know what happened he came suddenly and said i'm sorry i stopped loving you i dont know what did i do i did everything possible to please him he was always proud of me infront of his team they were all jealous because he had me he was proud of the way i looked...
2010-06-21 06:40:44 UTC
Can't force someone to want you. Maybe you were too needy for him. Guys don't like needy clingy girls. You got to get over him and move on. Any attempts to reconcile with him will only make you look more pathetic in his eyes. Don't embarrass yourself, have some pride in yourself. You can live without him. There are plenty of other guys out there. Just relax and don't smother them, let things happen naturally on their own
2010-06-21 06:43:50 UTC
its ok hun. dont beat yourself up over him. im sorry but there isnt much you or anyone else can do about it, if he dont feel the same way about you anymore thats how it is. people change. i know this. you say your popular right? have you ever noticed some of the "nerds" like you? not say'n you need to go off and date them but think about this....after school...popularity doesnt matter anymore....its all about looks and money...and other things...dont go outta your way to make someone happy that doesnt want you...i leard that the hard way...if you find someone that really badly wants to be with you and would do anything to make you happy like you did your'll love for the rest of your life....i know this, i did the same thing you did for my ex and she burned me. i was one of the "popular guys" in school and now im with one of the upper nerdy girls and she treats me the way i treaded my ex and i do the same with her. hes takeing your goodness for granted, let him date another girl...he'll see, my ex came on her nees asking for me back after she dated an asshole. he'll prob do the same, dont. he'll go back to his old ways and do the same thing again if he thinks hes found someone better then you. just go with the always works...always.
2010-06-21 06:41:18 UTC
Whatever you do, DON'T beg him to get back with you. I've been there, and believe me when I say that you will feel absolutely pathetic when you look back over time. All you can do is accept that he doesn't want to be with you. It's going to sting for awhile but believe me, you WILL get over it and you will find someone better.
2015-02-15 18:58:53 UTC
After breakup I was devastated. When I realized that we were truly over with no hope of ever getting back together I cried and cried. But we got married and we are now big family with a beautiful baby girl!
2010-06-21 06:54:09 UTC
same thing has just happened to me. he left me because hes going to the army, then he said he doesnt love me anymore and i dont know why. ive made it worse by begging him to come back, so try not to do that. unfortunately i havent worked out how to get him back yet. he wont talk to me. and ive heard hes been out with another girl already. at the end of the day, if they loved us they would have never left us. i dont understand guys. however my next plan is to not talk to him all week, and im asking one of my guy friends (who is my ex who he hates) to post flirty comments on my facebook and crap like that..then if there is still no way to get him back, im going to go over there and go mental about this other girl, say he never loved me and i deserve better, then im going to throw all his hoodies ive borrowed at him and storm off. and also scream for my ipod, my jewelry, and my underwear back. i really dont think theres any hope for me..he also said i was the one and it really hurts because i thought we would get married. but if you try to act like you dont care, talk to other guys, and leave him alone, it should help. just remember that man is the hunter, if you easily throw yourself at them then they dont want you. dont make the same mistake i did :( i dont think i can live much longer without this guy in my life.
Dear Renny...
2010-06-21 06:44:07 UTC
Read your details back once... Now notice that everything was i, i, i- or me, me, me. Seems like everything is about you and not about him. If he meant that much to you then more should be about him.

If he doesn't love you anymore then just let it go because chances are, he's not going to love you again. My advice is to stop being so selfish and put more into the relationship instead of focusing on yourself, then maybe guys will stop running from you.

*****ADD- also...what you added on makes ZERO doesn't help at all...
2016-02-06 10:13:54 UTC
Bring Your Ex Lover Back :
bobbi deena
2010-06-21 06:42:10 UTC
From one girl to another, yes ypu canlive without hm.

I know it seems hard now but clearly he was an idiot and it is not healthy to cry over stupididity. He eft you When you needed him? Not worth your time.

You are a beutiful person and if he is unable to realize this he isn't woth crying over. your a wonderful person and hewas to Dum realize that you deserve better than him biut you stuk with him anyway.

I pity whoever is with him now because clearly he cannot love. how else will you describe complete idiocy? he literaly looked true love in the face and said "nope,not intrested?"

Naaaah shugar you deserve better.
2010-06-21 06:40:05 UTC
Guys are like rubber bands... they strech out because they need there space, but they come flinging back! This guy needs his space and if you always made him smile and made him happy, then you need to do that now and give his space to him. Just do you and he will come back to you. If he doesn't come back then you guys weren't meant to be together, but I'm sure there is someone out there for you. Don't go out and try to make him jealous by doing something stupid, it will make him run away even more..maybe lol.

:) Good Luck! I'm kinda in a similar situation, you should answer my new question "What wrong with me? What should I do?"
2010-06-21 06:39:55 UTC
My definition of Love

Is when you want to eat breath and sleep with someone

NOT cant eat breath or sleep without someone

Your full of crap and too immature move on and don't hurt another poor guy
2010-06-21 06:38:52 UTC
You sound like one of those girls who think just because you are pretty you deserve it all. You don't. Newsflash: guys that young say crap to girls (you're the one) a lot. And as they get older they also say crap to girls. So whether you are pretty or not doesn't matter. You still need to exercise good judgment and you will still get hurt like the rest of the world.
2015-01-28 20:30:57 UTC
A great way to get your ex back is

They might realize they need you and come crawling back!

If you do get back together, don't let the same issues that destroyed your relationship crop up again. Have a good, long talk about how you're both going to make it right this time.
2010-06-21 06:37:44 UTC
you dont have to DO anything to make someone fall out of love with you - but you have to accept that even though this is as heartbreaking as it is - he doesnt want to be with you - hes not in love with you. You wont always feel like this - time is a great healer and you will go on to meet someone who DOES want to be with you and will love you so much.

2017-02-19 17:57:29 UTC
2010-06-21 06:43:25 UTC
i say if you really cant live without him that bad then call him up or meet him somewhere and see what really happened and if he really does not love you anymore i say find someone else we can be special
amanda w
2010-06-21 06:46:32 UTC
maybe he just needs time, dnt run to him whenever he cals ur or ask to c u,now that its over u cant act the way u did when u were gf and bf,and dnt cry to him act like ur happy and maybe then it wil hit him on what he lost but if u stay the person u are with him he wnt miss u
2010-06-21 06:43:31 UTC
that's too bad. you need to respect him and accept that he does NOT love you any more. it's time for you to let go.
2010-06-21 06:39:07 UTC
You can to live without him, you've lived without him before
2010-06-21 06:38:41 UTC
Well.. The easiest way to get him back is to flirt, but the hardest way that would work the best is to tell him how you feel.
Ricky W
2010-06-21 06:38:33 UTC
Grow up.
2010-06-21 06:39:06 UTC
Just talk to him and see what happened.
2016-03-22 22:46:02 UTC
Answer -->
2010-06-21 06:38:39 UTC
i feel the same

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.