girls...Can a man be too nice?
2006-09-20 12:53:44 UTC
Can a man be too nice?
44 answers:
2006-09-20 13:02:18 UTC
The only way a man can be to nice is if he's one of those clingy nice guys. That would be a guy who showers a girl with love and affection, but he is constantly calls her, messages her, or checking up on her. Then he's to nice.
2006-09-20 12:57:37 UTC
Yeah it's possible. Sometimes girls don't like too nice guys because some are too laid back. I had this problem with my an ex. he always seemed to think that by being nice was a way to show that he trusted me. The way I see it is if a parent would be nice all the time i would think that they didn't care. I personally have to have men that have a little backbone. So one who's willing to stand up.
momma g
2006-09-20 13:06:29 UTC
It depends on what you are doing to be "too nice" Bringing a single flower for a first date is nice. Bringing a bouquet of roses? Too nice. A big turn off. Opening doors - well I think it depends on your generation. For teens and twenty somethings today, probably, too nice. For the older generations, nice. But yes, a guy can be "too nice" and it can be a big turn off. Usually, if you are too nice in the beginning of a relationship you can forget about it. If you are in a relationship that has been established, it's fine to be "too nice" as long as you feel you are getting appreciated. To sum it up - Don't be "too nice" at the very beginning! There must be some truth in the saying "Nice guys finish last! - Best of luck to you.
2006-09-20 12:56:08 UTC
I am not sure what you mean by too nice. It is good for a man to be nice, but not to the point where he is letting someone walk over him. My husband is very nice, but he also stands firm on those things he believes in. Compromise is a nice word.
latina lover
2006-09-20 12:57:16 UTC
The too nice ones are annoying.

Too nice is too much, we like the nice attention, but we hate a man to be to woozy for words.
2006-09-20 13:00:18 UTC
There is a fine line. We want a man who is nice but can also stand up to us when we need it. Who will tell us we are beautiful, but also let us know when those jeans just aren't as flattering as we think they are. Loving is one another. We know you need us...but dont treat us like we are your mom. We all want a man who will stand up for us no matter what, but tell us how crazy we were when we get home.

Good Luck...I hope this isn't too confusing.
2006-09-21 07:41:06 UTC
I, personally, don't think so. At all. But unfortunately it is also true that it is human nature that nice people can often provoke selfish behaviour in others. However, I certainly don't think that provides an excuse not to be nice. Why bring yourself down to other people's levels? Be as nice and lovely as you can and be very proud of it!
2006-09-20 13:05:41 UTC
I don't like it if a man gives me my way all the time or never tells me what he wants. I like a man who will lead in the relationship. He can be nice as long as he's not a pushover.
2006-09-20 12:56:59 UTC
He's right. Some times they can be too nice and it gets annoying. Or, creepy nice and she'll want to run. If he's nice all the time, what does that woman have to look forward to ? Odd, I agree.
2006-09-20 12:57:43 UTC
Thing is, a woman likes a man that can stand his ground.. we like guys to be nice and sweet, but there is such a thing as too nice and too sweet.
2006-09-20 12:58:30 UTC
NO! But a man can be really dull, unattractive and uninteresting which in turns spoils everything. Then when he is being so sweet and nice, the girl finds it a turn-off.
2006-09-20 13:09:41 UTC
Yes, everytime I try to be the nice guy women walk all over you, and say don't ever change. Yeah, so the next girl can walk all over you too.
2006-09-20 12:58:38 UTC
Yes i think so. They can be to nice to the point you walk all over them. Then challenge is gone. Not saying girls want a mean guy but one that will stand up for himself and not just roll over.
Megan aka Elsie
2006-09-20 12:58:34 UTC
Yes, show some spirit, let us know who you are. If all we ever get is nice we'll start looking for some fire. Be kind, but be you. Tell us about you what do you like to do, what would you like to be, ask and listen to us but speak to us as well, we're looking for a person.
2006-09-20 12:56:12 UTC
No, a man can never be too nice, there is no such thing... just be careful about being taken advantage of.
me me me
2006-09-20 13:21:41 UTC
I haven't met any that nice yet! Man, I must be missing out!
2006-09-20 13:00:31 UTC
Sometimes "nice" crosses over the line to "choking the life out of her" stay on the other side of the fine line.
2006-09-20 12:57:21 UTC
Yes. Of course, but it doesn't come off as "he's so nice" it comes off as "he's so creepy" Too nice means that you have other intentions.
2006-09-20 12:58:38 UTC

Wen you notice that after all your efforts for being good, sweet and nice, she is avoiding you, being rude, or any sign of "just get out of my sight", its time to slow down or give her some space.

If any of that happens, continuing being nice!
2006-09-20 12:55:38 UTC
Well actaully yes because they could probably love somebody so much that it can't stop then from doing so many nice things.
2006-09-20 12:56:20 UTC
yes and no one like a nice guy nice guys finish last
2006-09-20 13:03:58 UTC
No, but he must share his feelings also and being nice does not show the real person he is.
2006-09-20 12:57:45 UTC
Yes he can.

TOO nice men reek of desperation.

TOO nice men are always hiding something (that is usually very wacked)

TOO nice men call everyday and give you presents every time they see you.

TOO nice men ALWAYS complement you on EVERYTHING.

If you ever run into one. run... run away... run like the wind!!!
2006-09-20 12:57:20 UTC
yes! If your so nice it makes people sick then you need to stop...if your so nice that just never say "NO" or show you have a backbone, thats when its start getting sicken....ew
2006-09-20 12:57:19 UTC
If he has no bounderies established for how people treat him then yes, he can be too nice.
2006-09-20 12:57:51 UTC
Yup if a woman only sees him as a sugar daddy and he knows it and still allows her to drain his a#$ for every penny he has.
2006-09-20 12:56:39 UTC
v.ballerr <3
2006-09-20 12:56:33 UTC
my opinion? yes. But the nicer the better. I love guys who r caring and protective
2006-09-20 12:56:11 UTC
when they are push overs then yes but most of the time they arnt. you have to beable to stand up for ueself and grls but also respect and understand grls. its hard i know but thats what we want.
Angry Insightful Black
2006-09-20 12:55:29 UTC
women don't like nice. when I'm an jerk, they love me. Odd I know
AsianPersuasion :)
2006-09-20 12:55:22 UTC
ONLY if he is with a woman that takes it for granted and uses him. Otherwise, no.
2006-09-20 13:00:28 UTC
yea they can be! I mean like it makes us feel bad like we have to be more of a person to keep up with them and its frustrating!!
2006-09-20 12:56:14 UTC
Oh god yes and it is just soooo annoying, I mean grow some balls or something♥
2006-09-20 12:59:59 UTC
sure they can. it gets annoying if the guy jumps everytime she tells him to.
2006-09-20 12:59:24 UTC
I reckon so.....I am dating this gal and she says I am too nice to...she is always looking out for an argument ....i tell her to have it her way then she is upset she cant figure me out......i dunno ..i also dated this gal and I was a complete jerk ...she loves me still ......i dunno why....
2006-09-20 12:56:14 UTC
yea but those ones are either gay or really really soft the type to get beat up
2006-09-20 13:03:29 UTC
only the ones who are trying to force you into a relationship or know the ones..........
2006-09-20 12:56:48 UTC
well,its a question of wether he's ur age or not
vicky l
2006-09-20 13:05:48 UTC
yes definately.
2006-09-20 12:56:47 UTC
yea and no... yea is when your so sweet and then you cheat on them and no when you truly like them
2006-09-20 12:57:16 UTC
not possible...where is this man...i'd date him
2006-09-20 13:13:18 UTC
sometimes........less is more. KNOW your limit
2006-09-20 12:56:07 UTC
sure can.
2006-09-20 12:56:21 UTC

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