He's been/being unreasonable, not rational -- all the asking why? thinking in the world will not explain when someone is off on their own trip! I wouldn't worry about him, so much, if it was me, anyways -- because, it's actually not reasonable to be boyfriend-girlfriend in like, 5 minutes :OD or a couple of meetings -- see, you cannot actually know that his friends were actually longtime friends, that way -- or, his motive(-s) for calling you his girl in front of whomever they were -- for example, maybe, they criticized him for being with someone else -- and he was just in a hurry to find someone else to 'show (them)..or, it could be that someone dared him he couldn't get someone to believe him, for money (guys do dumb weird things, some of them, sometimes..they don't have to make sense, so, they don't!)..or, maybe someone publicly humiliated him, because he was the only one in the group without a partner..and so on,who knows. Guess I would just say, that you sound so open -- hm, it might be wise to relax, really get to know someone, understand where or how much inside them is reasonable, logical, can be relied on, expected or counted on -- and how much is weird, illogical, twisted or makes you feel unclear or uncertain -- everyone may have some of both..but, what is/are his intentions, what are his motives -- take more time, watch and notice, observe, not just what he says and does -- but the unsaid, what is under the words, why do you feel such and such a way -- how is he manipulating your feelings, deliberately causing or forcing/pressuring/coercing you to act, say, not say or be. If his weirdness is too much, or violent, even in little ways/things, let alone big ones (like, if he doesn't share major details, maybe where he goes/who he is with/what he does --which, it sounds like this dude you describe is into -- that is a form of mis-use of you, aka 'abuse', emotional and mental abuse..that can precede physical abuse, look it up, not as uncommon as we'd all like to think)..the cost isn't worth it, the price you pay, your self-esteem/confidence, living in a fog instead of clear peaceful open level-headed understanding, instead of feeling consistently openly loved..asking why, and secretly or openly wondering why, what did you do to cause the unreasonable, him not making sense, going from hot to cold, maybe even suddenly re-appearing aka him being hot again -- answer: he came that way, he is weird, you di not cause it, you are not responsible, for him/his strangeness -- you don't owe him, you are not guilty -- and in fact, he is trouble -- to be avoided. Yes, he might suddenly turn up again -- best to protect you, put up boundaries -- if he talks to your vm or answer machine, don't pick it up. If he texts, remember, a couple of meetings doesn't mean that you know him -- often, what you describe, comes with a twist -- like, he has a wife/partner, or several, used you (sorry, but, pointing out tht, when you have just met a partner, he might be selfish, anything but! a real partner) -- guys like that often have cold-blooded flings, not caring -- can be passionate, but not in the feelings still being there, consistent, reliable way -- std's, wiping out others' bank accounts, eventual physical violence, and/or ongoing abuses, again, not only physical violences -- manipulators, selfishly getting what they want, nothing to do with anyone else. So, to answer your Q's, it doesn't mean a thing -- he's not 'normal', he's not a good one to expect 'normal' or reasonable behavior, thoughtfulness or decency or consistent passionate excitement/caring and loving from. Best to move on, and not to blame yourself, for someone else being weird! Better to relax, take deep cleansing breaths, and smile again -- take a head-clearing walk, and if you see him, cross the street to the other direction...don't invite trouble -- because, a weirdo like that one can also obsess, 'hook' a lady in, into trusting, based on acting, rather than actions supportive -- talk and sex/foreplay, including 'pushing your buttons' that is, if he figures he can soften or butter you up with promises or maybe a red rose with chocolate, he might -- or, he might skip that and just go for messing with any part of you, label it 'love' or 'my partner (word here, wife, girl, etc)', again, either it pleases you enough to get you in the palm of his hand/trusting (blinded by distractions/pushed buttons), and/or because it pleases him: In short, he'll do whatever he damn well pleases, and can be unsteady/unreliable/can and likely does change/is inconsistent, exactly as he has shown (or is now showing) you. Just a sample, small taste, of how awful the nightmare, that replaced your dream (still worth going for, elsewhere, btw -- again -- it is not you, his bad behavior tried to find someone to take advantage of -- anyone), if you were to continue to choose to contact/be around weirdo him. You know, you definitely can find a far better genuine actual boyfriend -- ins