I am 19, and even though I don't exactly hate women, I dislike many women, and not because of any rejection or something like that. On the contrary, many females have told me I am attractive to my face, including at least 3 of my female friends, and according to my friends, I have had girls blatantly check me out on several occasions, but I am oblivious to that kind of stuff and don't think too highly of my looks. My problem is that I can't understand girls as well as I would like, and I can't associate with most of them on a personal level, because I am extremely logical and analytical, and can't form personal connections with them. The problem is that though there are girls who are also logical and analytical, most of them are the geeky girls at engineering schools who act a lot like men because 85% of the school's population is male (I have a buddy who goes to RPI, and he confirmed this for me) or whatever. With every girl that I have had a serious attraction to, there was something there, like a barrier, that made me distant from her personally and eventually, no matter how hard (due to stubbornness) it would be for me to forget about her, I would just push her out of my mind and not ask her out. I have never felt a personal connection before with a girl, even with a platonic female friend. With every female friend I have, I always find something wrong with her with her personality and what not, and keep my distance from her, and the girls I consider friends are in reality more easy going than most girls, typically. On the other hand, I am very close to my male friends, even though I definitely NOT gay, and only hang out with male friends outside of class, unless my female friends come with my other male friends.
I have never asked a girl out, because I always force myself to just give up on the girls I have a serious attraction to, for whatever reason. I am just extremely comfortable in male-dominated environments and am not comfortable around a lot of girls.