17 and 9 guys???
2015-11-06 14:06:34 UTC
Is 9 guys a lot to have slept with at 17? I don't wanna hear the "one is to many" people. I honesty don't really care if it is, I just want to know if in comparison to others my age is that above normal?
303 answers:
Lisa M
2015-11-10 02:53:54 UTC
Well, it obviously bothers you or you wouldn't be asking our opinion. It sounds like you want a committed relationship but are somehow letting this amount of guys in your mind discourage you. Just remember, you don't have to tell everyone this constantly, this is your business alone. Realise that this is how you acted in the past, but now you won't be so quick to give your body away to anyone. Was there a pattern to how this happened? Did the guys promise you a relationship or love if you slept with them? Guys will lie and say ANYTHING to get a young girl in bed. Were these guys older men? If so, they committed a crime by forcing you to do this. They should go to prison. Many sexual abuse victims feel like it's their fault when the crime happens. They feel like they did something to cause the predators to hurt them or take advantage of them. If these men were older than you, then it's their fault! And you shouldn't be ashamed. Even if they aren't much older, you are still a child. You own your own body, nobody else! Next time somebody tries to use you, say 'no' and leave. If they still try to take advantage of you, call the police!

Perhaps you should see a therapist for all this, it seems you need to learn to set boundaries and to work on your self esteem. You have much more to offer than just your body.

Good luck!
Greggory Heist
2015-11-07 23:24:09 UTC
9, particularly for a female, @ 21 would be a lot, so 17 is quite a bit. Let me explain. First, I preface this by saying I don't know her background. So there may be other factors here. But for the average 17 year old girl, 9 is a tremendous number. At 17, sex isn't as sexy as it is as an adult. Its not as good and certainly not as natural. You don't usually have your own place to do it in so the opportunities are far less. To get to 9 as a teenager would mean a concerted effort &, in turn, a certain level of promiscuity. That's really for male or female. Now, why is the gender important, however? Men and women view sex differently. Men tend 2 view sex as a strictly physical, almost instinctual act. We can have sex practically anytime with anyone & not think twice about it. Women have a more emotional experience. They dont fall in love with every person they're with but they are less cavalier w/ their sex partners. 9 in college for a girl would have been a lot. So yes, 9 @ 17 is nnotab
2015-11-08 15:35:53 UTC
Disgusting. 9 is a horrendous amount of people to sleep with at 17. I'm 22 year old male and I haven't sleep with that many people, despite being able to.

Think about it. If I slept with 2 people a year, since I was 16, that would be 12 people. She's done that basically at 17. And probably had sex with the 9 more than one each.
Angel Johnson
2015-11-08 11:59:15 UTC
Honestly, that depends on you and your morals. There are a lot of women who sleep with a LOT of guys at this age, and there are some women (a shrinking number) who never sleep with anyone until college. I am one of these women. I'm not a virgin anymore, I'm 20 and in college, but I remained a virgin until the end of high school mostly for safety reasons. I'd estimate that the average woman has at least 4 sexual partners before college. 9 is a bit of a big number, I'd say, but that also depends on who you're talking to.

Now on a more serious note, be very careful with what you do with your body, particularly at your age. Teens are far more prone to STDs and the like because their immune system isn't as strong as an adult's. If you slept with 9 guys, make sure to take the proper hygienic care, because the LAST thing you want is to be catching an STD from a stranger, and ruin your sex life permanently.

And for all of those calling you a slut for this... in my opinion, you can do whatever you want with your body. I mean yes, make sure you're having sex because you want to have fun, not because of some underlying issue. If that's the case, seek psychological help. But otherwise, having sex isn't wrong, and don't let any of these people convince you of that. Have fun. Live life. Don't be dumb. Stay safe. And good luck.
Mr. Un-couth
2015-11-07 11:49:48 UTC
I doubt if any one has come up with an accurate average number of sex mates for a 17 year old girl to have had. But I believe 9 is closer to being over the average than being under the average for a 17 year old girl.

However, if it will make you feel better I have known certain 16 year old girls to bang 5 or 6 during one encounter and would have willingly banged more had there been more available at the time the 6th one dismounted.

Maybe if you put a little extra effort into your sexual activities with your next few mates then you might be able to cut back on the total number of different ones per year if that is your goal.

Hope this helps.
2015-11-09 09:52:26 UTC
Don't listen to these people, they're just ugly or lieing. I went through a phase when I was about 15, 16. I guess you could call it daddy issues (I grew up without a father) I ****** so many guys I started losing track. I was a horn bunny boy. But like I said, it was a phase I grew out of. I've been with the same guy for 2 years now and I rarely want to have sex. Luckily I didn't get a horrible STD or a baby. I'm 20 now btw. The only thing you really need to worry about is your self image like at school and stuff and getting an STD or baby. Other than that, sex is just sex. People really put too much emphasis on it.
2015-11-08 12:08:55 UTC
9 is a high number for a 17 year old (girl or guy), there's no doubt about it. Not the highest number I've seen though. The last girl I dated had been with 12 guys at that age. I guess the thing is, most girls can have whatever number they want, but most aren't that promiscuous. Even with how much teenagers practice sex these days, between 2 and 5 is probably considered a normal number, and anything above that is getting high.
2015-11-08 12:58:48 UTC
Im going to be painfully honest this is probably not what you will want to hear but yes, and also it is even worse that you're a girl. As an 18 year old respectable male, i wouldnt even look at a girl like you because i want someone who not alot of people have had. If you tell that to any respectable guy they would probably leave you. There are some guys who dont mind this, but they are mostly no good and would probably leave you after they get What they want. The number of guys you slept with lead me to think those are the guys you attract? And the higher the number gets the least those guys will respect you. Its a vicious cycle that you can hopefully you snap out of. Nevertheless, if you continue to go down that slut path use protection (if you aren't already). If you haven't already done so, get checked out for STI's & HIV because these diseases are ravaging the teen population & Good luck
2015-11-08 06:29:54 UTC
I am 20 and have been with one guy, that I am still currently in a committed relationship with. Yes, 9 guys at the age of 17 is a LOT. That would also go for either gender; 9 girls at 17 for a guy is a LOT, too.
2015-11-07 00:37:24 UTC
I was 17 and was with one guy. However, he was an @55. I wish I had two or a lot more. At 40, I may have probably 20-30+ guys. I can't count because some of them they just pleasured me or we just made out. For a lot of my ex,it was a little too much. But when they got to me, they realized they can't have enough. So, enjoy it but just be careful. Don't worry about the shamers. What goes down there is your business. The only thing I advise you is make sure you wear protection all the time and ditch the unworthy dogs. There are lots of them- and that's why most of us women end up enduring so many men in our lives.
2015-11-08 14:01:07 UTC
When I was 17 I just slept with 1 person, I lost my virginity when I was 15 years old which is way too young even in my opinion and I was with the same guy until I was nearly 17.

Then I was in another relationship with someone else from 17 years old to nearly 21 years old. So that's 2 sexual relations at age 21.

Then when I was 21 til present with my 3rd partner, I am now 23 years old.

I won't tell you what you can and cannot do, it is your life and you do what ever you want to do with it, but I have to say many men respect me, I grew up surrounded by guys and not once did I sleep with them, they tried but I said no and even guys I have met along the way that have tried it will me and I said no, they really admire me for that. I've actually had males tell me that they instantly get put off by females giving them sex easily and won't do anything else with them other than use them for sex .

And on the medical side of things, sex when you are younger maximises your chances of many issues with health later in in life such as cervical cancer. As well as all the sexually transmitted infections.

Just be sure to get yourself checked regularly for sexually transmitted infections / diseases. You might not have any symptoms but you could still have something and it will ruin chances with fertility down the line.

Just be happy!
2015-11-08 11:53:24 UTC
I think it s nobody s place to really judge, but you might want to look at your behavior and ask yourself what you want in you want to be in a relationship, or stay single and just enjoy short term interactions? Which will lead you to longer-term happiness? Some avoid commitment, and if so, why? If there are other priorities, then do you have regrets for having been with 9 guys? If so, then do some soul searching as to why.

Only you can truly answer if 9 is excessive. And it may also depend on how many years you have been active sexually, as well. Is there a past history of abuse that causes the behavior?

I know I sure wish I had lost my virginity a LOT sooner... I think waiting did a LOT of damage to my self confidence which I still deal with.
2015-11-11 00:21:45 UTC
In my honest opinion, I don't think that's a lot. Girls thus day and age are much more open about their sexuality. Do I think it's kind of wrong? Yeah, I mean 17 is still very young and you're still developing, but it's not uncommon. I mean I'm no saint, I slept around a lot when I was younger and was far beyond 9, but I also sort of considered myself a bit of a floozy. I was admittedly pretty reckless and honestly I'm lucky I didn't catch some awful disease that I'd have to suffer with for the rest of my life. People should be able to explore their sexual freedom, but should also be knowledgeable about what giving yourself to someone means, and what sort of marks it'll leave on you when you look back on it. I wish I hadn't tossed my body around because now I just feel like sex isn't as special for me anymore. A good while before I met my husband I didn't even think sex was much more intimate than hanging out, and intimacy is something you don't want to feel like you're missing out on
2015-11-08 12:45:03 UTC
I'm 18 and I've only been with one guy and we have been in a committed relationship for over a year. So yeah I would say 9 at 17 is a tremendous amount..
2015-11-09 11:02:02 UTC
Everyone's sex life is different. The legal age of sex is 16, so that's the equivalent of somebody sleeping with 4 people while they're 16, and 5 people when they're 17. And there's nothing wrong with that at all, sex is a wonderful thing, it's healthy and it's enjoyable.

As long as it's consenting, you've never been made to do something you didn't want to, and you're happy, do not listen to anybody who says it's too many or to slow down because quite frankly you can do whatever you please. And you don't need to justify yourself to anyone!

And for the record, when I was 17 I had slept with 5 guys.

Just please don't let anybody put you down or criticize your life and your actions, some people are incredibly old fashioned and can't relate to things like this. Be happy and do the things you want to do (just be safe)
2015-11-06 14:41:16 UTC
Yes, 9 is too many for a 17 year old... boy or girl.

I was once told that the best way to determine a "good number" is to count for 2 for the first 20 years of life,

then add one for ever 5 years after that. If you have more than that, your reputation takes a downward spiral.I have stuck with it, and it makes me feel good that I am under that number.

Of course, I am married, and have been for the last 13 years, and have been faithful the whole time.

That's what I was told, hope that helps answer your question... and for that matter, anyone else who may have a similar question.
2015-11-10 11:48:23 UTC
I am 23 and I've only slept with 4 guys. Only 1 wasn't my official boyfriend and another one is my current long term boyfriend, and I want to marry this guy one day too. I didn't have sex until I was 19. So, yes, to me, you being a 17-year old and having slept with 9 guys (who probably weren't boyfriends) is a lot. You need to ask yourself if this makes you happy. Anyway, you said don't lecture you, but I'll answer your question: If you are comparing yourself to the typical "NICE GIRL", yes, you are WAY over the limit. If you are comparing yourself to the party girl that only cares about drinking, drugs and guys---then I wouldn't be surprised if 9 is an average number. Be careful, your girlfriends might be calling you a slut behind your back and guys in your school might be spreading rumors amongst themselves that you are "easy".
2015-11-08 03:15:02 UTC
Sorry if you want my opinion 9 by 17 is straying into slut territory and I would say that of women and men (manslut) especially if you are going to carry on in that way. It should be about quality not quantify.

Get yourself back some self respect because I can tell you without a shadow of doubt if these men know each other, regardless of what they will say to your face, they won't have any respect for you.

A guy I know split with his wife of 2 years when he moved to her village and set up home together. She had had 50 + men before they met and being a modern liberal guy he had no problem with that, or so he thought.

It came to a head when he realised that half the men in the pub had had their bits in her mouth. Turns out he wasn't imagining the knowing looks he saw them making.

He asked her to move with him10 miles away where he wouldn't have to cope with it but she wouldn't move. Shame.

I think most men would feel the same in those circumstances.
2015-11-07 16:47:40 UTC
Well it is your choice.I think there needs to be a bit of psychology done on this.You need to make sure that you are having sex for the right reasons and that you are not kidding yourself.Do you think you have low self esteem problems?You don't want to end up as the "easy" girl.Even the most decent man might try an easy girl for a bit of fun but he won't see her as girlfriend material.You don't want to be one of these women who goes through life being used for sex and never having a relationship.Maybe the reason could be you have a high sex drive for a girl.Make sure you always use a condom during sex.You don't want end up pregnant from any random guy.There a lot of diseases out there including chylamidia.You might not know that you have it for years until you meet Mr.Right and you might be told by a doctor that it is too late and you are infertile from it or even worst something like hiv that will force you to use medications for the rest of your life to survive.Sex is not worth that much!!!You are young.Do what makes you happy.However if 2 or 3 years pass and you still have not had 1 proper relationship with any of these guys then you might want to think about these guys motives.Take time to know a guy if you think he is just a kind of **** and go guy.It is quite easy to know these guys.They are the type who invite you out for tea and then try and annoy you into giving them what they want.Remember you are the only one who has control of who you share your body with.Take care of yourself.Good luck.
2015-11-09 09:35:28 UTC
I will give you some advise that a person once gave me. Be the one that everyone WANTS, not the one that every one has HAD. I'm going to do some math real quick. Even though i have no idea who you are, I'm going to guess. Say you lost your virginity at 15 and you are 17 now, that's 4.5 guys a year. Say you get married at 25 and you and future Mr. You date for 3 years. That means you and him started dating at the age of 22. That's 5 years from now. At 4.5 guys a year for 5 years that's 22.5 plus the 9 you have already slept with for a grand total of 31.5 different men. Would you want future Mr. You to have slept with 31 different women? In the end it is entirely your decision and your opinion of yourself is all that truly matters though.
2015-11-06 17:17:27 UTC
Yes,if you started dating around the start of your teen years but didnt have sex until at least 16 then it might be okay. Do you have high standards? What kind of guys are acceptable for you to date? Are you fussy? Do you just give in to temptation because you're getting attention? By now you should have better standards. You'll find that some guys arent compatible while there are those who are. As you head towards your adult years you should have higher standards.Think of things you wont put up with like a guy who cheats,lies and so on. There are deal breakers.There are warning signs that some guys are a bad deal.Learn to recognise the good so you avoid the bad ones. As for your future,what do you want in a relationship? I hope you find the right guy someday.
2015-11-08 16:37:52 UTC
I'm a 17 year old girl and I've slept with 5 guys. I know girls who are 15 and have slept with 12 guys and I know people older than me who are virgins. The average age to lose your virginity is 17, so you're probably above average, as am I, but honestly it's a personal decision, and nobody should judge you for it. Just be safe.
2015-11-07 06:29:00 UTC
Coming from the opinion of a 14 year old girl, I think it can be good or it can be bad. You need to ask yourself these questions. Did I really like this person? Did they really deserve my virginity? Because if you answered no to these questions for most of the guys, then maybe it is a bad thing. But, if you answered yes, then there's nothing wrong with it. Having sex should be with someone who you truly love and care about, no matter the age. Age is just a number, and so is the 9 guys you've slept with. If it's with the person who at the time you thought you could spend your whole life with, then no, it's not a bad thing.
2015-11-09 03:17:04 UTC
I'm 17 myself and I think sleeping with 9 at our age is quite a lot! But its ur life so you should be able to sleep with as many guys as you want. You have to be careful tho and make sure your having safe sex otherwise you could fall pregnant and probably not know who the Dad is or you could catch an std and neither of those things are great at our age because ur young and you have to live your life before caring for a baby and you just definitely don't want an std!
2015-11-09 16:08:29 UTC
Well I don't know the average for 17 year olds, but really you should find someone special and sleep with him, and 9 at 17 is deffinately too many, even if that's the average, cuz Sex is special and the Ultimate pleasure and should only be with someone you love (BTW I'm a 16 year old man, just telling you that so you don't think I'm an adult saying Kids should focus on school not sex)
2015-11-08 07:14:42 UTC
I think it is a lot to be having it with 9 guys and being only 17. That is too much and not right
2015-11-10 10:56:31 UTC
9 is excessive. I understand you enjoy sex, but when your 22, you don't want to be one of those girls that is like ..: is 26 guys too many?

Slow your role kid... First and foremost your body is your temple, and to give it away so easily... And frequently.. Is a disgrace to yourself. When you tell people you had so many partners, what you are really saying is 'I'm easy' and 'don't take me seriously'

Is that what you really want? I don't believe so.

Sex is a weapon and you should use it more to your advantage, not your disadvantage.

Men will respect you more if you hold out. How do I know this? Cuz um, 9... And your 17. Obviously they are not long term relationships.
2015-11-07 05:48:39 UTC
it does seem a lot - when I was 18 I had been with 4 people which I thought was a lot. You don't want to get a reputation for sleeping around, because boys will take advantage of you for it and girls will judge you for it. I'm not saying be a saint or anything, but you need to know and trust your partner before sleeping with them. When you're older and you meet 'the one' they might have a really hard time getting over how many people you have slept with - I certainly wouldn't be with a boy who has slept with 9 people at 17 ...
2015-11-09 18:07:22 UTC
Listen, I'm not here to bash you. I'm a 15 year old female. I'm a virgin, I have never had my first kiss nor my first boyfriend but trust me I've had guys ask me out. Anywho my friends have slept with 5 or 6 guys and that is alot! Yes 9 at 17 is A LOT
2015-11-09 20:55:52 UTC
At 17 having slept with 9 different guys is a lot not that i'm calling you a slut but i think that you should slow down and respect yourself and your body. Your young there are plenty of other things to do for fun in life.
Carmen Holmes
2015-11-07 13:07:29 UTC
I think the key is the fact that you felt the need to ask a bunch of opinionated strangers what they thought about your "use" number is answer enough. Somehow someway you feel uncomfortable... or you wouldn't have asked. You didn't ask at 5 and surely some would have thoughts about take your own hint...slow down for you, because you subconsciously want to...this may make you ponder a bit more the worthiness of the next guy and save you another notch when you discover he wasn't worthy of your goodies. The last thing you need is to run into Mr. Right and find out he is the cousin of Mr. Wrong you slept with last winter... dang, you'll have big regrets then...
2015-11-07 07:48:44 UTC
You should be ashamed of yourself and you probably will by the time you're married. Honestly if you sleep with another 9 guys the next year, you would have slept with over 20 guys. It's none of my business but watch what you're doing before you regret it. I've only slept with two people in my life and I'm a little older than you so maybe I have no right to answer this question but just watch what you're doing and be safe.
2015-11-11 14:43:35 UTC
yes. i mean i'm 16 and never slept with any guy and this is my first relationship so compare to me that's a lot. And don't think i'm calling you names or anything but you might be prettier than me but yeah compare to others of your age yeah its above the average. But yeah many people in my school under 17 had been involved with many guys than 9 so it's nothing i guess. Hope i help though.
2015-11-08 11:22:26 UTC
When I was 17 i also had 9 guys, don t stress about it. It s just a number. I m 25 now and there were 13 guys. It s okay as long as the sex feels good ;-)
2015-11-08 14:15:02 UTC
Damn whore much?

I only did a few things at 17 I didn't start having sex til 18 ( with My first love ) I'm 20 & I've slept with 5 GUYS THAT I'VE KNOWN for years somw less. That's just nasty so many females & guys go out having sex NON STOP getting loose STDs etc.. Its just awful and not class my at all having sex with The right person is an amazing FEELING rather then having sex with a person you barley know ! Grow up sex isn't everything
2015-11-07 22:53:33 UTC
I'm 18 and still a virgin so I can't say. It's your personal choice, but in all honesty, I will say that you're young and at the age of 17, to have had sex with 9 guys is kind of a lot.
2015-11-08 09:23:24 UTC
well if it is a lot or not what difference does it make , you already did them so we cant undo the past but we can mend the future, be more careful don't do too many guys guys is a mans world and your reputation will hunt you forever, but its duable just look for something steady or just look out for yourself have some goals employ your time and another thing and soon everybody even yourself will forget that you slept with 9 guys at 17.of course beware of unwated pregnancy or an std best of luck my friend
2015-11-07 03:36:56 UTC
To make that comparison you have to state in which part of the world you live, whether in a city or country district, what sort of school you go to, whether your family might be considered "middle-class", etc, etc.

Around the world there are youngsters of 17 who have had sex with more than 9 people, and others whose society would not allow the idea of any female having sex before marriage, at any age. If you were in such a society you would become an outcast if it became known that you (female) had had sex outside marriage (even if you were raped), and your only future would be as a prostitute. So be thankful that you live in a society in which casual sex is no big deal.
2015-11-07 12:43:43 UTC
I think the question you should be asking yourself is WHY. That's what came to my mind when I read your question.

Why do you have sex? What are your reasons?

If you're thinking "everyone has sex, it's no big deal, numbers don't matter, if I like a guy I'll have sex with him," then I'd say you're just a product of modern times and beliefs. You're doing what you think is "normal".

Sixty years ago sex was about one man, one woman, marriage, forever. You might have been put in a mental hospital for having nine partners at the age of 17, and they wouldn't have let you out again. Believe me - that would have been seen as promiscuity and a mental health issue would have been suspected. Some girls were locked up for years for having sex outside marriage.

If you're having sex when asked for it by a boy because secretly you're insecure or lacking in self-confidence and don't know how or are afraid to say no in case he rejects you -well girl, you have a problem! You'll get a reputation as an "easy lay" as we used to call it when I was young. IE any guy who wants sex knows to ask you, because you won't say no. That would be a very bad thing for you essentially being used for sex.

If you're very happy to have lots of sex with numbers of men because you're enjoying variety and are quite pleased with the way your sex life is going I'd just like to remind you to take care - STDs are easy to catch and some of them are becoming resistant to treatment. You can damage your fertility if you get Chlamydia for example, and you might not even know you had it. Always use a condom.

I would guess that at age 17 settling down permanently with a man and starting a family is the very last thing on your agenda, but if by some chance you've been convinced each time that you'd found "Mr Right" only for the "relationship" to end shortly afterwards then I think you need to put the brakes on your sex life right now and take a long hard look at what you're doing. In my opinion 17 is far too young to be planning happily ever after in any case, because you've still got a lot of growing up and maturing to do, and most teenage romances are fairly short lived. If you HAVE been having sex with all these guys in the hope that they'll stick around and play happy families with you then clearly you have been making some serious mistakes in your choices. Giving a guy sex as soon as he wants it will NOT make him stick around, far from it, he's likely to move on to the next willing girl very shortly afterwards. Teenage boys are very horny and not at all ready for commitment on the whole.

If what you're actually looking for is your "forever" guy I'd say to you.

Stop looking until you're a few years older.

Stop sleeping with guys in the hopes that they'll stick around.

Take time to get to know a guy before you start dreaming dreams or letting him anywhere near your bed.
2015-11-07 18:22:53 UTC
I guess it depends on what you want out the relationships you are having. 9 guys by 17 means that these are short term relationships and probably not having an enriching effect on your life. If you are just trying to improve the mechanics of sex, then 9 is probably not enough. In the end, the question can only be answered by you, and you need to ask if what you are doing is going to fulfill your goals or not.
2015-11-07 00:56:11 UTC
Yes it is, but I don't judge... However I think you should cut down because no matter which race a girl is from one thing she should have is her self respect, I'm not an angel or saint I've done stuff in the past that I'm not proud of but I'm 18 and a Virgin and that is something I am proud of, all I'm saying is try stopping because most guys will just see you as a peice of meat
2015-11-07 11:24:30 UTC
Yes it certainly is, and I am very glad your not my daughter. Now sex outside of marriage is wrong. and if you end up getting a serious venereal disease like Aids or worse, what will your thoughts be then

suppose that I met you when you were 19 and I fell in love with you and I found out that you had lay with say 12 or more men my love for you would die immediately. then there is the much more serious future event and that is when you stand before a Holy all powerful God for judgement

and you hear God say depart from me I never knew you. and you would then know that you were lost for eternity with no hope at all. Do remember I am not trying to hurt you NO I am trying to help you and I would love to be able to speak to you face to face. These men would call you a good thing and easy. Please think a lot about what you have done and what you intend to do in the future
2015-11-07 18:34:14 UTC
Yes, 9 is excessive. In order for that number to make an iota of sense, you would have had to start sleeping with guys at age 13/14/15 and that's even worse.
2015-11-11 17:36:54 UTC
Not for a girl because they have plenty of chances. My wife was 18 when she hit number 9 and I was it. I would have many more than that by age 17 if I could have. I never turned it down and was always ready but didnt know how to find women that would. I still cant find them.
2015-11-07 21:18:01 UTC
Honestly I think that you shouldn't have sex until marriage. Don't take that into offence because It is just my belief. The real question to ask yourself is are you okay with the number.? If you feel it is too much, stop or slow it down. If you feel it isn't enough, why do you feel that way? Does it really matter to you? I think a good way to not pass a limit that makes you feel stupid would be to set a limit. Say you set it for 12. Then you would have to choose more carefully and you'd feel better about yourself. Don't let yourself get older and regret it. Start monitoring now :)
2015-11-09 02:35:43 UTC
Ehhhh, I mean. It's how you think of it. To me, that's quite a lot... If they were boyfriends that's understandable, and like you fell hard for every single one.. Then it's a little better... But as for if you just needed sex and slept with randoms then that is just kinda scary and disgusting because you just shows you're easy.. LOL I mean that sounds horrible when it's said but it's only the truth, I mean truth hurts sometimes. no being easy it's the same as a hoe or whatever . Just simply means you're not a mystery, you're not such a challenge. Anyways!! 9 isn't THAT bad but unless you just love different penises then I suggest you try to just find the one guy that deserves to see you naked .
2015-11-08 13:21:00 UTC
You are young but you are old enough to decide for yourself how you want to live and who you want to be. There will be people who will look down on you. Some will think you are easy and want to have sex with you. Some will think and call you a slut. And still others especially in your generation will think cool, you are just like me. At 17, I would talk to an older woman, if not your mom, an aunt, or a female teacher. You maybe treated badly by some. And to most people they do have a double standard. A man can do as many as you and some will think its cool but for a woman, some people think you are easy. sorry for that. Good luck.
2015-11-06 14:25:06 UTC
Yes I think having 9 partners by the age of 17 is excessive.
2015-11-07 11:33:58 UTC
When I was 17 I had only slept with one guy because I was in a long term relationship. However when I turned 18 it went all the way to 24.... I don't think any number is too much... I mean don't go around and shag anything but it's your body and it's up to you. As long as your happy who cares. Just don't hurt anyone's feelings doing so.
2015-11-06 17:51:12 UTC
Yes, it's a lot. You should think before you have sex... and comparison? Like is this some sort of competition? I'm 20 and I have had 4 partners and I seriously think that's too much. My friend is also 19 and has slept with 7 people, but after she realized that NO ONE would take her seriously, she closed her legs and now she's in a healthy relationship.
2015-11-06 20:40:52 UTC
Well, i was dating the same girl from 16-19 but then again some teens are very fickle but if you want to know comparison to a 21 year old male i've had enough one nighters to last me a life time and when i say that i mean every weekend for a year at least two different girls per weekend so, i've had dozens of sexual partners after my girlfriend broke up with me i tried to fill the void with sex, didn't work anyway
2015-11-08 10:43:07 UTC
9 is a lot of guys to have slept with at any age, compared to most women. If you are enjoying yourself and staying safe (I'm not against you hurting yourself if there's no one else in your life to hurt, but you don't want to give your partner any diseases that he isn't expecting, it's fundamentally wrong); then I say have fun. You live life once and if you are enjoying getting to know these boys/men and doing what makes YOU happy, then you aren't doing anything wrong. Personally, I'm against a one-night stand because I think it is personally demoralizing whether or not it sinks in at first. Just an opinion, but worth considering.
2015-11-08 15:48:44 UTC
No its not when I was 17 and had sleep with like 7 guys. Everyone looks at females bad but if a guy does it its ok. Live life have no regrets.
2015-11-06 21:48:29 UTC
No that's not normal. I would expect a 17 year old to say like 1-2. And two at the VERY MOST.
2015-11-07 12:25:49 UTC
Girl, 9 is a little over the avarage but u should never feel down by anyone trying to make u feel bad about it. Im 24 and I have a friend who is 22 and she is waaayy over 40 now hahaha but she loves to play the game! She loves to be a playgirl and prouf of it! Im at a more humble 15 at my age but some even consider this a lot.Do I care about them? Not at all.Im in a loving relationship with my super nice bf since a while now,so im stuck with this number but I had my wild days and I certainly loved it.So it all depends on u,whatever makes u happy!!
2015-11-06 20:48:33 UTC
Yes, 9 is too many for a 17 year old... boy or girl
2015-11-07 10:34:32 UTC
they say 7 is average for a guy and 5 is average for a girl. So not to be mean but yes that's alot when i was 17 i had only been with one guy.
2015-11-08 08:20:53 UTC
U are like a convenience store, open all nite and for 25 cents U can get a Slurpee. I get it that U want to be the popular girl in school. I am sure U have names that U don't like now. U are only the only one who can change your sexual interest. I am thinking if U don't chose one guy soon the number will be a lot higher by the time U are 20. Who knows what STD's U have. Keep it up and U will need a 2x4 to keep guys from falling in.
2015-11-09 19:19:31 UTC
Yeah, kind of a lot. But as long as it's safe sex, do you, girl. Sex should be enjoyable and you can have it as much as you want. But I would have waited until I was at least 18, that's how old I was, just because it's legal and you don't have to worry about being under-aged and stuff, etc. I've only slept with 2 guys, as of now.
2015-11-08 10:21:12 UTC
17 yr old and u've had 9 blokes? U r a $lag u fkin whore! It's nothing to be proud of, its not an achievement! Ur probably riddled with STDS and blokes will just think ur easy

I'm 16 and a virgin. And guess what? I'm proud to b a virgin

How old were u when u had ur first? 10? One of my friends whose a girl is like u, she's only just 16 and has been bedding blokes since the beginning of high school(11) she had chlamydia and even an abortion, but she's a nice lass, just dunno why she does that, her mum aint even bothered bout it neither
2015-11-07 10:37:46 UTC
I'm 17 and have been with more than that. Think of how many people guys your age have slept with. A persons body count has nothing to do with their self respect, it just means you like sex and that's completely human and normal. As long as you're practicing safe sex and not causing drama, there is nothing to be ashamed of. People need to stop hyping sex as this sacred, emotionally binding thing.

Hookups are common and people who say "Sex used to be so special what's happened to this generation?", lol get a grip on reality, thousands of years ago men would rape every woman in villages they took over, soldiers in wars do the same, it even happened in the Bible numerous times. Sex is not equivalent to self worth or self respect.
2015-11-07 11:26:36 UTC
Are you serious??? Hell yea, that is way too many for 17 years of age. what are you doing, trying to get a reputation or prepping for a career in porn?? If i knew you had been with 9 guys before me, I would be thinking of one thing, and it wouldn't be marriage. I would feel better if you said that you have been with one guy 17 times. Please consider the damage you are doing to your body and self esteem. Consider counseling or prayer!
2015-11-07 16:28:47 UTC
ONE guy is a lot for a 17 year old. It's illegal.

But, at 18, no. Legally.

But really, nine guys is a lot, even if the girl is 100 years old. In reality.
2015-11-08 18:36:45 UTC
That means that either you started having sex before you were 14, or you're having sex with at least 3 guys a year. Either of which would be bad. You should sleep with 1 person a year, starting at age 16.
2015-11-06 23:08:46 UTC
I won't judge the number, but I would just want you to be aware of your safety.

Guarding against pregnancies an more so STDs is very important.

You really need to be careful.

There are a lot of guys that wouldn't give a care.

Use good judgement young lady., and use good protection.

I wish you the best.
2015-11-10 13:49:17 UTC
I hate that everyone has come to the conclusion that being 17 and being on 9 guys is such a wrong thing. It's not. Your 17, you're having fun, aslong as you respect yourself I see now issue.

When my friend was 17 she was on 23, not because she enjoyed sleeping around but just purely because she fell for the wrong type of guys and could never have the courage to say no, she never wanted anyone to hate her. Some people just can't say no cause they don't have the guts to.

So no 17 and being on 9 isn't your young and having fun. Respect yourself and obviously safe sex is a good idea but hey I bet half these people on here have been with plenty of people and yet they still say it's wrong.
2015-11-08 12:06:52 UTC
If you had actual relationships with all of them or you actually liked those guys, then eh, it's a matter of opinion. You should have sex when you feel ready, and you obviously felt ready. If they were all just one night stand type of things and you were hopping from one guy to the next really quickly then yeah, that's too much before 18.
2015-11-09 19:28:11 UTC
I'm 17 and I've never slept with anyone. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I hope one of you uses protection each time. Unless you want a baby or stds. ps the pill prevents pregnancy but dose noting against std
2015-11-08 14:18:57 UTC
Personally I disagree with some of these answers, I mean yeh its quite a few but, for example, one of my friends never had sex until he was 16 (decent age) as soon as he lost it come his 17th he slept with 14 different girls, even though he's a guy, doesn't make you any different to his story, to be honest, girls get called sluts for sleeping with so many guys, if a guy does it he's a lad... Rant over
2015-11-11 10:11:03 UTC
I am a guy, 17 years old, and I have slept with about 20. You'r all good. ;)
2015-11-07 18:05:32 UTC
Yes it is, 9 throughout a lifetime is normal, but at 17, good luck in the future.
2015-11-08 11:31:49 UTC
Theres no set amount of partners at a young age. I am 21 and at 4. I also have friends at 21 who have actually hit 50's and more. I say don't worry about it as long as you're being safe with it. It's no ones business but yours and your potential partner(s).
2015-11-08 00:24:40 UTC
I wouldn't say 9 is a lot I know someone who is 20 years old and has slept with 50 people of the opposite sex so I think your ok
2015-11-07 09:55:15 UTC
No it's not, think about how our world is today. There are pregnant 13 year olds. There is nothing wrong with being 17 and sleeping with many. As long as you are being safe, of course.
2015-11-07 07:40:32 UTC
I lost my virginity at 1 and was with the guy for six years. So at 17 I had one guy.
2015-11-06 15:04:23 UTC
I am not here to judge you, just to share my humble opinion. I think 9 guys is a bit too much, after all, if you don't regret it, it's ok, but i feel like you do have some feelings of guilt, shame and remorse as long as you posted this question here. Just make sure to take care of yourself!
2015-11-08 12:28:34 UTC
I was zero at 17. 2 at 22. I think that's ok. I don't want to share my body with just anyone!.
i + i
2015-11-07 17:35:20 UTC
Several factors play into "judging" this.

What age you got your start, and more

importantly, under what circumstances

and WHY you were with each of these

guys. In other words, "quality" is much

more important than "quantity". Were

you looking for love or just "exploring"?

Passed out drunk/stoned, or just having

fun? So on and so forth... You are going

to get a lot on here saying it was way too

many, but you need look deep inside and

really decide that for yourself.
2015-11-07 13:33:54 UTC
I hope this does not sound too generic. I am a 17 year old girl and I just want to tell you that the number of guys you have slept with only matters to you! If you are not comfortable with it, then maybe cut down. But if you are comfortable and having fun, be safe but why quit? No one can tell you "no" to that, and especially not "yes", so ignore and vote down anyone who does!!!
2015-11-07 13:28:46 UTC
I'm almost 16 and a proud virgin so yes I'd say a lot. It's not legal until 16 years of age so either you broke the law, or had a lot of sex partners in the previous 12 months.
2015-11-07 15:29:06 UTC
I will not be surprised if in a year time the numbers to double, unless you decide to look for real value in your relationship with men, for if you are lucky and find an individual to really love and respect, then the number count will abruptly stop even forever, for up to now you simply endured empty sex without feelings. But to make love to someone you will really fall in love with, well then, your experience will reveal to be so much more fulfilling that you would not consider again another sex partner.
2015-11-07 12:10:15 UTC
Its is 17 to many, have some respect for yourself. When you get older and find Love you will look back and say I am so glad I didn't do that. And your sole mate will be also.
2015-11-11 06:15:24 UTC
I'm in my 30s and have been with less than half of the # you've bedded. Allowing men to treat your body like a port-a-potty is not a badge of pride or beauty. Just low self esteem. I'm attractive, in shape, and just the fact that women have it easier to find a bedmate....I could have slept with (and for fleeting moments even wanted to) many many men. Maturity teaches you that just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I value myself and my body above sex with just any man. Sex is meant to be an act of love between two loving, mutually-respecting, consenting individuals. Anything else is cheap and worthless.
2015-11-07 10:30:05 UTC
Wow :|

For someone whose 17 and still a virgin(me! :P) 9 seems like an impossible number to accomplish

And you shouldn't care(like you yourself stated) what others think... :)

Enjoy life

If I had those numbers, I'd surely be happy as hell xD
2015-11-08 09:41:33 UTC
How did you even manage that?

I imagine your freshers at uni... ah man , you need to stay focused on your carrier , find a job and go celibate for some time (just in my opinion )


Because after sometime when you don't have sex you won't need it that much and you will be more resistant to temptation.

Don't trust guys too much too. Don't listen to peers but listen to people who are older and have a good carrier, family.

It is sooo to much but its never to late to change
2015-11-10 20:26:29 UTC
considering your age that's a lot, but honestly as long as you're safe and comfortable with what you do it doesn't really matter. anyone who won't take you seriously or calls you a slut or whatever is probably not the kind of person you want in your life anyways, js :\ sex is a big deal for some people, not everyone though
2015-11-07 00:39:37 UTC
That's ALOT.. I hope you are on birth control and go get yourself tested for stds!.. In my opinion you shouldn't have sex with anyone unless you care and love them. Some of these dudes are just using you because you're easy and they don't respect you and I don't know you but that's kind of upsetting because you're more than that. You like sex and that's ok! But you HAVE got to choose who you sleep with wisely! Dont just have sex with any guy that is willing to!.. Its SOOO much better when you're in love and you have that special bond with someone its amazing. I just truly hope you respect yourself! And that you're using protection!!.. You don't want to get pregnant at 17 hun. And you sure as hell don't want no nasty *** STD!!!... I've only slept with one guy and I'm 22, and I'm in love with him<3
2015-11-08 06:06:54 UTC
I'm 17 and I've hands down never slept with anyone. I mean, I've done other things with one person but I've never slept with anyone. In my opinion, this is a lot of guys to have slept with, yes.
2015-11-08 14:53:39 UTC
Depends on how you go with it. If you hump and dump. It ain't right. But if you have a relationship with these guys. Break up and have a few month I between being single then there is nothing wrong
2015-11-07 04:49:14 UTC
Tom Cruise is 17?
2015-11-10 01:22:02 UTC
nothing wrong, i encourage you to have sex with more men.

guys have so much sex its ridiculous.

you need to explore and have a little fun , just be safe , always take birth control and use condoms

if you aren't going to use a condom, then practice anal and never ever ever ever let him get close to ejaculating into your vajay jay . just let him rub in there a few times , but do not let him go all the way.

if you are going to let him rub inside the vajay jay, do NOT do it without taking birth control. take the pill just as a double enforcement so if he pre ejaculates it wont get you pregnant

you are a female and you can have sex with whoever you want as many times as you want.

as long as you protect yourself : )

oh yeah, and watch out for stds and hiv too. straight ppl can get that too. so just make sure you can trust the guy, inspecct his balls, etc.

so now that i got that out of the way, i want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart.

you may want to ask yourself "why do i like having lots of sex?"

i'm not saying sex is wrong, but sometimes too much can be dangerous.

for example, i had lots and lots of sex , probably with 50 men, i'm not lying lol

but it turned out i have some psychological issues.

i have alot of abandomnent issues and ptsd.

I am getting treatment for it through a therapist and a psychiatrist

and now i have alot less sex now

so just make sure you are doing okay psychologically okay>?

mental health is important too and it is easily over looked
2015-11-08 04:37:52 UTC
It only matters if you're just sleeping around and because you're increasing your risk of STD's. My advice is to stop just sleeping around with people and wait until you're with somebody for a while or get into a committed relationship, or in love, and stay committed. Sex feels pretty good but, boy or girl, it genuinely feels better when you're in love. Find a person to spend time with, not just somebody to have sex with.
2015-11-11 14:54:03 UTC
I had 30 by 25, but you've got a head start... You have the opportunity to put up an incredible number. Good luck!
2015-11-08 16:01:48 UTC
No its not that bad!!! Don't listen to these idiots. Sex is Sex at least your getting some experience while your young I mean let's face it it's better than being inexperienced and disappointing someone later when it really counts. The ones who came down on you are probably fat, ugly and jealous
2015-11-07 10:59:48 UTC
I'm a male and I have only slept with one woman (wife). I am 79 years old now. If I had to do it over again I would liked to have slept with more then one woman just to see what it felt like. So as long as you didn't sleep with them all at once I ain't going to judge you. I hope that you used protection when you slept with them.
2015-11-06 22:28:56 UTC
yes..too many. when did you start. even if you started at 12 thats too many. as long as you are honest about though, and are never ashamed or scared to tell people the truth about it, its okay. nothing is wrong that is honest, and shows courage under pressure. if you end up lying to guys in the future about it, so they will like you, and won't think your a s.l.u.t or to marry them, then it becomes very bad, and evil. you said you don't care if its too many, so keep it that way and you won't hurt anyone. Just be honest
2015-11-10 14:54:17 UTC
I'm 17 as well and I've slept with 0, if your asking that question then yes, yes it's too damn high, you must love the D, you're a dirty "puttana".
2015-11-08 21:06:05 UTC
I mean at this point if you haven't caught an STD or became pregnant, I guess it's not 100% bad. Know your worth though, value yourself more. Save some for "the one" Don't give it all away at such a young age!
2015-11-09 15:28:34 UTC
I'm 26 and still a virgin, so yes there is something wrong with you if you're having that much sex at 17...get help
2015-11-08 08:36:11 UTC
I don't think this it's a lot at all. Don't let these idiots slut shame you (most men would boast about those numbers!). The main thing is that you are being safe, and only sleeping with people you want to sleep with. End of.
2015-11-09 06:58:21 UTC
Yes its too many guys.Different shapes sizes of guys can mess you up. Cervical cancer, no children, std"s and other health issues.But besides all that yes that number is too high. Ask a guyand he'll tell you the same. But don't tell him its you.
2015-11-08 04:50:54 UTC
Yes, it is a lot of men to have slept with at your age. Better slow it down or how many men will you have slept with at 45? Have you considered STD's? Your reputation? Getting hurt? This is not a good thing in any way, shape, or form. Slow it down girl.
2015-11-07 13:15:14 UTC
Yes your wearing it out dear. Time to develop your career skills and leave the hooking up life. Technical school, after you have gone to job fairs and found a company you would like to work at and have the human resource page in hand telling the exact job education skills and training needed. Also join a church youth group and have fun with clean living young people.
2015-11-06 14:19:43 UTC
As long as it's safe protected sex and you're not selling your body there's nothing wrong with it,if you like to eat candy, eat candy if you like sex, have "safe" sex

but yeah 9 is probs above normal; I wish I slept with 9 people at 17. I'll just be here...playing pokemon
2015-11-07 05:22:58 UTC
I have never slept with anyone yet (although I want too) and Imm a 19 yr old college student. I've had boyfriends throughout high school but we never got that far into the reltionship
2015-11-07 11:51:17 UTC
You may suffer from narcolepsy. I had sex with 10 one day when I was 17 and never slept until I went through the lot of them, then I went to bed that night.
2015-11-08 07:40:26 UTC
Yup, that's a lot. Don't tell anyone esp. your friends. They might laugh or tell you it's cool, but behind your back and in their minds, well...I won't say it on here.

Unfortunately, society has made us all believe that it's an okay number for guys but not acceptable for girls. You see, for guys, the challenge is to get laid. For girls, the challenge is to do the complete opposite.
Bartney M
2015-11-07 16:56:50 UTC
You are definitely going in the wrong direction. I suggest you slow down. U will regret sooner or later. At 17 you are like diamond and every man u have sex with makes u feel devalue. I am sure u can find pleasure in much more helpful things than sex with men.
2015-11-09 18:18:27 UTC
You are doing this to look for love. You won't find it in sexual encounters at ant age. You will find possible preg STD

HIV etc.

You have not found your Authentic self and searching through sex.

You authentic self is within

Quit ******* random guys you may know from HS and be labeled a slut.

Go within.
2015-11-06 17:54:47 UTC
way to many for 17. I would call that a bad name but I am not going to disgrace you. You know in your heart that using your body is not the way to have real friends. Even if this is not you. You are aware.
2015-11-10 11:00:19 UTC
I'm 25 and have been with 23 people. So not really. My boyfriend on the other 35 and has been with over 100 people...which disgusts me.
2015-11-09 00:17:11 UTC
9 is quite a lot sweetheart I'm 20 and have had 2 maybe you should slow down abit
2015-11-08 19:17:32 UTC
Do not put weight on this number...I would always beat myself up for being 20 with 0. I hope youve been safe and YOU feel okay with each of the experiences. That's what matters!!!
2015-11-08 19:47:32 UTC
Who is to say what is normal...I am a female, didn't date till I was 18, so my count zero by age 17. Just be careful, its your body...your choice.
2015-11-06 18:44:55 UTC
Yes that's a lot, and let's be honest. The fact you asked the question tells me you do care. Ask yourself, what does having sex with that many guys get for you internally? What is missing?
2015-11-10 06:31:09 UTC
Age shouldn't be even be brought into this topic. No matter what, 9 sexual partners is still a lot.
2015-11-08 13:24:30 UTC
Im 17 and im a virgin. Obviously youre trying to sleep with as many guys as you can, which is in my opinion, disgusting. Youre probably a slut. Just sayin...
2015-11-07 09:20:58 UTC
Anymore than 2-3 till your middle aged is a slag. Women want men with a future, men don't want a woman with a past. For some reason you women have it in your head that all the "princess" and well to do men want women who sleep around. They don't princess.
2015-11-10 15:40:56 UTC
If you look at it over the course of a lifetime, the number of dudes you've humped is more than half your age.

Just a new perspective. Decide yourself if it's too many.
2015-11-07 14:13:43 UTC
I don't think so, as long as you used protection and it wasn't with all 9 guys at the same time .
2015-11-07 08:34:24 UTC
9 guys. You are really going to struggle with life. Even when you find the right person to get married to, you are going to be as a tempted af
Alex H.
2015-11-07 13:56:20 UTC
2015-11-07 22:23:30 UTC
2015-11-08 17:50:33 UTC
Honestly, who cares? It's your life and you do what you want. There is no rule that says how many people you should be sleeping with at a particular age
2015-11-06 19:33:11 UTC
2015-11-10 01:39:53 UTC
How did 9 guys happen at your age? 9 minus 17 = 12.

You started this at age 12 or earlier huh?

How does that work exactly?

Do you do more than one at a time?

Seriously, I think you should stop because dudes ask your number of partners

and they won't take you serious if you had too many.

Never put yourself through anything that you can't own up to.

Think about your future, not just the now.

It's a part of growing up.

Life isn't about sex.

I just hope you apply to more colleges or jobs than you did partners.
2015-11-07 06:22:19 UTC
just find 1 right guy you can open your legs for instead of 17 other men
2015-11-10 12:14:11 UTC
Yeah that is a little too much for as young as 17. Got damn.
2015-11-08 11:36:58 UTC
I'm 20 and have been with at least 70, I don't think it's bad, I'm clean and enjoy my life
2015-11-07 11:23:22 UTC
Yeah thats alot. I am a guy and a few girls want to have sex, but i have a girlfriend. I dont see the benefit of having sex with lots of people, unless you are looking for stds or becoming a prostitute. Thats a lot. Dont tell people haha.
2015-11-09 13:07:37 UTC
When you meet the person you want to spend your life with, you'll wish that your number was 1.

Take it slow, spend time getting to know people before jumping in bed, you won't regret it.
2015-11-09 23:37:04 UTC
I believe that's on the high end but who am I to judge. I haven't had anyone and I'm almost 19.
2015-11-07 13:58:22 UTC
Depends. Are you a slag? Then no. Are you a decent person in other areas? Then yes and you might have a sex addiction. Also your attitude sucks. If you really don't care, why bother asking.
2015-11-09 12:21:22 UTC
To share our true feelings is NOT what you want so what do you want? ATTENTION........honey you can get lots of attention by giving yourself importance inside of who you are........Care about who you are and ask God to forgive your way of thinking .........because you should care and having relationships is NOT WHERE IT IS.........That part of your life should be special and taught that in all ways........Guys will get the idea that is all you are good for........don't you realize this? I as a mother want more for you than that type of behavior.

Please step back and look at all of your life and know you are special without giving of yourself like that ..

God made each of us just have to know it........Make sure your choice of makeup and clothing fits a caring and loving can do better.......God loves you and so do I.
Ball Doctor.
2015-11-09 20:19:09 UTC
Assume you been having sex since 14 as lots of shanks normally do. No disrespect. So two a year given how many partners you have is rebounding hardcore and that will destroy your soul
2015-11-07 17:36:33 UTC
It really only matters what you think of it. If you're okay with that number, then it is not too many. Just make sure that you're safe and being smart about who you are sleeping with.
2015-11-08 09:03:56 UTC
It's fine as long as you think it is. Don't listen to the **** other people say, just remember to be protected you probably don't wanna end up pregnant or with an sti.
2015-11-08 17:34:48 UTC
Are you a girl or a guy...

That doesn't seem like a whole lot. Your definitely active.
2015-11-07 12:50:33 UTC the math. Your gonna be rode hard and put away wet @ 25. At that time you'll have too wear the bag and pay the old ugly fat guy like myself to have sex with you, and fat old ugly guys don't pay much~! LOL
2015-11-06 21:35:39 UTC
Yes I think it's above normal. But if you're careful, then the only thing you're hurting most probable is your reputation. Good luck
2015-11-07 08:39:58 UTC
The number is high and its ok for men to have lots of partners but frowned on if women do it. I would ask yourself do you want to have sex with these men does it make you feel wanted needed. The men can emotionally detach from sex and see it as a conquest but women get emotionally involved also risk of diseases and pregnancy .
2015-11-09 21:43:16 UTC
No, dont be ridiculous, there is no number that means too much, as long as you are enjoying yourself and not hurting their feelings. We all have different sexual drives, so don't compare yourself to others, it is meaningless.. have some respect and pride in your self and do what feels good!
2015-11-08 13:27:03 UTC
Hey girl, im 17 like you and i have been ****** by proabaly 63 differnt men so i think your ok
Christine Phoenix
2015-11-08 06:59:39 UTC
when I was 17 I had only been with 1 guy. although my libido was really high at that age, if I wasnt so insecure I probably would of been a slut.
2015-11-07 21:01:28 UTC
I think it is above the average. However, I think you should not care or worry what others say. Do what you want, as long as you keep safe. No one would say the same thing if it was a guy who slept with many girls..
Mama Mia
2015-11-06 20:19:17 UTC
yes , I would say that is too many . Sex is supposed to b something special that you share with someone you love. Not a hotel where the door is always open. You should be a little more selective with who uses your body. Blunt, but you asked
2015-11-06 18:21:45 UTC
I would stop that's too many. Doesn't mean your a bad person or anything just stick with one partner for a while.
2015-11-07 11:35:16 UTC
Why don't you just just wait until your married? ... Sex is for marriage. It's seriously pointless with sleeping with more than one person when the relationship isn't going to go anywhere. What's the point
2015-11-07 01:17:47 UTC
Yeah.. dont get yo pussy musty by being a ******* dumb sloot and ******* whatever you feel like. Have some self control so when you find a guy that you care about he respects you and you dont look like Miley Cyrus who lives off the attention of other people and pleasing whatever will allow you to please it
2015-11-06 14:15:18 UTC
That is alot of guys :/ you would probably be classed as a "sluttt" or a "sl@g" by most people. Usually people who are 20-25 dont sleep with that many people. You should probably keep your legs crossed
ruby taylor
2015-11-08 08:49:06 UTC
I personally think it's a lot... But as long as you're safe what does it matter? It's no one else's business
2015-11-09 09:13:59 UTC
I've had 5 and I'm 24
2015-11-08 19:16:44 UTC
Wow. That's just disgusting ! Wtf is wrong with teens these days. Keep your damn legs closed , why can't you stay with one guy ? One guy wasn't enough for your loose vagina lol ? At this rate , you are going to have 25-30 partners by 30 years old ! I would get tested , you teens. Wow
2015-11-07 23:55:29 UTC
I'm sorry, but it really is. It seems to me like you are trying to fill a void in your life with sex, and it will never work. How old were you when you lost your virginity? Is your father in your life? Your mother? What has happened in your life?
2015-11-08 10:30:12 UTC
You must live your life as you choose to live it and not be listening to othes, most of whom are probably envious of how you like to live.

Live life to the full and always remember, this is the first day of the rest of your life.

As Oscar Wilde once said, "Youth is wasted on the young". Just don't let it be wasted on you.
2015-11-07 11:15:58 UTC
Yes and its never to late to stop. Don't judge yourself harsh nor another just learn and be a better you or encourage that to someone else.
2015-11-06 16:49:54 UTC
2015-11-07 00:53:32 UTC
17 is best .
2015-11-09 11:26:46 UTC
You need to slow down and stop being such a sllut. Your promiscuity is largely due to poor upbringing and is mostly your parents' fault.
2015-11-06 14:08:03 UTC
Yes, way too many for 17. Where is your mom to guide you?
2015-11-09 18:45:05 UTC
Well I'm 20 and only slept with one dude so yeah to me this is outrageous
2015-11-10 03:16:34 UTC
that used to be called a tramp.

I didn't start dating till I was 21, and had sex with my husband on our honeymoon at 23.
2015-11-07 16:35:09 UTC
If you feel comfortable with it then don't let what others feel even matter. Just don't sleep around with just anyone and don't sleep with a guy and then his friends/
2015-11-07 12:09:50 UTC
You're definitely getting there, 20 = seek counselling. But really, if you realize this; shouldn't you stop or seek help?
2015-11-08 01:29:10 UTC
That's way too many! I'm 22 & I haven't slept with 9 girls!
2015-11-07 00:01:14 UTC
Lol if thats how you get down, its all good baby.. I plan on havin 60 kids from 60 baby mamas so you already knoe.. Sike naw but fr if you like ***** who gaf im pretty sure you above da average but if you like dik who cares.
2015-11-08 12:52:59 UTC
I think that 9 is quite high and slightly unusual but what does it matter. If you enjoy it then why stop?!
2015-11-08 19:05:22 UTC
At that age I would say 2 is average
2015-11-09 15:38:28 UTC
I thought u said 9 guys at once lol aslong as you have protection its fine
2015-11-08 13:45:48 UTC
I don't care how many people you have slept with, it's not mine nor anyone else's business. You just be you, and I'll just be me, and we are ALL happy
2015-11-06 20:02:44 UTC
Well you are running really fast. Just take a rest and think " YOU DESERVE A GOOD PARTNER WHO WILL BE WITH YOU EVEN IN YOUR BAD DAYS" or you want F. Buddy who will last long for hour and so?
2015-11-08 14:43:15 UTC
Yea its alot but its not problem unless all 9 were unprotected
2015-11-07 11:05:31 UTC
While it's more than average there's nothing wrong with it. As long as you wanted the sex as much as they did then it's perfectly fine
2015-11-07 09:54:13 UTC
Depend on the age of consent in your region.

I'd say if sex is something you enjoy, then it's perfectly reasonable.

But try to shag more next ;)
2015-11-09 08:16:00 UTC
That is a high number even if you were 25.
2015-11-06 16:45:45 UTC
9 is a hell lot of partners.... and its not safe for you because there are some sick diseases out there...

and if the people you sleep with know each other, you might get a bad name when u sleep with the whole squad...
2015-11-08 17:05:44 UTC
i think so no to sound rude or taken wrongly but you should make it more of a chase and make sure u don't just give it up for anyone just because u may love them or whatever if that make sense lol?
The Goat Nose
2015-11-08 07:42:54 UTC
Yes, it is above normal.

I hope you got a boyfriend out of it.

If not, then maybe slow down and wait for someone of substance.
2015-11-07 09:10:48 UTC
Nope. At 19 I had fuc#*% like 40. You're good. 😏
2015-11-06 22:11:49 UTC
You're a slut and you know it don't you have any type of respect for yourself or your body? If you keep it up you won't have any walls.
2015-11-06 17:52:54 UTC
yeah I mean I'm 18 & I've only slept with 2 guys although the 1st one was a mistake, **** that ***** tho lol
Natasha Cherrise
2015-11-07 23:03:52 UTC
Honestly I do think it's a lot. You will probably not get married too soon meaning you might have even more partners. You will have so many by then.
2015-11-08 22:34:04 UTC
I say as long as you don't have a disease or ababa than it doesn't matter what your number is. Stay clean my friends
2015-11-09 15:11:24 UTC
2015-11-09 10:06:38 UTC
2015-11-07 06:14:32 UTC
I am not going to judge you because if a girl has too many lovers , she is branded as a slut, but if a guy has many lovers, he is a stud.
2015-11-07 14:56:53 UTC
Yes that's a lot.
2015-11-10 06:53:53 UTC
Sound like Hiv/aids get tested if you weren't using a raincoat.
2015-11-09 08:52:17 UTC
Women have an average of 4 sexual partners in their lifetime.
2015-11-08 09:23:06 UTC
No it isn't, think about this killing nine people isn't a big deal I mean there are billions more in the world right? Slut.
2015-11-09 20:52:24 UTC
The averge person sleeps with 8 people in their lifetime. Statistics.
2015-11-06 22:13:09 UTC
That's not a lot, that's too few. What are you, a nun or something?
2015-11-08 09:00:09 UTC
yaa too much fir 17 you a hoe
2015-11-07 04:27:02 UTC
2015-11-06 17:08:31 UTC
Wow.... I'm 23 and only had 3 partners..
2015-11-07 11:08:54 UTC
no, its not normal. it sounds like you are in competition or comparing yourself to what other people do. it makes you sound like you are a street walker. if you keep this up guys will be looking for you for one thing and one thing only. and if you are still in school you will be the class p-------e. if you care about your reputation
2015-11-07 07:21:09 UTC
Thats a bit much. Im 24 and ive had sex with 6 people....
2015-11-07 11:46:13 UTC
what god has to do with sexual matters of ppl created by him with dick n hole mesnt for of the societal rules r created by men in the name God n all that type of illogical ****. Do u apply the same normto animals which were also created by god? enjoy as it lasts but with care health n emotions
2015-11-09 16:11:09 UTC
Lol maybe you should worry about your own life and do what the ef you want and stop worrying about what people on yahoo answers thinks of you?
2015-11-07 11:05:40 UTC
i know at least 8 out of 9 was the guys fault,it was not you to refuse to continue,guys are ....eeeh:/
2015-11-09 06:56:41 UTC
its not the amount that should worry you it's the very high chance you may have caught an STD you don't know about...please get checked
2015-11-08 21:08:17 UTC
As long as you feel comfortable with yourself, and you are having sex protected, then who gives a crap. Be happy and enjoy your life to the fullest ok.
2015-11-09 07:29:31 UTC
4 yeats aoart max
2015-11-07 10:50:36 UTC
Depends on when you started and was it a different partner every month or so but holy **** be careful.
2015-11-07 07:55:58 UTC
2015-11-08 04:52:57 UTC
The average person has about 8 sexual partners in their lifetime, so yeah lol
2015-11-08 19:34:59 UTC
I'll just keep an eye on this question...
2015-11-07 02:14:17 UTC
Is that at one time or ,say, over the course of a Week?
2015-11-08 04:55:37 UTC
It's a lot for sure.
2015-11-09 13:46:26 UTC
No actually its very normal for someone in highschool so dont feel bad
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-11-08 08:19:14 UTC
Depends on your "locale"; Here in the SW ( small town) "Bible-Belt" that would be a LOT ! S. Chicago, or E. LA, probably AVERAGE !
2015-11-08 16:24:18 UTC
You'll regret this when your older. Its too many!
2015-11-08 00:23:52 UTC
If they slept with u at the same time then that's Abcs
2015-11-06 18:30:41 UTC
To me, yes. But it also depends at what age you lost your virginity. And how often you do it. And also who you are doing it with.
undefined undefined
2015-11-08 18:18:27 UTC
That's why you made this question anonymously, you already know the answer.
2015-11-07 05:28:45 UTC
It it is defiently more than average... But it's your life and if you like it that way then do you...
2015-11-08 17:04:41 UTC
That's fuxking loads v slutty
2015-11-09 03:17:24 UTC
that's quite a lot
2015-11-07 12:53:59 UTC
Seems ok. Whatever makes you happy sweetie
2015-11-08 04:40:30 UTC
Want one more? Make it 10. Lol
kaa nohi
2015-11-06 18:23:53 UTC
Its a lot but don't fret...I'm sure it was worth it
2015-11-10 05:32:42 UTC
Well my rule of thumb if your asking that means you probably already know the answer? Your title I believe is whore?
2015-11-06 22:36:36 UTC
2015-11-10 13:20:22 UTC
Dang, you like, a HO. I mean, you should be makin' movies, but you still a HO
Uncle Sam
2015-11-11 13:22:39 UTC
Yup. Slow down, chica. Or hey, can I get your number?
2015-11-09 16:54:22 UTC
Just a tad
2015-11-08 17:34:13 UTC
just stop there and wait for the one right guy to do it with for life.
2015-11-08 05:24:17 UTC
would you be interested in making it 10?
2015-11-07 11:11:53 UTC
2015-11-07 06:08:33 UTC
Yes to many.
Girish Mehta
2015-11-08 02:17:45 UTC
Do not worry about stastics. If you like it enjoy it.Forget about morality.
2015-11-07 16:09:05 UTC
Yeah Thats a ******* lot i would get checked.
2015-11-08 17:20:45 UTC
She's a horny teen leave her alone
2015-11-07 07:45:12 UTC
I think so. Hope you used protection every time.
2015-11-07 15:07:14 UTC
I think it depends on the person, and how the person feels about it. Who cares about what other people think?
2015-11-09 12:57:20 UTC
Cant wait too hear how many you have done by your eighteenth birthday.
black prince
2015-11-09 08:23:48 UTC
Well yes and no we all have sexual appetites but you have to control it or you not like the outcome
2015-11-07 17:14:07 UTC
oh, its totally fine. You are a baby (minor league) compared to many other hoes I Know.
2015-11-07 10:45:40 UTC
Absolutely too many. You are a walking *** dumpster. It must be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway down there. You need to go to the doctor and have him suture your cooch shut
Alright alright alright
2015-11-09 04:24:03 UTC
yup that's called a sloot bird honey
2015-11-06 21:30:41 UTC
Was one of them an asian guy? Probably not right??
2015-11-08 09:04:53 UTC
your gonna be a whore before your 21 at that rate
2015-11-09 22:59:52 UTC
Be careful and find one partner to do it with.
2015-11-09 09:25:24 UTC
ya that's a lot
2015-11-06 22:17:21 UTC
If you sleep around too easily, you lose your boundaries.
2015-11-07 15:47:46 UTC
As long as you re safe about it, and not cheating, it s nobody s damn business.
2015-11-07 04:42:13 UTC
nah girl keep em going
2015-11-06 17:00:56 UTC
I hope you were careful and used protection.
2015-11-07 22:52:25 UTC
I would be proud of myself if I could get that many girls O.O.
2015-11-07 16:13:14 UTC
Wow you were doing business!
2015-11-08 12:50:41 UTC
It's okay dw about it babe
2015-11-08 22:39:38 UTC
2015-11-08 17:09:32 UTC
too children... let they're leaving their childhood
2015-11-06 17:59:20 UTC
You say you don't care yet ask anyway. Moron.
2015-11-10 13:06:13 UTC
Nope, would rather die alone with porn than be with someone like that.
2015-11-06 14:07:26 UTC
Ur pus sy....must have torn up...with a ugly looking clit.
2015-11-08 17:52:07 UTC
thats definitely a lot
Po Boy
2015-11-09 11:38:58 UTC
You're pretty much a whore.
2015-11-06 20:30:24 UTC
Go for it. If he feels good do it
2015-11-07 09:34:39 UTC
what's your #? you anywhere near stl? no babe thats actually below-average.. we should talk about it more
2015-11-07 05:44:13 UTC
It depends on who you ask.
2015-11-08 01:28:27 UTC
Quite a bit...
2015-11-06 17:39:50 UTC
Wow you have ****** more men than prostate cancer
2015-11-09 00:24:59 UTC
I wish you had slept instead.
Harley Lady
2015-11-07 08:58:52 UTC
Yes! Are you easy or what?
2015-11-07 22:32:29 UTC
2015-11-06 20:03:55 UTC
yea ur a sIut
2015-11-07 23:57:15 UTC
2015-11-08 00:42:49 UTC
When santa comes in and says: ho, ho, ho, do you automatically think of yourself?
2015-11-09 13:02:26 UTC
Pussy must be a ten
Alan H
2015-11-07 11:30:57 UTC
If you don;t really care, why ask?
2015-11-07 10:36:38 UTC
Do you boo boo
2015-11-08 01:23:58 UTC
I would LOVE to met you !
2015-11-07 07:59:04 UTC

answer mine
2015-11-07 18:29:36 UTC
Hell yeah
2015-11-06 19:29:14 UTC
that's ****ed up yo
2015-11-07 08:59:38 UTC
So is bigger better or not matter at all?
2015-11-08 19:32:27 UTC
messed up
2015-11-07 22:09:15 UTC
Damn girl you're a sl*ut.
2015-11-10 06:54:24 UTC
one is too many
2015-11-09 10:39:40 UTC
Yes, you are a wh0re
2015-11-07 19:04:50 UTC
Did they all use a condom is my question?
pit bulls bite
2015-11-07 13:57:45 UTC
you sound pretty easy
2015-11-06 20:27:40 UTC
2015-11-10 19:36:20 UTC
2015-11-08 20:01:55 UTC
2015-11-09 07:50:21 UTC
nobody should judge you on this
2015-11-09 07:43:51 UTC
2015-11-08 08:04:05 UTC
At the same time or....?
2015-11-06 20:10:35 UTC
You even had anal
2015-11-08 07:40:13 UTC
thats slutty

answer mine
2015-11-07 17:22:32 UTC
was it good
2015-11-07 22:18:08 UTC
Damn lol
2015-11-06 18:24:08 UTC
2015-11-09 10:29:37 UTC
2015-11-09 10:03:39 UTC
2015-11-08 19:47:58 UTC

answer mine
2015-11-07 14:07:54 UTC
Yes... you dirty SLUT
2015-11-07 18:50:23 UTC
Yes it is way too many, wtf is wrong with you? It's disgusting
2015-11-09 10:22:21 UTC
2015-11-10 06:57:47 UTC
2015-11-08 13:09:21 UTC
2015-11-07 15:36:51 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.